Archived Messages - October 2000

I like the new title. "The Millennium Photo Project" subtitle was needed. How is the financing situation solved?
Ali Kabas <>
Istanbul, Turkey - Friday, September 29, 2000 at 18:05:14 (EDT)
Just updated the news page. Raise a glass tonight for sure! (Financing is basically all set, just paperwork left to do)
Alx Klive <>
Project HQ, Toronto - Friday, September 29, 2000 at 20:04:37 (EDT)
i am available to help book promotion in u.k
ken johnson <>
reading, united kingdom - Friday, September 29, 2000 at 20:48:47 (EDT)
CHEERS! Alx and team and to all of the project members who had a hand in saving this great book. I think we should all be proud of our selves for coming together like we did, as a team. A toast to all..........Debbie .
Debbie Kowalewycz <>
Townsville, Australia - Friday, September 29, 2000 at 23:57:05 (EDT)
Excellent effort MPP for pulling through!
Calgary, - Friday, September 29, 2000 at 23:57:12 (EDT)
Well done Alx and the rest of the team. Thanks for putting so much time and effort into getting this project off the ground and bringing it to fruition. Cheers!!!
Darrin <>
Malta - Saturday, September 30, 2000 at 01:32:53 (EDT)
Yahoo!!!! Great job Alx for not giving up and pulling us through. Let's party !!!!
Dianne Humble <>
Middleton,Idaho , u.s.a. - Saturday, September 30, 2000 at 01:52:09 (EDT)
Congratulations, Alx and Crew!!! Tenacity is everything. P.S. It looks as though we are now entitled to use multiple exclamation marks.
Connie Wragge <>
West Chester, PA, USA - Saturday, September 30, 2000 at 05:41:14 (EDT)
Alx, and all at MPP - just remember, "Whatever doesn't kill you, makes you stronger" - I just hope I haven't spoken to soon! Congratulations, and thanks so much for your dedication.
Lisa Kerr <>
Melbourne, Australia - Saturday, September 30, 2000 at 08:04:49 (EDT)
Dear Alx and staff Felicitations for your perseverance and determination. It feels good to have contributed visually (with a few messages) and spiritually (thinking about solutions, sending energy). - The next step will be to tell the good news to the world. The publicly accessible part of your site needs updating: the new title of the book, the cover, etc. Should the past messages be available to the public (if the contributors agree) to share this unique rollercoaster with all? - The coffeetable book certainly will be a huge success. And another proposal: include a leaflet for a future production of a cd-rom documenting the whole project like i suggested two weeks ago. Because the book is a reality, the photos can be in medium-res, with at least all the capsule photos adjoined. I suppose this will generate easily an additional income. Thank you for having made a difference in the life of so many on our planet. freed
freed schmitter <>
amsterdam, netherlands - Saturday, September 30, 2000 at 08:30:39 (EDT)
Here is a glass of Bordeaux for Alx and team...for their perseverance...=P
Agung S. Tandjung <>
W. Lafayette, IN, USA - Saturday, September 30, 2000 at 10:50:44 (EDT)
Congrats to ALL! Especially Alx and the staff! You people are amazing!!! I would write more but I am afraid I raised too many glasses last night, at least one for everyone on the staff and a few for some of the fellow contributors. Again many thanks and much love. Rik
Rik Cass <>
Erie,PA, U.S.A. - Saturday, September 30, 2000 at 11:08:09 (EDT)
Just wanted to add my congratulations...Congratulations everyone! especially Alx and the team. Think of it this way - this "hiccup" really united all the photographers to really push for the book. I think we all feel just a little more proud of this book for it. Congratulations again everyone....I'm going to celebrate by...oh...studying for an exam :( Just call me point dexter...
Susmita <>
T.O., Canada - Saturday, September 30, 2000 at 11:45:46 (EDT)
I'm happy .Thank you again for providing this chance to touch and be touched by an important process. I wish the book and team much sucess with this. love from Nick
Nicholas Dawson <>
Kathmandu, Nepal - Saturday, September 30, 2000 at 12:46:20 (EDT)
Alx and Crew, Congratulations! Great to hear the fantastic news. You all deserve a glass or two. Best Wishes. Kevin
Kevin Butterly <>
Dublin, Ireland - Saturday, September 30, 2000 at 16:46:59 (EDT)
Well we splashed out a little last night and raised a glass of champagne to every single one of you. (Two bottles to be precise). Apparently I'm told there's still a little left, so I think I'll be going now to... er... polish it off! Can't let it go to waste now can I?!
Alx Klive <>
Project HQ, Toronto - Saturday, September 30, 2000 at 21:54:23 (EDT)
PS. Thank you Freed for reminding us to update the public pages of the site. It's always appreciated... and often needed! We've gone through and changed all the 'book title' occurances that we could find and added a new press release announcing the name change. Please let us know if we've missed anything. The new Photo of the Week is also up... and it's a corker!
Alx Klive <>
Project HQ, Toronto - Saturday, September 30, 2000 at 21:59:46 (EDT)
Celebrating..... Toast.....I'd have champagne too if I were of legal age. A 100% fantastic effort, congrats.
Karsten Moran <>
Atlanta, GA - Sunday, October 01, 2000 at 20:26:02 (EDT)
Well, I can't let the Far East stay out of this one so I'll just go out pronto and get a bottle of sake (rice wine). Congratulations one and all. Kampai!
