Archived Messages - July 2000

Wow it's getting quiet again on the board! I'm looking for ideas guys on things we can do the next couple of months to raise awareness of the book. One suggestion is to try and get the word out in the Harry Potter community for instance. Does anyone think that's a good idea? Any other ideas??!
Alx Klive <>
Project HQ, Toronto - Saturday, July 01, 2000 at 23:29:30 (EDT)
here's an idea for publicizing the book and contributing to good causes: if a percentage of proceeds from book sales (profits) were to be donated to worthwhile causes, then the organization(s) affiliated with those causes would help to promote the book since they would benefit from its sale. perhaps this could be done at a local level instead of selecting one global charity overall. for instance, say we have a photographer from san diego and she selects the american heart association as her charity. then, sales of the book in/around san diego help to contribute to the san diego chapter of the american heart association. the percentage could be established, like 5% or 10% or whatever, and the local charity could be determined by us, the photographers who live in that area. i have no idea if logistics would make this too formidable a task, but it's an idea... we could then probably get this idea of "local charity on a global level" to be covered by national and international press (because the book's concept is wonderfully global and the worldwide contributions concept is philanthropic and global). you get the idea.... hey, what can i say, it's a brainstorming-type suggestion!
charlie <>
erie, usa - Sunday, July 02, 2000 at 17:13:03 (EDT)
Target the Ophra Show!!! Make a proposal to her show to do the whole hour as a global human interest story of celebration! Open the book for the US on her show! Having been down this route before, make it newsworthy first! Send books to President Clinton and the world leaders as a world peace project. Have them sign a book then put it on Ebay for Auction! Tie it in with the Olympics which is also the world coming together as one. Think big news, news, news! Take risks! P.R. people are great, but this books calls for risky business! Alx, since this is your "baby", it is you who must take the lead and make the calls personally. People love that, and they listen better when it is the author making the direct calls. No one can talk it like you! This is your time to shine! I know you will!
Joan Lauren <joanlauren@joanlauren@com>
Los Angeles, USA - Sunday, July 02, 2000 at 18:28:00 (EDT)
Wow, the Oprah Show!!! Love it. Thinking on a smaller scale, make up Brochures, Flyer, B.Cards that each photographer can passout and mail out to everyone they know including their wed site to order the book. Alx, Talking about signed copies, are you going to sign the books that are given out the the photographer? That would be great. Finally, Have an invite (Party)for all Book photographers to come to Canada for the 1st book release. Make a big deal about it with media. Have each photographer bring an orginal photo(s)for display. The photographers could sit around signing the books too.
Diane Sumner <>
Allegan, MI, USA - Monday, July 03, 2000 at 09:48:35 (EDT)
Wow, I DO love the idea of doing the Oprah show! That would be great! Also, I maybe any of the local(in every area that has one) educational, or government channel or whatever it may be called in the area would also be a good place to start in a variety of places. Most of the local educational channels love stuff like this....?? I myself would like to be able to put up flyers announcing the book in all stores that would let me.......:) LaDonna
LaDonna <>
Winslow, USA - Monday, July 03, 2000 at 11:08:14 (EDT)
Wow. Some really good ideas here. Keep them coming! And let's start debating them too. I know we have a couple of marketing/pr types among our mix, Connie? Mark? Keith? Bear in mind the following three constraining factors, mainly due to tight financial controls: 1. Our community publicity budget is extremely limited so we must think near zero outlay, maximum impact! 2. Staffing here at Site HQ will be just myself and one other person so there is a limit to how much we can co-ordinate CENTRALLY. We will probably have to pick just the best two or three ideas and run with those. 3. Let's not forget global!
Alx Klive <>
Project HQ, Toronto - Monday, July 03, 2000 at 12:49:09 (EDT)
Hi everybody, I got a massage now about taking part in this discussion. I'm happy to tell you that one of my photos will be in the book and all the three will be in the Time Capsule. I didn't participate in the discussions here becaouse I was busy building my personal Web site, I even put a link to this project on my site. The URL: I'll be happy to hear from you what do you think about it. Shalom.
