Archived Messages - November 2000

Hello Staff - I was recently in Thailand and had the occasion to visit a huge monastery where I engaged in some friendly conversation with some Buddhist monks. They told me that they were participating in a Millennnium book project on the internet. We had a good laugh when we both discovered we are in the same book. Their photo was of fireworks above the Temple of a Million Buddhas. I'm sure this is going to generate a lot of excitement around the world as participating photographers start showing their books to friends. Good luck with the publicity drive.
Bob Burch <>
Montreal, Canada - Wednesday, November 01, 2000 at 01:13:45 (EST)
Alx, since you have gathered us together in a common bond, would it follow that the next project be "Eye on the World...Places and Faces" by MPP photographers? Of course, I would do ANYTHING to be in it, short of climbing Mt Everest or sleeping with Quasimodo. If any of you would like to peek at my travel photos, take a deep breath and hope fortune city isn't having a temper tantrum today.
LizLarrabee <>
Venice FL, - Wednesday, November 01, 2000 at 08:48:01 (EST)
Good morning Connie, I e-mail you a list of local Newspapers, Radio Networks and Television Networks in the Washington, DC, Marland and Virginia area markets. Thank you, Danie
Daniel B. McNeill <>
Washington, DC, USA - Wednesday, November 01, 2000 at 09:13:10 (EST)
Good morning Connie, I e-mail you a list of local Newspapers, Radio Networks and Television Networks in the Washington, DC, Maryland and Virginia area markets. Thank you, Danie
Daniel B. McNeill <>
Washington, DC, USA - Wednesday, November 01, 2000 at 09:29:21 (EST)
PS...Increase my order to 10. My Social Security check be damned!
Liz Larrabee <>
Venice, FL, - Wednesday, November 01, 2000 at 11:59:55 (EST)
Dear friends, great article in the Smashing Times News. As a type-compositor by profession, i could understand the story on the printing machines and process. The photos are superb to illustrate it. What camera do you use by the way, and in which resolution are the pictures shown? - On my website in the section 'recent' just above my report on the 'Millennium Forum' (UN New York in May) and the 'State of the World Forum' (Hilton New York in September 2000) i have placed a picture of the cover of 'Dawn of the 21st Century'. It jumps off the page really! I can hardly wait till i get the actual book(s). Throughout my site, you will find Millennial projects and reflections. Quite amazing that it all started with attending an event to celebrate day 500 before the Millennium (mid August 1998) in Klamath Falls OR. Gregg Wright presented there a similar photo-project 'Millennium Holomorph' - see link on my website - which caused that i accidentally found the MP Project half a year later. Glad i did, and became part of the MPP family...
freed schmitter <>
amsterdam, the netherlands - Wednesday, November 01, 2000 at 23:54:51 (EST)
I'm so excited and I just can't hide it! Congratulations to all. Seems miracle workers appear at the beginning of every millenium! What is organised for promotion in Australia & New Zealand? Let's all of us 'downunder' photographers start thinking about a cooperative effort down here. I spoke to my local camera shop and they are looking forward to seeing the book. I spent big money for my digital camera with them (whilst of course reminding them that I could have purchased it over the 'net for less) but they appreciated my loyalty to the 'buy local' concept and I think they also see a possibility of more camera sales if they help sell the book. Alx, you and the team are so focused!
Jennifer Lyndon <>
Depot Beach, Australia - Thursday, November 02, 2000 at 00:25:30 (EST)
So Utterly Brilliant!!!. Don't know how you guys had all the patience and perseverance to not give up!. Such a brilliant end to this whole saga...We now officially have "A" Book. I'm actually in L.A right now, any more information regarding touring dates available!!??, as to loacation or whatever...I could send out feelers to the photography department in Santa Monica College as to where and when. Kudos to you..... Love, Ishika.
Ishika Mohan <>
Mumbai(Bombay), India. - Thursday, November 02, 2000 at 13:07:24 (EST)
Thanks to the team and all of the projectmembers who had a hand in saving the book and project!!! First America, then England and I hope you'll get it to the continent of Europe. In case you need promotional help in the Netherland, Belgium or Germany... I'm available! Walter
Walter Sans <>
Utrecht, Netherlands - Thursday, November 02, 2000 at 16:23:24 (EST)
I am not in the book, but that doesn't dim my excitement at wanting to see it after all the ups and downs, wondering, etc at whether it was going to happen. I am so proud to be a part of this group! I feel like I've known some of you for years! I, too, would like to see another project, but would fully understand if Alx and crew and NO! Well, take care all, and again kudos to Alx and crew! Thanks for everything.
LaDonna <>
Winslow, USA - Thursday, November 02, 2000 at 22:38:12 (EST)
OOPS! I meant to say Alx and crew would say NO :)
LaDonna <>
Winslow, usa - Thursday, November 02, 2000 at 22:39:36 (EST)
Great to see all the action, and thanks to the team for the email updates. Am really looking forward to seeing the book after all your hard work.
Louise <>
Hamilton, New Zealand - Friday, November 03, 2000 at 05:58:38 (EST)
Alx and everyone working so hard: You are the best project managers ever! I just got caught up on everything and you all really pulled off a miracle BRAVO!! Since I don't have a web page, I have taken your press release and sent it to everyone I know! I plan to place an order for at least 20 copies to start and then I will be pounding the pavement pushing it everywhere. As mentioned in other notices, I look forward to receiving your advice on how/where when to direct people to the site to purchase the books on line. Also, as I will want a lot of books, I am totally cool with paying the courier charges. AGain, congratulations and am looking forward to seeing the press when you come to Toronto! Best wishes!! Laura
Laura <>
Toronto, Canada - Friday, November 03, 2000 at 14:16:57 (EST)
Hi all!! Just letting everybody know we are having VERY much success at photo expo 2000. I'm quite sure Alx will follow up with a message after the show is over on it's success. Time for me to go and get these darn blisters I have on my feet ready for tomorrow. Tom
Tom Donadio <>
Mastic, NY, USA - Friday, November 03, 2000 at 22:22:41 (EST)
Hello everyone. I wanted to know where I can get a copy of the press release to send out? The tools page does not have anything on it. Also ALx I got your cc mailing about the other mpp members here in Chicago and hope to contact them soon if they dont contact me first. If a prease release goes out to local Chicago companies it would be good if we were all involved in that. release. OIr atleast aware of what has been sent out to avoid duplicate announcements that could bug editors.
Ciara O'Shea <>
Chicago, USA - Saturday, November 04, 2000 at 09:13:07 (EST)
I've just gotten caught up on all the messages these last few days and it's really nice to see all the continued enthusiasm and support. We'll get those books out as soon as we can because I know you're all dying to see them. Yesterday was a good day at the Photo Plus Expo in New York where we had finished copies of the book for the very first time. Read all about it on the news page - illustrative photos to follow. Thanks again, and Liz your idea sounds remarkably similar to one I floated last night at dinner. But that's a long way off for now...!
Alx Klive <>
New York, USA - Sunday, November 05, 2000 at 12:40:44 (EST)
Alx, it better not be TOO far off or my grandchildren will be heirs to my talent!!
LizLarrabee <>
Venice FL, - Sunday, November 05, 2000 at 20:56:09 (EST)
Ciara, Follow this link to all of the press releases: . They can be found by following links from the main Millennium Photo pages.
Amy <>
Tuscaloosa, AL, USA - Sunday, November 05, 2000 at 23:35:27 (EST)
Way to go in N.Y.! Alx, Is the site for us photographer to order almost up? Can't wait. How long do you think the process of shipping will take once the orders are in? I have been planning a photography Open House for Nov. 18th. all around the book. I want to purchace 40 books instead of the 20 I comitted to before. Crossing my fingers. Thanks. PS Alx, Did you put one of your photos that you took in the book? I hope so.