Peter Oxley <>
Tokyo, Japan - Sunday, October 01, 2000 at 21:08:25 (EDT)
Congrats Alx. Should I alter my link to Amazon in any way. I am a member of their "associates" program which means visitors who go to my homepage and click through to buy at Amazon give me a small% of sales. I`d advise you all to check with Amazon and join this program. Can`t wait to get the book in hand. When the ink is drying, lets get a signing going in Ottawa.
Paul Couvrette <>
Ottawa, Canada - Monday, October 02, 2000 at 19:31:53 (EDT)
About the new title. I like it, but I am VERY nervous about changing it at this time. We all sent out that email telling people to ask for the book by the name "2000 How the world celebrated". I work at a bookstore and that is how the book comes up in the system. To change it now might cause confusion and a loss of some customers who do not pick up on the change. We have had a lot of problems to overcome as of late, do we need to add "product recognition" to the list of problems? Just a thought. Thanks, Aimee
Aimee <>
Detroit, USA - Tuesday, October 03, 2000 at 08:52:20 (EDT)
Aimee, we carefully considered the concern you raise and weighed it up against the benefits of having a title that could be sold into next year. Working in a bookstore, you are I'm sure familiar with the first week of January, 'take all the dated books and calenders off the shelves and send them back to the publisher' scenario. What we have done to mollify the problem is a planned fax campaign to bookstores announcing the name change. This will be combined with the new distributor information and publishing date, just as soon as those are confirmed.
Alx Klive <>
Project HQ, Toronto - Tuesday, October 03, 2000 at 17:37:46 (EDT)
i just went to my local the barnes and noble to see about a book signing. they found the book under the old title but not under the new. then, when the public relations person went to order a copy, it wouldn't go through. i told her the publisher/printer changed and that may be the problem. does anyone know why this would have happened and what i need to tell her so we can get a bunch of books ordered and a book signing set up in my community? thanks in advance...
charlie <>
erie, pa, usa - Tuesday, October 03, 2000 at 17:40:03 (EDT)
Charlie, the solution should lie with the fax campaign mentioned above, but I will double check tonight at our publishing meeting.
Alx Klive <>
Project HQ, Toronto - Tuesday, October 03, 2000 at 17:56:52 (EDT)
I have a few book signings set up for my own book in Florida. If you're thinking of one in the Sarasota area, I would be happy to work on it. Liz
Liz Larrabee <>
VENICE FL, - Tuesday, October 03, 2000 at 23:13:48 (EDT)
I have asked Salman Nensi, our new Director of Book Sales & Marketing, to comment on the title issue. Salman has 18 years experience in book publishing and has worked for the likes of Simon & Schuster, Random House, Bantam/Doubleday and Chapters of Canada among others.
Alx Klive <>
Project HQ, Toronto - Wednesday, October 04, 2000 at 13:34:29 (EDT)
Greetings all. About the title change - I understand your fears about changing the title at this late date but please rest assured that titles change all the time in this business, and bookstores are used to this happening. There is a proceedure whereby publishers notify all accounts, book media, EDI services and book database providers such as Bowkers... We simply send out a Notice of Information Change that lists the previous info and the new. Keep in mind that the publisher is also changing so accounts like Barnes and Noble will have to go into their systems to make that change anyway... we will notify them of everything at once so it will mean only one trip to their databases. Hope that helps explain things a bit. Please feel free to contact me directly or through these pages if you have any specific questions. Cheers. Salman A. Nensi, Director - Book Sales and Marketing.
Salman Nensi <>
Toronto, Canada - Wednesday, October 04, 2000 at 13:42:26 (EDT)
Great news about the delivery date, Alx! Is the limited time offer of $15/book over?
Michele Darien
San Antonio, USA - Thursday, October 05, 2000 at 13:43:40 (EDT)
Hello to everyone. It's great to see so much enthusiastic activity on the discussion board. The last little while has been a bit crazy with all that's been going on but things are finally settling down. This of course means that we'll be catching up on all of our e-mail which has unfortunately been backing up a bit. If you have e-mailed us in the past couple of months, don't despair, we will be getting back to you as soon as possible, if indicated. In particular we will be acknowledging any changes to personal information once we have made the appropriate alterations to our records. Still lots to do, but there's light at the end of the tunnel.
Wesley Young <>
Toronto, Canada - Thursday, October 05, 2000 at 23:35:59 (EDT)
Michele, the $15 price for photographers is still valid and will remain so for the forseable future. We have found a company to handle the order taking & shipping and we are just working out the best way to pass the orders over to them. We will probably create some kind of order taking form here in the Crew Headquarters for the $15 photographer orders. The order taking form on the public part of the site will be set up to only take orders at the full retail price. That's the plan anyway.
Alx Klive <>
Project HQ, Toronto - Saturday, October 07, 2000 at 23:56:36 (EDT)
Dear All, Congratulations and we in New Delhi,India will raise a toast to Alx and the team...Cheers ! If you could send a sample mailer I could use it as a promo material here,shhh...I work in the tvnews media...could swing some publicity here.
