Archived Messages - March 2001

Long time no see guys. Just finished a 16 page shoot for Time Canada. Check it out on Monday Alx... Main reason for writing is to get a status report on how the book did. Can you give us some numbers Alx. Do you think it will ever make any money...Will we ever get a royalty cheque so we can all get a bottle of champagne out of it... Just Wondering, Paul Couvrette
Paul Couvrette <>
Ottawa, Canada - Thursday, March 01, 2001 at 20:06:24 (EST)
Addressing: Mother Pickle Distributors, Walkerton. Just to make sure that my mail sent today to will be noticed, i mention it here, too. - Today, I received a bank statement dated 26 Feb 01, where my account was debted with the equivalent amount of 10 books. I will order a withdrawal of this amount, as these books were already payed on 14 Dec 2000. I don't understand how this could happen, i did not reorder.
freed schmitter <>
amsterdam, netherlands - Thursday, March 01, 2001 at 21:23:22 (EST)
Freed, I understand Karen is looking into your problem for you and that it is on its way to being resolved. Paul, I'll look out for the Time Canada piece next week. As for sales, we're a long way off from turning a profit... but we're working on it!
Alx Klive <>
Project HQ, Toronto - Friday, March 02, 2001 at 10:41:24 (EST)
After seeing Freed Smitter's message, I went back and checked my Visa receipts and realized I had been charged for 20 extra books on February 5. I did not order them and Cindy has no record of me ordering but says a number of people apparently have been charged without ordering. I called VISA and must send written information to Customer Service concerning it to receive a refund
David Lubin <>
Tampa, FLA, USA - Sunday, March 04, 2001 at 15:31:41 (EST)
RE: DOUBLE VISA CHARGES We contacted Visa when we were first made aware of the situation. Some people cards are being charged a second time in February for the same dollar amounts (with no cents) as orders which were processed earlier. Apparently this error is the responsibility of Visa. We have not processed the cards a second time and Visa has told us that we are under no circumstances to refund monies on transactions that we have not processed. We were told to advise effected customers to contact their card company with this problem and their money will be refunded. Again I assure you that this is an internal Visa error and that you only need to contact your card company to have it resolved. Yours sincerely, Karen Hazzard
Karen Hazzard <>
Walkerton ON, Canada - Monday, March 05, 2001 at 06:42:41 (EST)
Hi This is for Karen. I have still not received my copies of the books/postcards/posters I ordered. The order was confirmed on November 13,2000. The order number is 1343. My Card has been billed and paid. I sent an email to sales@millennium on Feb 5. No response. Hence this message today. Have sent a reminder today to Sales@... and Alx. In case this was due to the email failure I read about here. Hope there will be a response this time. I had hoped for the books for Christmas, then New Year, then my still waiting. Please don't kill the excitement of the project. Kill the delivery guys instead. Best regards. Oscar
Oscar De Mello <>
Gurgaon, Haryana, India - Wednesday, March 07, 2001 at 09:19:43 (EST)
Dear Millennium Crew and Photographers, please check out the June 2001 issue of Today's Photographer Magazine, photo title "United States Supreme Court Hears Bush Appeal" (page 26). The IFPO Members On Assignment. Their website Also the Winner is "Chocolate" by Daniel B. McNeill (third place for portraiture) of February 2001 online Photo Contest. Their website is...www.onlinephotoconte
Daniel B. McNeill <>
Washington, DC, USA - Saturday, March 10, 2001 at 08:09:20 (EST)
Hey Daniel, way to go! Congratulations!
Connie Wragge <>
West Chester, PA, USA - Saturday, March 10, 2001 at 08:19:49 (EST)
Thank you Connie.
Daniel B. McNeill <>
Washington, DC., USA - Monday, March 12, 2001 at 00:29:00 (EST)
hello everyone.The book finally arrived in malaysia. thank you thank you. it's it's a dream come true for all of the mpp in this country.The book is absolutely fantastic. Can't thank you enough Alx and the crews.Cherrs!
kwok yoong lee <>
k.lumpur, malaysia - Wednesday, March 14, 2001 at 11:06:13 (EST)
The Millennium Crew and Photographers please check my "Photograph of the Day" (03/15/2001) in the Epson Photo Contest online at... or you can go to...