Diane Sumner <>
Allegan, MI, USA - Monday, November 06, 2000 at 13:57:46 (EST)
Warmest greetings and congratulations from Christchurch, New Zealand. Have been reading updated news re Frankfurt etc etc and you have just done marvellously well. From a small idea and all that - you should all be so proud of yourselves! Wrote to Whitcoulls (probably NZ's largest bookseller) a while back floating the idea of selling books to them - back came a gentle refusal as they had been badly burned by a New Zealand production which they are now selling at a very low rate. But - I look forward to being able to order one or two or even more. Exchange rate is atrocious at present, but thems the breaks! Hugs all round, Laurel MacDonald
Laurel MacDonald <>
Christchurch, New Zealand - Monday, November 06, 2000 at 20:29:43 (EST)
Hi All, For anyone needing information on writing a press release, like ME, I have found a couple of web sites that show & explain how to do one. They show two different formats so I guess you could decide on which one to use. Here they are and good luck.. and
Tom Donadio <>
Mastic, NY, USA - Monday, November 06, 2000 at 21:44:00 (EST)
Congratulations to Alx and Connie for the launching party Saturday night. I never in my life thought I would go to such an event. Wow!!. It's great to be part of this project. Now a question for Alx: Where can people I work with in my day job order the book?Thanks again to the whole crew!
Ken Martin <>
Staten Island,NY/USA, - Monday, November 06, 2000 at 22:38:58 (EST)
Hello, I am trying to reach Charlie from Erie. I tried to reach you by e-mail but my machine is malfunctioning and I can't seem to send out. I am interested in working with you on a press release in Erie. Please contact me by phone. I am in the book on elmwood.
Rik Cass <>
Erie,PA, U.S.A. - Tuesday, November 07, 2000 at 12:59:17 (EST)
Just got back from NY. We did an unnoficial launch there (v. last minute) at the Photo Plus Expo fair in Manhattan. Our next priority is to get the 'order taking' pages for photographers up and running. This will allow you to 'order' your free copy of the book, enter payment information for any additional copies at $15, and request posters, postcards and a flyer for bookstores to be sent to you. We are a little distracted to be honest by the close presidential race in the USA (!) but we hope to have the pages up and running within 12-18 hours.
Alx Klive <>
Back in Toronto, Canada - Tuesday, November 07, 2000 at 21:37:46 (EST)
Tom, no need to spend time writing a press release. We will have some media tools available for everyone's use very soon. Ken, the people on your day job can order the book on the MPP web site starting 11/14. Price is $40. Rick, did you try reaching Charlie at
Connie Wragge <>
West Chester, PA, USA - Wednesday, November 08, 2000 at 00:26:52 (EST)
Connie, The time is now for the press releases. This is why I have spent the past 2 days on the internet searching out how to write a "Proper" press release. There are actually two that could be written. One should be from the MPP and also one should be written by the person for their own use to distribute to their local papers, libraries, etc. The personal one should NOT include any logos or graphics AT ALL. The press just wants one that they could simply read and hand it over to the editor without making any changes. Most of the time, if it is written correctly it is printed without even notifying anyone. I feel these should be done immediately for Christmas is just around the corner. I have already started to prepare mine and I will be distributing them tomorrow. We have about 7 local papers, 4-5 libraries, 4 local radio stations, and 8 local television stations. This is not counting all the ones that are within 40-50 miles. Those numbers are nearly countless. I think the time is NOW to do this. Not when the staff has available time to do it for us. I am home nearly 24/7 and have PLENTY of time on my hands for publicity.
Tom Donadio <>
Mastic, NY, USA - Wednesday, November 08, 2000 at 11:33:09 (EST)
Me again. I forgot something. When the release are madr from the MPP, they should be made to where to photographer could edit it to add in their name. Not like the Accredation Letter where it was written in an unaccessable PDF format. It did not allow the photographer to add their name onto it. It then had to be printed and typed in, on a typewriter. Just a thought.
Tom Donadio <>
Mastic, NY, USA - Wednesday, November 08, 2000 at 11:43:35 (EST)
We're still working on it (the order taking pages).
Alx Klive <>
Project HQ, Toronto - Wednesday, November 08, 2000 at 20:31:09 (EST)
Thanks for the tip Connie but I was unable, for some reason to send e-mail out, but Charlie got in touch with me by phone. We haven't got together yet but that should happen soon and we will be promoting the book here as much as possible.
Rik Cass <>
Erie,PA., U.S.A. - Wednesday, November 08, 2000 at 23:57:23 (EST)
Hi Millennium Photo Crew, when, how, and where can I purchase the Millennium Project photography book, thank you
Daniel B McNeill <>
Washington DC, USA - Thursday, November 09, 2000 at 08:29:50 (EST)
Daniel -- The "ordering pages" should be up shortly. Possibly today.
Tom Donadio <>
Mastic, NY, USA - Thursday, November 09, 2000 at 10:36:27 (EST)
Hi all... I'm delighted that the book is finally a reality...there were times when I began to doubt whether the book would ever see the light of day, but it's fantastic that it has... well done and thanks to all who helped make it happen. I was wondering if someone who's already got the book might do me a favour. I shot my pictures in Australia though I'm actually from Malta in Europe. My accepted shot is of a lifeguard vessel going past a stage on a river barge. Can someone tell me whether the pic has been used in the main section of the book or whether it's in the last chapter of smaller pix? That would make a difference to how many copies I order, so I'd really like to know.You can reply to me by email or on here. Thanks
Darrin Zammit Lupi <>
Malta/Australia - Thursday, November 09, 2000 at 16:45:31 (EST)
It's pretty late so we're calling it a night. We're very close to having the order taking pages up and running, just a few little technical bugs to work out. We will beta launch it tomorrow morning.
Alx Klive <>
Project HQ, Toronto - Friday, November 10, 2000 at 01:52:00 (EST)
Alx, GOOD JOB on everything. Keep up the good work. I am your offical cheerleader on the push to get the books stocked in Ingram Warehouses in the USA. I work part time at Waldenbooks in the Detroit area and I have the authority to order books for the store. But, I have to order them from "approved distributors". Ingram is one of them. Partners is another. I am routing for you to get the books to Ingram. :) When that happens I can order many copied for the store and hold a book signing event. :) Good luck. Thanks
Aimee <>
Detroit, USA - Friday, November 10, 2000 at 11:45:58 (EST)
It's good to know that the books are ready. Can't wait to get'em...Alx, let us know if the ordering page is ready...can't wait too long...=) It's finally a reality!!
Agung Tandjung <>
W. Lafayette, IN, USA - Friday, November 10, 2000 at 14:48:09 (EST)
Hi Alx and crew; Since I live in Toronto, would it be possible for me to come and pick up my books, and pay for them there? Karen
Karen Roberts-Lynch <>
Toronto, Canada - Friday, November 10, 2000 at 16:11:11 (EST)
Inviting all Michigan Photographers to my Photography Open House Sat. Nov. 18th from 3:00-6:00. Don't know if We'll have the book by then but I'm going to have it anyway. e-mail me for more info.
Diane Sumner <>
Allegan, MI, USA - Friday, November 10, 2000 at 23:48:08 (EST)
OK! It's up and running people! Please report any bugs or confusing things asap by e-mailing, or posting to the discussion board. The location for the order taking pages is here. Karen, if you want to stop by the office to pick up your books, no problem. Just call us to let us know when you're coming. 203-1505.
Alx Klive <>
Project HQ, Toronto - Saturday, November 11, 2000 at 00:39:35 (EST)
Congratulations Alex, the book is finally coming out. Like they say "Better late than never". Its Saturday here in Malaysia (11/11/2000)but as at this moment the ordering page is still not up yet. As I would be away for the whole of the coming week to a place with no access to the internet, could I please place my order here? How will you be distributing the book in Malaysia, and how soon will it be made available here in the Far East. I'am very sure once the book is officially launched for sale to the public, the orders are just going to keep pouring in. I thing the timing is just just right, towards the end of the year,just as you are making plans for the new years celebration......... Yup its also the time people reflect back on what they were doing during the last new years celebration. Once again Alex, best of luck to you and congrats!!!
Janek Raj <>
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - Saturday, November 11, 2000 at 00:56:58 (EST)
Yeah! the order pages are up. I just placed my order, the confirmation page came up after check-out, but when I clicked back an error page came up. "Something strange has happed..." Did my order go thru? 2nd question. My credit card is at its MAX, can I place another order later?
