Archived Messages - September 2000

Sharie, an ISBN number is an internationally recognized number that uniquely identifies a particular book. It saves confusion in the book trade when books have very similar (or in some cases the same) title.
Alx Klive <>
Project HQ, Toronto - Saturday, September 02, 2000 at 16:58:53 (EDT)
Hi Alx, is now linked to MPP. WE display a new look and also the baby`s photo. We`re always looking for good suggestions on how to make it better and helpful. I wish you all success on business. Regards
Carlos roberto <>
Belo Horizonte, Brazil - Sunday, September 03, 2000 at 10:36:59 (EDT)
Hello friends, I have been observing the pictures the project millennium and I know that work will be very good. Hug to all. - Olá amigos, tenho observado as fotos digulgadas no projeto milenio e sei que o trabalho final vai ser muito bom. Um virtual abraço a todos. - visit -
João Noronha <>
SP, Brazil - Sunday, September 03, 2000 at 23:38:29 (EDT)
Hi all! I have moved from Memphis to Oxshott, England. Writing to see if there are any other fellow photographers in the area. Please email me and let me know. Thanks!
Candace Williams <>
Oxshott, England - Tuesday, September 05, 2000 at 10:23:39 (EDT)
One of our project photographers has just completed his first website - a diary of his New Year's Eve. Check it out at We here think that diaries like this are the coolest thing. We will add a link from our website to anyone who creates one! We have two so far that we know of, as soon as we have a few more, we'll put a new links page up on the main project website. Just drop me or a line to let us know of your diary site.
Alx Klive <>
Project HQ, Toronto - Tuesday, September 05, 2000 at 10:46:33 (EDT)
Jesse, Nice pictures and a well-done project diary. I really liked the picture at the top of the project diary page- the one in black and white. Also, the view from the 'loo was nice, too. Thanks for sharing those with us.
Amy <>
Tuscaloosa, AL, USA - Tuesday, September 05, 2000 at 15:50:49 (EDT)
hi, I remember someone mentioning how one could get their photo copyrighted. Does anyone remember how that's done? If anyone does, please feel free to email me. Thanks in advance.
Martha D <>
Agawam, MA, USA - Wednesday, September 06, 2000 at 04:23:17 (EDT)
Martha: if you took the photo then you automatically own the copyright to that photo. It used to be much more complicated in the US but these days even the US has joined the Berne Convention like the rest of the world and the Berne Convention makes it very simple. As a photographer you don't need to point out that your photo can not be copied. It is the person who wishes to copy that has to prove (s)he has been granted the right to make a copy or that the copyright has expired (=the author died over 70 years ago). A quote from the U.S. Copyright Office ( "The way in which copyright protection is secured is frequently misunderstood. No publication or registration or other action in the Copyright Office is required to secure copyright." "A work that is created [...] is automatically protected from the moment of its creation and is ordinarily given a term enduring for the author's life plus an additional 70 years after the author's death."
Carl-Magnus Dumell <>
Helsinki, Finland - Wednesday, September 06, 2000 at 10:04:00 (EDT)
Anyone who would like some help using Homestead to create their site can give me an email and I may be able to save you "hours" by answering specific questions on "How to . . ." Remember though I am no expert! I knew nothing about how to make one until I watched the Homestead tutorial. My site has taken me between 15-20 hours to make but if I was to do it again it wouldn't take me more than 7 hours. Also remember that I had a very slow and old computer. Most of my time was spent waiting for the importing of pictures or saving of the pages! Well worth the experience though!
Jesse Bywater <>
Hawkes Bay, New Zealand - Wednesday, September 06, 2000 at 16:45:59 (EDT)
Regarding copyright, yes the minute you snap a shutter, the photo is yours...However, in order to take ANY kind of legal action in case of infringement, your photos MUST BE REGISTERED WITH THE COPYRIGHT OFFICE!! I talked to a copyright lawyer, and as he put it, it is "cheap insurance". The website can give you any information regarding forms, laws, etc. As a photographers, we can never be too careful. Well, take care all.
LaDonna <>
Winslow, USA - Thursday, September 07, 2000 at 16:13:56 (EDT)
Hi, Have you ever copyrighted anything? Is it difficult? And, how does it apply to something that you sold? Do I still have the rights to it? Any info that you could give would be great. I went to the copyright website and it was very confusing so, if anyone could help me please, I would be very thankful. Thanks, Martha
Martha D <>
Agawam, MA, USA - Monday, September 11, 2000 at 02:02:26 (EDT)
Hello everyone! I have a quick travel question for you. I am outside of London and am interested in traveling to northern Africa (i.e. Morocco, etc.) for Thanksgiving break. Does anyone have any suggestions as to where would be a good place to go and how to find a cheap flight there? Please drop me an email with the subject line as "Candace" and I would appreciate it!
Candace Williams <>
Oxshott, England - Monday, September 11, 2000 at 09:00:57 (EDT)
Hi Alx. I just noticed that you can't click on the 'Photographer's Websites with Project Diaries' icon to see the links. The link works but the icon doesn't. What is the latest news on the project (September editorial?) Check out my web page everybody:
Vincent <>
Calgary, Canada - Monday, September 11, 2000 at 23:02:10 (EDT)
Regarding copyright: If you intend to go to court (in the US) you need the paperworks and have to register your photo with the copyright office. But how often do you go to court over your photos? Even if you don't register the copyright is still with you, the photographer, and this should be enough to sort out most problems without having to go to court. Simply the fact that you have the original negatives proves your case. As the copyright office wrote: "No publication or registration or other action in the Copyright Office is required to secure copyright." However, if you do have the time and money to register all your photos in advanced that makes your case even simpler to prove.
Carl-Magnus Dumell <>
Helsinki, Finland - Tuesday, September 12, 2000 at 05:57:15 (EDT)
Thanks for stopping by to our new home for the Crew HQ. We were forced to change addresses after discovering that several search engines had managed to find our private little hangout. Everything should still be in the same place but if you do find anything missing or any broken links, please let us know.
Alx Klive <>
Project HQ, Toronto - Tuesday, September 12, 2000 at 14:03:47 (EDT)
Perhaps it would be a good idear to block search engines from the crew pages with a "robots.txt" file in the www root. Almost all search engines obay the "robots exclusion standard". A simple "user-agent: *" and "disallow: /crew24/" in the file should be enough. The complete standard can be found at A good resource for anyone wanting to controll search engines that access your web pages.
Carl-Magnus Dumell <>
Helsinki, Finland - Tuesday, September 12, 2000 at 17:14:57 (EDT)
I just got Alx's mail about the publishers pulling out witch means the book probably will not get published at all. I am truly sorry to hear this. Still I would like to thank Alx for getting us this far. I'm sure he suffers more than the rest of us put together. I am disapointed that the publishers didn't want to take this chance. Still, I certainly enjoyed the ride for as long as it lasted. And perhaps some solution can still be found to atleast partly salvage this project. No matter what the outcome is, what we did was not in vain.
Carl-Magnus Dumell <>
Helsinki, Finland - Tuesday, September 12, 2000 at 19:32:08 (EDT)
Axl, I´m very sorry about what happened with the publishers. I think that will be a lot of loss in money that all photographers had to spend with this project, but think too, that the most looser on all this will be you, and your partners. The project looked great, the website looked great and it was all working fine, but the book will not come out. If you want to sell a CD-ROM containing all 2000 photos, I will buy one copy. Thats my Idea.
Claudio Capucho <>
Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil - Tuesday, September 12, 2000 at 19:55:54 (EDT)
Hey, this is a real "bummer". What if everyone who participated in this photo shoot were to pre-order copy/copies of the book now - pay for it/them as well - then the publishers would at least have confirmation of "x" number of books to print off. I can't believe you've come this far and now there's a "glitch"! Really disappointing. I'm sure that you would get heaps of orders this way? Other than that, we need an entrepreneurial type person to market the book. Wow, this has all been so exciting right from the start - and I can't believe that there's this "brick wall"! Gotta be a way around this. anyway, just some suggestions from a very naive Kiwi gal! Look forward to hearing others views
Sheryl Green <Don&>
Gisborne, New Zealand - Tuesday, September 12, 2000 at 20:03:13 (EDT)
Alx and Crew. Wow. I can't believe the publishing partners backed out now. I don't think it's a reflection on the Millennium Photo Project itself. Many companies thought there'd be big bucks centered around the year 2000 and tried to cash in by releasing lots of cheap-looking products. I think a high-quality product can still sell, but it'll be hard to convince retailers of that. As for possible solutions, I don't have any can't-miss plan. I do know someone who just started a publishing company. I'll let her know what's happened. Maybe she knows the owner(s) of a more established company who'd be willing to take on the project. Also, I've never worked in marketing. But I know of some poets who went on a cross country tour and sold books at stores where they read. I'm not suggesting a tour. However, if a company can be convinced to publish enough books for photographers to hold book signings at stores in a couple of cities and those few books sell well, maybe the company will decide to market MPP books in other cities as well. That's all I can think of right now. Take care, all.
Michele <>
San Antonio, USA - Tuesday, September 12, 2000 at 20:22:41 (EDT)
Yup, depressing news. I like the idea of all the photo's on CD. That would allow them to be at an OK resolution as well. I've already done a 'web site on a cd' for another client. I'd be more than willing to volunteer time to help with something similar. Also, if we have the book electronic how about companies like who specialize in selling electronic books. OK revenues would be tiny compared to hard cover sales, but it may help keep the project alive. And lastly, the pre-order idea works as well. I'd sign up for a few, I guess the question is how many people would? Good luck on keeping the blood flowing, this project was good fun and it'd be great to see some kind of end result. Marcus
Marcus <>
Sacramento, California - Tuesday, September 12, 2000 at 20:23:30 (EDT)
Alx: sorry about the news. Doubly sad since the book is already up for sale on You may wish to consider using Xlibris as a publisher. They're a division of Random House, which publishes books without publishers. Their core services are free, and prices go up according to what you need done. Once the book is ready for publishing it's listed for sale at Their prices are the lowest cost I've ever seen. Once published they help you get the word out on your book. I'm sure there are any number of us who would be willing to get the books stocked at various book stores around the world. You can read about their basic services at: Additionally I have a friend (a published author, radio/television talk show host) who just started self publishing books via a service similar to that provided by Random House's Xlibris website. If you e-mail me I'll send you his contact information. I'm assuming you have a galley proof, and or layouts for the book. If not I'd be happy to help you in any way. I have a complete graphic design system at my home office. (But then I'm a graphic artist, web designer) I've done layout and design for a number of publications. Additionally I can help you set up any sort of PR VHS or CD. I can send you a copy of my Curriculum Vitae to read if you need to know more about my work, awards, etc. I do a lot of volunteer work for various non-profits, translation: I'd be willing to offer my services free of charge. If you asked, I'm sure there are any number of Millennium Photo Project participants willing and able to do the same. Contact me if I can be of any help, Jeanne Barkemeijer de Wit
Jeanne Barkemeijer de Wit <>
Anaheim, USA - Tuesday, September 12, 2000 at 20:30:56 (EDT)
Alx, I can't offer the kind of publishing/marketing help that others have, but I would certainly buy copies for my friends and family if you decide to self-publish. However you decide to do it, sign me up--hardcover, CD, web based, whatever. I am proud of having been a part of it so far and I'm still in.