Anamitra Chakladar <>
New Delhi , India - Sunday, October 08, 2000 at 06:52:30 (EDT)
I just got the news. Congratulations to Alx, Wesley and all who have believed it could be done. I have some catching up to do so I'll be going back to read past messages. Here's cheers to your tenacity. I'll be back soon. Thanks a millennium, Ray Casbourn
Raymond Casbourn <>
L'Avenir, Quebec, Canada - Sunday, October 08, 2000 at 20:17:55 (EDT)
Hello again to you all, I've updated myself on my reading and must say that I love the title "Dawn of the 21st Century". It really encompasses all the different types of photos and I agree also with Ciara O'Shea the typo cover sounds great and should give the book a "classy look" should you decide on going that route. By the way, I am going to Photo Plus Expo East 2000 in New York city on Nov. 2-4 at the Jacob Javits Convention Center. It may be too soon but I thought that some kind of promo with all the photographers and photo companies that will be present (over 300) could be done there, it could be a good opportunity to let the book be known. Anybody else going there in November?? Let me know. Good show again Alx and thanks. Any comments Alx, or anyone? Ray Casbourn, Stock,Travel & Beauty photographer
Raymond Casbourn <>
L'Avenir, Quebec, Canada - Sunday, October 08, 2000 at 22:23:50 (EDT)
I have been holding out not looking at the board afraid to see something i did not wish to see. But I have looked and I am so happy that all ower wishes are coming true. There can be no better feeling than seeing something you have worked so hard for becoming a reality. The New Zealand Herald said to me that they will do a story on the book when it comings out, and i'm going to be needing a release date for down here in NZ Auckland, so thank you all for doing so much and working your fingers to the bone it has all paid off.
Sharie Penwarden <>
Waiheke Island, New Zealand - Monday, October 09, 2000 at 00:09:41 (EDT)
Raymond, funny you should post about the photo expo in New York. We just sent out an e-mail to our North Eastern USA photographers asking if anyone was planning on going. Connie is looking after it so if anyone wants to go, drop her a line at
Alx Klive <>
Project HQ, Toronto - Monday, October 09, 2000 at 01:08:43 (EDT)
Good Evening, Everyone, For more information on the PhotoPlus Expo, check out On the site, are directions to the Jacob Javits Convention Center and free registration. If the books arrive in time, we will meet first so you can pick up your copy, and we'll do some grass roots marketing on the floor of the trade show. At the very least, we hope to meet as a group for dinner after the Expo ends (say a 6:00 PM dinner reservation), where we will enjoy one another's company and share equally in the check + tip. If you know of a good restaurant in the vicinity of the Javits Center that can accommodate an enthusiastic group of very proud photographers, please e-mail me. I will need to make the reservation shortly. The interest in attending this event is running quite high. Best, Connie
Connie Wragge <>
West Chester, PA, USA - Monday, October 09, 2000 at 20:51:45 (EDT)
God i wish I could be there for the opening and promo, anyway, fantastic, congatulations to you all. Nick
nicholas Dawson <>
Kathmandu, Nepal - Monday, October 09, 2000 at 21:58:20 (EDT)
ps, because I live in Nepal and it is a landlocked and somewhat remote country, I am worried that to receive the books may take aeons[ages]. i am sorry to bother you yet for people who live in poorer, remoter,or less reliable parts of the world. Is there some way of air mailing , or using EMS or Speed Post. I personaly would be happy to cover the extra cost. Thank you, Nick
Nicholas Dawson <>
Kathmandu, Nepal - Monday, October 09, 2000 at 22:12:17 (EDT)
Someone has probably already mentioned or thought of this, but I recently read a photographic book review in a copy of either Petersen's Photographic or Popular Photography. The reason I mention this is because it caused me to buy the book. Not sure how to get a copy of ours into the right hands, but I think it would be a very good idea... Bobbi
Bobbi Jo Beaver <>
Vandenberg AFB, CA, USA - Monday, October 09, 2000 at 22:51:45 (EDT)
Hi Bobbi, Nice thought. I would also add : American Photo, Outdoor Photographer and the french magazine PHOTO which publishes a lot of information about american photographer and photography and is distributed worldwide in french speaking countries like Canada. Also I believe they have an office or representative in New York City. Although this all sounds attractive I want to add that news in these magazines is prepared about 2 months in advance which would not coincide with the book's launch. It is a good idea for when sales slow down though (which I hope is never). Ray
Raymond Casbourn <>
L'Avenir, Quebec, Canada - Tuesday, October 10, 2000 at 14:38:35 (EDT)
Part of the publicity plan includes the provision for mailing around 150 review copies of the book to journalists. This will include the photographic press as well as large newspapers (primarily in North America to begin with), online magazines, gift roundups etc. I agree with you Raymond that the long lead time on magazines is not neccessarily a bad thing. We are only doing 15,000 copies to begin with and too much press to begin with could hurt us if we can't deliver the goods. The more press we have saved 'in reserve' for a future print run, the better.
Alx Klive <>
Project HQ, Toronto - Tuesday, October 10, 2000 at 20:17:12 (EDT)
Hello Alx and everyone, sorry I have not added anything lately. I feel I have not been very helpful but appreciate very much all the efforts of all of you.I am not very confident about all this 'computer stuff' but I am interested in all that is happenning. Reason for not adding anything is I have had my sister visiting from UK and we have been touring round South Island of NZ. I just got home again last night, so I'm trying to catch up now on all that has happened.Best wishes Elsie Jones.
Elsie Jones <>
Tauranga, New Zealand - Wednesday, October 11, 2000 at 16:32:42 (EDT)
Love the cover, Alx! Awaiting the release of the book....
