Archived Messages - June 2000

Thanks everyone for the tips on Nova Scotia. Kris, looks like we will miss the Tall Ships by a week. They are scheduled to arrive in Halifax the week after we leave. Being a sailor myself I really would like to have seen that. Such is life. Jim, about the slide duplicator. I was thinking about getting a Nikon bellows and adding a slide duplicator attachment. That way I can use it for Macro work as well. For a light source I plan to use flash. I have a TTL cord for my F3 that will work with both my SB-16a and my SunPak 120J.
John Rupe <>
Tampa, Fl., U.S.A. - Friday, June 02, 2000 at 15:42:34 (EDT)

While we're on the subject of travel (and photography, of course)has anyone been to Tepotzlan in Mexico? Or Isla de Mujeres? San Miguel, my old haunt, has changed too much and I want to spend a month or two relaxing and writing after getting my second book to the printer. may email me.
Liz <>
Venice, usa - Saturday, June 03, 2000 at 09:07:02 (EDT)

Please note that we are currently experiencing problems with our office phone system. The problem is not affecting the website or our ability to send/receive e-mail.
Alx Klive <>
Project HQ, Toronto - Sunday, June 04, 2000 at 16:20:49 (EDT)

I am going on a cruise later this year to the Caribean, and I was wondering if anyone had any tips on photo ops. We are going to port in Montego Bay,Cozumel, and Grand Cayman. I am so looking forward to this and have already taken hundreds of pictures in my mind! Thanks,
LaDonna <>
WInslow, USA - Monday, June 05, 2000 at 22:44:55 (EDT)

Hi all! Quick question: I have recently graduated from college (three weeks ago), and now I am looking for a job. What a fun process! I am trying to think of the many places that might be nice to live and work that I may not have the opportiunity to live in later down the road. Most recently, I have come up with the idea of New Zealand. I am getting some info from a program called BUNAC about obtaining a work visa, but does anyone know of anyone who might need a photojournalist there? I also enjoy writing and have experience in that as well. Thank you for your help! Candace
Candace Williams <>
Memphis, USA - Tuesday, June 06, 2000 at 12:53:23 (EDT)

Dear Alx,
Did you get my high quality print?Kindly acknowledge.
Please note a change of e-mail address from to
Valappil Radhakrishnan
V.Radhakrishnan <>
Kochi, India - Wednesday, June 07, 2000 at 00:43:26 (EDT)

I'm glad to report our phone system is now fully operational again. Our apologies to those who were trying to get through or who left messages that went unanswered. Our voicemail went down as well but is now up and running again.
Alx Klive <>
Project HQ, Toronto - Friday, June 09, 2000 at 15:49:03 (EDT)

It isn't New Zealand, but I have a friend who is a photo editor for the daily paper in Somerset Kentucky, I know that they are down three reporters and he wants another photog there. is the web site. Why don't you check out the site and see what you think. The contact addresses are there, send in your portfolio and any writing that you have and see what comes of it.
Trevor Frey is the new photo editor. But I think you may want to address your inquiries to the managing editor.
Good Luck
Diana Martin <>
Belleville, Canada - Saturday, June 10, 2000 at 21:31:36 (EDT)

Diane and Candace,

Small world it is. After returning from Japan in 1972 for awhile and before I joined the Navy in 73, I worked part-time at the Commonwealth Journal in Somerset mainly filling in and working from Friday night to Monday. I worked at my uncle's present project, he was the project manager of Woodsen Bend", a resort community along the Clumberland River. At that time, I painted houses for a living. Figured...if someone paid me to take pictures, then I found my callling in life. Hell....should have stayed a house painter...there's alot more money in it than photography, But the work at the Journal got me an internship at the Courrier Journal in Louisville. Good's a nice area....they call it "God's Country". At that time it was rural with rolling pastures with cows and horses. A feature photographer's paradise. The last photographer who worked there is now the Chief Photographer for the Lexington paper, so the position can be used as a stepping stone to bigger papers.
Jim Bryant <>
Port Orchard, WA. USA - Sunday, June 11, 2000 at 12:47:09 (EDT)