Dick Smith <>
Alexandria, VA, USA - Tuesday, September 12, 2000 at 20:48:23 (EDT)
Alk and crew, I'm so sorry ! I can only imagine how bad your all feeling at the moment. I know how bad I feel and I didn't have half as much invested, (financialy as well as emotionally). I haven't got any ideas at the moment that would help but if there is anything that I can do just let me know. I'm sure there are alot of other photographers that would help at the drop of a hat too, so try not to give up, we'll think of something. Something this good just can't be lost so close to completion. Debbie
Debbie Kowalewycz <>
Townsville, Australia - Tuesday, September 12, 2000 at 22:22:48 (EDT)
I am truely sorry. I can offer no sugestions. Yet I tell you, to get it published, I would surrender my percentage. I'ts seems to be the principle of numbers verses [and it's sad to me that it has to be versus] heart. I take heart any day . Regards Nick
Nichokas dawson <ndawson$>
Kathmandu, Nepal - Tuesday, September 12, 2000 at 22:42:52 (EDT)
Alx and crew.....most disappointing! I am crushed. I can't imagine how you folks feel. I have an idea as remote as it may be. There is a very well known photographer here in the Denver area who also owns a publishing company. I know that he is always looking for new and different photographic projects to publish. I can make no promises or no guarantees here. I will call him tomorrow and toss the idea by him. No one get their hopes up...please! I feel I owe this much to Alx and the crew for as much as they have done for us. I'll keep you posted!
Jeff Johnson <>
Littleton Co, USA - Wednesday, September 13, 2000 at 00:26:57 (EDT)
I currently have the domain names: and Why do I have all these? Because (how can I say it nicely) I have also been run-over by publishers and editors destroying my books! I'm sick of it and them! So I am in the process of building and designing as the place to go on the web to see classy photography books with wonderful editorial content. I plan on selling a CD of the books first. Then if they are popular, I will have high-end 6x6 coffee table books printed in Italy and sell them on the web. I finally realized that for me self-publishing on the web is the way to go. I've had enormous positive test results with my SPIRIT EARTH ebook on my website ( I know you want a hardcover book, and so it should be. However, I think at this point you should take Jeanne up on her offer and make a CD of the entire book expanded in the back with all 2000 photos, to sell this year for the holidays. Then with the profits, self-publish the book next year the way you want with some photos taken this new year to bring it up to date! Xlibris sounds great! Let me know how I can help. :-)
Joan Lauren <>
Los Angeles, USA - Wednesday, September 13, 2000 at 01:10:31 (EDT)
My heartfelt sympathy goes to Alx and crew. You have worked so hard on this, and we, the photographers, had the fun and excitement of taking part......doing what we enjoy most - taking photos and meeting people. Maybe it's our turn to make it TRULY a joint effort. If we all committed to buying at least 2 copies of the book wouldn't that help convince a publisher? I see you have already had major offers for help, so hopefully new opportunities will be forthcoming and we can still achieve the result we all want.
Dee Bond <>
Melbourne, Australia - Wednesday, September 13, 2000 at 01:15:02 (EDT)
Hi my name is Karen Ann and I am 21. I was so happy to hear my photo's were going to be in a book and now I am heartbroken. All my friends and family were so excited to hear that and wanted a copy of the book for themselves. I am crying because all that work, time, and money that I put into it and now it wont be plublished and I have to tell them that is not coming out. ;( I am going to write to my newspaper and see if they will plublish my letter for help, I am also going to write Oprah show and try to call, some way she always seams to help. What else can I do, I was up all night making a page to show my pictures and a link to amazon to get more intrest in the book and for the new diary thing. I am very sad now. All this was for nothing? I don't think so, I am going to try to get help as much as I can, and I hope someone does. Love Peace and Happiness Karen Ann Donnelly
Karen Ann <>
Titusville Florida, USA - Wednesday, September 13, 2000 at 04:22:39 (EDT)
I just told a few family members and all of those I told are saying, "it was to good to be true as I said" and "I told you it was phony"........... :( I hope to GOD someone helps, so I don't have to hear that no more. It was fun though, all this. Thanks, Karen Ann Donnelly
Karen Ann <>
Titusville Florida, USA - Wednesday, September 13, 2000 at 04:33:17 (EDT)
Alx and crew I am really, really sorry to hear the sad news about the publishers. Carol
Carol Hudson <>
London, UK - Wednesday, September 13, 2000 at 04:59:29 (EDT)
It seems everyone has similar ideas. Publish and be damned! My recent experience with a publisher shows they do make their decisions based on pre-orders from booksellers. Our recent book was ordered by booksellers because it accompanied a television series with the same title. Perhaps more publicity is the key? Frederick Forsyth (Day of the Jackal) now plans to self-publish in PDF format. You download the book, pay a registration fee which unlocks the file, then you can read it. Publishers (in the conventional sense) don't enter into it. Electronic publishing of some kind seems the way to go. If the publicity generated creates demand for a coffee-table book there is a better chance of a publisher taking it up. I say prove the project can be successful anyway - even if it means reshooting it this year (the real millennium year) and/or making a BIG noise in the media to sell it to the booksellers, and hence a publisher.
Andy Gaffney <>
Livingston, Scotland - Wednesday, September 13, 2000 at 05:06:16 (EDT)
Dearest friends Indeed terrible news. But you (millenniumphoto-crew) have built up a unique database, and it might be time to rely on ourselves? I do not have a clue how to organize this, but maybe with a participation scheme you could secure funds to get the book ready and printed anyway. How about partially using LETS (Local Exchange Trade System, an alternative currency spreading around the world originating in Canada in 1982/84)? Distribution is another matter, but someone will have connections or ideas to realize this. By the way: did you not make any legally-binding contracts for the publishing of the book? It might come down to a community project even more than you have already generously allowed to. One thing has to be maintained for sure: your excellent website. This will be the best way to exchange in times of need or urgency. The Chinese character for 'crisis' has a double meaning. The second one is 'chance'. Do not dispair though. Yours cordially Freed
freed schmitter <>
amsterdam, netherlands - Wednesday, September 13, 2000 at 05:27:55 (EDT)
I was gutted when I read the email saying the publisher had pulled out. Why did they do that? I'd have thought that a contract is a contract, but that's hardly the issue right now. Once Stoddart Publishing got involved, what's the minimum number of copies they hoped to sell in order to make a print run viable? I'm real depressed about this. Getting a photo used in the book was special to me in more ways than one. I don't know if I was the only Maltese photographer taking part, but I was the only one to get work accepted for the book, though my photos were shot in Australia. That would have made it my first published shot of Australia, where I'm planning to move soon and marry my Australian girlfriend. I'm still hoping some solution might be found though. I don't know whether the issuing of a press release to the international photo magazine media would be of any help, or even to the news wire services. After all, this was possibly one of the biggest international joint ventures for the millennium. Meanwhile, I have to thank the team behind the project... it was a brilliant idea and brilliantly executed. Well done Alx and the rest of everyone else.. Let's try make this episode just a hiccup in the development of the project, and not let it sound the death knell.
Darrin Zammit Lupi <>
Malta - Wednesday, September 13, 2000 at 08:06:54 (EDT)
I am extremely sad at the news. I do not have any wonderful ideas, but I do work at a book store as a second job. I can order as many copies as I want to put on display. And my friends there were planning on throwing a "signing party" for the book. I am sure that sales will do well, especially if we promote the book. If there is anything I can do as a book store employee I will. Let me know.
Aimee Matteson <>
Detroit, USA - Wednesday, September 13, 2000 at 08:41:55 (EDT)
First. my condolences Alx. These things do occur in business and if there is one thing I have learned in running one of the most successful photography businesses in Canada it is this....NOW is the time to show what you`re made of. I think it only fair that you take the time to explain how the original publishers got out of their contract..a lot of people put a lot of work into this project and deserve a full explanation. I`ll write you privately as new ideas come to me but off the top of my head...How about an alliance with OPHOLIO the photo based site (I have contacts there) ...How about self publishing on the web....sell ad hits...Approach a venture capitalist ( they just gave a friend of mine 10Million to get Britney Spears on their new site..yech>... With the work you`ve done so far I cannot believe you will let this die. If you are to make this work, the time is NOW as Xmas sales will make this project I am convinced that this book would have sold. Take heart. As a Canadian I hate to use American history as an example but let me recount a tale from their Civil War. Admiral James Farragut was attempting to break a blockade by attacking the lead ship with new technology. He ordered his men to fire twice but the first officer had the odious duty of reporting to Farragut that both attempts had resulted in misfires. True to form the Admiral replied DAMN THE TORPEDOES. FULL SPEED AHEAD! Needless to say the battle was won. Best of Luck, Paul
Paul Couvrette <>
Ottawa, Canada - Wednesday, September 13, 2000 at 08:49:19 (EDT)
I'm very sorry to hear the bad news. It has been a long hard struggle for Millennium Photo and I think you deserve something for your efforts. To come this far and not get an end result is not an option. I would suggest going ahead with the time capsule on the web immediately. Get some photographs displayed and get publicity for the site and see what response is generated. A book may or may not follow but the project will not be lost.
Gary Taylor <>
Manchester, England - Wednesday, September 13, 2000 at 09:31:06 (EDT)
Thank you all SO MUCH for your words of support. It means a lot to us here and is a HUGE help in giving us the spirit to carry on. You guys rock! Now for a little bit of good news. We have a plan! Kind of. We have very little time though to pull it off though. Stay absolutely tuned to this discussion board because things are going to happen very fast. The bottom line is that we have just 72 hours to raise $350,000 Cdn. (about $250,000 US). That's how long the printers will hold the press time for us - I just got off the phone with them. NOW is the time to let us know if you have any rich friends or companies wanting to actually DO something for the world. Pitch it as the ONLY historical documentary of the turning of the year 2000, now in serious jeopardy of going unpublished. Our phone number - (416) 203-1505. Our fax number (416) 203-1827. Our e-mail - Call ANYONE you can think of! We'll put out a press release within a couple of hours and we'll have an e-mail campaign letter written as well. Watch this space... (P.S. Anyone want to come and man the phones)
Alx Klive <>
Project HQ, Toronto - Wednesday, September 13, 2000 at 09:56:35 (EDT)
How about moving the printing south of the border??, that is Mexico off course!, probably the costs of making the book are half of those in the US or Canada...
Alberto Hochkoeppler <>
Mexico City, Mexico - Wednesday, September 13, 2000 at 10:18:48 (EDT)
The book was a great idea but I can understand the publisher not wanting to get stiffed by no sales. There are a slew of bad millenium books out there and I am sure they suffered a loss. You can't blame them for being good businessmen. I hope that no one on the project loses money though. All of us knew that the whole project was dependant on sales.
S.Olsen <>
Canada, Too bad - Wednesday, September 13, 2000 at 10:43:04 (EDT)
Yes, this is F&&$ing awful news, but some of the messages here seem to be so final - can we all gather together (one more time!) like we did at New Year's to try and still salvage this project? I know I had quite a few people express interest in purchasing a copy or more of the book and If we all pull in our contacts, I don't see how we can fail! I am just waiting from more text from Alx and I will be personally contacting a lot of my colleagues and bosses to arouse interest - Thank you all for being involved, three cheers for Alx, and I look forward to successfully completing this project with you all!
Laura <>
Toronto, Canada - Wednesday, September 13, 2000 at 10:47:56 (EDT)
Big, Big, Bummer; And we were doing so well. Here are some wild ideas: Photographers donate money to the project, or prepay for sales, with monies guaranteed returned after book is published. How about approaching local universities/colleges that offer publishing courses - can a deal be worked out with them? What about incubators, IPO's, Venture Capitalists, etc? Wild ideas - I may be way out there, but we gotta start somewhere. Karen P.S. I'm in Toronto, do you need help after 4:30?
Karen Roberts-Lynch <>
Toronto, Canada - Wednesday, September 13, 2000 at 11:33:09 (EDT)
Karen, we'd love your help. Please call us at 416-203-1505. Keep trying if it's busy.
Alx Klive <>
Project HQ, - Wednesday, September 13, 2000 at 11:37:59 (EDT)
To all passionate individuals that believe in MPP ... we are so proud and believe in the success of this project. So let's DO something about it. Even $200 from each photographer would raise a lot of money. Let's pledge ... and phone Alx NOW!!! I have alredy submitted my pledge to Alx.
