Archived Messages - May 2000

The list of winners and book nominees is up on the site at
Project Staff <>
Project HQ, Toronto, Canada - Sunday, April 30, 2000 at 21:58:08 (EDT)
Staff are in the chat room.
Project Staff <>
Project HQ, Toronto, Canada - Sunday, April 30, 2000 at 22:10:45 (EDT)
I am excited that my photo made the list of nominees for the book. Congrats to other nominees and, again, congrats to everyone who took part. Alx and other staff, many thanks for this project and for all the hard work you put into it. Take care, everyone.
Michele Darien
San Antonio, USA - Sunday, April 30, 2000 at 22:13:43 (EDT)
How do I get to this site to find out anything? I entered the address as listed and got nothing.....
LaDonna <>
Winslow, usa - Sunday, April 30, 2000 at 23:46:40 (EDT)
Congratulation to all of you who made it to the book nomination. Just one question: why is this nomination not a guarantee for a publication? sorry, I may have missed something =P Are there any other criteria needed for the book? I thought the suspense is over...hhmm...not quiet guys!!! Warm regards, Agung
Agung S. Tandjung <>
W. Lafayette, USA - Monday, May 01, 2000 at 00:06:10 (EDT)
Agung, in answer to your question - A harsh reality of designing a 320 page photo book is that some photos will inevitably get left out, even at the last minute. The nomination short list represents all the pictures we would LIKE to put in the book. It is only when you try to put them together as a collection, on the actual pages, that you see what works together and what doesn't. We have a fantastic opportunity with this book. We must work it this way to ensure the book is an outstanding reflection of what we all set out to achieve.
Alx Klive <>
Project HQ, Toronto - Monday, May 01, 2000 at 00:31:55 (EDT)
Nix the earlier message, I quess I was just still asleep....duh! Well, I am so proud to have been a part of this project! I congratulate all of the winners and participants. We ALL did very well. I would also like to extend my thanks and gratitude to ALX and staff for being willing to undertake such a project. I also hope that the future will bring other projects???:) Well, gotta go for now. Everyone take care, and take lots of photos!
LaDonna <>
Winslow, USA - Monday, May 01, 2000 at 00:49:54 (EDT)
Hello Alx, the MPP staff and all the winners and nominees who have made this far, I am sure you will hear a lot of 'congrats' in the future, but I gotta say: Hey, congratulations!! A toast to you all. In response to a request for more diverse voices, I thought I would join in this discussion list after some absence. First of all, I have a comment about the nomination list. Although I don't like the idea that some will still be left out, but it could be the best way to do it, speaking from my personal experience in putting together small photo portfolios for school. Sometimes individual pics are all great shots, but when you lay them out onto the pages, they either don't match each other or the sequence doesn't flow. Now, talk about 500, it must be a huge task! Secondly, about the MPP itself, I think we all know this is historic since the topic is about the Millennium. But more importantly, this project could be a milestone in the history of PHOTOGRAPHY, don't you think? Since photography was invented, it has had the tendency to allow those who are socially and economically priviledged to express through this medium to the mass audience. But now, given the diffusion, democratization and revolution of the internet, a platform on which so much of the MPP is based, coupled with the ingenius minds who has organized, run and believed in it, for the first time in history, 'photographers' from all over the world, who participated in one corner of the earth, irregardless of their race, gender, age and professions, can have the potential to send their thoughts, aspirations and reflections to a worldwide mass audience on a coordinated effort to document a turning point of the humankind. What a project!
Chaw S. Pui <>
Vancouver, Canada - Monday, May 01, 2000 at 09:48:48 (EDT)
Thank you Alx for taking the time and energy to publish the award winners, book shortlist, and the time capsule winners. I really do appreciate it. Even if one of my photos doesn't make it into the book, it is nice to know that one was considered. My thoughts and prayers are with you as you continue to move forward in the process of publishing and seeing this project to fruition. Congratulations to you, your staff, and to all who participated.
shawna manning <>
College Station, USA - Monday, May 01, 2000 at 10:43:07 (EDT)
Congratulation to all the Israelis who appear on the three lists ! Did you notice that there are four (4)! Israelis between the 50 awards winners ? Maybe you see only three but Kobi Israel who apear as "Palestine" is Israeli too. Yes, Maybe we had the better location on the globe ? When I had the confusion: "where to shoot ?" I thought about that I can be in Jerusalem, Beit Lechem or other Cristian site but, at last, decided to take the photos in my city where Jews and Arabs where celebrating together. This fit my feeling more. Pini
Pini Vollach <>
Haifa, Israel - Monday, May 01, 2000 at 15:15:17 (EDT)
What a buzz! What an honour! Thank you, I have an exhibition on now & this is just puts the icing on the cake! Now, to step down to reality & carry on with earning a living! Thanks again!
Dan McGrath <>
Whangarei, New Zealand - Monday, May 01, 2000 at 18:03:37 (EDT)
Congratulation for us, Alx and all staff. It's only the begining, the Millennium Photo Project group must to continue.
Luiz Achutti <>
Paris, France - Monday, May 01, 2000 at 18:44:23 (EDT)
Congrats to all. Thanks Millennium photo, Alx, for going thru the exta effort putting the lists together. I thought there would be mucho postings...even if you just say"I made it". Peace to all.
Diane Sumner <>
Allegan, USA - Monday, May 01, 2000 at 22:31:02 (EDT)
Well done, well done! Congrats to all those great photographers who made it on the list (for the book), or received the judeges award, or will have their photo on the website! Best wishes to those who make it in the book! I really looking forward to getting my book! Any ideas on when the book will be finished and be in bookstores? Thank you to the MPP staff who have worked very hard so far! Thanks a bunch!
Yesenia Tuckwiller <>
Richmond, VA, USA - Monday, May 01, 2000 at 23:34:44 (EDT)
YAHOOOOOO!!!!!! Congrats everyone !!!!!! Can you beleive it??? This has been a great week... my son ( who is 11 years old ) has just won a national award through the Reflections Program in his school for photography. He was in the top 8 in the United States!!!( I guess the brainwashing has paid off.....)And then to find out about ( hopefully ) being in the book..... Thank you so much Alx and staff for posting the winners and for all the hard work that you did getting this project off the ground. Now for the promotion side of the coin... what can I do to help sell this incredible book? I know that the local bookstores here in Idaho are going to eat this up. And the Media ...I worked for the Idaho Press Tribune as a photographer for awhile ,so I know the staff very well and they are going to be so excited. What can I do to help?????????? Thanks again!!!