Michele Darien
San Antonio, USA - Wednesday, October 11, 2000 at 22:34:12 (EDT)
great cover.
Nick <>
Kathmandu, Nepal - Wednesday, October 11, 2000 at 22:50:31 (EDT)
The cover is now finalized (we think you'll like it!) and can be seen on the news page. We've also added a project calendar, which you can find linked from the main Crew Headquarters. Remember, please do not give out the address of the Crew HQ to anyone! We don't want to have to go and change the address again. Lots being added every day now as we enter the exciting book release phase...!
Alx Klive <>
Project HQ, Toronto - Wednesday, October 11, 2000 at 23:18:20 (EDT)
Looks great!
Lisa Kerr <>
Melbourne, Australia - Wednesday, October 11, 2000 at 23:18:31 (EDT)
If anyone wants to add the cover to their personal webpages, please feel free to do so. It is unlikely to change very much between now and printing (we may play with the font a little and the colour upon proofing, but that's all). Full ordering info will be detailed soon but for now it looks like we are PULLING the book from Amazon and the large chains. Instead we will sell it ONLY through independent bookstores, our network of photographers and the MPP website. This is not 100% confirmed but is our latest plan.
Alx Klive <>
Project HQ, Toronto - Wednesday, October 11, 2000 at 23:33:02 (EDT)
More on this to follow...
Alx Klive <>
Project HQ, Toronto - Wednesday, October 11, 2000 at 23:33:52 (EDT)
Absolutely AWESOME cover! I love it! Why didn't anyone think of it sooner? Great jobs guys!
Martha D. <>
Agawam, MA, USA - Thursday, October 12, 2000 at 03:07:29 (EDT)
Congratulations! I, too, have been holding my breath that the publication will go ahead. Can't remember if I did preorder a book. Alx, will you send us an e-mail when the link appears in the Crew HQ? Thanks.
Allan Porter <>
Auckland,, New Zealand - Thursday, October 12, 2000 at 03:12:57 (EDT)
1st impressions are the most important for the cover and my 1st thought was "WOW!" Way to go. All your hard work, Alx and crew, will pay off. One question, Alx, will photographers orders be shipped out right away? I'm having an Photography Open House November 18th which will revolve around the book. I would love to have the book here to sell. If not, I might plan a trip, your only about 5 hours from me from Western Michigan.
Diane <>
Allegan, MI, USA - Thursday, October 12, 2000 at 08:36:31 (EDT)
The news of the book getting to press is fantastic news! And yes, great cover! Can we still order copies directly or do we wait till they hit the street?
Jeff Camarati <>
Durham, NC, USA - Thursday, October 12, 2000 at 14:18:59 (EDT)
That's a GREAAATT complain!! The book will do well...=) Agung
Agung S. Tandjung <>
W. Lafayette, IN , USA - Thursday, October 12, 2000 at 14:23:42 (EDT)
OK, I’m confused. After having kicked and scraped to get this far, why in the world would you want to pull the book from the big chain stores? The more sales we have the better for everybody.
John Rupe <>
Tampa, Florida, U.S.A. - Thursday, October 12, 2000 at 15:46:24 (EDT)
John, good question. There are several reasons why we are switching our sales tactics away from the chain stores and I appreciate the opportunity to explain them. The chain stores never were very enthusiastic about our book to begin with. They didn't believe the book would sell and basically told us we were crazy to go ahead with it. They placed orders anyway, knowing they could always return the books if they DIDN'T sell. (It's important to remember that the entire publishing industry works on consignment, also known as sale or return). When our publisher pulled out and other publishers scoped out the potential among the chains, the chains drastically reduced their orders and in the case of Borders for example (large U.S. retailer), they cancelled their order altogether. So at this point, if WE approach them, we are not confident that we would get many orders anyway. If we do send books to the chains, considering the lateness in the season, there is an even greater risk of high returns. Barnes and Noble currently has a two-three week delay in their main distribution centre. We would be lucky if we got books onto their shelves before the first week in December. The next aspect is the quantity of books we are printing. We are printing 15,000 books. We actually don't need the chains to move that kind of number, if we get our publicity strategy right. And this is an even stronger reason NOT to give the books to the chains! - publicity!!! We've been pushed around, bullied and generally written off by everyone in the publishing industry. If we go out and make a point of the fact that we will ONLY sell the book through independent stores, we stand a good chance of getting a wave of additional publicity as a result. Not only that but the independents will love us for it and get right behind us. Here in Canada for example, one big chain store called Chapters dominates the entire industry. I have been told flatly by half a dozen people in the trade, that if we refuse to sell to Chapters, everyone else in the book selling trade will practically hail us a hero. No one has ever had been crazy enough to try it. The final reason is an economic one. With such a small print run, the only chance we have of achieving profitability is to try and sell as many books as we can at full retail price. I.E. through the website. Think of it like this. Our total production and marketing budget works out to around $16 per book. If we sell all the books through stores, we only make $3-4 per book ($20 is the approximate wholesale price). This leaves us very little margin for error, meaning books that get returned, damaged or simply don't sell. If we sell at $40 per book, well the difference is obvious.... So that is the reason why we are switching our focus to selling the book through our own website, telephone orders, and a small percentage through independent bookstores. I hope this explanation has been helpful.