Nick Tsinonis <>
London, UK - Wednesday, September 13, 2000 at 12:37:10 (EDT) are a mensch and this situation uber-sucks. Methinks that we are dealing with folks that do not understand the power of e-commerce....very sad. Is there going to be any pending litigation? I am sharpening my fangs right now.... love to all from me
Rosey goodman <>
winnipeg, canada - Wednesday, September 13, 2000 at 12:54:31 (EDT)
Alx, don't let go, you have a one of a kind project going and some real value in hands! Maybe you should forget about the 72 hours limit, find a serious publisher and negociate (and get signed!!!)some decent conditions. (They might want to retouch your actual format and layout and maybe print in China or Mexico, but so what?) If the book is out for X-mas you will be fine and so are we (frustrated photographers :-) saludos
Darius Koehli <>
Barcelona, Spain - Wednesday, September 13, 2000 at 12:54:43 (EDT)
Alx, I'd get in my car and drive up there right now, if it wouldn't take me 3 days to get there! But since I can't make it there in time to help y'all answer the phones, I'll call every bookstore around these parts and ask them if they'll have the book. Good luck, gang! We'll make this wo
Amy <>
Tuscaloosa, AL, USA - Wednesday, September 13, 2000 at 13:46:36 (EDT)
We'll make this WORK, I tried to say. Blasted computers!
Amy <>
Tuscaloosa, AL, USA - Wednesday, September 13, 2000 at 13:49:08 (EDT)
Mensch - Do I want to know?
Alx Klive <>
Project HQ, Toronto - Wednesday, September 13, 2000 at 13:53:48 (EDT)
If there is a will, there is a way! Alx and crew keep drinking coffee and take a death breath...There are lots of people that want to buy the book. I just finished my e-mail list (20) and plan on sending the letter tonight. In about 1 hour our local paper, Allegan County News,is coming out with my story on the front page...this was written before we got the bad news. But might help when all wedsite info is in the artical. If all MMP photographers pull together, now, we can do it.
Diane Sumner <>
Allegan, MI, USA - Wednesday, September 13, 2000 at 13:57:53 (EDT)
P.S. I just finished my wedsite Diane' Diary last night...
Diane Sumner <>
Allegan, USA - Wednesday, September 13, 2000 at 14:02:56 (EDT)
It is indeed a very unfortunate fact that the publisher pulled them out of this project. I'm not sure how I will be a big help for saving the project. I, myself, planned to buy at least 5 of the books, and send them to friends and my relatives. I talked to many of my good friends in both US and Canada sometime ago, and they have been very excited to see our up-coming book. As far as interest in this book is concerned, I don't see any problem to market them. What I could do is try to expand the awareness of this project as much as I could. The project has gone this far...I don't wish to see it go down the drain. Hang in there, folks!! We'll find something.
Agung Tandjung <>
W. Lafayette, IN, USA - Wednesday, September 13, 2000 at 14:09:56 (EDT)
Dear Alx: With sorrow I read your recent e-m@il regarding the publisher pulling out at the last minute. But alas, something positive will surely come out of this. I am involved in another book publishing project out here in Seattle. It is a partnership between business and scholastic leaders and is designed for students. The book is going to be published in Hong Kong and the graphic artist is about to take the journey. This will be a coffee table book, 9 x 12 and 350-400 pages in length. Is there a possibility for The Millennium Project, here? Let me know if I can be of assistance. Keep in touch. John
drjcharles <>
Seattle, USA - Wednesday, September 13, 2000 at 14:22:41 (EDT)
I am so sorry to hear this news but after reading the message board I don't think this is the end. I was wondering about the need for an out side publisher. Why not self publish may sound crazy but if all this time and work has already been done What I am getting at is this: I used to work as Art Director/ Photographer for a hard cover 5o + or- page food mag The "publisher " was a chef who started this with just hom and his wife Now the company is run from the first flor of his house with a total of 5 employees. The mag uses a printer in Korea and has a quarterly print run of about 1500 to 2000 copies at 3 usd a book He sells the book for 18 usd each. My point Lets start small by my calculations 10000 book print run at 3 dollars a pop is 30,000 US dollars now divid that by the 2000 photographers participating and that is 15 US dollars. Hey I could easily do that. I now asking more could really not be feasible but you would be suprised how much more you would get. Ok I am rambling on Alx if you would like to find out more about the printer the mag uses and even perhaps you may be interested in talking to the mag publisher He is big into phot stuff and may wish to help Any way Email me and we can disccuss I just dont want to put names out and have my previous employer contascted with out my knowing.
Ciara O'Shea <>
Chicago, USA - Wednesday, September 13, 2000 at 14:39:44 (EDT)
Sorry about all the typos^
ciara oshea
- Wednesday, September 13, 2000 at 14:42:22 (EDT)
Everyone cheer up!...this is just a mere obstacle. With the help of so many dedicated mpp right here i believe we'll get through this. As a mpp photographer myself, yes i do feel a lil dissapointed with all this. The idea that ciara oshea posted is great! why not self publish...Anyone agree with me?
kwokyoong ,lee <>
k.l, malaysia - Wednesday, September 13, 2000 at 14:50:39 (EDT)
I also want to add, we (who won to get into the book) should not send money in. This was a contest to get into a book and sending money will make into a rip off in a way. We spent time taking photos on a holiday, getting them developed, sending copies in photo format or by scanning them and if you sent them be e-mail, you had to get them in a clearer larger print and send that in. Told family and friends about the book for months saying "I won I won, I am going to be in a book!!!" and they asked "when it will be out, I want to buy a copy of it" then reading e-mails and responding to them and now we are let down in a way and have to tell them "sorry it wont be published and you can't buy one". I know all the work that was done was fun and challenging, but to make family and friends "save" the book by sending in money is pretty sad. A rip off. I have contacted my newspaper and Oprah for hope to get help in publishing this book without "the winners" having to pay for a contest we won. :( I hope I and others don't have to pay for a CONTEST WE WON. Karen Ann
Karen Ann <karen ann>
Titusville Florida, USA - Wednesday, September 13, 2000 at 14:56:45 (EDT)
Alx: "Mensch" is a Yiddish word, loosely translated as "really great guy." ...As for the situation, I would say what others have said: can the publicity for the project not be revved up into overdrive? If you have only 72 hours to raise the funds, that is indeed time to submit press releases to the world media stating that the project is on the verge of folding. The book already has an ISBN number, and a mention that the book is listed as being available for pre-ordering on Amazon would indeed generate orders. I've been a little disconcerted that the only way I have ever heard of the impending book is through your mailings and this web site; advance word is VITALLY important, and I was getting worried that I just wasn't seeing it. Get out a press release NOW about the book, and about the fact that the project may fail. MENTION IN THE RELEASE YOU CAN ORDER IT ON AMAZON. Send it not only to newspapers, but to web sites dealing with photography as well. THe problem is, WE know the book exists. OUR FAMILIES know the book exists. The problem with that is the same as the problems my theater company has -- that number of people is finite. What REALLY will make or break the number of orders is getting people who are not related to or friends with members of the project to order a copy as well. It would seem now that you HAVE TO alert the media in order for the project to survive; frankly, I'm puzzled why this hadn't happened sooner.
Kim Wadsworth
New York, USA - Wednesday, September 13, 2000 at 15:20:26 (EDT)
Karen Ann, I understand what you are saying, but consider a this. Most photo contests, which have far more financial backing than this one, require contestants to pay a fee for each picture submitted. That is in addition to the money you put into preparing your entries. This contest was free to all who entered and nothing was promised to you from the start. It will be awesome if we can find the money to publish this book, but until then, I say we should support this project in whatever way we can. Thanks for your help.
Amy <>
Tuscaloosa, AL, USA - Wednesday, September 13, 2000 at 15:22:47 (EDT)
to the millennium team - i am really really sorry and sad that the printing deal did not materialize... it is not good news, however, in situations like these, we can come up with suggestions and so far i have been reading great suggestions... the CD suggestion is a good one, the book still could work out if we all would come together and commit ourselves to buy a certain number of books... i am planning on getting 10 books (initially) at $15/copy. and would probably even order more as soon as i see the first copy. i have been asking my friends and relatives to also order their own copies and so far, the orders are coming in. so take heart and let us work together to make this a reality. we can do this with God's help. God Bless you all!
hexel hernando <,>
NYC, USA - Wednesday, September 13, 2000 at 15:25:01 (EDT)
Alx, I have just e-mailed you a list of links to three online photo magazine sites, and a link to Yahoo's list of other worldwide online links. In each case, the link is to the masthead, which contains the contact information for the editors including e-mail addresses. Hope that helps. As I said in my last post, if working in off-off-Broadway has taught me anything, it has taught me that lots of advance word is VITALLY, VITALLY, VITALLY important.
Kim Wadsworth
New York, USA - Wednesday, September 13, 2000 at 15:36:19 (EDT)
Alx, I know things are ultra hectic right now. However, will your bio and bios of the other staff be included in the press release? If not, will there be a link to your bios from the Introduction page? I'd just like there to be a way for potential donors to learn more about the team who organized the project. I've seen the bios, but I think it was through a link for the crew. If people outside the project are being asked to pledge money they'll want to know not only what they're backing, but also who. I've started emailing friends and family and will email solid acquaintances later today. I believe the book can still be published, but it may be on a smaller scale at first if all parties are willing. Take care, everyone.
Michele <>
San Antonio, USA - Wednesday, September 13, 2000 at 15:52:24 (EDT)
Alx and the Crew, J´m very sorry abaut what happened with the publishers. However the CD suggestion is a good one. Anyway If the book will be published Jam planning to buy 10 books at $15/copy or a copy of CD. Good luck to everyone and we`ll make it.
Bostjan <>
Kranj, Slovenia - Wednesday, September 13, 2000 at 16:16:09 (EDT)
Alx, just some thoughts. I know this book will be printed. I'm just not sure about the timing. Pushing this book to get it printed this year, at this point, may not be the right thing. I agree with Kim COMPLETELY about press! When I did my first book the publishers printed it first, then hoped all the press would follow. I learned without advance press you will not sell books. I remember talking to magazines and TV shows and them telling me that the publisher was wrong to wait, and that they needed at least a four month lead time including a press package and a blad in order to print serials and book TV shows. My feeling is, this book should come out in the late spring; gearing up for for the 2002 holidays. What's a few more months? You can use this time, instead of panicking, to regroup and focus. I suggested the CD also so you could use it in your press kit. You know, this may be all a blessing. Sometimes what we think is the worst thing that can happen, is really meant to protect us. Keep the faith. The right path will show itself.
Joan Lauren <>
Los Angeles, USA - Wednesday, September 13, 2000 at 16:24:04 (EDT)
This just in: Just phoned a Barnes & Nobel bookstore near me, and they still have plans to order copies of the book with an October 3rd publication date. HOWEVER: the ISBN number I had DID NOT go with the book itself; in fact, it didn't seem to link to anything. Fortunately, they had it listed by title as well. Don't know if this is a problem, but it is somewhat disconcerting.
Kim Wadsworth
New York, USA - Wednesday, September 13, 2000 at 16:30:02 (EDT)
I agree wholeheartedly with the comment that you guys should not have to send in any money, and I wouldn't ask for it. You have contributed heaps and heaps simply by believing in this thing where others didn't, and coming this far. What I am hoping is that someone will know someone who knows someone who might have the werewithall and means to help. All the more reason to get that e-mail (in the tools and resources section) out to as many people as possible, if you feel comfortable doing that. All we need is ONE company or philanthropic individual to see the value in what we've created.
Alx Klive <>
Project HQ, Toronto - Wednesday, September 13, 2000 at 16:30:27 (EDT)
Just saw the draft of the press release on the site; you asked for comments. As it turns out, I was a press writer for about a year and will e-mail feedback accordingly.