Diane Sumner <>
Allegan, USA - Saturday, November 11, 2000 at 09:50:00 (EST)
Hi Alx - congratulations to you and the team and thank you very much for the hard work of the last weeks. I´ve just ordered a few copies via air mail (with a little problem which has been reported to, but with regard to the high costs of air mail shipping to Europe the rest of the books which I want has to be sent by surface mail. However, since this will take 4-6 weeks - probably just too late for christmas - I´d like to know whether there is a possibility to get the photographer´s $15 copies from Art Books International in London or elsewhere in Europe.
Andreas Buscha <>
The Hague, Netherlands - Saturday, November 11, 2000 at 09:59:02 (EST)
Diane, we did receive your order thank you. So far so good everyone! Only a couple of minor hiccups but on the whole it seems to working smoothly.
Alx Klive <>
Project HQ, Toronto - Saturday, November 11, 2000 at 12:23:12 (EST)
Is there anyone out there thinking about going to Atlanta next week to kick off the book tour? Can anyone suggest a good (inexpensive) place to stay? Thanks! I have ordered my $15 books. Please tell me that I will get them before Thanksgiving. Attila, Thanks for sharing the NY Photo Expo photos with us.
Amy Lewis Sides <>
Tuscaloosa, AL, USA - Saturday, November 11, 2000 at 15:41:52 (EST)
Hey, just a quick question. I have ordered my books, but I have a few people who have asked about buying the book on-line for themselves. When will these order pages be up, or are they already there and I just can't find them? Thanks
Kris <>
Edmonton, Canada - Saturday, November 11, 2000 at 18:09:28 (EST)
Good question Kris. We had planned the 7th for the photographers and the 14th for the public. The idea being to ensure the online ordering system was working smoothly and that our fulfillment systems were also working well. We were four days late for the photographers but I hope that we will only be about two days late for the public. So... Friday?
Alx Klive <>
Project HQ, Toronto - Saturday, November 11, 2000 at 18:53:48 (EST)
FINALLY...I've ordered several books for myself and friends. It seemed that the ordering system was running well. I've received the order confirmation via e-mail as well. Good job Alx!!
Agung Tandjung <>
W. Lafayette, IN, USA - Saturday, November 11, 2000 at 22:06:28 (EST)
Thank you and congatulations to all of you. I really look forward to seeing this book. Bye for now. Nick
Nick dawson <>
kathmandu, nepal - Sunday, November 12, 2000 at 02:52:06 (EST)
Alx, Congratulations, we all did it! I do remember your words from your one first e-mail: "... I hope that the project is financially successful, so that you and some of your photographers can share in that success. If not, we will have a lot of fun anyway!..." It was be at the beginning june 1999. Yes, we had lot of fun (sometime too much, indeed!) But now we have 2000 pics from all world, and we have got the book! It is amazing to see - our words by e-maile appears to hi-end publication. I should like to congratulate heartily all staff I worked - Jill Waterman, Steve Alvey, Amy Sides, Terra Jung, Wesley Young, Conni and sorry if I forgot somebody. Yours Valentin. Moscow P.S. How much is it - if you send to Moscow 13 books together by airmail? Thanks.
Val <>
Moscow, Russia - Sunday, November 12, 2000 at 15:26:02 (EST)
Hi all. Is it possible to order books and have them sent direct to friends whom I'd like to send the book to as gifts? I'd like to send copies to friends stretching from Canada to Australia, and don't think it makes sense to pay postage for them to be sent to me in Europe, and then pay more postage to send them on (especially back to Canada!)
Darrin Zammit Lupi <>
Malta - Monday, November 13, 2000 at 06:40:04 (EST)
Darrin. $15 books can only be sent to the photographer or a single alternate address.
Alx Klive <>
Project HQ, Toronto - Monday, November 13, 2000 at 14:18:15 (EST)
Valentin. Thank you for those kind words. In answer to your question, The Russian Federation is in Zone 3. The shopping pages will automatically calculate an airmail cost for you if you enter in the details.
Alx Klive <>
Project HQ, Toronto - Monday, November 13, 2000 at 14:50:33 (EST)
Help! Anyone who has the "photographic book of the millennium", please check what page my photo is on, what size it is, and how many other photos are on the same page. I'm just hoping it's good. If it is, then I might buy many many copies of the book. Congrats to fellow photographers. The title of the photo may be:- Greystones Harbour by Kevin Butterly
Kevin Butterly <>
Dublin, Ireland - Monday, November 13, 2000 at 17:59:55 (EST)
Any body planning on doing anything in the Dallas area?
Chris Vaughan <>
Wolfe City, USA - Tuesday, November 14, 2000 at 00:05:51 (EST)
I ordered my free one by air and 10x $15 copies by surface, hope this does not cause confusion; I treated it as 2 separate orders. I'd like to add my hearty congratulations to all at MPP and all you photographers out there. I'm humbled to be in such creative company. Maybe us Aussies should try and get together for a local promo? I can get the media involved. 2BL, SMH Spectrum (syndicated to the Age & other Fairfax pubs), maybe a bit of TV etc etc. Sorry for Sydney-centric approach! Any takers? How about a free signed copy by all of us presented to the Mitchell Library as the 'hook'? Blessings to all. Andy
Andy McCourt <>
Sydney, Australia - Tuesday, November 14, 2000 at 01:17:12 (EST)
Kevin, the photo you reference is in the 'Chronology' section of the book and is roughly 1 3/4" x 2 1/4." I may be prejudice, but I think all the photos are better than good, they're 'great!' Andy, your idea to present a signed copy to the library is an excellent one. Send me an e-mail, and I will pull some e-mail addresses together so you can write to your fellow MPP photographers.
Connie Wragge <>
West Chester, PA, USA - Tuesday, November 14, 2000 at 05:33:18 (EST)
Connie, did you open a can of worms? I would love to know where my photo "Kids at Bar" is too. I'm having a Photography Open House on the 18th(Sat) with about 100 people. If the book does not get here in time, I could at least tell them where it is in the book. Also, Alx, Should I set up with a local book store if I get a big list of people who want the book or can we order a large sum, and pay what book stores pay?
Diane Sumner <>
Allegan, MI, USA - Tuesday, November 14, 2000 at 09:55:08 (EST)
To : Kevin Butterly from Dublin, Ireland. I found your picture in the Chronology section at the end of the book on page 301. It is a smaller picture but as Connie said there are no small pictures in the book. Being in the book is what it's all about. Hoping the information is helpful so you can order books. Best regards, Raymond
Raymond Casbourn <>
L'Avenir, Quebec, Canada - Tuesday, November 14, 2000 at 11:24:19 (EST)
Dear Alx, We have ordered 9+1 ( free copy) books. They will reach me when my mother returns from US on 28th. Should we have a book release here or wait till the books reach the stores. Can you find out from these distributors in UK the name of their dealer in Delhi. Maybe we can ask him to get the books quickly and organise a release here.
Sahir Raza <>
Delhi, India - Wednesday, November 15, 2000 at 13:07:02 (EST)
Connie and Alx: The pictures Atilla put on the web are great! I printed them out and shared them with the people at work, too. Are any of the other pictures talen at the Photo Expo going to be on the web? How would I go about donating a book to our local public library (a branch of the NY Public Library)?
Ken Martin <>
Staten Island, NY , USA - Wednesday, November 15, 2000 at 20:51:25 (EST)
Hello to all, Well I have just ordered my 15 copies and am anxiously awaiting their arrival. I also ordered posters,cards and flyers to help promote the book in this area. This is all great, but I can't help feeling some sadness that it may soon be over. I feel that we have made friends with people all over the world and hopefully those friendships will continue. This was a great idea,wonderfully organized and I wish to thank Alx and everyone else involved again for all of the long hours and hard work they did. Thank You, Rik
Rik Cass <>
Erie,PA., U.S.A. - Thursday, November 16, 2000 at 09:00:01 (EST)
Connie, I have ordered my first copy of the book and received conformation that it shipped out on Tuesday of this week. Howver , we are leaving to go on vacation on Friday and there is a good chance that it will be here after that( ordered the 2-4 day shipping). My question is, can you tell me where my photo is so I can tell my brother who will be watching the house , to look for it? It is of a fireworks celebration in downtown Boise, Idaho and says Boise 2000. Thank you. Also is it possible to take orders at book signings and fill them ? How long will the $15.00 price be around for us? I would like to order 40 more copies , but will have to wait until after vacation.I can't beleive this is finally a reality... you know what's funny it didn't really hit me until I read that you had sold 50 copies and then tears filled my eyes. I guess I was afraid that something would happen in the final moments that would make it not happen. Thank you and Alx and the rest of the crew for helping this to come about.