Alx Klive <>
Project HQ, Toronto - Thursday, October 12, 2000 at 21:06:32 (EDT)
Kudos, to all!! I highly approve of just selling to the smaller retailers. I also applaud ALX and crew for sticking to it when things went bad. Thanks a bunch. If it means anything, I myself have been rooting for all of us all along! Anyway, thanks again.
LaDonna <>
Winslow, USA - Thursday, October 12, 2000 at 22:52:56 (EDT)
Hi Alx, Wesley, Connie and everyone, Thanks a million. The book cover is absolutely fantastic. Good show. Whomever designed it (I'm sure it must be a group contribution)merits loads of applause and a toast... I can hardly wait to get my hands on a copy. It will sell like crazy and you should be prepared to go to a second printing in the very near future. For those of us going to Photo Expo East in NY, how about some of those flyers to hand out if we don't get to have a copy of the book for the show? I am prepared to publicize and talk about it but without something in hand I don't know if many will listen. For Connie : I will get back to you today for a restaurant that is not too far from the Convention and that can accept a group of fanatics of around 20-25 people. I'm glad you liked Beefsteak Charlie as a first suggestion. Good luck in Frankfort. (Are you looking for a European distributor Alx?) Ray
Raymond Casbourn <>
L'Avenir, Quebec , Canada - Friday, October 13, 2000 at 11:47:27 (EDT)
Hi Alx and the team, You've seen bunch of congratulations from around the world already, but I will add mine anyway. The book cover is great, very eye-catching. Was there a change of format that I missed? The cover is in a portrait format while the sample spreads are landscape. Can you elaborate a bit when you have a minute ;-). ....... It was quite a roller coaster in the last month. I was on vacation in Europe for several big family celebrations and with limited access to the internet I was even more anxious to check my email often. Between the visits with family I managed to spend 2 days at Photokina in Cologne. This was a great event. At the time I wished I had some stuff for PR, but now I realize that it would have been premature, especially since so much changed since then. I did mention to some people the project and told to search the web under Millennium Photo Project, so I guess they should still be able to find it. .....Another subject: Alx you reminded people not give the Crew URL to anyone. My concern is that even if no one gives this info to an "outsider" it still can be rather easily found by curious or hackers if any photographer uses a publicly accessible computer to access the web site and does not know how to "clean up" afterwards. I work in the networking and I see these kind of exploitations of the systems quite freqently. If you want to protect these pages a little more, you could make a single sign-on and send email with this sign-on to all photographers. This would stop at least some people...
Marian Richard Miodonski <>
Fort Collins, CO, USA - Friday, October 13, 2000 at 15:44:40 (EDT)
Richard, the book's format has not changed. The sample spreads we posted represent a horizontal spread across two pages of the book. Re the security aspect you mention. I've always wanted to avoid the introduction of a password or login procedure for accessing the crew hq. There's way too many websites that require logins and I think most people are fed up of them. There's nothing TOO sensitive in these pages. As long as we all remember not to give out the address to others, we should be fine. Good to bring it up though!
Alx Klive <>
Project HQ, Toronto - Friday, October 13, 2000 at 18:09:24 (EDT)
If anyone knows the hard work you have put into this, I do! The cover is lovely; shows talent, expertise, and good sense! Can hardly wait to have the book in my hands. Imagine having published your own book recently and then to see your photographs in another. With much appreciation, Love, Liz
Liz Larrabee <>
venice fl, - Friday, October 13, 2000 at 18:38:43 (EDT)
Great cover, vast improvement over the original one in my opinion. This is so exciting, after all those worries that the book wouldn't see the light of day. Thank you, everyone who worked so hard to make this a reality. Just a little snippet regarding - the book is still available on their site with the old name and publication date of October 2. Cheers
Darrin <>
Malta - Saturday, October 14, 2000 at 13:30:50 (EDT)
Just wanted to add to the congrats for the cover, very eye catching. A sure fire winner....... Debbie
Debbie Kowalewycz <>
Townsville, Australia - Sunday, October 15, 2000 at 20:13:26 (EDT)
The new title of book "Dawn of The 21st Century" is beutiful.
Panich <>
Bangkok, Thailand - Monday, October 16, 2000 at 03:03:14 (EDT)
I updated my wed-site: Attn: Michigan Photographers check out my Open House Info. I would love to meet you. Have a great week.
Diane <>
Allegan, MI, USA - Monday, October 16, 2000 at 22:11:18 (EDT)
Hi Folks, Congratulations to Alx and all for holding-on during that roller coaster ride. Whew ! Can't wait to see the book. Cover looks great. Now we need to get out the PR. Pat & Rob
PAT <greatphoto>
- Monday, October 16, 2000 at 22:53:58 (EDT)
Dear Alx, I congratulate you for all the hard work that you have gone through to finally find a publisher. By the way, you can put me in for 10 copies. The new name is GREAT as is the cover. BUT your ways of publicizing and selling the book is just way out of control. I have worked with the public community for over 20 years before I became disabled. In one of your postings you had said you would not sell the book th the BIGGEST book chain in Canada (Chapters). This is deffinately a foolish decission. And pulling it from is even worse. Who the hell makes these decissions? A person who don't want the book to sell???? These books should be sent to ANY store that will purchase them regardless of them going out on consignment. And as far as selling these books for $16, maybe your staff should ckeck the prices of hard cover books in the United States. I don't think I've ever seen one for under $40. Especially a collectible one like this. I just don't understand this reasoning. Makes absolutely NO sense to anyone who has worked with the public. Hopefully this will all work out. As for publicity on our part, I am one that will be attending the PhotoPlus Expo Show in NY City. Has anyone on the staff ever thought of reserving a spot for an exhibit there? As far as I know, there will be a total of 14 attending so far. Is it possible to have some kind of advertising brochures or flyers to hand out? ANYTHING to get this show on the road would help. Well I think I've said enouhg. These are only my thoughts and many would disagree with me, but I had to express them.