Dianne Humble <>
Middleton,Idaho, U.S.A. - Tuesday, May 02, 2000 at 00:24:40 (EDT)
I am suing since my photo did not make it! You cant judge. Just kidding! I did not make the publish list and I am sad to say that I was a little bit bummed. To all that made it, Congrats. You are well deserving. I am happy to even have been selected as a part of this, even as a selectee for the Time Capsule. Everyone should be proud of the work that is accomplished and the finised result will be fabulous. See you all in the next contest. Next time, I won't be so easy on you all!!!
Jim De Boer <>
El Cajon, USA - Tuesday, May 02, 2000 at 00:41:17 (EDT)
I am suing since my photo did not make it! You cant judge. Just kidding! I did not make the publish list and I am sad to say that I was a little bit bummed. To all that made it, Congrats. You are well deserving. I am happy to even have been selected as a part of this, even as a selectee for the Time Capsule. Everyone should be proud of the work that is accomplished and the finised result will be fabulous. See you all in the next contest. Next time, I won't be so easy on you all!!!
Jim De Boer <>
El Cajon, USA - Tuesday, May 02, 2000 at 00:45:18 (EDT)
See some familar names on the notification page who are participating in the discussion lists.......congrads to all! I haven't forgotten about the travel piece...still working on it inbetween assignments and hope to have something posted by mid-week for all those that are interested. To those who didn't make the lists.....keep seeing, clicking and learning.....this photography is a great experience that opens the doorways to life whether you do it as a living or hobby. Jim
Jim Bryant <>
Port Orchard, WA., USA - Tuesday, May 02, 2000 at 01:21:49 (EDT)
Congrats to all that made it to the short list. And thank you Alx for putting us out of our misery. I know that I didn't make it to the book but I did make it to the "time capsule" and I should be thankful for that. I wish you all luck on the next big step. See you in the next project. Oh, and Alx and the MPP staff, thanks for the opportunity.
Martha Dugger <>
Agawam, MA, USA - Tuesday, May 02, 2000 at 01:32:26 (EDT)
Alx, Thanks to you and your for doing all the work to make this happen. Judge's Award Winners, congratulations. I so look forward to seeing your work when it comes around. Fellow book nominees, I know how much I learned in the process of preparing myself for Millennium Eve. As an amateur--heck, I never had more than a fairly decent eye and a point-and-shoot before--I had to learn practically from scratch. Now, I take a pretty good photo. I have five books of shots I took in Egypt that I will treasure forever; and many of them are much more than snapshots. This is all BECAUSE Alx made the MPP happen. Fellow time capsule winners, same as above. Send your friends to the Time Capsule web site when it goes up. Add your electronic publication to your resume. Be proud that you took the time and invested your spirit and your labors in the product of an endeavor that will be around for years. It isn't often that we get to do something that lasts. To those who aren't going to be in the book or the time capsule, keep trying. I shot five rolls of film at the pyramids on New Year's Eve and I wasn't sure until weeks later that any were going to turn out and didn't know until much later still if any would be nominated. I have to be completely honest and admit that if my photo hadn't had the pyramids as a backdrop to fireworks and lasers, my shots might not be anything special. The photographer has to decide on the camera settings and press the button, but the subject can make all the difference. I was lucky to be in a time and place that was so memorable. Hang in there. Alx, Thanks again! Richard Smith -- Egypt
Dick Smith <>
Alexandria, VA, USA - Tuesday, May 02, 2000 at 11:11:00 (EDT)
Well, I had my little mourning session. I mourn more for the shot that I know would have been "IT" were it not for a problem with my new flash (the expensive one I bought for the shoot) than anything else. But as photographers, we can always remember the ones that got away! I found it rather fun to get to hold onto hope for the extra time we had. I am very pleased to be in the time capsule and will look forward to whatever Alx and crew decide to orchestrate next. And yes Jim, I'm still shooting!! It's who I am. Still looking forward to meeting you too. Congratulations to the book short list and judges awards winners!! And to Howie, are you still trying to work up a group meeting? That would be wonderful!
Sandra <>
Seattle area, USA - Tuesday, May 02, 2000 at 11:54:25 (EDT)
Alx & the Crewe, it is an incredible work you had to go through. I remember for one of your first note that you were a bit concerned the number of entries you have received. As I can see you have got a great response from all around the world. Now that the "names are out", and when you ,Alx, have some time ....can you give us a bit of a statistics, like how many countries did you receive photos, how many black&white, how many checked in and did not deliver, etc. no rush but it would be interesting. Alx thanks once more for all the attention and care you invested into this project.
Attila <attila_the_magyar>
Mississauga, Canada - Tuesday, May 02, 2000 at 13:08:44 (EDT)
HI, Alx, I had a idea...For those pictures that might be cut from the book in the designing stage, why not add an extra noninee page at the end of the book and make the pictures thumbnail size...cause personally I want to see everyones images.
Diane Sumner <>
Allegan, USA - Tuesday, May 02, 2000 at 16:50:03 (EDT)
Congratulations to all! I cannot believe I actually made it this far! I'm only 13 years old and partook in this project upon advice from my father. I have always been interested in photography and it has been great fun following the happenings of this discussion forum. Thank you all (especially the judges for their appreciation of my work)! -duncan
duncan major <>
St. John's, Canada - Tuesday, May 02, 2000 at 17:27:18 (EDT)
Congrats to all!! The MPP made me try for the first time to be on a photo contest, and one of my pics was considered to be on the book. I'ts really great! Alx, your project became my dream thanks for it and for your attention all the time.Congratulations to all the participants!! It's very good to see so many brazilians in the list for the book.... I must agrre with Luiz Achutti. It's the begining and there's more work to come, principaly for Alx and his team. Hey Alx, how may we help you now?(can we help now?) And an other question: when will the "Time Capsule" be activated? All the best - Andre.