Well hi again all. I'm finally back from 2 weeks of camping and it was great. A little chilly a few nights, but that was fine. We survived it. I was able to get a lot of good wildlife pics and as soon as I figure this darn scanner out, I'll be adding them to my web site- along with trying to make the ones on there better. But first I'll be off camping again at the end of the week (for 2 more weeks), and then off to Florida for about 2 or 3 weeks. Before I left for camping, I was able to get in all the MPP photographers web sites onto my page. I still have to fix the resolution of my photos and start the "Miscellaneous and Links" pages.
Jim - I was very curious when I read your last message. I enlisted into the Navy also in 1973 and went to boot camp in Orlando, Florida. I went to "OS" (Operations Specialist), schooling in Great Lakes. There weren't any jobs for an OS when I got out so I also became a house painter after about 10 years of commercial painting. I started my own business and living on Long Island I was making a great living at it. I've done a lot of the "Rich & Famous" people living on Dune Road. About the nicest persons house I've done was Susan Lucci's. Others were Billy Joel's, Cliff Robertson, Erik Von Lustbadder-(not to sure on the, and many others until I became disabled in 1994. That's when I started doing alot of photos.
Anyway, have to go and search some attractions in Florida. My daughter likes the FAST rides. I'll try to be back on before I leave on Friday. If not, I wish all the Fathers out there a GREAT FATHERS' DAY !!!!!!
Tom Donadio <>
Mastic,NY, USA - Tuesday, June 13, 2000 at 00:05:59 (EDT)

Tom.....I haven't competely given up painting. My wife makes me paint all the apartment and houses we've lived in. Since moving to Port Orchard in 96, I've repainted the downstairs family room, laundry area, bathroom and my daughter's bedroom. I'm about ready to go upstairs and work up the hallway to the bathroom and kids bedrooms and kitchen area. Next will be the back deck. Such fun!!!!!!!!!

I went NTC at Great Lakes in 73, then onto Monterey's Naval Post Graduate School from 74-77, next was Syracuse University 77-79, CINCPACFLT 79-80, Middle East 80-81, CNET's CAMPUS Magazine from 81-83 until I got out in June that year. Such is life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jim Bryant <>
Port Orchard, WA, USA - Tuesday, June 13, 2000 at 16:21:43 (EDT)

Hello, thought it was about time I made a posting. Thanks those of you who are regular contributers to the board, I really enjoy reading everything. I've sent my higher quality print in and had confirmation, now it is just the waiting game. I still feel excited about this project and look forward to the book coming out in October. Congratulations to Alx and the rest of the crew, and my thanks also. I also have a question, I have recently bought a new camera, pentax MZ50 with a cosina 28-210 lens. Last night I wanted to take some photos at a dance party and with everything on auto was not able to get pictures in the dark, do I need to get a flash attachment as well as the built in flash, so that I have a choice, or perhaps my lens is a problem? I hope your all having a good year 2000, I am, and this project has helped add to it. Thanks, Veronica.
Ronnie <>
Hawke's Bay, New Zealand - Friday, June 16, 2000 at 19:40:26 (EDT)