Tom Donadio <>
Mastic, NY, USA - Tuesday, October 17, 2000 at 01:19:06 (EDT)
Increase my order to 6, please.
Liz Larrabee <>
venice, US - Tuesday, October 17, 2000 at 13:18:46 (EDT)
Just read the message above by Tom and have to agree. PS I have sent a website for addition to your list. Best wishes Gary
Gary Taylor <>
Manchester, England - Tuesday, October 17, 2000 at 14:59:06 (EDT)
I just want to add to the congratulations for Alx and all the crew. It goes to show that goals are acheivable with the right mind set and dedication. I am very proud of being part of this project. Are we going to try it all again this new years? Keep up the good work. Love to everyone. Veronica
Veronica <>
Central Hawkes Bay, New Zealand - Tuesday, October 17, 2000 at 16:26:41 (EDT)
I'm sure you must have been over this but when is it planned for the time capsule to appear on the web. Gary
Gary Taylor <>
Manchester, England - Tuesday, October 17, 2000 at 17:02:34 (EDT)
Sorry, forgot to add. Is there still a planned touring exhibition of some of the photo's. Gary
Gary Taylor <>
Manchester, England - Tuesday, October 17, 2000 at 17:05:15 (EDT)
En route to Frankfurt for the book fair. Wish us luck there everyone - we're hoping to score some international sales to foreign publishers. Gary, the touring exhibit idea is still valid but something for the future. It will need money obviously and we will need to find someone suitable to organize it. As for the time capsule website, that will go up next year. In regards to Tom's comment, Tom you may be right. It's a difficult decision.
Alx Klive <>
London, England - Wednesday, October 18, 2000 at 07:55:28 (EDT)
Tom, I just re-read your posting. $16 is what it costs us for every book. The wholesale price (to a book retailer) is around $20 and they sell it for $40. At that rate, we only make $4 per book. This is a very small margin when you factor in the possibility of returns and damaged books. Hence the reason for wanting to sell through our web site where we can earn $24 per book. When I go on tour publicizing the book in November, instead of me saying in an interview 'available in bookstores', I direct people to the website or our toll-free order line. The thinking behind removing it from Amazon is that they are a discounter and their price of $32 will actually hurt us.
Alx Klive <>
London, England - Wednesday, October 18, 2000 at 08:07:23 (EDT)
Alx, Now I can fully see your reasoning for your decisions. After being away for nearly 2 months and trying to catch up on all the postings I had missed, I guess I had apparently missed some stuff along the way. Now is the time for ALL of us to work on our selling stategies through our websites. I plan to add the book cover to my openning page with the link. I wish you all the best in Frankfort..... Tom
Tom Donadio <>
Mastic, NY, USA - Wednesday, October 18, 2000 at 11:00:25 (EDT)
Alx...yes, it does make a big difference whether you sell directly. I applaud your decision to hold off on Amazon. If we each send 100 press releases linking MMP's sales site that would be a lot of exposure and if only 10% buy, it's a lot of sales! Liz
LizLarrabee <>
venice, - Thursday, October 19, 2000 at 16:28:08 (EDT)
It is a wise decision to market through a website. However, many of you are overlooking the fact that there are still many people around the world who do not have a computer or do not have access to the internet. How are you going to market to them ? When I issue my press release to the local news media what bookstores (if any) can I tell them that will have the book in stock ? Also, has anyone thought to send complimentary copies to the photo magazines, so they can do a review and advertize it to their readership ? Keep up the good work. Alx and crew have done a wonderful job.
Gary Mackey <>
Bossier City, U.S.A. - Friday, October 20, 2000 at 10:31:40 (EDT)
Nothing to report so far although everyone loves the new title and cover. Will write more on Monday after the fair is over...
Alx Klive <>
Frankfurt Book Fair, Germany - Saturday, October 21, 2000 at 06:12:48 (EDT)
The book cover looks great... Congratulation to Alx and the team there
lalit <>
pune , india - Saturday, October 21, 2000 at 07:12:56 (EDT)
I would like to order 3 books! The cover looks awesome! I'm very excited to see all those incredible pictures that were taken! Congratulations to all the photographers!
Yesenia Tuckwiller <>
Richmond, VA, USA - Saturday, October 21, 2000 at 16:02:13 (EDT)
Hi everyone, When we send our congratulations to all for a most beautiful cover for the book, I believe we forget (unintentionally) to mention the designer of the cover; Andrew Smith, along with Alx to which we owe so much. Thanks Andrew, your cover will sell the book and hopefully make it on the best seller's list. Congratulations. Best regards, Ray Casbourn
Raymond Casbourn <>
L'Avenir, Quebec, Canada - Saturday, October 21, 2000 at 18:37:00 (EDT)
hi there a short question.. i am one of the photographers in the book and i just wanted to know if we still get a free copy or if because of all the probs you had, we won't... thanks t
thierry frisch <>
differdange, luxembourg - Sunday, October 22, 2000 at 16:14:42 (EDT)
Congrats for the great cover and title. I'm trying to promote our book to the local press media. Beside the press release, can someone from the crew provide a file of the cover for the press to use ? Looking forward to your reply. Thanks.