Daniel B. McNeill <>
Washington, DC., USA - Thursday, March 15, 2001 at 08:07:21 (EST)
Here's an odd idea -- for those photographers in the project who are members of MENSA, there is a member special interest group that is devoted to celebrating the Millennium through 2005. Perhaps any project photographers who are also Mensa members could contact the group and let them know about the book? Contact information should be in the newsletters and such...
Kim Wadsworth <>
New York, USA - Tuesday, March 20, 2001 at 10:37:18 (EST)
It is now, what, about 120 days since I ordered and paid for four books of Dawn. I still have not received them. I have written to Alx and Karen plenty of times and have never had a satisfactory reply. I have asked you to do a trace, you have not replied; I have asked you for the shipping consignment number, you have not replied. Quite frankly, this is not good enough. At least you might have the decency to reply to me about what you are doing. I am a professional photographer living in Japan. You got my photo for your book free. You received credit card payment for more than $100 more than four months ago. I only ordered the books because you guys were whining that you couldn't get a publisher. You were pleading with us to order books in maximum quantities. I remeber when everyone was rallying around, supporting you, trying to find a solution, calling up radio stations and newspapers. But despite all this help from us, it seems that you can't even be bothered to look into the whereabouts of my four books. On the 17th of February, I ordered 2 books from I got them within 14 days. Now, what's happening to my books that you said would take a maximum of six weeks to ship. It is now 17 weeks. Somehow, I feel cheated, not only monetarily but intellectually. You used our talent to make a business for yourselves. And though it seemed you were quite ready to take the money for the books, it also appears you were quite unwilling to lift a finger to make sure any of the photographers got their books. I have seen dozens of cases complaing about the delivery of these books on this website.
Peter Oxley <fotokyo@>
Japan, Tokyo - Friday, March 23, 2001 at 08:09:16 (EST)
Peter, to suggest we have not lifted a finger is unfair and not true. We have done everything we can do under the circumstances, which is to place a trace on your order with the postal service and advise you of that. Karen wrote you a long e-mail to that effect on February 1st. These traces take time, up to 12 weeks. Unlike Amazon, we are a small organization and unable to simply resend expensive orders as you asked us earlier to do. I wonder if Amazon had a similar discussion board, what theirs would read like? In EVERY case so far, where we have started traces on orders, the books have shown up at the destination before the trace results came back. I realise how frustrating it is, but the postal service can be achingly slow and unreliable. What you have not read on the discussion board is the hundreds of people who have received their books without incident. If the postal service informs us that they have lost the books, we will get a refund and that refund will be passed onto you. If they have not, you will get the books as ordered.
Alx Klive <>
Project HQ, Toronto - Friday, March 23, 2001 at 16:16:36 (EST)
Friends, please bear with the problems of Smashing. Really, i can assure from my own experience that Alx, Karen, etc, do all they can when problems show up. Just read all the posts here. Maybe someone who does not like independent publishers and has big influence (influential friends) is playing tricks. (No accusation. Just a thought to facilitate an eventual explanation.) - When you look at the result - the community, and the smashing book as a unique document of the Millennium shift - all hiccups will be forgotten. The books i gave as a present made a huge impression, even if they were too late for Christmas and New Year (2000/01). See it as an investment that has brought / will bring rich fruit for all involved.
freed schmitter <>
amsterdam, netherlands - Sunday, March 25, 2001 at 16:40:11 (EST)
Hi Millennium Crew and Photographers. The Epson's Online Color Photo Contest at... .asp one of my photograph won again, title: "Beauty Is Always Within" I thank each and everyone of you for the support. Also Saturday March 31, 2001 is the last day to enter your photos into this conte
Daniel B. McNeill <>
Washington, DC., USA - Friday, March 30, 2001 at 07:25:10 (EST)