Dianne Buchta Humble <>
Middleton, Idaho, U.S.A. - Thursday, November 16, 2000 at 10:51:38 (EST)
i'm thrilled to know the book is already on it's way down here..although my pictures didn't get into the book, that's not a big deal anyway..the most enjoyable part is that we all ENJOYED !!!!.Alx,what bout earlier proposal regarding the cd collections?
ky lee <>
k.l, malaysia - Thursday, November 16, 2000 at 12:09:25 (EST)
kudos every one....can't wait till the books arrive. Alx,is the cd proposal still on? i'm sure a lot of mpp and the public would like to have it.tahnk you.
ky lee <>
k.l, malaysia - Thursday, November 16, 2000 at 12:27:12 (EST)
Wow, lots of questions....!

Diane - Bookstores and other retailers can now get the book very easily from Baker and Taylor ( or from our toll free order line at 1-888-296-4743. The $15 offer is really meant for family and friends and is limited in quantities.

Sahir - It is highly unlikely the book will be available in Indian bookstores until next year. Our plan (just like how movie companies release films) is to do North America first and then move on to the rest of the world next year. The same goes for publicity. I know you are itching to do stuff out there but we only get one chance really with the media. I would suggest waiting until we can do it properly.

Ken - Many of our photographers have offered to donate one of their copies of the book to a local library, school etc. These community gestures are also a good opportunity to invite the media to. Just let us know what you are planning and keep an eye on the tools and resources page.

Rik - Don't worry about it 'soon being over'! We'll continue in some fashion, do another project or metamorphosize into something else that's equally fun. Even if we don't, the relationships won't die, the friendships that have been made will continue and probably get stronger! Besides, we've got at least another year to work on getting the book out across the world!! North America should just be the beginning!!!

KY - No plans on CD collections any time soon.
Alx Klive <>
Project HQ, Toronto - Thursday, November 16, 2000 at 13:04:36 (EST)

Hi everyone - hey, I don't know about you all out there but I'm having a little trouble putting in my order for the book. Keep getting a message saying that the email form is not correct. Not sure why this is b/c I plug in my usual email address that I frequently use. When I go to the FAQ I can't get in there at all either! Anyone else having this kind of problem. I'm getting very excited and can't wait to see the book i.e., if I can place my order! Gotta go - always plenty to do over here in paradise.
Sheryl Green <Don&>
Gisborne, New Zealand - Thursday, November 16, 2000 at 16:07:21 (EST)
HELP HELP HELP. I work at Waldenbooks and now I am able to order the book for the store. I NEED THE ISBN!! PLEASE! I want to plan a book signing. PLEASE HELP. Thanks Aimee
Aimee <>
Detroit, USA - Thursday, November 16, 2000 at 16:53:27 (EST)
I ordered my free copy but received no confirmation. Will order 10 more soon. I have just returned from three days among the protesters, and the camera crews and satellite trucks covering the Election Insanity at West Palm Beach. What an experience! Much like the madness at the OJ trial which I "covered" unofficially; that is, only with my Nikon. I managed to mingle with the media in both places where, ordinarily, a grandma with a camera would dare not proceed. Anyway, I snatched photos of representatives, reporters, ballot boxes, angry crowds, and Jesse Jackson. Exhausting! But all for the sake of snapping a bit of history. If any of you have the urge to travel to West Palm Beach, do it! It's worth it!
Liz Larrabee <>
Venice FL, USA - Thursday, November 16, 2000 at 19:39:18 (EST)
Aimee, I will e-mail the color sell sheet with the ISBN number.
Connie Wragge <>
West Chester, PA, USA - Friday, November 17, 2000 at 07:34:00 (EST)
Dianne, your photo is in the middle of the page, page #310, in the Chronology portion of the book. Regarding the tears of happiness, we had them, too.
Connie Wragge <>
West Chester, PA, USA - Friday, November 17, 2000 at 07:53:42 (EST)
Hi There, I`m glad things worked out. I have received the communication about the ordering page and I should be placing my order(10 books) in a few days.The photos at booth in NY photo plus expo it`s a great idea, hope to see some more wherever the book goes. I have done some changes on the site and if you are a web designer maybe you can help me adjust a few things on it. Liz is it possible to see some of your photos of West Palm Beach?
Carlos Roberto <>
Belo Horizonte, Brazil - Friday, November 17, 2000 at 08:17:37 (EST)
Carlos I think your site looks great. I have just updated mine so have been surfing alot, and yours is impressive. Please take alook at mine and let me know what you think. That goes for everyone-* Well I ordered my book and am also curious about where my image is. I was hopeing to have it by know guess I will have to contact headquarters to check. Any way i am not worried know it will arrive but would like to have it so that I can approach my church about seling it at 340 dollars and having th eprofit bennefit their restooration. I hope thids wil help intoroduce myselkf to my new comunity of potential clients and help the church.
Ciara O'Shea <>
chicago, IL USA - Saturday, November 18, 2000 at 05:11:25 (EST)
OK that was suppposed to be at 40 dollars not 340 i am not running a terrible scam.
ciara o"shea <>
chicago, usa - Saturday, November 18, 2000 at 05:13:18 (EST)
We are moving the Millennium Photo web site to new more powerful servers over the coming 72 hours. Technically it is a significant upheaval, but a neccesary one in anticipation of possible widespread media coverage. We are hoping for a seamless transition but ask for your patience if things don't work quite the way they usually do. There will be no staff updates to any pages on the site during this transition and we may have to temporarily pause this discussion board for a brief period during the changeover. We will notify you as progress develops. Please note, this will not affect book ordering or previous book orders in any way.
Alx Klive <>
Project HQ, Toronto - Saturday, November 18, 2000 at 05:33:10 (EST)
Ciara, what a wonderful idea, to help with the restoration of your church through the promotion of Dawn. Your photo is on page 69 and is part of the 'Reunited and not' chapter.
Connie Wragge <>
West Chester, PA, USA - Sunday, November 19, 2000 at 16:16:26 (EST)
SERVER UPDATE - We have switched the main public part of the millennium site to a new server. The Crew HQ will remain where it is for now on the old server. Please help us by testing to see if it all works for you. Simultaneously we have launched the public ordering pages for the book on the new server, just in time for our little national radio broadcast this am. See project calendar for more details... To recap. Crew HQ stays where it is for now (no need to update your bookmarks), public site has moved.
Alx Klive <>
Project HQ, Toronto - Monday, November 20, 2000 at 04:24:32 (EST)
Alx.... New server seems to be working out quite well. Found no problems, Tom
Tom Donadio <>
Mastic, NY, USA - Monday, November 20, 2000 at 12:06:53 (EST)
Alx.. Sorry.. Not the server, but the hosting...Works well, Tom
Tom Donadio <>
Mastic, USA - Monday, November 20, 2000 at 12:09:57 (EST)
I feel it work bit slowly here in Moscow
Moscow, - Monday, November 20, 2000 at 14:51:13 (EST)
Hi, Dear Project staff: My husband submitted three photos. Three of them all are collected in "Millennium Photo Time Capsule" and one of them is also collected in the book. My question: How many free copy does he suppose to get as a photographer. Based on the policy that he should have 4 free copies. Is it correct? Thank you for all the wonderful work that you have done for the photo world. Yan
Yan Wang <>
Syracuse, NY, USA - Monday, November 20, 2000 at 20:37:20 (EST)
Hey, The new public site seems to be working fine, but just wanted to note that the "buy book" link is not on every page, but just the first page. (ie: if you go to the "introduction" page, the side navigation bar does not show the link to "buy book"). Other than that, seems to be good. Can you believe we're already at this stage..selling publicly?!? congrats everyone, this is wonderful! susmita
Susmita <>
Toronto, Canada - Monday, November 20, 2000 at 23:25:26 (EST)
ps. i forgot to add that i'm glad you changed the flag on the flash home page for the english website icon from just the british flag to the brit, us and CANADA flags joined together :)
Susmita <>
toronto, canada - Monday, November 20, 2000 at 23:28:44 (EST)
Since Susmita is glad of the addition of flags I would suggest you add the Irish Tricolour to the page also.