Andre <>
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - Tuesday, May 02, 2000 at 19:34:26 (EDT)
Hello to all and congrats to everyone involved. I just want to say how honored I am to be selected as one of the nominees for the book,it is just an incredible feeling. The people that traveled with me have been very supportive and have encouraged me to have faith. Two of the couples from this years trip and my ladyfriend and I are now planning a trip to Scotland for next year. This whole project has so many far reaching positive aspects beyond the book itself that make it such a wonderful thing. My thanks again to Alx and the crew and everyone else involved. I am now working on my own show in a small local gallery that will exhibit in July or August. Again thanks.
Rik Cass <>
Erie, U.S.A. - Tuesday, May 02, 2000 at 22:59:59 (EDT)
I'm very happy to see many brazilians names on the MPP lists! That's the result of the brazilian's crew job! Thousands of e-mails sent to all areas of this big country! We did it well!!!
Luis Fernando Marcomini <>
Araraquara, Brazil - Wednesday, May 03, 2000 at 08:51:03 (EDT)
I'm the one thier talking about, the one that doesn't know an F stop from a bus stop. I never paid more than $90.00 for a camera nor bought more than 2 rolls of film at a time. My computer is a relick still running windows 3.1. From these facts you can see why I so pleased to even be considered for the book. It is one of the greatest events of my life to be associated with all of the great photographers who were involved in this endeavor. Being a winner in the time capule was a real thrill. I guess it proves that "even a blind squirl find an acorn sometimes. Ed Story
Ed Story <>
Walls Ms, USA - Wednesday, May 03, 2000 at 16:57:10 (EDT)
Hi everyone, I would just like to add my congratulations to everyone elses...:-)) I can't say I'm not disappointed not making the book list myself, but truth be told I wasn't realy expecting too anyway, not when you think about the shear number of photo's entered, the odds were stacked against us, not to mention the talent of the winners. (makes you realise how much work Alx and the staff had to do) ....But I am happy for everyone that did make it, and I am over the moon that I made the Time Capsual 2000 List , and I am excited about seeing it....... I like Diane Sumners idea of having a few pages at the back with thumbnail sized photos, you could take it a step further and have all the time capsual winners there,?????? Are you going to list all the names of the people involved in the project in the book???????????. I think it would look good AND show the MAGNATUDE of the project, having the book with the time capsual photos in the back followed by all the names of photographers involed. then no one misses out.....what do you think Alx, everyone......????????????????/ Like Attila, I too would be interested in the statistics of the entries etc.............. when you have time ( what's that you say , you'll have time in a year or so *LOL* ) Bye for now.... Debbie
Debbie Kowalewycz <>
Townsville, A - Wednesday, May 03, 2000 at 21:20:35 (EDT)
Debbie, I agreee! I think it would be a great idea to include thumbnails of all pics. That would also make for a little bit bigger book, but......:):) Well, take care all. LaDonna
LaDonna <>
Winslow, usa - Wednesday, May 03, 2000 at 21:42:59 (EDT)
Hi all and CONGRATULATIONS to all the nominees. WE DID IT!!!!!!!! I would like to send a special thank you to Alx and all the staff for making this happen. If it wasn't for an idea Alx had, this would not have ever happenned. It's simple for an idea to pop into your head --- BUT-- to make it work is another story. Great job to all. I'd like to also say that Dianne Sumner has a GREAT idea. It would be great to add the Time Capsule photos as thumbnail. Alx.. I see you added some of your staffs websites on the "Staff" page.. Thanks a lot ole' buddy. :) Just what I wanted --- more work.. :) God bless all... Tom
Tom Donadio <>
Mastic, NY, USA - Wednesday, May 03, 2000 at 22:35:35 (EDT)
Dianne's idea was great, but, as LaDona said it'll make the book bigger and probably it'll be a problem with the publishers. In the other hand I really like the idea of have all the names on the book. Certainly it's easier to do, because there will be only more text on a few pages.And Debbie is right: it will show the magnitude of the project, giving thanks and congratulations to all the participants. Cheers, Andre.
Andre <>
Rio de Janeiro, USA - Thursday, May 04, 2000 at 01:25:04 (EDT)
Hi everyone in the world, It would be very interesting to know just how many people actually entered the competition.
sonia spence <>
sunderland, England - Thursday, May 04, 2000 at 11:14:43 (EDT)
Hi Sonia, the issue of revealing competition statistics was discussed at length on this board about six weeks ago. To recap, statistics will not be released until the time of the book's launch, for reasons of publicity. In answer to the other question, I'm pleased to say we do plan on including every photographer's name in the book. Unfortunately the idea of thumbnails for all the other pictures, while a nice idea, is not workable from a publishing standpoint. We are, however, working with the idea of a photo montage image (mosaic style) comprising as many images as possible (albeit very small) but it is still just an idea at this point.
Alx Klive <>
Project HQ, Toronto - Thursday, May 04, 2000 at 18:26:46 (EDT)
Thank you Alx for considering Sonia and the other requests for thumbnails. I think their idea was good, regardless of the feasibility. Your plan to look into doing a montage is also a good idea / compromise. Please let all of us know (I am hoping it is OK to speak for everyone!)what we can do to help you complete this project. Has there been any further discussion regarding the cover?
shawna manning <>
College Station, USA - Friday, May 05, 2000 at 09:28:56 (EDT)
Congratulations to everyone. Can't wait to see the book ! Pat & Rob
PAT <>
Manchester, NH, USA - Friday, May 05, 2000 at 13:12:54 (EDT)
Shawna, actually there is some good news about the cover. After lengthy debate and wrangling, it would seem that the Eiffel Tower picture is history. We are working on it all weekend to try some different ideas that use project photos instead and there's a big meeting Monday to look at what we come up with.