test <>
Toronto, Canada - Saturday, June 17, 2000 at 00:18:18 (EDT)
Test 1...2....3....4
Test Message <>
Toronto, Canada - Saturday, June 17, 2000 at 00:23:38 (EDT)
Hi guys how are you all, hi to sandra by the way. I have something for you today something different. A friend of mine wishes to say something to you all about house swaping. You can go through me to get to her o.k., I have asked Alx about this and he said o.k. Kia Ora (Hello) from Waiheke Island, Auckland, New Zealand. Home of the Americas Cup! My name is Jenny Bennett. I am the Promotions and Marketing Manager for the Waiheke Island Visitor Board, N.Z. Waiheke Island is a small, magical Island, 35 minutes by fast ferry off the East coast of Auckland. Waiheke is know for its white sandy beaches, Easter Jass Festival, boutique wineries, artists and beautiful nature. My partner and I wish to spend a one month holiday in another special part of the world during our winter months i.e. either August or September. I wish to arrange a 'House Swap' with another professional person, couple or family. I own a delightful 3 bedroom, cosy, artistic house on Waiheke Island. The house is less than 3 minutes walk to two northfacing beaches. The house is private and quiet with off street parking and a small private back garden. There is a permanent tenant in the flat downstairs.(Thats me by the way) I have a T.V, Stereo, Fridge freezer, kent fire place + wood, original art and lots more. My partner has a beautiful 3 bedroom 2 stroied 'Greek style' house in Devonport, a bustling creative community 10 minutes be fast ferry from Auckland. We wish to visit one of the following destinations or countries, we would 'perfer' to be close to the sea however we are open to looking at a number of possibilities! >New Orleans Jass Fest 2001 French Quarter? >Portugal >Spain and/or Ibizia >Indonessia >India prefer Goa/Sri Lanka >Thailand >Greek Islands A vehicle may also be available to swap. Photographs can be supplied if required. (I have a scanner I can send them to you through email) I look forward to hearing from you soon Best wishes Jenny Bennett. So that is what she has to say to you all, if you have any Q just ask me and i can tell you, o.k. Good luck everyone see you all next time. Sharie
Sharie Penwarden <>
Waiheke Island, New Zealand - Saturday, June 17, 2000 at 04:05:09 (EDT)
Hi, I just got the e-mail that 2 of my pictures will be included in the Time Capsule. Then it went on to say that I do not have to do anything. I sent in prints of pictures that I took with my digital camera and would prefer that the origonal digital picture is used for the web site. I was happy to be in the Time Capsule and enjoyed taking the pictues for the project.
Michelle Sparr <>
Los Angeles, CA, USA - Sunday, June 18, 2000 at 07:50:44 (EDT)
congratulations to all the winners. & to the organisers but what if the next year is the millennium year? husain
s husain mahmud <>
KHI, PK - Sunday, June 18, 2000 at 10:45:35 (EDT)
Good ask Husain. Let's do it again?
Orlando Discacciati <>
Barbacena - MG , Brazil - Sunday, June 18, 2000 at 20:37:15 (EDT)
Let's do it again !
- Monday, June 19, 2000 at 10:00:57 (EDT)
Oh yes. That's just what I need! :)
Alx Klive <>
Project HQ, Toronto - Monday, June 19, 2000 at 13:03:15 (EDT)
I have not gotten to the site for ages as I have been out of town or very tied up. I see that there don't seem to be any messages on the site from June 2nd through the 16th. Are these lost or will they be added to the archives soon? I do hope they will as I like to catch up from time to time. Hi everyone :)
Sandra <>
Seattle area, USA - Monday, June 19, 2000 at 16:01:25 (EDT)
I just found out that all 3 of my photos made it on the website!I can't say how pleased I am, since I really agonized over which ones to send. I must have changed my mind a thousand times! Thanks again for making this happen, and yes, let's do it again as I have a lot more ideas for next time! take care all!LaDonna
LaDonna <>
Winslow, USA - Monday, June 19, 2000 at 16:20:25 (EDT)
Hello everyone! I have just launched a new part of my photography business "Birth Images." The idea was conceived as a result of me participating in the Millennium Photo Project! Even though I did not photograph a birth duing the 24 hours (I was on call), I did get to photograph some twins (that were born prematurely) spending New Years Day in the arms of their parents at the hospital! Since then I have photographed 3 births! You can view the web site at I am excited to have 2 photographs chosen for the book and look forward to promoting this project!!! It's been great - Thanks!
Christine A. Olson <>
St. Louis area, USA - Monday, June 19, 2000 at 23:35:10 (EDT)
Sandra, a (strange) technical glitch wiped out all the messages from the beginning of June. We DO have a backup, kind of. But it's going to be a lot of work to put it all back together again. There actually weren't a lot of messages from that time period, I think maybe everyone got together and went on a mass MPP vacation together - and didn't invite us!