Keith Nolan <>
Dublin, Ireland. - Tuesday, November 21, 2000 at 02:31:14 (EST)
... and the Aussie flag... and the New Zealand flag.. and the South African flag...! We're adding tons of stuff to the public site as fast as we can. Take a look at the Press Releases page where there is a downloadable PDF file (v.large however) of 12 pages from the book, one from each chapter. Also from that page, if you click the 'all over the world' link, you'll see a list of all the media who've covered our story so far, with a few links to Real Audio files, newspaper articles etc. We've even added the radio interview from yesterday morning - Daybreak USA. More to come...
Alx Klive <>
Project HQ, Toronto - Tuesday, November 21, 2000 at 10:14:27 (EST)
........Good on ya Alx......and don't forget the Malvinas
Keith Nolan <>
Dublin, Ireland. - Tuesday, November 21, 2000 at 10:23:36 (EST)
Alx/Connie I just saw the sample preview.Wow.It looks stunning.Congratulations to everyone involved.It's just incredible that your project has become reality. I would love to see another project by the MPP crew. So many talented people have been brought together.It'd be a shame to go to waste such a pool of creativity and ene
chris <>
london, england - Tuesday, November 21, 2000 at 13:03:49 (EST)
Alx, I couldn't open the 12 page sample on the public homepage. Agung
Agung Tandjung <>
W. Lafayette, Indiana, USA - Tuesday, November 21, 2000 at 13:58:11 (EST)
I was wondering why I couldn't find things on the public pages that you guys talked about, like the pdf file. Eventually I realized I was still getting the old public pages. A ctrl-reload fixed it, but perhaps it would be a good idear to delete the public pages from the old server and only put up a link to the new server for those of us who are still getting the old pages due to a proxy, dns or whatever problem.
Carl-Magnus Dumell <>
Helsinki, Finland - Tuesday, November 21, 2000 at 14:15:24 (EST)
Dear Crew, new server is working fine from Australia but I cannot download the new double page spread pdf. There is plenty of room on my drive but it only seems to get 50% down then stops. Have tried a few times with same result. Best wishes to all...Jenny
Jenny Lyndon <>
Depot Beach, Australia - Tuesday, November 21, 2000 at 18:38:28 (EST)
I received the book today. Wow! Amazing! Beautiful! I've leafed through it once and will look at it more thoroughly tonight. I want to take in and enjoy every last photograph. And judging by what I saw, I'm going to have a smile on my face for the rest of the year. Thanks, Alx and crew. And Charlie, I've read the 'talking points' and will be contacting a journalist at the major local paper tomorrow. Take care, all. Michele (my photo of the San Antonio Riverwalk's on page 283 beneath the photo of the cute little boy)
Michele Darien
San Antonio, USA - Tuesday, November 21, 2000 at 19:24:20 (EST)
I agree with Susmita's suggestion (11/20) that you should try to put the Buy the Book link on as many of your web pages as possible. Don't make people hunt for it. Make it easy to find and -- hopefully -- click. Keep up the good work.
Arlington, VA, USA - Wednesday, November 22, 2000 at 11:05:18 (EST)
We've deleted all the old pages on the old server (apart from the Crew HQ of course) so that should fix the problem that Carl in Finland mentioned. To answer Yan's question, each photographer is entitled to one free book and not one for each photo. We will add the buy the book link to all the pages. Thanks!
Alx Klive <>
Project HQ, Toronto - Wednesday, November 22, 2000 at 13:50:18 (EST)
Alx... I went extensively through the new pages. They seem to be a lot slower, possibly because of the re-directs. The pdf file on the sales flyer is GONE... It sends you to the MPP main page. I need to print some of these up. Also the pdf file on the book spread does not work properly. You only can see about 3-4 pages before everything locks up and have to start over.. I'll have to check it on my other computer... Tom
Tom Donadio <>
Mastic, NY, USA - Wednesday, November 22, 2000 at 16:20:15 (EST)
Tom, thanks for finding the broken link. Have put back the sales flyer so it works now..
Alx Klive <>
Project HQ, Toronto - Wednesday, November 22, 2000 at 19:27:19 (EST)
Hi Tom, Jenny and Agung, I had problems too, to open the book .pdf-file directly, but then I tried to store it on my PC with the "save link as..." option and this worked fine. And I must say, the pages look absolutely great. Congratulations, Alx, once more. I hope my first order will arrive soon. Can't expect to see the whole book.
Andreas Buscha <>
The Hague, The Netherlands - Thursday, November 23, 2000 at 05:00:15 (EST)
Help, I ordered the free book and 5 copies of the book and paid with a credit card but entered the wrong shipping. I entered Canada surface instead of US. I have not received an e-mail re: shipping. Should I re-order? I don't want it charged twice on my card. Liz Murphy PS I'm very anxious to get the book!!!
Liz Murphy <>
Feasterville, US - Thursday, November 23, 2000 at 11:03:12 (EST)
Dear Alx, I had ordered 9+ 1( free) books more than 10 days ago and they were to be sent to California. Unfortunately they have not reached. I have sent two mails and noone replies. My mother who is in California right now leaves on Saturday morning. It would be quite useless if the books reach after that. It means either one spends all the money again to redirect them or they just lie there. I am really disappointed.
Sahir Raza <>
New Delhi, India - Thursday, November 23, 2000 at 17:58:23 (EST)
Liz, don't worry about that, our fulfillment company are double checking those and fixing them as they find them. Sahir, we have checked your order. You placed the order on Sunday November 12th and it was shipped within 48 hours, but you chose surface mail for the shipping method. We say on our order form to allow 7-14 days for this method which is cutting it fine if your Mother is leaving on the 25th. It is also the Thanksgiving holiday in the U.S. which may have affected postal delivery. I am very sorry but I don't know what to say.
Alx Klive <>
Project HQ, Canada - Friday, November 24, 2000 at 12:08:05 (EST)
Alx, I placed an order to be delivered to Los Angeles on the 11th paying for air mail! The books still aren't here? Could you please check. I will email you the receipt. Thanks!
Joan Lauren <>
LA, USA - Friday, November 24, 2000 at 15:06:40 (EST)
Alx Got the first 10 of the 20 books I ordered. they look great. You need to have the shipping people double or triple tape the corners of the boxes. Mine made it OK, but just barely. As I lifted it to bring it in the house the side blew out. Also, when should I expect the last 10 books along with the promo materials I ordered. I need these for the local promo in the Phoenix area. I would like to get these to take to the stores when I go to setup the meetings. Again, Congrats to You and the rest of us for hanging in there and seeing it through. Respectfully Mark J Phillips
Mark J. Phillips
Tempe,AZ, USA - Friday, November 24, 2000 at 16:18:08 (EST)
Hi, Alx...I ordered my books almost 2 weeks ago (at the same time when the ordering system was available). I haven't received them. Could you check on it? or could you give me the contact person I need to talk to? Thanks, Agung
Agung S. Tandjung <>
W. Lafayette, IN, USA - Friday, November 24, 2000 at 17:31:02 (EST)
Hello Alx and all. I hate to add my name to the list of people asking where their books are, but I too am anxious to see the book. I ordered 6+1 free books on Nov. 13 and paid $27.66 for 2-4 day delivery. I have left three messages with Karen with no response. I have not even received a confirmation that the books have shipped. I would really like to have the books in hand by the end of November. Thank you for your efforts on our behalf. Take care, Steven
Steven Maerz <>
Madison, WI, USA - Friday, November 24, 2000 at 17:48:04 (EST)
Dear Millennium Photo Project Crew, I will like to invite you and the Millennium Photographers to the Grand Opening of my Website at...http://www.dbmphotography.c
Daniel B. McNeill <>
Washington, DC, USA - Friday, November 24, 2000 at 19:34:17 (EST)
Dear Millennium Photo Project Crew, I would like to invite you and the Millennium Photographers to the Grand Opening of my Website... http://www.dbmphotography.c
Daniel B. McNeill <>
Washington, DC, USA - Friday, November 24, 2000 at 20:15:08 (EST)
Hey..Hey...What's goin' on. I ordered 50 + 1 books two weeks ago to be sent by my personal FedEX account and I cannot get any info out of you people. Should I ask Pierre to come back and investigate this? Have a nice day.