Daniel Zheng <>
Singapore, Singapore - Monday, October 23, 2000 at 08:33:18 (EDT)
Hi folks. I've updated the news page with the Frankfurt stuff.
Alx Klive <>
London, England - Monday, October 23, 2000 at 13:26:53 (EDT)
We will be communicating the final arrangements for the 11/4 PhotoPlus Expo and dinner very soon. If you indicated in an earlier e-mail you were 'thinking about joining us,' please confirm your attendance so we can ensure enough seating at the restaurant. If I already know you are coming, you need not re-confirm. Thank you for your patience.
Connie Wragge <>
West Chester, PA, USA - Monday, October 23, 2000 at 20:48:44 (EDT)'s a good news indeed!!!
Agung S. Tandjung <>
W. Lafayette, IN, USA - Monday, October 23, 2000 at 22:11:06 (EDT)
I'm glad you had good response in Frankfurt, this is a significant reference. Can't wait to see a copy. Best regards to all.
Darius Koehli <>
Barcelona, Spain - Tuesday, October 24, 2000 at 08:00:28 (EDT)
Hello to all, Congrats on the Frankfurt trip, it sounds as though it was a great success. I only have one question. Several weeks ago everybody was writing in how many copies they would want on the discussion board. I asked for fifteen. I was just curious as to whether this is all we have to do or if there is an official ordering site that my walnut sized brain didn't pick up on. Also my first small show was a minor success as I was able to sell a few of my photos. Thanks for the inspiration to get back to one of the things I love, Rik
Rik Cass <>
Erie, PA., U.S.A. - Tuesday, October 24, 2000 at 08:34:41 (EDT)
Alx... As another of the published photographers, I would also like to know when to expect the complementary copy of the book, as was contracted. Regarding the personal purchases of the book at $15, please let me know how I can acquire those, preferably asap as they would make good Christmas presents. Since I will be on photo assignment in the Philippine islands for 7 weeks from November 7, is there any way that I could order those $15 books and have them sent by you directly to the recipients involved, and what would the international postage be. If I have them sent here, and then send them back around the world, that would then be double postage. Besides, as I said, I will be away from my office in Japan on assignment during that time. By the way, somebody called Tom sent me an unsolicited email offering the book to me at $40. Is he your official outlet, Alx, for the book. Or can any of us set up our own websites to market the product, buying it in at $15 and selling it at anywhere up to $40. I'm just not clear on any of this, so i think it would be good if you can explain to all of us just what is the modus operandi for getting our $15 copies, and also how we could help you through publicising the official $40 copies. I could try to add a link of the official MPP website to my own URL. I am also trying to think of ways that we could market the book here in Tokyo. Look forward to an early reply on all this. Best regards.
Peter Oxley <>
Tokyo , Japan - Tuesday, October 24, 2000 at 09:44:24 (EDT)
Rik, That is so great to hear about the success of your small show. Congratulations! Maybe someone who saw it will want to put on a larger show of your work! :) I am about to have some photos on display here in Tuscaloosa. I have been working with the Sierra Club to photograph a local scenic creek with sandstone cliffs and some beautiful waterfalls. One of the waterfalls is slated to become a bypass. It will be the first public showing of my photography. Wish me luck!
Amy Lewis Sides <>
Tuscaloosa, AL, USA - Tuesday, October 24, 2000 at 12:21:46 (EDT)
I have been reading all of the hoop de la... Congrats - that is an Amen! Time to send out an email to "ALL" with the latest details... I am still looking at your latest "personal" email Alx, 9-15-00, Campaign Update - things you can do! I do read your updates and comments on the Discussion page! Please formalize your interests/efforts to not only the "top 200", (I am sure they are the most voacal and interested on your discussion page!) but even the capsule winners who are also trying to support this effort and might be a little intimitated by the acknowleged TOP photographers! Aren't we all a part of this project? I made a commitment a month or so ago to support this (10 books @ $15) and I personally have not heard any thing back on how do finalize this. If I don't look at your discussion page - I/WE are nothing! This is long over due! Christmas is right around the corner! Please follow through and let us ALL know how to make our efforts/commitments make an impact on this great PROJECT! Thank You. Sandi
Sandi Terry <>
Laguna Beach, Ca, USA - Wednesday, October 25, 2000 at 01:16:02 (EDT)
The presses are rolling!
Alx Klive <>
Trans Continental Printing, Quebec, Canada - Wednesday, October 25, 2000 at 16:06:58 (EDT)
That is very good news to hear, so we are better than the other books that came out? Amy that must have been so lovely to work out there, could you send me a photo of something from there i like seeing other places of beauty. I'm very happy with the new cover and I think everything is going to go very well. Well I have three pages to go on my Web site so I hope you will have a look. See you all later
Sharie Penwarden <>
Waiheke Island, New Zealand - Thursday, October 26, 2000 at 01:04:06 (EDT)
Thank you Peter and Sandi for your questions. We are setting up an online ordering system that all photographers will use to order their complimentary and $15 copies. We expect this to be up and running by this time next week. In answer to your specific question Peter, complimentary and $15 copies can only be sent to the one address.