Alx Klive <>
Project HQ, Toronto - Tuesday, June 20, 2000 at 13:55:31 (EDT)
I need information on how to get a copy right for my photo's, or tell me where to go to get this information.
Ed Story <>
Walls Ms, USA - Wednesday, June 21, 2000 at 13:29:59 (EDT)
Ed, Go to It's the homepage of American Society of Media Photographers. On the bottom of their index page is the address and phone number where you can reach them. It's 215-451-2767 or fax 215-451-0880 There's a big article in the recent ASMP Magazine that deals with copyright protection. Normally you have to register your photos with the Copyright Office in Washington DC. Call 411 info and they can give you the direct number. It's been a big hassle..normally you have to fill out paperwork and submit copies of each photo and a registration fee for each photo. But due to ASMP and PPA battling in congress, the Copyright Office is about to change the requirements. A new regulation would allow a group registration of published photographs. Under this regulation you will able to register up to 500 published photographs in a single registration for a single registration fee. That's 500 photos for the price of 1. So wait for about a month until the final approval is made. You will be able to submit one copy of the image instead of two copies of the image as published. you can also put them on video tape or CD for deposit in the office. You can find this info at It's not final, but it will be put into force within the next couple of months. This is an organization for professional prographers that informs, teaches us photographers business sense, how to market, getting shooting permits and all sorts of stuff we don't know about(Heavens forbid). Most of us are hell of a good photographer, but lously businessmen, therefore are cheated out of the real value of an image we take. I've been a member for ten years and now the ad agencies, magazines and stock agencies know that I know the present page rate space of their publications they sell too, so I cannot be cheated out of money. Believe....they will cheat you too if you don't know what price to ask for your images. Good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!Jim
Jim Bryant <>
Port Orchard, Wa. USA - Wednesday, June 21, 2000 at 16:39:52 (EDT)
Here's to Millennium Eve 2, the Sequel!!
Dick Smith <>
Alexandria, VA, USA - Wednesday, June 21, 2000 at 17:02:26 (EDT)
Jim, Thanks for the infomation. It will be put to good use. ED
Ed Story <>
Walls Ms, USA - Thursday, June 22, 2000 at 13:04:10 (EDT)
Funny that the issue of registering copyright comes up. Just to add to what Jim has said. You CAN group register multiple photos with the copyright office for a single fee ($30) and non US residents can do it too. There is a battle going on with the ASMP right now which centres on whether you have to send copies of each photo in or not, but it's probably not worth waiting out. A superb 'how to and why' resource can be found at The US copyright office website is located at One of the things we are evaluating (which is holding up matters with the contract) is whether to do a group registration on behalf of all our photographers prior to publication. Some agencies do this for their catalogues for example. DON'T let this hold you up if you wish to register but DO watch this space...!
Alx Klive <>
Project HQ, Toronto - Thursday, June 22, 2000 at 13:31:06 (EDT)
Alx.......thanks for the additional web addresses. I used to suscribe to PDN, but dropped them awhile back infavour of National Geographic Magazine and NPPA and ASMP membership dues. Got to cut costs somewhere.....know what I mean? Kids and their wants are expensive. Jim
Jim Bryant <>
Port Orchard, WA., USA - Thursday, June 22, 2000 at 13:59:40 (EDT)
Yes, Alx, thank you for the information on copyright laws and such. I am going to be going through some of this legal junk in the near future. Unfortunately, I haven't yet registered my photo in question(not one of the project, but another photo), but will shortly , then will pursue action to stop the person who is cheating me. I'm not trying to take anything away from anyone, I am just trying to make a little extra cash, and maybe get a good reputation as a photographer in the process. Thanks for having this message board for us, it helps get some stuff of my chest!!! Take care...LaDonna
LaDonna <>
Winslow, usa - Thursday, June 22, 2000 at 18:56:52 (EDT)
The following message was accidently lost back on June 16th. We are reposting it...
Project Staff <>
Toronto, Canada - Friday, June 23, 2000 at 17:37:12 (EDT)
Hello, thought it was about time I made a posting. Thanks those of you who are regular contributers to the board, I really enjoy reading everything. I've sent my higher quality print in and had confirmation, now it is just the waiting game. I still feel excited about this project and look forward to the book coming out in October. Congratulations to Alx and the rest of the crew, and my thanks also. I also have a question, I have recently bought a new camera, pentax MZ50 with a cosina 28-210 lens. Last night I wanted to take some photos at a dance party and with everything on auto was not able to get pictures in the dark, do I need to get a flash attachment as well as the built in flash, so that I have a choice, or perhaps my lens is a problem? I hope your all having a good year 2000, I am, and this project has helped add to it. Thanks, Veronica.