Keith Nolan <>
Dublin , Ireland. - Saturday, November 25, 2000 at 04:07:08 (EST)
Woah! Ok one thing at a time. It would appear we are experiencing some teething problems with our distribution and for those I apologize. We are working hard to fix them now that they have been brought to our attention. There appear to be three separate concens. The first is a lack of response when sending e-mails to This is a temporary problem that will be caught up on by Tuesday at the latest. Please have patience, Karen who handles much of our distribution broke her foot on Wednesday but will be back from the hospital on Monday. Her first intention is to catch up on the customer service issues and the second issue which is the 'where are my books question'. The third problem regarding the packaging will be monitored carefully to see if this is an isolated incident or not. Again, I ask for your patience everyone. We've all waited a long time for this book and I know how frustrating it must be waiting for it to arrive the home stretch. But arrive it will! And the wait will be well worth it.
Alx Klive <>
Project HQ, Toronto - Saturday, November 25, 2000 at 15:24:01 (EST)
Alx, I just wanted to let you know that I received my copy of the book today. It is absolutely incredible! There are so many wonderful photographs, I am very please to be a part of the book. I purchased 22 books and will probably buy more to share this special experience with my friends and family. Thank you for creating this great project!
Liz Brazelton <>
Alexandria,LA, USA - Saturday, November 25, 2000 at 16:42:04 (EST)
Hello, I have not sent too many messages but always read them all with great interest. I think the crew have done an amazing job in everything connected with this Millennium Phot Competition, and now the book is published it is really GREAT. The letters I've read recently seem to be from some rather impatient people. You people in USA and Canada are lucky because you will soon get your books or have already got them. Remember people like me at the other side of the world who have to wait weeks to get our books. Don't get too impatient!! and you'll enjoy your book much more when it does come. I have to wait for the CD before I see my photo. I'm just grateful to all the crew for all their work during the past year. Thank you all. Elsie Jones
Elsie Jones <>
Tauranga, New Zealand - Saturday, November 25, 2000 at 18:05:49 (EST)
Hi Alx... As you know I have a library signing on Monday. I only have the one book from the Expo and I'm NOT giving that one Is there any possible way you could get a book to me by Monday afternoon?
Tom Donadio <>
Mastic, NY, USA - Saturday, November 25, 2000 at 18:37:26 (EST)
Tom, unfortunately not even Fedex could get you a box in time for Monday afternoon. However, I've had a chat with fellow MPP'er Kevin McCormack in Manhattan. He has some books and has offered to loan you a box until yours arrive. He said to give him a call tomorrow (Sunday) to work something out. I've e-mailed you his contact details.
Alx Klive <>
Project HQ, Toronto - Saturday, November 25, 2000 at 20:36:09 (EST)
Alx.... THANK YOU SO MUCH !!!!!
Tom Donadio <>
Mastic, NY, USA - Saturday, November 25, 2000 at 21:21:26 (EST)
Last Sunday (Monday morning here) i took part for the first time in the Live chat. It amazed me how easy this was, even with my old PowerMac 6200/75. The messages sometimes were a bit slow, but generally it was working well. When i began (about halfway) there were some seven persons live. For the record, i will share some suggestions that came up during my online time. 1) Change the title 'Smashing Times' to 'Flashing Times' 2) Create a few e-postcards for visitors to send (for free) to potential customers. Could be placed on the order page, or even better when a confirmation page shows (add one if that is not yet there). Include brief description and credits plus order information. They are the perfect New Year's Cards! 3) If you consider mass e-mail, one option would be to advertise in 'WebPro News', a service for webmasters on a subscribe base, with generally a practical and interesting content, one of the few weekly e-mail letters i read/scan most time. - Maybe we chat again tonight, Connie, Amy, Richard, Ian, DSumner, and others? Sincerely, Freed
freed schmitter <>
amsterdam, the netherlands - Saturday, November 25, 2000 at 22:40:20 (EST)
Tonight I met a few old ex-work colleagues, some of whom had seen the book. It was nice to get a true appraisal of what people actually think. I know many of you are anxiously waiting to see the finished product, but for what it's worth, I think we have a hit on our hands. We just have to let the world know about it. The E-Postcards idea is a good one, and if we do it right, we could make a big impact. There's a tremendous opportunity leading up to the next New Year with the photos we have, and we only get one shot at it. John, our new publicity campaign manager, and I, are trying to find the right way to go about it. The next four weeks are critical to the 'commercial success' of the project and we have a few ideas, but they will need the help of many. On the one hand we could sit back and take great pride in what has been achieved, but personally, I'm not stopping until we ARE on the biggest shows and the world DOES know about it! Congratulations everyone.
Alx Klive <>
Project HQ, Toronto - Sunday, November 26, 2000 at 03:23:29 (EST)
I would like to start by saying thank you for letting me be apart of this incredible project. I am very excited to see the end result of this struggle that Alx and his team has handled so well. Unfortunately, I am writing in regards to my order of 20 books plus the 2 free copies(my wife and I are both in the book). I placed my order on November 13, 2000 and paid an additional $67.52 for 2 day shipping. As you may have suspected, I have yet to recieve the order. I have been trying to be patient and considerate of the project (although my emails have gone unanswered). Now, I am starting to get more concerned. While I thank you for taking my $367.52 (paid in full by credit card) I would like the product I have ordered. I was hoping to give several copies away during the Thanksgiving holiday but that was unfortunately unable to occur. Fortunately I will see those people again in the very near future. On the other hand, I am leaving for China in 10 days to visit my in-laws and desparately need those books before I leave. If I do not receive them in time, I will have to go through considerable expense to get them to China after I return. I sincerely hope that this will not be the case. I think it would be terrible if I had to pay for 2 day shipping to get the books that I ordered 14 days ago then have to pay shipping to China on top of that. Please advise on the status of my order as soon as possible to enable me enough time to take appropriate action. I apologize for taking up this valuable space for this purpose. I feel like I am running out of options and I know that Alx looks at these postings. Thanks again and I look forward to hearing from you.
Peter J. Hogarth, CPA <>
Chevy Chase, USA - Sunday, November 26, 2000 at 22:33:33 (EST)
Dear Peter, thanks for being so understanding. Please call our distribution centre directly at 1-888-296-4743. Karen is unfortunately having to take another day off (and will spend the day tomorrow catching up on everyone's e-mails and concerns) but Sindy is there today and trying to handle everything as best she can. Unfortunately, this incident with Karen hurting herself and going to hospital happened at the worst possible time, and before she had got everyone else up to speed on her systems.
Alx Klive <>
Project HQ, Toronto - Monday, November 27, 2000 at 12:22:50 (EST)
Alx, add my name to the list of people that will now have to pay extra postage for books that I already paid extra money to receive in 2-4 days. I paid the extra money for express shipping so that I would not have to re-ship the books that my mother took orders for us when we were in dire need of orders. I understand that there have been some problems, but Karen's foot should not affect how long it takes the shipper to get the books to us. (My books were shipped before she broke her foot.) I think that since the business that shipped the books told us that they would be to their destination in 2-4 days, and it took over a week, then they should refund us some money. I will be looking for a credit added to my credit card for the difference between the cost of shipping the books in 2-4 days and the cost of shipping the books in one week. Thanks.
Amy <>
Tuscaloosa, AL, USA - Monday, November 27, 2000 at 17:41:27 (EST)
I would like to add the same concerns as both Peter and Amy above. My e-mails regarding delivery are also unanswered.
Gary Taylor <>
Manchester, England - Monday, November 27, 2000 at 18:12:24 (EST)
Now, now MPPers, let's keep the dream alive! So, there are hiccups in the initial delivery system. Just remember these people bought the book back from the brink after the original publisher pulled out. Let's be a bit accommodating whilst the bugs and broken metatarsals are fixed eh? I know book production & distrubution and it ain't easy. No more talk about refunds and dissappointments - save that for the big corporates not someone whose giving you a $40 book for $15. As our Kiwi friend said, you folks up there are lucky, you can touch and feel le livre; I'm still painting air photos here in Oz! LOve and peace, Andy PS: Have you hugged anyone or thing today?