Alx Klive <>
Project HQ, Toronto - Friday, May 05, 2000 at 19:58:21 (EDT)
Dear Alx, I was ecstatic when I received the good news,but when do you want the negs, I am currently in London and get home next month, aaagh ! Anamitra
Anamitra Chakladar <>
New Delhi, India - Saturday, May 06, 2000 at 15:54:23 (EDT)
I am very excited and honored to be nominated for the short list. The people in the pictures ask me every day if we made it. The residents I work with in the Retirement Community deserve the credit for being so cooperative and really getting into the spirit of the Millenium celebration. We are looking forward to the final announcement. Liz Murphy
Liz Murphy <>
Feasterville, USA - Saturday, May 06, 2000 at 19:19:37 (EDT)
Anamitra, my understanding is that not everyone will need to send in negs. Certainly those who sent in slides will not need to send us anything further and those who submitted high quality prints will also be okay. In your case for instance, I am told that your print is of sufficient quality to be drum scanned as is. The e-mail that tells everyone which photo was picked and who needs to send us higher quality goes out this coming week.
Alx Klive <>
Project HQ, Toronto - Saturday, May 06, 2000 at 20:38:14 (EDT)
Glad to hear of the cover change, and the photo montage image (mosaic style) is a good compromise of our ideas :-) Will we be able to put in early orders for copies of the book ??? maybe get a sneak preview of the book too, that would be nice....... Bye Debbbie
Debbie Kowalewycz <>
Townsville, Australia - Sunday, May 07, 2000 at 01:15:25 (EDT)
Hi, Alx... after reading your previous message regarding original neg/slide, I think that it's still a good idea to use the originals for printing. I don't know how good my duplicate slide will be on paper. I still remember when I compared the two on the light table, the original was of course better. Since we've all gone this far...why don't get the best for the book? I don't think we should settle for less. Agree everyone?? Cheers....Agung
Agung Tandjung <>
W, Lafayette, IN, USA - Sunday, May 07, 2000 at 12:49:34 (EDT)
Dear Alx, thanks for the most re-assuring news. I am currently touring London and enjoying wonderful sunshine and lager.(this holiday comes after 18 months of hard work) I will be in Canada,more specific Ottowa in the end of May. If possible I wish to drop in and meet the wonderful team. You guys have all performed a miracle. I bow to thee !
Anamitra Chakladar <>
New Delhi, India - Sunday, May 07, 2000 at 16:02:32 (EDT)
Congratulations to all who have made the short lists so far. Great to see a few Australians in the list. I was beginning to think I was a lone entrant (Lone Australian). The process is a bit like waiting to win lotto ....when will my number come up. What a great project we are all part of, the anticipation grows as I wait for "the" book. Well done so far Alx and crew, keep up the good work. Reaching this point may quiet some of the cynics.
Glenn Milne <>
Mildura, Australia - Wednesday, May 10, 2000 at 09:25:46 (EDT)
Don't worry Glen, we're here...some of us are just voyeurs who prefer to watch the discussion rather than participate!
Lisa Kerr <>
Melbourne, Australia - Wednesday, May 10, 2000 at 21:31:43 (EDT)
Hello, fellows, I'm very happy with the news about The Book and also very proud of being listed to it. I hope change of cover will be fine and fair. Here, it be launched in few days a book about 2000 "reveillon" with photos of profissionals from the major newspaper of Rio (O Globo), and some ones more. The cover is, of course, a view of fireworks on Copacabana beach. The competition is growing...
Aguinaldo <>
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - Thursday, May 11, 2000 at 10:02:12 (EDT)
Hiya Glen I'm listed as Australian on the book nominees, though I'm actually from Malta in Europe... but I was in Brisbane for New Year where my fiancee lives... so I guess once we get married, then I'd be able to really say I'm one of those few other Aussies in the book (if I make it past the final hurdle!)
Darrin <>
Malta - Thursday, May 11, 2000 at 19:14:26 (EDT)
Hey Jim, We're still waiting to here some tips on travel photography. I'm going on a canoe trip (photographing wildlife). Any words of wisdom ??? besides, don't fall out :-))) Pat
PAT <>
Manchester, , United States of America - Friday, May 12, 2000 at 08:08:17 (EDT)
I'mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm BACKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK! Pat..................someone actually missed me? Sorry folks, I had some computer problems. From time to time Windows gets alittle weird and flakey. I tried to reinstall Win 95 and wouldn't install, so I tried Win 98..same probelm. So I figured it was time to upgrade anyway. Went to a 600 Pent. III, another 8 gig hard drive and more RAM to 192. I save all my old C drive stuff in the new Win 98 formated "C" drive and have been spending days reinstalling my drivers for printers and scanners and all my favorite software. You see Win 98 only looks for stuff it installed. So a word to the wise out there.........get the upgrade from Win 95 when you upgrade to 98 or 2000.'ll end up like me for installing every bloody thing. No wonder the computer techs are so pricey and charge a fortune per hour. On the other definately learns alot about a computer system when you do it yourself. Anyways...back to the travel tips. They were put on hold uptil the computer problem was fixed. Alx wants me to email him the article along with some photos to illustrate it and he'll build a page to the site............not a bad idea. Then all you'll have to do is copy the page and stick it in a folder somewhere. Actually that's better than for some of those out there having to sit here and read the posting. Makes it more of an interesting site instead of reading about patting everyone on the back for such a good job, which they do deserve. GREAT JOB EVERYONE to each one of the photographers all the way to the crew, sponsors, judges, designers, and publishers. There, I added mine.
Jim Bryant <>
Port Orchard, WA., U.S.A. - Friday, May 12, 2000 at 10:03:16 (EDT)
wow! i hadn't realized what a part of my life this contest had become. i have never before entered a photo contest, and i never thought i could come this far. i feel as though all of us involved have some strange connection, and it is a great one. we all set out to accomplish the same goal, to record a small part of time in our own lives for the rest of the world to experience. i am very flattered and honored to be a part of not only the book, but the process too. i thank alx and all others that made this possible. it is an experience i will not soon forget. soon after finding out that i made it into the book, i had an admissions interview with the atlanta college of art (an incredible art school). i was so nervous! i found out today that i not only got into the school, but that i am being awarded a $1,000 scholarship based on my portfolio. everything in my life is going the way i had hoped. my future has never looked brighter.
sara <>
atlanta, usa - Friday, May 12, 2000 at 12:09:29 (EDT)
Sara, Congratulations !!! It's nice to hear success stories.