Alx Klive <>
Project HQ, Toronto - Thursday, October 26, 2000 at 12:31:33 (EDT)
The news page has been updated.
Alx Klive <>
TransContinental Printing, Quebec, Canada - Thursday, October 26, 2000 at 14:12:36 (EDT)
Wow We made it. The cover is great I really like it better than the first. Definately showcases the high quality of work we did and its refreshing but still classy. It will definately hold its place on my coffee table if not many more. Hey let us know how we can get involved in our area promo dates. I am in chicago anyone else here send me e mail.
Ciara O'Shea <>
Chicago, USA - Friday, October 27, 2000 at 12:28:54 (EDT)
Thanks, Alx, for that bit on the news page about book publishing. Fascinating stuff. Now here's a question for you. When you come around on the publicity tour, is there anything we can do to help or to get involved when you come to our area?
Amy <>
Tuscaloosa, AL, USA - Saturday, October 28, 2000 at 00:16:40 (EDT)
My, my , my how time flies when you are being overworked (and loving it) but that's another story. Good news....I've been away for some time trying to juggle homelife, riding lessons, football, soccer practices and Saturday games and helping my wife with her chemistry and geology assignments not to forget the ever present photographic assignments seven days a week, but I'm back now. Glad everything is working out for the team, project and book photographers. I know how happy everyone must be. I'll certainly order copies for family, friends and associates. Here's a toast of Heineken to you Alx for your hard work! The title and cover is super...really catches the eye and makes you want to see how everyone celebrated 2000.
Jim Bryant <>
Port Orchard, WA, USA - Saturday, October 28, 2000 at 03:19:29 (EDT)
vsem želim lepe pozdrave !
miklavž hvastija <>
ljubljana, slovenija - Saturday, October 28, 2000 at 13:41:05 (EDT)
Sharie, I tried to email you a picture of the creek, but the email was returned to me. Is there somewhere else I could try emailing you, or did you type in your email address correctly?
Amy <>
Tuscaloosa, AL, USA - Saturday, October 28, 2000 at 17:38:59 (EDT)
Amy, to answer your question about the upcoming North American tour. We would very much like to involve photographers who live in or near the cities in question. (You can see the particular cities and dates on November's project calendar, accessible from the main Crew HQ page). We're just drafting an e-mail that will go out to those specific photographers suggesting some ideas. If anyone else is planning to be in those cities around the same time, you should contact either or so that we can include you in the plans too. Also, next Saturday, around 20 MPP photographers are planning an informal get together at the Photo Plus Expo in New York City. Connie is organizing it if you would like more information.
Alx Klive <>
Project HQ, Toronto, - Sunday, October 29, 2000 at 02:10:32 (EST)
Hey I've been gone for a while. How and when do we receive copies of the book and how can we order more ? I'm leaving for Europ Nov.15th and would like to have them before I leave. Thanks
Ricky Wright <>
St.Simons Island, USA - Sunday, October 29, 2000 at 11:16:19 (EST)
Hey I've been gone for a while. How and when do we receive copies of the book and how can we order more ? I'm leaving for Europ Nov.15th and would like to have them before I leave. Thanks
Ricky Wright <>
St.Simons Island, USA - Sunday, October 29, 2000 at 14:43:14 (EST)
Thanks to you Amy and hope that your project also goes well. I am also doing landscape photos and with the aid of my computer I "hand paint" them so that when they are finished,(after about 25-30 hrs.), they look impressionistic, if that is a word. Anyway people seem to be taken with them. I again wish you great luck as it sounds like a good project for a good organization.
Rik Cass <>
Erie,PA., U.S.A. - Sunday, October 29, 2000 at 17:21:26 (EST)
Hello folks! I've just posted the story of my New Year's experience in South America to my website. There are two photos from I took while in southern Chile that will be appearing in the book (as to what form, I have no idea). If you are interested you can find the story, and each of the photos (appearing in separate slideshows) at . And here's to the upcoming release of the book! Cheers.. .
Lars Howlett <>
Torres del Paine, Patagonia - Monday, October 30, 2000 at 22:23:14 (EST)
Dear Millennium Photo Project, When will the books be release, and what can I do in the Washington, DC area. I been waiting for this release since the start of the Millenium (smile). Thank you, Daniel B. McNe
Daniel B. McNeill <>
Washington DC, USA - Tuesday, October 31, 2000 at 07:44:49 (EST)
I have just finished (more or less) redesigning my web site. I am still in the middle of adding links to everyone's sites. Also, I have not gotten all of my New Year's slides scanned, so I do not have a project diary yet. However, everything else is done. Please stop by and take a look. It is best seen on Netscape. The pictures look bad on AOL. The address is . Thanks!
Amy <>
Tuscaloosa, AL, USA - Tuesday, October 31, 2000 at 11:56:33 (EST)
Daniel, we are going a 'little crazy' right now but are in control of the publicity process. If you have specific ideas on what you would like to do in the Washington, D.C. area, you can write to me. I will do all I can to be of assistance.
Connie Wragge <>
West Chester, PA, USA - Tuesday, October 31, 2000 at 13:04:18 (EST)
Amy... Just looked at your site. It is GREAT !!!!! I loved all the photos and they looked great with AOL. Wish mine looked that good.. :) I'll try to post is tonight on my site. Keep up the good work. Tom
Tom Donadio <>
Mastic, NY, USA - Tuesday, October 31, 2000 at 23:13:45 (EST)