Andy McCourt <>
Sydney, Australia - Tuesday, November 28, 2000 at 02:13:51 (EST)
Alx.. I know you've been getting alot of flack about this topic, but I must agree with Amy. I've ordered my books nearly 2 weeks ago and also did pay for 2-4 day shipping. I've had a book donation at the local library and I went through HELL to get a book. This was planned for over a week and noboby had sent a book. Not only did I have to get up at 4am to commute to New York City, the total cost for getting this ONE book came out to almost $40.00. And that was for a $15 book. Then I had to rush back to home to get ready for the library affair. This is a shame. My original intentions were to order 20 books, but due to my credit card balance, I was only able to order 9 for now. I'm now kind of reluctant on ordering the other 11 because of the 2-4 day shipping charges, and NOT getting what I paid for. There must be other ways to distribute the book. Even if it takes sending a certain amount of them to certain people in centralized areas, and having them ship them out. This would have solved many problems. For instance, there are 5 photographers on Long Island that made either the book or the Time capsule. You could have taken a specified amount of books and sent them to one person and let that person ship them to the local photographers. But I do believe this is all after ther fact. I guess we all must sit back and bite our tounges and pray we have them in time for Christmas.... As far as the Library Donation went, I do thank you and Kevin. It all was very exciting and went very well, although we ahd thought you would be able to show up. Even the Directer of the Library asked for you. Anyway, this may open other doors in the near future. We'll see. Good luck in WashingtonDC.. I wish you the best, Tom
Tom Donadio <>
Mastic, NY, USA - Tuesday, November 28, 2000 at 02:21:39 (EST)
I agree with Andy, even though I also paid 2-4 day shipping. How much would of it cost us if MPP did not give us the books for $15.00. They keeped the promise. The book cost Alx $16.00 just to produce, do you here him complaining of loosing $1.00 per book? Amy, you are an ambassador of the project and should not be complaining openly. OK, now I will go drink my to all.
Diane Sumner <>
Allegan, USA - Tuesday, November 28, 2000 at 08:15:24 (EST)
Yes, the shipping problems are unfortunate, but it is small wonder that there is a book to be shipped at all. I had to pay $150 (yes, US dollars) to get the cd-rom with the high resolution scans by DHL to Canada in time since normal mail would have taken forever. I also had to pay $110 to get my five copies of the book shipped to Finland by 10 day air-mail and I know this is now guarantee they will arrive before Christmas. But I am not upset because I chose to invest time and money in this project, to be part of it. No, they should not promise to deliver faster than they actually can, but let us not lynch them for it.
Carl-Magnus Dumell <>
Helsinki, Finland - Tuesday, November 28, 2000 at 09:30:03 (EST)
Hi Alx and everyone, A message has to be posted on the bulletin board to re-assure everyone that all will be getting their books asap. With Christmas less than a month away and the post getting slower will surely bring problems. Also I hear that a few people leave messages over the phone and they don't get any answer back or even e-mails. I think this problem has to be corrected soon before promoting any further. As we speak it is causing problems for anyone ordering books. Remedy is needed NOW! I know you're very busy Alx but the merchandise has to be delivered otherwise people won't order. Thanks and good luck with the tour. Ray
Ray Casbourn <>
L'Avenir, Quebec, Canada - Tuesday, November 28, 2000 at 10:41:53 (EST)
Hello Alx and Crew.....You guys are a text book example of what is wrong with a lot of internet based companies, ie. you are very good at self promotion but are amateurs when it comes to the physical distribution of the product. If you want to go into the retail business, stay in contact and deliver to your customers.
Keith Nolan <>
Dublin, Ireland. - Tuesday, November 28, 2000 at 11:55:05 (EST)
Don't get me wrong. I think the crew is doing a fine job of getting the books into the mail, especailly considering a key person has broken her foot! It is the mail courrier that I have problems with. If they told us it should be 2-4 days, then they should reimburse us if it is not. They are professional delivery people and they are not delivering the books on time. It seems that many of us have made shipping decisions based on the time frame we were told that the books would get to us. It is always better to tell someone it will take longer and then deliver early. As always, I support this project 100%. However, I decided to post my complaint to the discussion board because it was not being answered by other means, and I knew that other people were having this problem, too. I do not choose to hide any problems that we may have. Let's talk about them so we can fix them. And I'll say it again, I think Alx and the crew are doing a great job.
Amy <>
Tuscaloosa, AL, USA - Tuesday, November 28, 2000 at 13:35:02 (EST)
I payed for a 6-10 day air mail delivery. I got the order confirmation 15 days ago (13th) and today I got the shipping confirmation (28th). This probably means I'll have the book about two weeks from now. My guess is that the bottle neck is the processing before the physical shipping, i.e. the millennium crew having problems getting the orders sorted out and the books to the courrier, not the courrier being slow (as I understood the whole process is not handled by on outside company). And if so I am ready to be accept delays since this is a small problem compared to what we where facing not long ago. But yes, a bit more information about what is going on would be apropriate.
Carl-Magnus Dumell <>
Helsinki, Finland - Tuesday, November 28, 2000 at 13:57:15 (EST)
I received the shipping confirmation two days after the order confirmation, just before Karen broke her foot. I thought that was a good turn-around time to get the books from the shelf and into the mail. However, it then took 8 days for the first box to arrive and about 11 days for the other two boxes, even though I ordered 2-4 day mail. This is what led me to the conclusion that the courier is slow.
Amy <>
Tuscaloosa, AL , USA - Tuesday, November 28, 2000 at 17:14:46 (EST)
I placed my order on 11/18 and received an order confirmation but have yet to receive a shipment confirmation. Can I expect the books to be shipped soon, hopefully some time this week? Liz Murphy
Liz Murphy <>
Feasterville, US - Tuesday, November 28, 2000 at 19:49:42 (EST)
I just received my sales flyer and, unless I read it wrong it states that over 250,000 pics were submitted. Is this correct? If it is than I sure feel extra fabulous about being in the book. On a positive note, re: shipping. I got my book in 7 working days and am thrilled to finally be able to see it. I would like to remind everyone that this is the busiest time of year for the postal service and shipping companies. I know how anxious everyone is, but maybe you could cut Alx and the crew a little slack. I didn't see him driving that UPS truck...although I have to wonder how he'd look in the brown carreer Alx? *L*
Kris <>
Edmonton, Canada - Tuesday, November 28, 2000 at 20:59:04 (EST)
Hey, friends in Malaysia, if you read this, could you tell me if any publicity is planned in Malaysia for the launch of this book? Alx, is an international publicity campaign planned? I noticed there are several Malaysia photographers on the award, book and capsule lists. Is there a chance that I can meet you guys when I am in KL this December? I am still in Vancouver now but I am planning a trip to see friends there in December. Perhaps we could even prepare and launch a publicity plan in Malaysia and Singapore with the permission of MPP? Please let me know quick as I am leaving here in a couple of weeks. Thanks.
Chaw S. Pui <>
Vancouver, Canada - Tuesday, November 28, 2000 at 21:12:58 (EST)
Ok, here goes my 2cents....I ordered my 41 books on Nov. 15 and just got my freebie today. It's gorgeous. I got goose bumps just thinking what went into the production of the book, starting back when my wife said, hey, "there's a photo contest online you might be interested in," to the final product, the stunning "Dawn of the 21st Century." Cindy has been more than cordial and accommodating on the phone each time I've called. Now is just the worst time to be shipping anything. Hell, 1st class mail sometimes takes 5 days to get from Miami to here, only 270 miles away. We should all be very grateful that there even IS a book. It's about the dawning of the new millennium. Hopefully we'll all have a long time to promote it, but with the problems Alx was having with production, we should all be thankful it's done. So be patient. Don't line anything up until you have it and just think of people involved in the far reaches of the world who might wait months to get their copies. Rome wasn't built in a day so give the crew a little slack and pat on the back for their effort. I'm sure they want to get the books out as soon as they can. And who can tell me what a Project Amba
David Lubin <>
Tampa, Fla, United States - Tuesday, November 28, 2000 at 22:59:27 (EST)
Karen came back into work today and managed to get through 200 e-mails. She also sent out shipping confirmations for many packages that had actually already been shipped. (This was while Sindy was handling things on her own the last week just trying to get books out the door.) The problem appears to be with the US postal service. We have no idea why it is taking so long for packages to arrive to the US but since it is 'regular airmail', we don't have much recourse. Believe me, the surface shipping times are even worse. For what it's worth, we were never meant to be going into the shipping business. We had a publisher who was organizing all of this stuff for us, until you know what happened. The only reason we are now in the shipping business is because it is the only way we can follow through on our obligations. I assure you we are doing everything we can to get books out in a timely fashion but unfortunately we have no control over the postal company. The mistake we made was going by the times (2-4 days) given to us by the US postal service. We have now adjusted those times on the order pages. Tomorrow I head off for Washington for the first leg of the tour (New York was put back to the 21st and 22nd of December because of the shipping crisis among other things). I feel things however are now in good hands and I will be trying to get on the discussion board whenever I can. Cheers.