PAT <great impressions photo>
- Friday, May 12, 2000 at 12:48:52 (EDT)
Hello everyone, I'm happy to see that the book has covered just about every part of the planet. And i feel for the people who did not get in the final bit, including my friend Sandra who is on the other side of the world to me. You must say that this project has brought together some people who would never of meet other wise, you can also say that there are some people you would have wish never to of meet too, but that is our planet for you. The best thing about this book is that for people who have never seen parts of a country they have been to and just did not get that far, with the book thay will. I do hope to see if Howie can get us all over to his place. I'm still holding my breath over the book, I like the ideas everone is coming up with.
Sharie Penwarden <>
Waiheke Island, New Zealand - Saturday, May 13, 2000 at 05:14:03 (EDT)
Alx, Since you were to inform nominees which photos were choes THIS week, does it mean I'm not in the book if I didn't hear?
Liz Larrabee <>
venice, - Sunday, May 14, 2000 at 00:13:39 (EDT)
China photography is a Chinese folk WEB site on photography. It mainly introduces the photography works on Chinese scenery, people and all kinds of Chinese folk customs made by Chinese photographers. China is such a large country that even our natives are always excited by what we find every now and then. As photography-enthusiasts we will keep exploring the natural beauties and produce more excellent works. Through these works people all over the word may have a better understanding of China and much more like china, and also through these works we expect to exchange experiences with photographers abroad so as to improve our photography skill all together.
ansel jiang <>
guangzhou, China - Sunday, May 14, 2000 at 00:20:58 (EDT)
Has anyone heard which of their photos have been selected for the book yet?
Dianne Humble <>
Middleton,Idaho, u.s.a. - Sunday, May 14, 2000 at 09:44:48 (EDT)
Hi all! Quick question for my fellow photographers: I am graduating from college in less than a week and have been studying photojournalism for about a year now. I studied in London for a semester and backpacked across Europe last year and am very interested in going back there to work with a newspaper or magazine. Does anyone have any connections or suggestions that may be helpful to me in this endeavor? If so, please email me or reply to this message. I appreciate it!
Candace Williams <>
Birmingham, AL, USA - Sunday, May 14, 2000 at 22:37:06 (EDT)
Candace....we might be reopening a photographer position at our Whidbey Island Paper in here in Washington state. Send me your resume and portfolio to Jim Bryant, Port Orchard Independent, 2970 Mile Hill Rd, Port Orchard, WA. 98366. Email is or 360-876-4414 - work. First off, are your a member of National Press Photographers? Is, so they have a web site with job info on it. Where did you study...and do you have a degee in Journalism/photography? Like it really matters.........It doesn't make a difference so as long as you shoot good photos............. a degree just tells us that you know how to research. Take care and hope to hear from you soon. Jim
Jim Bryant <>
Port Orchard, WA., USA - Sunday, May 14, 2000 at 22:49:16 (EDT)
Oh...I haven't checked the discussion forum for a while. Are we supposed to be informed which photo was chosen? Hmm...I haven't received any mail. Anyone knows?
Agung Tandjung <>
W. Lafayette, IN, USA - Sunday, May 14, 2000 at 23:22:29 (EDT)
Congratulations to all who have made it this far and Thank You for all the work that goes into a project this big! I am happy to have made it to the book nomination list! Being involved in this project has been a big plus for me professionally!!!! Thanks
Christine A. Olson <>
Dorsey, IL, USA - Monday, May 15, 2000 at 00:17:18 (EDT)
We tried to get out the big e-mail today telling all the book nominees which picture of theirs has been chosen, but didn't quite make it. It will go out tomorrow (Monday). A similar e-mail for the time capsule photographers won't be far behind.
Alx Klive <>
Project HQ, Toronto - Monday, May 15, 2000 at 02:30:43 (EDT)
I am wondering if there are any other project photographers in Wisconsin, USA?
Steven <>
Madison, USA - Monday, May 15, 2000 at 19:33:56 (EDT)
For as long as I can remember I have photographically chronicalled the comings and goings of my group of friends. Birthdays, picnics, engagements, weddings, babies, a day at the races...and New Years Eves. Even if it weren't for this project I would still have had my camera in hand this New Years because it's what I always do and it's what I love to do. And now I've just discovered that an image of two of my closest friends is potentially going to go beyond my little circle and get out there for the world to see, and I am SO excited! This is just how we have always gone about living our lives, and I cant wait to see other images of other people living their lives. Thanks so much to all at MPP for giving everyone the opportunity for this kind of insight.
Lisa Kerr <>
Melbourne, Australia - Monday, May 15, 2000 at 20:23:24 (EDT)
Alx, I received notice of the photos of mine nominated for the book and thank you. But when I cut and paste the page indicated for info as to submitting photos of higher quality...I get "Woops! Please advise.
Liz Larrabee <>
Venice, FL, USA - Tuesday, May 16, 2000 at 00:10:39 (EDT)
Liz, we've tested everything here and it seems to be working okay. Try cutting and pasting again being careful not to include any surrounding characters such as the period at the end of the sentence. Hope this works for you.
Alx Klive <>
Project HQ, Toronto - Tuesday, May 16, 2000 at 00:44:44 (EDT)
Its nice to know now which image is in the final stage. My image of "Kids at Bar" made the it. I almost did not send this one. Its hard to be judgemental when they are "MY' kids. By popular demand of friends, family and a teacher at our local Tech center I changed my mind at the last minute and sent in the image that was choosen. Yippy. Anyone else suprised?
Diane Sumner <>
Allegan, MI, USA - Tuesday, May 16, 2000 at 08:04:14 (EDT)
Dear Alx, Please note a change of e-mail address from '' to '' thanx, Anamitra
Anamitra Chakladar <>
New Delhi, India - Tuesday, May 16, 2000 at 08:55:14 (EDT)
Alx and others FYI Netscape Navagator vs Microsoft's Internet Explorer,: Cut and paste functions and this site. You will find that if you are using Netscape Navagator (I use Ver 4.72), you will find that cutting and pasting does not work. I bet Liz Larrabee's note(5/16)on this subject is due to her using Netscape Navagator. It is probably the web site software(Adobe Go Live 4) Millennium uses to build this site. I have the same problem with trying to copy and paste text from this sight(when using Nav 4.7). However, if you try Microsoft's Internet Explorer(I also use IE 5.0), you will find that the copy and paste function works just fine. Congrats to all who have recv'd the email yesterday. Respectfully, Mark J. Phillips
Mark J. Phillips <>
Tempe, AZ, USA - Tuesday, May 16, 2000 at 11:38:46 (EDT)
Hi all! Quick question for my fellow photographers: I am graduating from college in less than a week and have been studying photojournalism for about a year now. I studied in London for a semester and backpacked across Europe last year and am very interested in going back there to work with a newspaper or magazine. Does anyone have any connections or suggestions that may be helpful to me in this endeavor? If so, please email me or reply to this message. I appreciate it!