Ronnie <>
Hawke's Bay, New Zealand - Friday, June 23, 2000 at 17:38:01 (EDT)
Hello to all, Had trouble this week with my isp and had to sign on with another and also had complete computer shut-down where I had to reboot everything. Luckily all of my photos are on zip files. Anyhow I sent the crew my new e-mail address but it seems I am still hooked to aol at I don't know if anything has happened or if the crew tried to reach me to let me know that they recieved my e-mail. If this seems confusing just think how I feel, I spent the last two evenings at least 2-3 hrs. per night getting this thing to work again. If Alx or someone from the crew could contact me and let me know that I am not drifting aimlessly in cyberspace it would be greatly appreciated. I had both of my photos accepted for the web site and one for the book and I don't want to miss out on any more instructions. Thank You, Rik Cass P.S. If you can try both e-mail addresses cause I don't know what the heck is going on here
Rik Cass <>
erie,pa, U.S.A. - Friday, June 23, 2000 at 19:21:23 (EDT)
Ronnie, What is the max aperture on your lens (the widest it will open, or the smallest number aperture)? A separate flash until is usually more powerful than the built-in and could help your problem. Also, what film speed are you using?
Amy Lewis Sides <>
Tuscaloosa, AL, USA - Saturday, June 24, 2000 at 10:44:35 (EDT)
Does anyone know exactly what you have to do to register all of your own photos with the copyright office? Do you have to send in a copy of every photo, or just the ones that are published??? I only have 4 that have been, or will be published, but I would like to register the rest of my photos for my own protection. I have a jealous person who can't seem to stay out of my life, and wants to try and take my own rights to my pictures away from me....suffice to say it is a long, long story. Any answers would be appreciated.I have talked to a copyright lawyer, but forgot to ask about the unpublished photos. Thanks again. LaDonna
LaDonna <>
Winslow, usa - Saturday, June 24, 2000 at 14:19:04 (EDT)
I have not put a message on in awhile...nothing much to say, just enjoying the summer. I did want to tell a story that happened June 3. Did anyone go the Backdrop Outlets blowout sale? in Chicago? Well I did, traveling from a small town in Michigan. I took a train from my friends house to downtown, then took a taxi, all went smooth untill I tryed to return with a 6ft. canvan over my shoulder and a bag of muslins. I shared a taxi with a couple of guys that I met at Art Ketchum class. The canvas sticking out the windows. The taxi let us off at the "Train Station" I said goodbye to the fellows from Wisconsin and realize I didn't know where I was. I took the Metro not Union Station, where I was. So I had to carry my heavy load thru the Station up the stair and across the street to Metro. As I was walking I forgot I put the canvas on my shoulder...and turned. One lady ducked and her husband said "look out". oops.haha felt like I was in the 3 stooges. Anyway for all the trouble, I have my 1st canvas backdrop and It photographs beautifully. Heres their site Oh yeah, 3 images made the wed and 1 is waiting on the book! Good Day,
Diane Sumner <>
Allegan, MI, USA - Sunday, June 25, 2000 at 19:53:04 (EDT)
Dear Alx, Thank you for the note re. the two photos accepted for the Time Capsule. I feel honoured that I could contribute meaningfully to your efforts. It seems that it was worthwhile to freeze my fingers on that abandoned factory lot. With your note came a request also; not to ask you to change the title of the photos, which I appreciate entirely. So much so that is the reason why I'm asking you, not to change the title of my photos either. In the case of my photos the title is as important as the actual picture. One supports or enhance the other, the title is the content of my work. The title I gave to my second photo(#2) is: "THE FLOWER OF HIGHER PROFIT MARGIN…" , knowing the correct title and seeing the photo will generate different thought than just a bunch of "nice weed". I worked on that particular photo for months to express my strong feelings about disappearing blue collar work from the north American continent. The title I gave to my third photo (#3) is: "THE BEAUTY OF INDUSTRIAL WASTE…", yes that is what we will leave behind for our kids. Alx Please correct the title of my photos so my intentions with the photos will come through. Thank you. Attila
Attila Keszei <>
Mississauga, Canada - Monday, June 26, 2000 at 13:58:19 (EDT)
You register only those photos that are published anywhere. Jim
Jim Bryant <>
Port Orchard, WA., USA - Monday, June 26, 2000 at 14:18:08 (EDT)