Kim Wadsworth
New York, USA - Wednesday, September 13, 2000 at 16:32:24 (EDT)
With all my family and friends, I already planed on buying at least 15 books at $15 each. Some were going to be presents and some of them were going to be bought through me. I also have links to the book at for people to preorder it. I still have hope and not that mad. Yes I was promised these things SINCE I "won" and you can read it here this was in a e-mail {YOUR ENTITLEMENT} and it said what I "get" --- are those promises or am I wrong again? If the book don't get published or even a CD, do we get our photos sent back to us even with the Copyright issue? I am still trying SO HARD TO GET HELP, I got a responce back from newspaper and they are seeing what they can do. I will e-mail people who I know that I haven't told about the book yet,because they might be more willing to send money in. As far as me sendin money, I can not right now, not with medical bills for my hospital stay for my heart and things. If I didn't have that, I would send in a lil money.I will try my best to get the word out and pray for the best.Thanks for all you guys have done so far, I haven't lost hope. oh yeah, I put a site up for my dairy thing it is at ;( PS. I am sorry if I seem mad,upset,sad and etc, But I am all those things, please don't take it as if I am against you, I am not. I know other "winners" kinda feel same and we should stick together on this, WE CAN MAKE IT and if it don't get published, look at all the new people you met and what you have learned from all this !!! still trying and praying for help Karen Ann GOD Bless
Karen Ann <>
Titusville Florida, USA - Wednesday, September 13, 2000 at 16:35:06 (EDT)
About the press release, for which you have requested feedback; you have said that it is "documenting the turning of the new century, and some would argue the turning of a new millennium." I'm not sure why you have said "and some would argue" the turning of a new millennium; it WAS the turning of a new millennium, in terms of popular understanding of the event. Only a minority of people were arguing, "it isn't the millennium yet." Furthermore, might you include some quotes from participants in the project in the release, discussing what the project was like for them and their reactions to the news that now it may not happen?
Kim Wadsworth
New York, USA - Wednesday, September 13, 2000 at 16:54:41 (EDT)
Draft Two of the press release is up. Still working on it...
Alx Klive <>
Project HQ, Toronto - Wednesday, September 13, 2000 at 17:30:14 (EDT)
Those that consider it the turn of the century would also consider it the turn of the millennium. One would not happen one year and the other happen the next year. There are many people who did not consider it the turn of anything, except of another year. But, as someone so eloquently put it, watching the clock turn 2000 is like watching a odometer flip to 100,000. It's just not quite as dramatic to watch the year become 2001.
Amy <>
Tuscaloosa, AL, USA - Wednesday, September 13, 2000 at 18:47:52 (EDT)
Feedback: In addition to mentioning the search for a wealthy individual or corporation could you also mention how not so wealthy people could help? It just seems like people might read that and think "I'm not rich, so I can't help." Just a suggestion.
Michele <>
San Antonio, USA - Wednesday, September 13, 2000 at 19:26:33 (EDT)
I must say that the news was quite disturbing, but I for one am not backing down until this book is published. Moments after I read the e-mail saying that the publishers dropped the project and the e-mail linking to the campaign, I was busily searching for contacts to potential entrepreneurs. I think if a large number of us contact the same select sources, they will have to take notice. I e-mailed the letter to Oprah this evening and feel she is a prime candidate. Her website is My lone e-mail would probably get no attention, but if several hundred of us e-mailed get what I'm saying. I e-mailed the editorial section of the main paper here in Atlanta, as well as about 15 of the reporters that write for the arts section and a few other sections. I e-mailed a local paper called Creative Loafing which is widely read here. I also am a photography major at The Atlanta College of Art, which is part of the Woodruff Arts Center and affiliated with several other art organizations, so I e-mailed anyone and everyone with power in the art scene. I attempted to contact Paul McCartney, (his late wife was a photographer) but it seems to be impossible. I e-mailed producers and D.J.s at 99X, a popular radio station here, as well as Howard Stern's radio station. I am hoping to hear back from them tomorrow. Everyone don't give
Sara <>
Atlanta, U.S.A. - Wednesday, September 13, 2000 at 22:51:23 (EDT)
On the Introduction page your new link reads Project Rules not Project Story.
Diane <>
Allegan, USA - Wednesday, September 13, 2000 at 22:51:34 (EDT)
Also I really think you should call the Rosie O'Donnell show. She is always willing to help people in need. Especially people in the ARTS. Give her office a call in New York. This is the number I got for her offices 1-212-506-3200(from 1-411). I would call but, I think it would be better from the project founder. She has a live show every day in the AM. Its worth a try. Mark
Mark Phillips <>
Tempe, AZ, USA - Wednesday, September 13, 2000 at 23:38:43 (EDT)
The "bad" news came just as 1,000 copies of "Liz Larrabee's Book", just published, were delivered to my doorstep which leaves me with a major marketing headache. When you self-publish, you must do all the work youself, as you well know. I feel so stretched I don't know how I can help with MMP but I'll get out some emails (thing social security might be interested?) and "be there" when it comes to contributing a story. I have a feeling this adversity will trigger a groundswell of support and we may all be better off in the end. Liz
Liz Larrabee <>
Venice FL, - Wednesday, September 13, 2000 at 23:39:49 (EDT)
I agree with Liz. If the groundswell is to take place, it is up to all of us to follow through with Alx's request for the E-mail campaign and reach as many people as we can in the next 72 hours. We can do this...nothing has stopped us yet! Check out 'Latest News' on the Crew portion of the site.
Connie Wragge <>
West Chester, PA, USA - Thursday, September 14, 2000 at 00:13:31 (EDT)
I believe that the intention of book was to sell it to the participants. And it is not sufficient. Nobody will now buy a book on the year end 1999, would have to be for sale long before: in January of the 2000, when it was the news. Now there are too many and nobody remembers the millenium.
Antonio Paso <>
Madrid, Spain - Thursday, September 14, 2000 at 01:57:11 (EDT)
How about asking to put up flyers at your local photo shop? Surely people that frequent these places would be interested in a book like this. I'm not good at making up things like this. If anyone could help, please let me know. Thanks and good luck to all.
Martha D <>
Agawam, MA, USA - Thursday, September 14, 2000 at 02:59:46 (EDT)
Is the press release ready to go yet ??????????? How long will it be ???????? We will make it work, and up the pessimists........ we have all come to far to just give up now because a few think we should. Debbie
Debbie Kowalewycz <>
Townsville, Australia - Thursday, September 14, 2000 at 05:55:23 (EDT)
I just had a look at the intro page of the book. GREAT! What a quality job. I can't wait to see the entire book. I have sent e-mails and have contacted local book stores to ask about the availability of the book. Everyone should have a look at the INTRO, then get on the phone to your local bookstores. Together we can see this thing to the end.
Jim Dikaios <>
Halifax, Canada - Thursday, September 14, 2000 at 06:44:41 (EDT)
Once again, may I urge everyone to get behind the E-mail Campaign. Send it to everyone and anyone you know who can help.
Connie Wragge <>
West Chester, PA, USA - Thursday, September 14, 2000 at 06:49:33 (EDT)
I have been following the crisis from the start. Many of you have great ideas. I've sent the email to 60 people, mostly in Turkey. I hope it does some good. I'm waiting for the press release. Alx, if you don't find a solution in 72 hours don't despair. Keep your cool and possibly look for another printer who may print earlier than January, and we can all spend the new time with lots of effective advance word to raise interest. As we all know, something good does not mean it will sell unless marketed well. I'm still hoping we'll meet the deadline though. I'm sure we can find a publisher/investor with enough of a vision to see the archival value of such a tremendous historical document sooner or later. Do you believe in syncronicity? It happens to me all the time when photographing. Something great comes up when least expected, usually at the last minute! Count me in for 20 copies.
Ali Kabas <>
Istanbul, Turkey - Thursday, September 14, 2000 at 10:56:01 (EDT)
Someone mentioned looking at the service "xLibris"; a link to their publishing services is: It looks like it could be a workable option, although I leave it to someone with a better legal head than I to determine whether rights and royalties would be affected. It does say flat out on the main page that "you retain all rights."
Kim Wadsworth
new york, USA - Thursday, September 14, 2000 at 11:38:50 (EDT)
This is really a tricky situation. My best wishes to Alx and the team, what you have done is great anyway... Greetings to all the photographers as well, of course. I've just telephoned the American Book Center in The Hague, and they didn't know about the book and there is no reference in their computer list either. Things are a bit difficult here in Europe... Yesterday I ordered 3 copies from Amazon, perhaps others could do the same to show that there is a market. Or one could try to convince Amazon to collect the orders of the photographers for the price of $15 (perhaps with a certain prepayment). As I mentioned already in the recent questionnaire I'd definitely take 50 copies.
Andreas Buscha <>
The Hague, Netherlands - Thursday, September 14, 2000 at 11:53:54 (EDT)
Thank you Andreas and Ali for your orders. They all help believe me. Have updated the news page...
Alx Klive <>
Campaign Headquarters, Canada - Thursday, September 14, 2000 at 12:45:17 (EDT)
I will buy 10 copies of the book
Amani <>
NYC, USA - Thursday, September 14, 2000 at 12:53:18 (EDT)
A few of you have suggested some of the self-publishing websites like Xlibris and IUniverse. I've checked them out and they appear to be solely for literary work. I also found a rather ominous article about the services they offer -,1284,35722,00.html Self-publishing writers beware...
Alx Klive <>
Campaign Headquarters, Canada - Thursday, September 14, 2000 at 13:02:02 (EDT)
Thank you Amani
Alx Klive <>
Campaign Headquarters, Canada - Thursday, September 14, 2000 at 13:02:42 (EDT)
I hereby formally state that I will be buying 5 copies of the book. I had said so on the survey, but just read you weren't counting that. ...Also, I just tried calling the NYC 2000 offices (the committee that coordinated the Times Square celebration -- they are still active and have an up-to-date web site listing New York City cultural events) and left a message asking how one submits press items to the site. The fact that one of the 50 award winning photos was of Times Square means that they'd probably be interested in either a "hey, this nifty book's coming out" type of release or a "hey, this nifty book really needs someone to lend a hand" type of release.
Kim Wadsworth <>
New York, USA - Thursday, September 14, 2000 at 13:13:04 (EDT)
Hi Alx, what I forgot to ask: Why can we not try to make a pre-edition/pre-print of - let´s say - 10000 copies, solely for the photographers, with request for immediate order and payment? Then everybody would have something in his hand to show... (and to send it to Oprah :-) Best regards!
Andreas Buscha <>
The Hague, Netherlands - Thursday, September 14, 2000 at 13:39:32 (EDT)
I'd like 10 copies of the book to start with. Do we need to pre-pay for the copies, or how will that work, since you need the money by Friday?
Amy <>
Tuscaloosa, AL, USA - Thursday, September 14, 2000 at 13:57:38 (EDT)
Sorry Alx, should have read the News page before writing...
Andreas <>
The Hague, NL - Thursday, September 14, 2000 at 14:45:21 (EDT)
Andreas, I'm coming to the conclusion that what you describe is the best (and probably only) way to go. I have just ordered the e-commerce module from our Internet Service Provider and will be poring over the instructions for the rest of the day. Once we have a book ordering page on the website, we can take online orders from the photographers and the public. Once we reach a preset number, say 5 or 10,000 orders, we can go to print with a first edition. It's not quite what we all wanted, we probably won't make the $$$$ we hoped, but at least we'll have a book. I've not given up on our campaign by any stretch, but we need a miracle now to get this book into the stores for Xmas. I'm waiting to hear the results of Connie's conversations with the Oprah and Rosie people.