Candace Williams <>
Memphis, USA - Tuesday, May 16, 2000 at 12:23:20 (EDT)
Hi everyone, Ed Maynard-Your link isn't working. Please let me know if you changed you URL. Congrats to everyone. Diane - The "Kids at the Bar" shot I fell in love with. Thank you all that have sent me your URL to your websites. That page came out great. I just received another one which I'll be adding very soon. And what about some more????? How about it Jim Bryant, John Rupe, Amani Willett and others?? Do you have your own websites? Come on now... Pass them on... Anyone else who would like to have their websites on my page, please list them... I'm having better luck with the links than with my photo resolution.
Tom Donadio <>
Mastic, LI, NY, USA - Tuesday, May 16, 2000 at 12:37:08 (EDT)
Okayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Tom! I'm at home today, the junior high called to tell me that my 13-year-old track star was sick. I was at work for while and jsut drove in to check on him, but caught him on the computer chatting and playing games. I think he was sick because of (A) a test he didn't study for. (B)a report his group was suppose to give. (C) for whatever, it's a beautiful day outside.nice and sunny, a real rare occassion for Western Washington.......... So I took off to stay at home and make sure he was sick when his mom returned from Evergreen State, where she's taking classes. Besides..........I needed to make a pot of my kick AAAAAAAAAAA chili cor camping. Here's my website for all those who are interested. Take care.......I'm almost finished with the travel tips feature. I should be able to get it to Alz soon so he can make a webpage to the site.
Jim Bryant <>
Port Orchard, WA., USA - Tuesday, May 16, 2000 at 16:15:31 (EDT)
Mark, we're a little confused about your posting. Liz was trying to cut and paste the URL from the e-mail we sent out rather than anything on the site itself. Did anyone else have the same problem?
Alx Klive <>
Project HQ, Toronto - Tuesday, May 16, 2000 at 19:48:09 (EDT)
Alx, Liz had a simple problem. The link is fine. I sent her the link to the site and all worked out well. I do have a question on the e-mails that were sent out. Are all of them of the same content? Meaning does everyone need better quality photos. If so, how could I find out if I have to have an 8x12, professionally done photo printed? This is getting kind of confusing. I sent in VERY high quality photos. Do I now have to get them done over?? HELP !!!
Tom Donadio <>
Mastic, LI, NY, USA - Tuesday, May 16, 2000 at 20:46:50 (EDT)
Tom, some people have been asked to send in higher quality, others have not. The determination was made by the book designers who currently have the photos at their offices. This makes it hard for us to double check. You may want to consider sending in the negative subject to the conditions laid out on the FAQ section of the instructions pages. That's the best I can suggest I'm afraid!
Alx Klive <>
Project HQ, Toronto - Tuesday, May 16, 2000 at 23:47:29 (EDT)
Since I am a Chinese student in Germany , it is a little difficult for me to find a professional photo lab in a foreign Country. It takes me a whole day to find a professional one for the best quality version of my photos around the city today. Every lab told me that they are the best one, which makes a little confuse at first. Anyway, I found one in which I believe my photos would be take good care of. But they have no size 10*12 or 8*10 or 8*12 that the crew asked. So I have to ask they to produce the size of 10*15 and then cut into 10*12. I hope the photos that I will receive on Friday will be acceptable. Also I hope I would not miss the deadline as soon as I send them out when I get them. Waiting to view my photos appearing on the book.
Yinan Wang <>
Magdeburg, Germany - Wednesday, May 17, 2000 at 12:17:24 (EDT)
Yinan. You have brought up an important issue. I am concerned that the 10 x 15 prints that you are having made up are in cm not inches. We failed to put both imperial and metric sizes in the instructions. We will fix that right away but in the meantime, EVERYONE PLEASE NOTE THAT SIZES ARE IN INCHES NOT CM's!
Alx Klive <>
Project HQ, Toronto - Wednesday, May 17, 2000 at 23:05:12 (EDT)
What? THAT SIZES ARE IN INCHES NOT CM's! My God! I believe the my photo must be made up in CMs, since the guy in the photo lab showed me how large the 10*15 was. The size is no larger than the photos we use in daily life and each one costes only 1 Mark, which confused me a while. What stupid I am! I believe I have to ask the photo lab to redo my photos tomorrow. I do not care boring on this stuff, but worrying about missing the deadline, will I? Is it better for me to send my photo by email? Although it will be faster, I am not sure on software using. Anyway, please give me some suggestion on this considering my stupidity bring up an important issue.