Alx Klive <>
Project HQ, Toronto - Tuesday, November 28, 2000 at 23:38:33 (EST)
Good Morning here from West Chester. I invite everyone who lives near the Washington, D.C. area to turn out today for the two Border's Book Signings. Alx will be at the Borders in Kensington, MD at 12:30 PM, location 11301 Rockville Pike and at the Borders, Baileys Crossroads, VA, tonight at 7:00 PM, 5871 Crossroads Center Way. You can go to the Borders web site if you would like phone numbers and directions. Your support will be sincerely appreciated.
Connie Wragge <>
West Chester, PA, USA - Wednesday, November 29, 2000 at 05:35:08 (EST)
The Borders in Kensington, MD is in the White Flint Mall.
Connie Wragge <>
West Chester, PA, USA - Wednesday, November 29, 2000 at 05:41:47 (EST)
Just an addendum....received all the other books(40)today by US mail, so it took two weeks from order date and 8 days from shipping date..overall probably not too bad. Wish we could have some tour dates here in the central Florida area, either the Tampa area or Orlando area.....
David Lubiin <>
Tampa, Fla., USA - Wednesday, November 29, 2000 at 16:54:17 (EST)
We have MAJOR news coverage in USA Today. Pick up a copy and check out page 7D. There is a photo of the cover of the book and Sahir's photo...not to mention some excellent, excellent press. This is the hit we have been waiting for!!!
Connie Wragge <>
West Chester, PA, USA - Thursday, November 30, 2000 at 07:49:05 (EST)
To meet Alx Klive, Connie, Dick, and David on Wednesday November 29, 2000, at the Borders-Baileys Crossroads book signing in the Washington, DC area, was a vary special moment in my life. Alx and Connie, you all are doing one fantastic job. Thank you, Da
Daniel B. McNeill <>
Washington, DC, USA - Thursday, November 30, 2000 at 08:21:16 (EST)
Thanks Dan. It was great to meet you too, and thank you! Have added a little diary of the day to the news page. See you at the White House...
Alx Klive <>
Washington, DC - Thursday, November 30, 2000 at 09:33:32 (EST)
Hello Alx and Crew......just to let you all know that my office phoned me this morning (I'm sending this via my trusty powerbook and GSM from an already seriously flooded Shannon riverside in County Leitrim).to say that the books arrived courtesy of FedEx....the bill will be more than the books!... but it is worth it as they are now going on onward journeys throughout the world as Christmas presents.
Keith Nolan <>
Carrick - on - Shannon, Ireland. - Thursday, November 30, 2000 at 10:52:52 (EST)
I just wanted to upadate you and let you know that I have received all of my books. I thank you so much for making sure I received them before I leave for China. I also want to add that the book looks amazing and has received nothing but the highest reviews from the people I have shown it to. Thank you so much for all of your hard work. This is truely a highlight in my amatuer photography career :) Best holiday wishes to all.
Peter J. Hogarth, CPA <>
Chevy Chase, MD, USA - Thursday, November 30, 2000 at 13:06:03 (EST)
Have a little idea that I just ran past MPP's campaign manager, John Thornton. John thinks I should 'go for it' so here it is. If you, as a project photographer living in the US or Canada, would like to let your local paper know you are part of the USA Today story, I can send you an e-mail address this evening for any major paper in these two countries. (Unfortunately, the directory I have does not cover the world.) I will leave it to you to put the message together. If you want some help with what to say, you could add just one or two key messages from the 'Media Talking Points' on the Tools and Resources page. (By the way, there is also a press release on T&R that you can use to promote your individual role in the project). Anyway...I only have this directory for the evening, and if you are interested in obtaining an e-mail address for any paper in the US or Canada, please place 'Today' in the subject line of your e-mail to me. This way, I will be able to quickly identify your request. If you want to add a personal note to the paper about where you were when you took your photo(s), or what the project has meant to you personally, you could do that as well. I would just suggest you keep whatever you send to no more than 5-6 sentences.
Connie Wragge <>
West Chester, PA, USA - Thursday, November 30, 2000 at 17:59:57 (EST)
For everyone around the globe: Here is where to find the USA Today story on-line: Go to On the left side of the home page is a tool bar. Scroll down to 'Print Edition Today.' Click. When you see a bright blue banner at the top of the next page, look for the 'Life' section under 'News: Front page.' Click on the 'Life' section and scroll down watching the left side of this page until you come to 'Books.' After clicking on Books, scroll down to the bottom of the page and at the very bottom, you will see 1 and 2. Go to 2. Continue until you see Page 7D. The story is titled, "Path to 21st Century blazed on Internet." A great title, don't you agree!
Connie Wragge <>
West Chester, PA, USA - Thursday, November 30, 2000 at 18:11:22 (EST)
So sayeth USA Today: "And it's also fitting that the biggest photojournalism event in history should honor the new millennium." What a wonderful review. I have sent it to my nearest and dearest. Thanks Connie. I had trouble finding the page and so lost myself that I can't repeat how I fially arrived, so here's the directions, everybody: Best thing that has happened to me since my families invaded for the holiday weekend! Hugs all, Liz
Liz Larrabee <>
Venice FL, - Thursday, November 30, 2000 at 19:31:22 (EST)
Hi to all! With book in hand (AMAZING ALX) I have cranked up a PR campaign in Ottawa and within an hour I was interviewed for a story that will appear in tomorrow`s Ottawa Citizen(circ 250,000)I put the writer in touch with John Thorton and my guess is that they`ll run a half page. John, the download section of PR is good, but as I mentioned in an e to you (guess you`re busy ha ha)I think some images burned to a cd would be great. An hour ago the main local TV station indicated they would be interested in the story but need images.... In other news, I have a sales link online at my site and for those with fast on Tv RE digital photography! Will keep you all posted. Paul Couvrette
Paul Couvrette <>
Ottawa, Canada - Thursday, November 30, 2000 at 20:17:31 (EST)
Alx, you look great in the photos, in front of the U.S. Supreme Court. You was one day early, beacuse the Court will hear from Lawyers for both candidates on Friday. That is why those people that we pass with the sleeping bags was getting ready for tomorrow. There will be thousand of people in front U.S. Supreme Court, and I will be there taking photographs, look for me on TV (sm
Daniel B. McNeill <>
Washington, DC, USA - Thursday, November 30, 2000 at 21:05:57 (EST)
Liz, thanks for posting the link to the USA Today story. I should have done that. Guess I was out too late last night, or it would have occurred to me. By the time I drove home from the book signing it was 12:30 AM, then there was my regular day job to think about... P.S. Did you note the reference to you, Liz, in the article?
Connie Wragge <>
West Chester, PA, USA - Thursday, November 30, 2000 at 21:44:37 (EST)
Google has indexed the crew24 pages now. Perhaps a would be usefull in the of these pages.
Carl-Magnus Dumell <>
Helsinki, Finland - Thursday, November 30, 2000 at 22:30:10 (EST)
Whops, that didn't come out right. My sugestion to add a [meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow"] tag to the [head] of these documents fell out since they where interpreted, correctly, as html. That should keep out spiders since there always is someone who puts up a link here anyway.
Carl-Magnus Dumell <>
Helsinki, Finland - Thursday, November 30, 2000 at 22:33:15 (EST)