Alx Klive <>
Project HQ, Toronto - Thursday, September 14, 2000 at 15:25:36 (EDT)
Thank you Amy and Kim!
Alx Klive <>
Campaign HQ, Canada - Thursday, September 14, 2000 at 15:26:28 (EDT)
About the orders: does that take into account what has already been ordered by various bookstores throughout the world? I already know that a single Barnes & Nobel near me is planning on getting SOME copies...presumably, at least to my thinking, this means that they placed an order with someone somewhere. Have all of THOSE orders been taken into account, and how many copies on order does THAT make?
Kim Wadsworth <>
New York, USA - Thursday, September 14, 2000 at 15:31:08 (EDT)
I fear that the problem with Rosie O'Donnell and Oprah Winfrey is that with Rosie O'Donnell, her emphasis is more on the PERFORMING arts, and with Oprah Winfrey, her shows are taped in advance. Neither of which works if you're talking about a photo project that is facing a somewhat time-sensitive problem. Perhaps another option would be international public radio; in the US, this is managed by National Public Radio, and they have a separate arts department. For some reason I couldn't get the link to work on my computer (it's been been persnickety all day) but it should be easy to find your way there from the main page ( ).
Kim Wadsworth <>
ny, usa - Thursday, September 14, 2000 at 16:34:25 (EDT)
I will take 10 copies of the book,let me know about when to pay....Debbie
Debbie Kowalewycz <>
Townsville, Australia - Thursday, September 14, 2000 at 17:28:10 (EDT)
Okay, I have emailed everyone I can, called all the bookstores in town, emailed Oprah and Rosie (although the one to Rosie got returned to me), ordered my books,... what's next?
Amy <>
Tuscaloosa, AL, USA - Thursday, September 14, 2000 at 17:49:05 (EDT)
Kim, your correct about the orders. More than 30,000 books were ordered by bookstores from the previous publisher. The vast majority of those orders evaporated when the publisher pulled out. We tried to resurrect those orders with the new publisher but to little or no avail. Hence the reason they pulled out too. The most we could hold onto was about 12,000 books and that would only be if we had a big publisher behind us. Those kind of numbers are too small for a big publisher to jump in. Hence the reason we're in the position we are now basically.
Alx Klive <>
Project HQ, Toronto - Thursday, September 14, 2000 at 17:53:34 (EDT)
Thanks Debbie, duly noted and filed. Amy, we're working on it.
Alx Klive <>
Project HQ, Toronto - Thursday, September 14, 2000 at 17:55:39 (EDT)
I will take 10 books. Wish I could buy more but have not worked in a months since I have just relocated to Chicago and am a freelance photographer. So when buisness picks up I will be buying more. One last coment I checked out the project description page and am concerned that the link on the bottom may give some conservative visitors the wrong idea. As artists we see nudes as art but some old lady with a big bank account may not agree and hence be un willing to help. What do you think?
Ciara O'Shea <>
chicago, usa - Thursday, September 14, 2000 at 18:21:02 (EDT)
Regarding the opportunity to write to Oprah and Rosie as posted in the ongoing diary of 'Latest News,' why not tell your story as a Millennium Project Photographer? I have set the stage, but it is the background to the Project I have offered, along with the current status of the book. If you express in your own words what being a MPP has meant to you, this should definitely help the cause. Also, Amy, did you try writing to Rosie via the site on 'Latest News?'
Connie Wragge <>
West Chester, PA, USA - Thursday, September 14, 2000 at 18:36:34 (EDT)
When we all got involved in this project all we wanted was to see our work dispalyed in a beuitful book. No one was or will get rich on this and seeing how many of us are committed to its success i offer this suggestion CHARITY. Oprha is a great woman who has done wonderful things for charity. NO we are not a charity but the proceeds from this book could benifit a charity. Pehaps we should approach Oprah from this stand point. Alx if you guys could get every one to forfeit what little money they would see from this to charity than some one like oprah would be more willing to front the bill if the proceeds went to a charity of her chose. What do you think.
ciara o'shea <>
Chicago, IL - Thursday, September 14, 2000 at 19:18:41 (EDT)
Hi ALX, I hope we will win this problem. Why don,t you speak with the governator of your city? He can buy a half for his governamental publicity, the other part we buy. If I cal help you, call me. Luiz Achutti.
Luiz Achutti <>
Paris, - Thursday, September 14, 2000 at 19:49:09 (EDT)
I have sent all my e-mails out and rang all the book shops in town. Two of them had a listing on a book cd and would take an order for me and told me that it was listed as not having an Australian distributor ??? the rest hadn't even heard of it and told me to try back in a few months as being an overseas book they most likely wont hear about it for awhile. How did anyone else do in Australia ????????? Debbie
Debbie Kowalewycz <>
Townsville, Australia - Thursday, September 14, 2000 at 19:56:31 (EDT)
I wish I had something better to say. As I'm not at all a good impresario please correct me if I am wrong. Here from my point of view I hate to think that I buy tem BOOKS, you all buy tem BOOKS and the problem is solved . What I like to think is that the BOOK will keep on selling right through the new MILLENNIUM. I agree with Debbie, being an overseas BOOK it`s a little hard, down here we need a press release that works and we need it fast. People wants a successful BOOK that has not being left in the rain by the publisher. Alx, you thought big when you started the project and I know you are thinking big to finish it. What you say we talk to some important people about the importance of this turning of the MILLENNIUM, like: Artist, Singers, Football Players, Politicians, Poets around the world, Bill Gates the Pope and so, a press release with what they think sure deserves some attention and people would be interested in the book as well. Best of luck.
Carlos Roberto <>
belo Horizonte, Brazil - Thursday, September 14, 2000 at 23:54:18 (EDT)
Connie, I looked up Rosie's home page (this was before her info was on the news page) and tried to send email from there. It's basically the same as what's on the news page. I can't imagine why it didn't work. It's being sent from her own web site. The returned message I received said her name (userid) was not recognized. Here's my luck with the bookstores, though... Barnes and Noble said they were scheduled to have it on the shelves on October 3rd. Books a Million said they never know until the week before hand. All the other small bookstores had never heard of it. One bookstore, after not being able to find it in their computers, looked it up at They did not know why Amazon had it and they were not scheduled to get it. I left my name several places for them to call me when it comes in.
Amy <>
Tuscaloosa, AL, USA - Thursday, September 14, 2000 at 23:56:46 (EDT)
That's a very interesting idea, Carlos.
Amy <>
Tuscaloosa, AL, USA - Thursday, September 14, 2000 at 23:59:18 (EDT)
Don't get disheartened yet ALX, with all the input I've seen coming in, something will come out of it. Obviously if we could get the book published, that would be great. A couple of ideas could be: 1)Contacting advertising companies to see if they have any clients who might want to put their name to it. On another front why not try Epson who runs an ad on the Millennium page. 2)Why not ask to get an interview with Fox News Channel. They are in New York, have a wide audience, and do a lot of live broadcasting, with phone ins, people dropping in for a chat. Authors droping by for the launch of a new book. Try Fox and Friends, the daily program hosted by David Asner. Surely a book that didnt get published (yet) could be just as interesting a news item as one that did. You could show the book on TV and launch an appeal. I don't really know if self publishing is a good idea, because, publishing is actually the easy part of launching a book. The disrtibution, marketing and sales are equally as important. And if you don't have ready made distribution channels, you're in stucksville. Lastly, why not web publish the book, or go with the CD idea. Anyway, I hope all our cleective ideas can get the show on the road. From one of your phographers in Japan
Peter Oxley <>
Tokyo , Japan - Friday, September 15, 2000 at 01:31:24 (EDT)
Ciara, regarding your comment about our site have a banner ad with nudity on it. The banner providing service we use is what's called a banner ad exchange program. We don't make any money out of it, we simply show other people's banners on our site, in exchange for getting our banner shown on other people's sites. They recently upgraded their software and I too have been noticing some 'nudity art' banners creeping in. You'll be happy to know I have now changed our preferences so that such banners should not be shown on our site. If you continue to see any, please let me know! Thanks for pointing it out!
Alx Klive <>
Campaign HQ, Canada - Friday, September 15, 2000 at 02:11:12 (EDT)
Peter, I will get the number of David Asner in NY and make the call on behalf of Alx.
Connie Wragge <>
West Chester, PA, USA - Friday, September 15, 2000 at 06:27:19 (EDT)
Count me in for 25 copies. I`ll reorder once I sell them. Paul Couvrette
Paul Couvrette <>
Ottawa, Canada - Friday, September 15, 2000 at 08:52:37 (EDT)
Hi Alx: Have you approached Mayor Mel? Sounds like he might like getting his picture taken with you and the book he helped to save! Maybe you'll have to negotiate putting his mugshot on the inside front cover. After all - it all started in T.O. Karen Roberts-Lynch
Karen Roberts-Lynch <>
Toronto, C - Friday, September 15, 2000 at 10:38:16 (EDT)
Alx; Can I tell the webgrrls, that they can get a discount on any orders placed in the next couple of days? Karen
Karen Roberts-Lynch <>
Toronto, Canada - Friday, September 15, 2000 at 11:39:11 (EDT)
Paul, thank you for your order. Karen, we don't have a discount schedule set up right now for the public. You may want to just hold on a little because we're working on something like that, or you could of course take orders yourself since you can get them at $15 (U.S). You could build a list of those interested and put together a group buy.
Alx Klive <>
Campaign HQ, Canada - Friday, September 15, 2000 at 11:58:16 (EDT)
I will order now 17 copies if it helps get the book published. Yet I do worry that the present pressure and rush may degrade the product, is that possible? I am sorry to be fussy, yet maybe what makes this book different is a quality product. In my rather easy position, I say this should not be compromised. With thanks, Nick
Nicholas Dawson <>
Kathmandu, Nepal - Friday, September 15, 2000 at 13:11:03 (EDT)
sign me up for 10+ books
duncan <>
St.John's, CANADA - Friday, September 15, 2000 at 13:41:38 (EDT)
Hello again; Alx, my next question is, do I pay now for orders I put in, or do I reserve copies, and pay on delivery? Not sure, what the procedure is now. Karen
Karen Roberts-Lynch <>
Toronto, Canada - Friday, September 15, 2000 at 14:01:30 (EDT)
Just double-checking that you have me down for 50 books at $15 U.S.
Jesse Bywater <>
Hawkes Bay, New Zealand - Friday, September 15, 2000 at 16:00:12 (EDT)
Hi Crew: Put me down for 7 copies for now. Maybe I'll add more later. Karen
Karen Roberts-Lynch <>
Toronto, Canada - Friday, September 15, 2000 at 16:38:54 (EDT)
Put me down for 5 copies. I might need more but I know I need at least 5. Thanks. Let's do this! Aimee
Aimee <>
Detroit, USA - Friday, September 15, 2000 at 16:46:38 (EDT)
Please count me in for 10 books, as of right now, I'm sure I'll want more copies. I mailed Oprah wednesday night as well about the book from my place in the project: being a recent photo graduate, shooting in england on a student visa, how I was so happy to be documenting such a great historical event, etc. I thought maybe a personal appraoch would be more helpful. I also mailed my local newspaper to try to make people aware of the book. I hope it helps.
Erica Hasenjager <>
Auburn, NY, usa - Friday, September 15, 2000 at 16:49:57 (EDT)
You can count on me for 10 books at $15 each. If everyone could do this (or even more) this would certainly help. They will make fabulous Christmas gifts for all to enjoy... Don't give up hope! If there is a will - there is a way.