Yinan Wang <>
Magdeburg, Germany - Thursday, May 18, 2000 at 11:06:44 (EDT)
I have several questions about my submission of higher quality photographs. I am posting them here in hope that other photographers may benefit from some of the answers. 1. I have received 3 emails, that all 3 of my photos were nominated, but only one needs to be of higher quality. Can I send in a higher quality of the ones that were determined to be of sufficient quality along with the requested one? 2. What is the preference of Book Team: Hi-res scan of the negative sent on CD or a large print. Would the print be scanned by publishers anyway, thus compounding the quality loss? I have access to the pro lab that has Leafscan45 and ScanView3000 drum scanner that can easily produce a 30-40 MB greyscale scan of my BW neg. They also think that these scans can have a dynamic range not obtainable in the print. 3. If I send scans of negative, can I put all three scans on the same CD, or should I send a seprate CD for each image? 4. What is the minimum size of print or scan for odd size negatives? Mine is 24x58 mm. Is it min 12 inches for the longer edge, or min 8" for the shorter one (this would make the longer edge over 19 inches making it difficult to send by mail)? I appreciate any comments/answers and of course I am thrilled to have all 3 of my photographs nominated for the book and to be part of this wonderful project. Alx, you and your team are doing fantastic job. Thank you for the opportunity to be part of it. Marian Richard Miodonski
Marian Richard Miodonski <>
Fort Collins,CO, USA - Thursday, May 18, 2000 at 12:57:36 (EDT)
Please take a look at my web page. It is about 90% complete. Let me know if there are any problems viewing it. There is a documentary slide show on hip-hop culture. There is also samples of my work. You need flash 4.0 plug in to view it. If you don’t have it, download it at the link provided on the opening page. Thank-you Vincent Joachim
Vincent Joachim <>
Calgary, Canada - Thursday, May 18, 2000 at 15:27:42 (EDT)
Congrats to everyone who has made it this far. I hadn't heard from the project for so long I had officially given up hope. Then lo and behold I get "The E-Mail". I'm very pleased that one of my pics was selected . And like some others, this was the one image I was hesitant to send. Glad I decided to take the chance. Now another few weeks of waiting for more results. I don't know if I can take the pressure! *L*
Kris <>
Edmonton, Canada - Friday, May 19, 2000 at 13:47:28 (EDT)
Marian, in answer to your questions. 1. If you would like to send in higher quality for all three nominated photos (as opposed to just the one we requested) of course you can do so. Perhaps the question should read, will they make it through our internal system? Yes they will! 2. Our preference is a drum scan of a negative on CD (as opposed to a print) but we recognize not everyone has access to those resources. 3. You may send them all three submissions on one CD. 4. Technically we have no minimum size for prints, we merely suggest 8 inches by 12 inches. In your case (although it is now somewhat moot), I would suggest that 12 inches for the longer edge be fine. Good questions, and congratulations!
Alx Klive <>
Project HQ, Toronto - Friday, May 19, 2000 at 20:35:32 (EDT)
With me, oftentimes the so-called 'problem' with practically anything related to the internet is the fact that it takes me three days to realize I'm messing with AOL!! From now on, I'll figure that out before I start asking silly questions. Thanks, Tom. Alx, should we enclose the captions when sending our enlargements? As I writer, I find myself re-writing even a 30 word caption!! Seems I'll do that until they lock me up and throw away the key.
Liz <>
Venice FL, USA - Saturday, May 20, 2000 at 17:18:09 (EDT)
If you haven't seen the movie "American Beauty", do yourself a favor and check out the video. In a way it says alot about outselves..............Cheers! Jim
Jim Bryant <>
Port Orchard, WA., USA - Monday, May 22, 2000 at 02:34:41 (EDT)
Hello and congrats to all again. I am so honored to have had one of my photos accepted but I have a major problem that I hope somebody may have an idea for. The photo I took that made the cut was tken on an island in the B.V.I. and unfortunately when I changed film or something a piece of sand must have gotten into the camera and scratched the negative. The print I submitted I had scanned on my computer ans cloned out the scratch successfully but now that a better quality print is needed I am not sure what to do. I have taken the negative to a local lab and they said that they will do what they can but that the scratch is quite bad. If anyone has any other ideas I would greatly appreciate them as I would hate to miss out on this after getting so far because of a single grain of sand. Thank you
Rik Cass <>
Erie,PA, U.S.A. - Monday, May 22, 2000 at 23:03:53 (EDT)
Rick, We used to rub our finger across the nose and get the oil off and run the finger lightly across the scratched portion of the negative. There some stuff on the market called scratch out. Basically it's almost like vegetable oil. Take a cotton Q-tip, dip it into the oil and run lightly across the scratch. It works............Cheers!!!!Jim
Jim Bryant <>
Potrt Orchard , WA., USA - Monday, May 22, 2000 at 23:12:55 (EDT)
Rik, you think you've got problems! I have actually managed to lose the carefully placed negatives and original photos ... Like many of you the E-mail of nomination was a real surprise and has given me renewed interest. The millennium seems to have been so long ago! Oh well - I guess I will just have to see if my original photo will be sufficient, luckily one other they seemed to think was o.k. Still loads of fun to be in the process anyway and best wishes to all of you. Maybe someone is clairvoyant out there and knows just where I have tidied them away to!!!
Gisborne, New Zealand - Wednesday, May 24, 2000 at 05:56:12 (EDT)
Has anyone out there who is NOT in the book received their notification email about which picture is going to be used? I was under the impression that we were going to hear soon. I'm not trying to be a nag, just very curious(and a little impatient...):):) I am like so many people involved with this project, it has become a big part of my life. I have a lot of people that know me, and know that I am a photographer asking me which photo made it. I keep having to tell them i'm just not sure! Also, any idea when the book will published??? It may have been posted on this site, but I have slept some since then:):):) Well, gotta go and thanks again to all involved.
LaDonna <>
Winslow, usa - Thursday, May 25, 2000 at 22:20:11 (EDT)
Just to let you all know i am soooo happy I took my neg to a local lab and they did a wonderful job fixing the scratch that is on it so hopefully everything will be acceptable now for publication. I want to thank everyone who sent me suggestions, you people are wonderful. Ifeel like I have a new family. Once again, congrats to all and good luck to everyone in all endeavors
Rik Cass <>
Erie,PA., U.S.A. - Thursday, May 25, 2000 at 23:35:42 (EDT)
La Donna- with your notification email you should have received a numerical code such as 123-1. the second section of the code( it will be either 1, 2, or 3,) is the number of the photo you submitted chosen by the judges. duncan
duncan major <>
St. John's , Canada - Friday, May 26, 2000 at 18:23:21 (EDT)
ALX...Would appreciate acknowledgement of receipt of 2 enlargements as there was a fire in our post office at Tampa and one gets the jitters!
Liz Larrabee <>
Venice FL, USA - Friday, May 26, 2000 at 21:03:59 (EDT)
Liz, the post office fire in Tampa was not at the main post office, which is at the airport. The post office fire was in south Tampa in Ybor City. It's my understanding that no mail from other offices is transfered through there.
John Rupe <>
Tampa, Fl., U.S.A. - Sunday, May 28, 2000 at 10:18:24 (EDT)
Thanks, John. Even under every day circumstances, one never knows if mail arrives at its destination. What has become of this active discussion board lately? Guess everyone is holding his breath waiting......