Sandi Terry <>
Laguna Beach, CA, USA - Friday, September 15, 2000 at 17:14:26 (EDT)
Alx, I called all the bookstores. Barnes & Noble said they could not find the book. I'll call again and order a book. Put us down for 10 books. Let's get this off the ground. Pat & Rob
Pat & Rob <>
Manchester, NH, USA - Friday, September 15, 2000 at 17:15:24 (EDT)
I just read the news and ongoing discussion. I'm not sure which internet company is thinking about buying 2,000 (??) copies. But MSN is launching ME, the Millennium Edition of its service. If they're not the company mentioned in the crew news section, might they be approached about purchasing books to give to new subscribers? They had a deal going with a local mall recently in which you'd get a shopping spree if you signed up for their internet service. I think the minimum you got was $50 for signing up for six months, $100 for a year. It seems reasonable to me that they'd give Millennium Edition subscribers a book documenting the new millennium. Alx? Connie? Anybody?
Michele Darien <>
San Antonio, USA - Friday, September 15, 2000 at 17:19:32 (EDT)
This is very disheartening. The more "bad news" we keep hearing, the more this looks like a scam to some. I would like nothing more then to have this happen, as I too am a winner. For such a world world project, you shouldn't have such problems in getting a published. Have you seen some of the books on the market now? I can't see a lot of those books selling. To get pre-orders, promises, credit card numbers, money from friends and relatives up-front. It shouldn't be this hard. I am doing what I can for this project, but it doesn't sound good. Good Luck
Stephen O'Connell <>
Concord, USA - Friday, September 15, 2000 at 17:26:14 (EDT)
I'll buy at least 10 books. I sure hope this works. I'm amazed at the amount of support this book effort is getting.
Bill Bowden <>
Fayetteville, Arkansas, U.S.A. - Friday, September 15, 2000 at 17:41:25 (EDT)
Stephen, I appreciate (and actually share) your concern. It shouldn't be this hard but it is. One day when all is said and done I'll write you all a complete account of everything that happened. The bottom line is this - The industry has been scared of this project from day one because they don't UNDERSTAND it. A book born of the internet is close to being their worst nightmare. It undermines the way they've done everything in the past. Think of it like this. They've just had to get used to the idea that books can be sold on the internet without needing bookstores. Now we come along and actually MAKE a book without needing them either. It throws their whole existence into question. That's why we've had such a rough ride I think.
Alx Klive <>
Campaign HQ, Canada - Friday, September 15, 2000 at 17:42:46 (EDT)
Sign me up for at least 1 book. I may purchase 2-3 more after I get the first. I hope this project keeps moving, if not I still enjoyed participating in it. Mike
Mike Hochachka <>
Prince George, Canada - Friday, September 15, 2000 at 18:23:13 (EDT)
Alx, Count me in for 25 and I'll try to do more. Hang in there!
Dick Smith <>
Alexandria, VA, USA - Friday, September 15, 2000 at 18:43:21 (EDT)
May the ground keep swelling! Please put me down for 15 copies (and maybe more later). I have printed out relevant info and will target the largest bookseller in New Zealand. Good things are worth fighting for. We have a truly amazing linkup of photographers around the world, please don't let go your hands. Best of luck to your all at the Millennium project. Hugs, Laurel MacDonald
Laurel MacDonald <>
Christchurch, New Zealand - Friday, September 15, 2000 at 19:37:38 (EDT)
Sign me up for 20 books for now. I have big plans and do want more but thats all I can say for sure now. I have had many people leave e-mails on the wedsite,so does that mean they are going to get the book from you? or can I sell them one? I don't want to duplicate our orders. Keep it going!
Diane Sumner <>
Allegan, USA - Friday, September 15, 2000 at 19:58:25 (EDT)
I'd like to buy 30, and I'll continue to sniff around to see if I can find any outlets. This project can't die NOW, it has come too far!
Keith Bettinger <>
Sunnyvale, CA, USA - Friday, September 15, 2000 at 20:02:01 (EDT)
Just got back from Borders at Carousel Center in Syracuse, NY. They had the book on order, but now cannot order it until there is a publisher. Then they will definitely will re-order it after that.
erica hasenjager <>
auburn,ny, usa - Friday, September 15, 2000 at 20:40:52 (EDT)
Sign me up for five through the project. I plan to order a couple more through Amazon, B&N and Borders to help develop some "end-user demand".
Jeff Griffith <>
Reading, PA, USA - Friday, September 15, 2000 at 21:49:08 (EDT)
Sign me up for 10 at $15.00.
Jeanne Barkemeijer de Wit <>
Anaheim, California - Friday, September 15, 2000 at 23:18:56 (EDT)
Alx, please put me down for 5 books through the project... I will also order additional copies from Amazon to help enhance retail interest. I've been putting a bit of thought into our problem here since the news hit, and I have a suggestion. Have you thought about changing the name of the book? Unfortunately, all books about the Millennium are sitting on book stores' half-price tables right now - there's just not much demand. I know that the point was to document the Millennium, but perhaps a new name to the book - positioning it as a 24 hour, world wide collaborative effort (which it is) - would help marketability with other publishers. I don't know... it's just a thought. Keep up the great support everyone - we can do this!
Brian Marr
Seattle, USA - Friday, September 15, 2000 at 23:36:22 (EDT)
Michelle, great idea about the internet company giving books to new customers. Alx, that is precicely the reason I became a project ambassador from the start-- this project has been formed in a way that no other has before, and I think many will follow. We are pioneers in this endeavor and we will pave the way for others to do the same in the future. The publishing and bookstore industries will *have to* adapt. If they do not adapt to the new environment, they will go extinct.
Amy <>
Tuscaloosa, AL, USA - Saturday, September 16, 2000 at 00:52:13 (EDT)
I will buy 5 copies of the book, Good Luck
Anni Payne <>
Sydney, Australia - Saturday, September 16, 2000 at 02:00:59 (EDT)
I will buy 5 copies of the book. Good luck everyone.
Dee Bond <>
Melbourne, Australia - Saturday, September 16, 2000 at 02:50:01 (EDT)
Dear Alx, I will buy 10 books at $15.
sahir raza <>
New Delhi, India - Saturday, September 16, 2000 at 04:08:20 (EDT)
PUBLICITY and PROMOTION - here that we was need to did. All time during the year commencing from january. But Alx found publisher and sleep well. I feel, we not be able to print books in time, but we mustn't to become disheartened. Now we must to do the same, more expand and quickly. We can: to print leaflet or post card and send those to book stores. Send letters to advertising agencys (they all time needed some idea for their client). Unfortunately Olimpic Game now and press and TV don't want anything another. I order three for $15 and one Amazon and Barnes and Noble both. In Russia don't buy English book unfortunately. Alx, you have volunteers staff in Italy, UK, Germany, France - why not sent him those (see above) leaflet or post card for their book stores? Sincerely, Val.
Valentin <>
Moscow, Russia - Saturday, September 16, 2000 at 04:43:59 (EDT)
Dear Alx, I will buy 5 books at $15, and one to Barnes and Noble.
Elio Lombardo <>
Rome, Italy - Saturday, September 16, 2000 at 06:28:16 (EDT)
Alx, I sent a message to Oprah and left a message on her message board for people to check out the website. I received a note back from her staff saying they would get back to us on the idea of promoting our book. Keep your fingers crossed. We really need to get some marketing going. The idea of waiting to do all the marketing at one time may have been good for the publisher but now no one knows about the book except those we have personally told. We need to market to the area where the photos were taken and get the media involved in this project. Please if you have a good story about your experiences when completing this project or if new doors opened because of your involvement with the project let us know. e-mail me with your story. I have several stories but need more. Pat
Pat <>
- Saturday, September 16, 2000 at 09:22:14 (EDT)
Put me down for 1 copy of the book @$15.00. Sorry, I can't be of anymore help, but that is all I can afford at this time.
Nancy <>
Ashland City, USA - Saturday, September 16, 2000 at 09:46:36 (EDT)
I can't believe how big companies cannot be interested on a book like that. For such giants as CocaCola, Microsoft, Toshiba, Compaq, HP, Shell, Mitsubishi, Honda, Bayer or even and others, this book would be very good. I won't mention the teardrop impact on their budget ! Why ? It's positive. The book Shows a very bright side of us and I'm not the human race biggest fan. It's spontaneous and there's no political/social/racial issues involved. I love to read all those countries on the time capsule. It's photography at it's best. I think the only cons are tobacco and guns corporations, of course ! (sorry for any english errors)
Andre Arruda <>
Rio, BRASIL - Saturday, September 16, 2000 at 09:49:52 (EDT)
Hi to the crew and everyone, I've been away and just got the news. You must feel awfull just like everyone else including myself. I,for my part have been doing promotion for the project and the book in and around my community since Jan. 3. Although the newspaper articles were in french (this is Quebec,Canada) it generated some kind of interest wherever I went. Althoug not many people had heard of the book except through me. I am still promoting the book and believe in it wholeheartedly. How can I not believe in the project for having traveled some 500 miles to get the shot I wanted to submit and spend like most of you New Year's Eve and New Year's day on the road and on location somewhere to participate in the event. I am behind you and have been from the start and I know somehow you guys will pull it through. I want to say that you can put me down for 10 books for now and I know that with a book signing session I can sell at least twice that many. I've just read a note from the board from Brian Marr and I think he has something there. Have you anticipated changing the name of the book. It's not catchy enough. Something like " 24 Hours in the New Millennium" or "The Eyes of the New Millennium" or other title could generate new interest. That's my idea. But then we all have ideas. The problem is to see them through... Good luck to the crew, Alx et al. Keep up the good work. In god we trust and to all who participate. Raymond Casbourn
Raymond Casbourn <>
L'Avenir, Quebec, Canada - Saturday, September 16, 2000 at 10:54:39 (EDT)
Hi Alx, Connie and Wes, Have you thought about contacting Kodak, Fuji Film, Agfa, Ilford or other major photo company. They publish a lot of material and put their name on a lot of promotion brochures, books and so on. Also Nikon, Canon, Hasselblad, etc.etc... They have publishers that they use for their own stuff. Possibly they can help. My contacts are limited to the regional offices only like Montreal or Toronto and some in New York but... Maybe someone knows someone in Rochester or Tokyo. Just a thought. Maybe e-mail the project to these companies and let them know you need a publisher NOW! They could be interested. You guys must be exhausted. But, don't let go and we won't let go either. Let's work together. Thanks for your efforts. Raymond
Raymond Casbourn <>
L'Avenir, Quebec, Canada - Saturday, September 16, 2000 at 11:20:20 (EDT)
I do not think it is a good idea to change the name now. Too many people are already looking for the book of the original title. To change names will confuse them. Not everyone will get the messaage of the name change, and they will not buy the book because we told them to look for a book of another title.
Amy <>
Tuscaloosa, AL, USA - Saturday, September 16, 2000 at 12:04:12 (EDT)
Andre, I say "divide and conquer." If anyone wants to take on the corporate giants, let me know. We need to get the total number of books up to 10,000 copies to do the print run. If we secure one or two big companies who think this book would be an awesome Christmas gift for their employees or their customers, we could reach our goal. Write to me at and let me know if you would be interested in contacting a major corporation. We'll go from there.
Connie Wragge <>
West Chester, PA, USA - Saturday, September 16, 2000 at 14:01:08 (EDT)
Dear Alx, I'll order 10 books @$15 for right now.
Danny Youssef <>
New York City, USA - Saturday, September 16, 2000 at 14:03:08 (EDT)
Please sign me up for 5 books.
Agung S. Tandjung <>
W. Lafayette, IN, USA - Saturday, September 16, 2000 at 15:58:57 (EDT)
i'll take 2 copies at $15.I hope i'm not the only one in malaysia doing the ordering. Hello any malaysians out there?
kwok yoong,lee <>
k.l, malaysia - Saturday, September 16, 2000 at 16:54:02 (EDT)
just wondering,alx, do we the mpp photographer for the 2000 selected pictures still eligible for the free copy? thankyou.
kwok yoong,lee <>
k.l, malaysia - Saturday, September 16, 2000 at 16:59:13 (EDT)
Alx, Please sign me up for 10 copies @$15, just for now. Keep the heart up, we will do it! Kevin
Kevin Butterly <>
Dublin, Ireland - Saturday, September 16, 2000 at 17:21:28 (EDT)
Sign me up for 10 copies of the book. Actually, $250,000 divided by the number of photographers involved, is somewhere around 10 copies each (average). Let's all do whatever it takes to get this book published. Just do whatever you can. Synergy will take this project over the edge. Let's all help push this project thru the roof!!!!!! Dr. J
Dr. J <>
Seattle, USA - Saturday, September 16, 2000 at 17:52:26 (EDT)
Hi all I'll take 5 books at 15$ each for now, I'm sure I'll be wanting more than that later on though. cheers.
Darrin Zammit Lupi <>
Malta - Saturday, September 16, 2000 at 18:07:17 (EDT)
Hi, I will buy 4 copies of our book. Thank You.
Luiz Achutti <>
Paris, - Saturday, September 16, 2000 at 19:29:26 (EDT)
Pat, that is great news you received a note back from Oprah's staff. The more diversity they read about the Project from all of us as photographers, the more likely our appeal will be taken seriously. Everyone should view this as a great marketing opportunity and write 'your story' to Oprah (and to Rosie) regardless of where you live. Please refer to the links on 'Latest News.' Alx has made it easy to submit our experiences.
Connie Wragge <>
West Chester, PA, USA - Saturday, September 16, 2000 at 21:43:17 (EDT)
What does everyone think of the title "Dawn of the 21st Century".
Alx Klive <>
Project HQ, Toronto - Friday, September 22, 2000 at 03:21:49 (EDT)
I like the new title.
sahir raza <>
new delhi, india - Friday, September 22, 2000 at 04:11:41 (EDT)
Good title, I like it very much. A new beginning!
Rik Cass <>
Erie,PA, U.S.A. - Friday, September 22, 2000 at 08:13:27 (EDT)
Loving the title Alx, lovin' it! But like you pointed out initially, won't changing the title confuse others outiside of the project who were interested in the book?
Susmita <>
Toronto, Canada - Friday, September 22, 2000 at 08:31:00 (EDT)
Susmita, it may affect us yes but with the amount of orders left over from the old title (not many) I think the benefit of going out with something new, that could sell into next year and beyond, would outweigh that. More comments though please and ideas for a subtitle.
Alx Klive <>
Project HQ, Toronto - Friday, September 22, 2000 at 08:56:48 (EDT)
If changing the title to "Dawn of the 21st Century" doesn't tick off retailers too much why not have "The Millennium Photo Project" as a subtitle? To me that implies some moments from a new era have been captured. Not having 2000 in the title could even appeal to people who say the 21st century isn't here yet. Is the printer still holding open the previously scheduled time?
San Antonio, USA - Friday, September 22, 2000 at 09:16:49 (EDT)
Of course new title is great. It give us go on all following century. Up to total success!
Moscow, Rusia - Friday, September 22, 2000 at 10:01:34 (EDT)
Personally, to me "Dawn of the 21st Century" sounds a little too "Buck Rogers." It sounds more like a book about scientific advancements or a book with a collection of "people of the past made images of their visions of the future" sorts of things. However, someone suggested "The Millennium Photo Project" as the subtitle; I could deal with "Dawn..." as a SUBtitle, and "Millennium Photo Project" as the Title.
Kim Wadsworth <>
New York, USA - Friday, September 22, 2000 at 10:02:09 (EDT)
Alx, The problem with "Dawn of the 21st Century" is that it doesn't tell you what the book really is about as a title could be history. Shouldn't the title reflect the fact that it's essentially a picture book, rather than the word "photo" being in the sub title which suggests that the photos are incidental to the "story". The more precise the title the better I think. "Photographs -- The World Celebrates the 21st Century" Bet you've stayed awake nights with this! Liz
Liz larrabee <Lizlarrabe>
venice fl, usa - Friday, September 22, 2000 at 12:05:31 (EDT)
Sorry if I sound harsh but I think Dawn of the 21st Century is terrible. It conjures up ideas of SCI-FI movies. When I repeat the wordsin my head I hear some omnious voice echoeing the title and see Star Wars style credits cross a movie screen. I dont know if I missed something but why is the title change happening? If it does change I aggree that the title needs to mention photography.
Ciara O'Shea <>
Chicago IL, USA - Friday, September 22, 2000 at 13:06:30 (EDT)
For what it's worth; I like the new title, with "the MPP" as subtitle. I say run with it.
jim dikaios <>
canada - Friday, September 22, 2000 at 14:04:12 (EDT)
The problem with having a subtitle be MPP is that the word Millennium just conjures up all that hype we got last year. I think, in general, people intially just might see the word "Millennium" as another publicity gimmick deal (ie: receive it in a negative manner). However, I do like Kim's idea about putting something about photography or images of the next century in the sub title.
Susmita <>
good ole T.O, Canada - Friday, September 22, 2000 at 15:19:34 (EDT)
Sorry, I don't like 'Dawn of the 21st Century'. Half of the time we spent taking photos was during dusk of the 20th century, if you consider it the actual year when the century changed. I liked '2000: How the World Celebrated' because it did not mention the millennium, and it was exactly about what went on during the change over. Thanks.
Amy <>
Tuscaloosa, AL, USA - Friday, September 22, 2000 at 16:35:01 (EDT)
I agree with Amy. I don't care for the new title. The first thing I thought of was "A Day in the Life of the World" If the copyright is different enough from "A Day in the Life of America" which already has many great books. Other "How the World observed the 21st Century" "24hours- How the World Observed" Sub- "A Photo Project" "A Photo Docrementary" (Spelling ?) "A global Pictorial Photo Project" Still thinking...
Diane <>
Allegan, USA - Friday, September 22, 2000 at 18:07:19 (EDT)
I agree with Amy's last comments. And what else is going on, Alex? Please update.
Kathy Kunce <>
Denver, USA - Friday, September 22, 2000 at 18:33:40 (EDT)
Oops! Just read the message from yesterday in "Latest News". Sorry. Will try to be more patient.
Kathy Kunce <>
Denver, USA - Friday, September 22, 2000 at 18:40:03 (EDT)
I do think the title needs to be changed. Obviously it did not work! More than often, it's the cover that sells the book. You may also want to rethink the photo. Publishers play it so safe in their choices. Now that it's back in your hands, change it to your vision. Make it more inviting, intriging and more personal. This is just a thought: GLOBAL SPIRIT - Thousands of photographers come together to document the memories of 2000. Something like that?
Joan Lauren <>
Los Angeles, USA - Friday, September 22, 2000 at 18:59:21 (EDT)
How about "Changing of the Guard: A New Millennium" with a subtitle of "The Millennium Photo Project"
Chris V. <>
Wolfe City, USA - Friday, September 22, 2000 at 20:29:36 (EDT)
Valentin and Sahir, thank you for writing Oprah. Our aim is to attract attention because our photographic experiences are all so different. Hopefully, this strategy will lead to an invitation for a number of photographers to appear on the show.
Connie Wragge <>
West Chester, PA, USA - Friday, September 22, 2000 at 21:24:17 (EDT)
P.S. Will someone please awaken me to chat time at 7 PM eastern on Sunday? Thanks...Liz
Liz Larrabee <>
venice fl, - Friday, September 22, 2000 at 21:35:50 (EDT)
Thanks for everyone's input on the title so far. The reason we are planning to change it is to reposition the book so that it will still be viable (as far as retailers are concerned) after January 1st. This will give us the time we need to rebuild the project properly and effectively. With the current title, retailers would return all the books as soon as Xmas is over. Here are some of the subtitles we've come up with. 'Celebrating New Year's Eve in Pictures'; 'How the World Celebrated the Millennium'; 'The Largest Photographic Event in History'; 'The Millennium Photo Project'
Alx Klive <>
Project HQ, Toronto - Friday, September 22, 2000 at 21:36:10 (EDT)
I am not too happy with the new title for all the reasons already mentioned. Actually liked the original title. Perhaps the problem is using the past tense "celebrated". Gives the idea of an historicasl event. I also don't particularly like the word project in the title as I think it gives a rather narrow appeal. This doesn't sound right either but how about "Millennium - The Word Celebrates"
Peter Oxley <>
Tokyo, Japan - Friday, September 22, 2000 at 23:20:28 (EDT)
I think all the ideas mentioned are good but how about "Celebrating the Turn of the Century - pictorial" Just a thought. Maybe even "Worldly Pictorial"(not as a main title) Just wanted to put in my two cents. Good luck Alx and crew, trying to pick out one.
Martha D. <>
Agawam, MA, USA - Saturday, September 23, 2000 at 03:08:13 (EDT)
The Largest Photographic Event in History sounds good It is catchy. You want to know what it means. I agree with Joan Lauren about the cover photo. Its a great shot but something we have all seen time and time again too comercial looking for an editoreal style book. I am primarily a comercial photographer and appreciate the value of the cover shot but it seems too stock for this book. The sample spreads look so great but the cover design does not reflect the originality of the spread designs found inside. And as I said way back when about the rubberized material used- too conjured If this is to be cherished book lets make it classic and able to remain on anyones coffee table.
Ciara O'Shea <>
Chicago, IL USA - Saturday, September 23, 2000 at 03:12:48 (EDT)
Does anyone know what the CHAT time would be in Tokyo
Peter Oxley <>
Tokyo, Japan - Saturday, September 23, 2000 at 03:15:38 (EDT)
Here is a suggestion for a subtitle: A Visual Time Capsule
Connie Wragge <>
West Chester, PA, USA - Saturday, September 23, 2000 at 06:18:45 (EDT)
ok... how 'bout: "ZOOM - CLICK : The Largest Photographic Event in History", or "ZOOM - CLICK : The Shot Heard Around the World", keeping the main title simple, but catchy. too bad we don't have a focus group (pardon the punn) by whom to run all these ideas; we photographers are not a fair, representative demographic sample, unfortunately, and our suggestions are probably askew.
charlie <>
erie, pa, usa - Saturday, September 23, 2000 at 09:29:15 (EDT)
I agree on that GLOBAL SPIRIT. I think the photo on the cover is not convincing. Maybe we should have a photograph of people on the cover, one that invites you to find out what people did and how they celebrated. T "OUR LIFE OUR WORLD". S " The Millennium Photo Project"
Carlos Roberto <>
Belo Horizonte, Brazil - Saturday, September 23, 2000 at 20:40:42 (EDT)
OK for the new title, or better: Dawn of the 3rd Millennium. I think this book will have a good success of sale. Do you remember the Collins Project "A day in the life of...."? MPP shows a special day in the life of the whole planet, the state of the planet at the change of the millennium (or at the dawn of the 3rd M.).Why people should not buy? Sure we are awfully late for "2000, how the world celebrated". Please count 20 copies for me instead of the 10 previously requested. And please visit my site : in the section news you'll find the book and the link to Amazon that is going brisk! Slow and steady wins the race! Good luck everyone. Claudio Marcozzi
Claudio Marcozzi <>
Porto San Giorgio, Italy - Sunday, September 24, 2000 at 16:27:57 (EDT)
i agree with having a new title, but not the 21st century one, nor containing 'millennium' for that matter. sounds too conventional,we've beaten that word down so much already that the only 'millennium' that MIGHT get by is MPP... and on top of that, scientific people will arguably say that 2000 was not yet the turn of the century or the millenium. the zoom-click idea wasnt bad, very catchy and makes the browser curious and cant help but flip through to see what the book is about, and that is when we will hit them with our amazing photos.. just my two cents
joey <>
calgary, canada - Sunday, September 24, 2000 at 21:35:38 (EDT)
zoom-click sounds like the best suggested title that I've read so far in the discussion.
erica hasenjager <>
auburn, ny, us - Monday, September 25, 2000 at 01:01:00 (EDT)
Name games are never bound to end ..I fell every name has some advantage and asome weak points. Rather than putting names I think we should think of ouy target group and our product. I hope everybody will agree that somehow millenium should come, after all it is the EVENT we are are proposing to sell .One of the arguments put by alx of making something that hold for next year and year after that and so on also is a very much valid point. I am also trying to figure some name bye lalit
Lalit Bhatt <>
pune, India - Monday, September 25, 2000 at 02:42:59 (EDT)
Another idea for a subtitle: A Photographic Treasure.