LizLarrabee <>
Venice, FL - Tuesday, May 30, 2000 at 10:13:23 (EDT)
So, have the emails to let us know which photo was chosen for the time capsule been sent out. I have not received a notification.
Renata <>
- Tuesday, May 30, 2000 at 11:37:29 (EDT)
Alx- Hi! I hope all is going well with you today! I received an email saying that one of my photos was accepted. But I was in the process of moving home from college and now have lost access to that email account. Could you possibly point me in the right direction of the instructions regarding sending higher quality prints your way? I think the email said something about it, but I didn't realize I would lose access, so I didn't print it out at the time. Also, please change my email address in the records. Thank you very much! Candace
Candace Williams <>
Memphis, USA - Tuesday, May 30, 2000 at 11:47:05 (EDT)
Liz & John -- Sorry I haven't been around to stir things up a bit, but have been busy covering high school district, regionals and state sporting events. As soon as school's out and everything slows down to Summer mode, I'll finish the Travel Tips and get it to Alx to post. Jim
Jim Bryant <>
Port Orchard, WA., USA - Tuesday, May 30, 2000 at 12:47:56 (EDT)
Hi everyone, I have a question. I am sending my photo by e-mail, and haven't been able to sort out what I should be using for compression. I was using zipit and the deflate method but I am unsure if this is the best compression to use. I can't remember what we were told to use initially. Could someone please help me. Deadline is quickly approaching and I am in a panic. thanks! diana
Diana Martin <>
Belleville, Canada - Tuesday, May 30, 2000 at 14:37:22 (EDT)
Liz, I think Jim has hit upon the reason things are quiet. Everyone is busy. Between my real job, working on my boat and playing photographer when I get a chance I’m getting a little burned out. I do have a couple if items I’d like to throw out to the masses. 1.) I have been disappointed in the local labs for getting 35mm slides duplicated and am considering buying my own duplicator for my Nikon. Is anyone out there making their own dups with really good success? If so, what are you using? 2.) My wife and I will be spending the second week of July in Nova Scotia touring the south end of the province with a couple of extra days in Halifax. Any points we should be sure to see?
John Rupe <>
Tampa, Fl., U.S.A. - Tuesday, May 30, 2000 at 15:51:50 (EDT)
John, Trying sending them to Kodak as they use slide duplication film. I've used Kodak Kodachrome 25 with good results. You might want to try that or even the lower ISO Fujichrome. Good luck! Jim
Jim Bryant <>
Port Orchard, WA.USA - Tuesday, May 30, 2000 at 17:02:03 (EDT)
john, re:nova scotia (aka: acadia), my wife and i have been many times, and i do have a few recommendations. halifax is a great little city. there is a plethora of shops, restaurants, bars, etc. lots of music. friendly people. check out lunenburg about an hour south of halifax and peggy's cove about a half hour south of halifax. wonderful photo ops. also, immediately south of lunenburg is the ovens natural park: enjoy sea caves with thunderous waves. much of the south shore resembles the coastline of maine, if you're familiar with that. next time you go (and i'd bet you will) be sure to head north to the cabot trail on cape breton island (breathtaking vistas) and also visit louisbourg (a reconstructed mid-1700s french fortress complete with reenactments). i'm envious! enjoy.
charlie dufour <>
erie, pa, usa - Tuesday, May 30, 2000 at 20:56:45 (EDT)
John, regarding Nova Scotia - Charlie said it all. Great places to visit. Try not to miss any of them. We did the trip on motocycles, including the Cabot Trail. One of the best trips we have ever taken. Have a nice time. Pat
Pat <>
- Tuesday, May 30, 2000 at 22:03:47 (EDT)
John, As a displaced Nova Scotian, I can say with great envy that I wish I got to go home this summer. NS is pretty close to Paradise , especially in the summer ( or fall, or spring*L*). I would recommend heading through the Annapolis Valley. Lots of quaint villages. Wolfville has some wonderful Bed and Breakfasts and Just before Wolfville is Grande Pre, which is the site of the original Evangeline, the Acadian story. Evangeline beach is beautiful and there is a historical site there which is well worth an afternoon. Looks like you timed your trip just right too, because the Tall Ships should be arriving in Halifax right around the time you are. This only happens once every 10 yrs or so and is a fantastic site to see. While in Halifax I would recommend you take a sail around the harbour. There are quite a few boats along the harbour front that have site seeing tours for only about $10. And of course you MUST visit the Citidal. It's the origional fortress occupied by the English way back when. I could go on and on, but if you would like any more info, feel free to e-mail me. Have a great time.
Kris <>
Edmonton, Canada - Tuesday, May 30, 2000 at 23:34:30 (EDT)
John...what type of slide duplicator will you be purchasing? Will it have it's own light source or will you have to provide one. The duplicator I have is a cheapie.....Put the slide in front and aim at a light source. I found out that by using it on a clear, sunny day and aimed underneath the sun 1/2 up from the horizon and using Kodachrome 25 film works nicely....I've also used the Fujichrome 50 as well.Good luck!!!!!!!!!!!
Jim Bryant <>
Port Orchard, WA, USA - Wednesday, May 31, 2000 at 03:06:01 (EDT)
I couldn't find any number of any kind on my notification letter so I still don't know which one of my photos were chosen, so..... LaDonna
LaDonna <>
Winslow, usa - Wednesday, May 31, 2000 at 17:55:22 (EDT)
Alx, I have tried to call your office today and I got the message that "this nimber has been disconnected or is no longer in service". What Gives???? I was calling to tell you that with the numbering scheme you have worked out, i.e. N1234-1, the "-" in the number line is a "nonstandard DOS" char that will make the file un-readable on a windows system. If you are using a MAC, it OK but a windows based system will not read the file. Respectfully, Mark J Phillips
Mark J. Phillips <>
Tempe, AZ, USA - Friday, June 02, 2000 at 11:46:31 (EDT)
Mark, we are apparently having problems with our phones at the office. I'm currently out of the country but back in the office Monday.
Alx Klive <>
On location, - Friday, June 02, 2000 at 14:04:58 (EDT)