Connie Wragge <>
West Chester, PA, USA - Monday, September 25, 2000 at 06:25:22 (EDT)
Sounds like all is on a roll. Last night on the live chat it was suggested that Connie's photo of the week(this week) be used on the front cover... I love this picture, my favorite. It shows what life is all about...The design might be tricky because its a vertical print but with all the designer out there I'm sure we could come up with something. P.S. I like Big Ben too but I think a unique photo of people would draw more attention.
Diane <>
Allegan,MI, USA - Monday, September 25, 2000 at 08:50:45 (EDT)
how about "2000 years,2000 photos"
ken johnson <>
reading, england - Monday, September 25, 2000 at 10:51:14 (EDT)
Just trying to add a suggestion. What about to include something giving a notion on the dimension of the project, like: 2000 Celebrated around the world, or Around the Wotld in 2000 photos, The Millennium Around... or any combination possible. Good luck to all, Andre.
Andre <>
Rio de Janeiro, Brzil - Monday, September 25, 2000 at 11:35:51 (EDT)
"2000 Years...2000 photos" implies they were taken over the years. I still like my suggestion to Connie "The Best Pictures of the Next Millennium" Get it? I like the word pictures better than photographs.Is there something wrong with me? Liz
Liz Larrabee <>
Venice FL, - Monday, September 25, 2000 at 13:08:44 (EDT)
"2000 Years...2000 photos" implies they were taken over the years. I still like my suggestion to Connie "The Best Pictures of the Next Millennium" Get it? I like the word pictures better than photographs.Is there something wrong with me? Liz
Liz Larrabee <>
Venice FL, - Monday, September 25, 2000 at 13:09:18 (EDT)
Any body for book signings in North and Central Texas? Austin, Dallas, Ft. Worth, Waco
Chris Vaughan <>
Wolfe City, USA - Monday, September 25, 2000 at 14:20:34 (EDT)
Ok my 2 cents worth...........How about "CELEBRATING THE 21ST CENTURY" A global photo project............. or... "THE WORLD CELEBRATES THE 21ST CENTURY" A global photographic experience...... or...... " A GLOBAL/WORLD PHOTOGRAPHIC EXPERIENCE".....Celebrating the 21st century........???? just a few ideas Debbie
Debbie Kowalewycz <>
Townsville, Australia - Tuesday, September 26, 2000 at 06:04:33 (EDT)
Alx, Do we need to email all those people we sent the plea for help and tell them not to call bookstores asking for the old title?
Amy <>
Tuscaloosa, AL, usa - Tuesday, September 26, 2000 at 12:01:06 (EDT)
I would have to agree with Peter for the new title. I really like " Millennium- The World Celebrates". Or another idea would be " The Millennium- What Happened Around The World". I think a subtitle that would include something to the effect that would make people realize that this is a once in a lifetime book would help sales( a collector's item)... i.e. have a sub title " A Collection of Rare Photos of Differant Lives Around the World". Having a photo on the cover that leads the reader's interest relating to the human aspect of it instead of having a photo of a "place "would be more approprate also.
Dianne Buchta Humble <>
Middleton, Idaho, u.s.a. - Tuesday, September 26, 2000 at 16:00:35 (EDT)
Well the saga continues for the time being. (We'll make another book after all this about the problems of making this one). The printer has reneged on their promise and calmly told us today they will now not deliver until the middle of November. We've had about as much of this as we can take and are seriously considering any legal remedies we may be able to persue. In the meantime, we still need to print a book! It would be very nice to have it by the 20th of October (so we can take it to the Frankfurt book fair on that date and get it into stores in time for November 1st). So the printing job is now open for any printer to bid on. The specifications are available on request if you know any book printers that might fit the bill. Simply drop a blank e-mail to to get the specs replied back to you automatically. Drop us a line if you have any joy. We will be talking to printers from this end as well obviously... Onward we go...!
Alx Klive <>
Project HQ, Toronto - Tuesday, September 26, 2000 at 18:24:08 (EDT)
Alx,I am sending the RFQ to the National Press Photographers Association. Also, in the past, I believe a photographer mentioned a printer in Denver who might be interested in working with us. I have searched the archives for the photographer's name but am unable to find it. Please reply to this message if you are the photographer. Thanks.
Connie Wragge <>
West Chester, PA, USA - Tuesday, September 26, 2000 at 22:01:48 (EDT)
How about "A Journey Through the Internet into the Year 2000"? Or "A Photographic Journey Through the Internet into the Year 2000"? Or A Journey Through the Internet into the new Millennium" Or something like that...(Feel free to help me out here) I think it would be a good idea to stress a few unique points about this project/book; its global participation (appeals to all cultures); the fact that it came about through the use of the internet -still a very hot topic; the magnitude of its size -'the largest photojournalistic project the world has ever seen'; the fact that the pictures were taken on New Year's Eve - new Millennium or not (let's use the fact that there is some controversy over this issue to our benefit i.e. the book illustrates the fact that Dec. 31/1999 did not mean the same thing to all people.)How about "Dec. 31/99 - What it meant to us" (That one just popped into my head :-} ; also, this project was taken on by amateurs and professionals alike -not some huge conglomerate or international corporation; and lastly of course, we need to stress that there are quality photographs here. I guess my point here is that this book offers just as much about us and the entire project as it does about New Years Eve. O.K. I'm pumped. Karen
Karen Roberts-Lynch <>
Toronto, Canada - Wednesday, September 27, 2000 at 20:38:32 (EDT)
More suggestions about who to contact; how about people like Brian Adams the musician who is also a photographer; Paul McCartney, whos wife Linda was a photographer and instrumental in changing the way rock musicians were photographed; or Thomas Dolby, the musician and big time internet moneymaker; They may find this to be an interesting project worth backing up. Anyone have any contacts? Karen
Karen Roberts-Lynch <>
Toronto, Canada - Wednesday, September 27, 2000 at 22:18:51 (EDT)
"Dawn of the 21st Century" is much too common and not a catchy title. The Y2K problem never materialized and most people have forgotten about the new millennium...except us, of course. How about something X-filish like 1/1/2000: Project Ph
David Lubin <>
Tampa, USA - Wednesday, September 27, 2000 at 22:28:43 (EDT)
Thank you for keeping us intouch, even through the difficult negotiations with the projects original printers. When you have more time, I would really like to hear why they pulled out,etc. I am grateful to still witness this entire process. With it's various difficulties. I would like to ask other published photographers is it always so difficult to stand on your own with something unique. Or is this just one unlucky case. With thanks and love, Nick
Nicholas Dawson <>
Kathmandu, Nepal - Thursday, September 28, 2000 at 03:11:18 (EDT)
Karen Roberts - Lynch is quite right about the internet, because without it this project would not have taken place. From a marketing point of view anything with the word millennium is a no no as it was greatly misused to promote before, during, and after the so called event a lot of dubious products, events etc! The proposed cover with Big Ben and fireworks is also a cliche, the cover should be a myriad of pictures to represent the diversity of us. A possible title for the book ' The Internet Photo Project ' naturally the millennium content would be mentioned in the preface.
Keith Nolan <>
Dublin, Ireland. - Thursday, September 28, 2000 at 06:08:51 (EDT)
Alx, What a roller coaster ride! Well, you go get those publishers and tell them if they don't deliver to us by Oct. 20, they will be innundated with emails! :)
Amy <>
Tuscaloosa, AL, USA - Thursday, September 28, 2000 at 10:54:49 (EDT)
Alx, have you checked out a business loan? How about SBLA Canada's Small Business Loan Admisistration. They have a wedsite. Then you could promise the printers their money. Maybe a last resort! Still keeping my fingers crossed. Good Day, hey.
Diane <>
Allegan, USA - Thursday, September 28, 2000 at 12:16:25 (EDT)
I strongly agree with Keith Nolan. People are sick of the millenium hoopla. This project is a great endevour and proved that the internet is a great tool to bring people together all around the world. This idea is what can be used to promote the book. We all came together and did an amazing job. The conectioins made here won't end when this book is published. I also agree that the current cover image is too much of a cliche. I know we all have our oppinions. We really do need the advise of someone not close to the project as we are. Are the project judges still involved? If not can we get their opionion on cover shot and titles. Or perhaps we could contact some professors at top Art schools? I am agraduate of RIT and if we all think this out side input is a good idea I could contact some prof there and others could do the same. This way we could get the input of about 5 to 10 project outsiders to give an unbias opinion and advice. As art prof this is what they do for students and they do it successfully or they would not be prof. What do you all think?
Ciara O'Shea <>
chicago, IL USA - Thursday, September 28, 2000 at 13:04:33 (EDT)
I quite like this weeks photo of the week. Kudos to Connie! I agree,it would make a good cover shot because it illustrates that this was not your ordinary New Years Eve. It is also a very touching photograph. When I reach 100 years old, I invite you all to have a toast with me! Karen
Karen Roberts-Lynch <>
Toronto, Canada - Thursday, September 28, 2000 at 13:39:05 (EDT)
Hi guys. Just updated the news page. Everything is coming together very quickly all of sudden. Gotta run in a sec so I'll be brief. The cover image IS going to change. I have talked it over with Bill Bowden the photographer for the Big Ben photo and he is aware already. I have read with great interest all the comments on the title and beyond that we've sourced many opinions, both in the industry and out. At this point I'm almost certain it's going to be 'Dawn of the 21st Century'. We're leaning towards a typographical cover (no image) embossed large on the case itself with perhaps one or two dust jackets as options.
Alx Klive <>
Project HQ, Toronto - Thursday, September 28, 2000 at 17:02:16 (EDT)
Great news Alx. The new cover idea sounds great. I belive the new idea will give it a classy look. Thanks guys for all the support and hanging in there team.
Ciara O'Shea <>
Chicago, USA - Friday, September 29, 2000 at 09:19:18 (EDT)
Hhhm...that's a great title. The idea regarding the cover is very interesting. The book will do well. Agung
Agung Tandjung <>
W. Lafayette, IN, USA - Friday, September 29, 2000 at 10:00:19 (EDT)
Way to go Alx! We're doin a jig for you here. ;^}
Karen Roberts-Lynch <>
Toronto, Canada - Friday, September 29, 2000 at 11:09:27 (EDT)
Well done Alx. Great idea for the cover. I think I'll drink a beer tonight in your honor!
Jim Dikaios <>
canada - Friday, September 29, 2000 at 12:33:10 (EDT)
And the final title is.... Dawn of the 21st Century - The Millennium Photo Project. I will have new ISBN information later today. Thank you to everyone who contributed. It was a close call and a difficult decision to make.
Alx Klive <>
Project HQ, Toronto - Friday, September 29, 2000 at 12:37:11 (EDT)
Hi Alx and crew. I'm hoping and praying that all goes well with the printer. What an odyssey. Hey that's it! "Dawn of the 21st Century-A Photographic Odyssey". In case anyone takes me seriously, I AM just kidding. I can't wait to see the book. Take care, all.
Michele Darien
San Antonio, USA - Friday, September 29, 2000 at 16:02:44 (EDT)
Alx,I'll also drink a beer in your honor - We could have an "Way to go drink" at 7:00pm EST. Cheers
Allegan, USA - Friday, September 29, 2000 at 17:29:56 (EDT)