Pini Vollach <>
Haifa, Israel - Monday, July 03, 2000 at 13:56:05 (EDT)
It was an interesting discussion you had about copyright in the US. I was under the impression that the US had already accepted the international copyright laws witch are much simpler. In most of the world you automatically get a "copyright" on the images you take, you do not have to register anything. You only have to be able to prove that you are the person who took the original photo, e.g. by showing you have the original negative. So all images are allways copyrighted and the copyright hoder is always the person who took the photo, unless (s)he has made an agreement to transfer this right, i.e. sell it. An image becomes free only 75 years after the person who took the photo has died. And if you want to commercially use a photo that is not yours it is your job to find out who holds the copyright before you publish it, because someone does, even though there is no "copyright" text on the photo. This is a simple and just system that efficiently protects the rights of any photographer, amateur or professional.
Carl-Magnus Dumell <>
Helsinki, Finland - Monday, July 03, 2000 at 14:37:35 (EDT)
My apologies to my mates at the Millennium Photo Project and everyone else who may have felt a little ignored by my abscence from the discussion forum. I've been really busy (as you'll see on my web site) with work and trying to find another job but I've never forgotten you lot. Hell how could - this has to be the most dedicated bunch of shooters ever. I mean we decided to record the biggest party in the world when all our friends were having a bash. I promiose I'll be back regularly to give my two cents worth... okay now Alx stop nagging me... he he he.. just joking.
AndyO <>
Cape Town, South Afr - Monday, July 03, 2000 at 15:02:39 (EDT)
Hi Team. Sorry about not coming on sooner but have been sooo busy down under in Kiwi land, (That's New Zealand for the unintiated) It has been really great to have been involved with such a well organised internation project. Bouquets of flowers to the organisers and participants. How about we do this on a regular basis say every 2-5 years so that images of the world we live in an be captured in a unique way. And of course we can have the fun collecting them together. Aroha to you all (peace and love) Bob
Bob Franklyn <>
Auckland, New Zealand - Monday, July 03, 2000 at 16:15:19 (EDT)
Hello All, Alex -- thanks for the note. I realize that I haven't posted since before the big event, and it's probably because the project gets absolutely no coverage out here. I really wanted to see the Today Show feature about the project, but it's only broadcast here in the Philippines randomly -- just when I get used to the TV lineup, it changes. It's quite frustrating. The shows are never current anyway. The only people that know about the project around here are those that I have told about it and if they don't have internet access (as most do not) they can't even find out anymore information about it. Maybe some posters to paste up? I am not sure it would be much help because the current economy does not make for an environment in which people can readily spend money on a book like this. The one thing I can say about living and working in the Philippines is that I have never met a culture that so likes to be in pictures. If you take out a camera, people come running and pose with huge smiles and a sparkle in their eyes that says "take a picture of me!!" It makes for some uplifting shots, but very posed, and that's what I ran into while working during the New Year, as you will see in the my Time Capsule shots. Anyway, I'm in the D.C. area celebrating the 4th and sort of "re-rooting" myself to my American life for a week, but I know that my camera is more of an "intrusion" here than back at "home." Take care all, Fran
Fran <>
Angeles City, Philippines - Monday, July 03, 2000 at 17:04:18 (EDT)
Carl, Yes, the US does recognize that the person who creates an object owns the copyright to that object. But, if somewhere down the road, you find out that someone has infringed upon your work, your work has to be registered to take any kind of legal action. You can also register the work after the act of infringement has taken place, and then take legal action, as long as it is done within a certain time frame. This comes to me from a copyright lawyer here in Fayetteville, as I have had some trouble from a *person*:( who just wants to cause me some personal trouble! She'll get over it!!:) Have a good day!! LaDonna
LaDonna <>
Winslow, USA - Monday, July 03, 2000 at 17:08:30 (EDT)
To help out with P.R.$...Since we did not pay a entry fee, have all the photographers who make the book send in a certain amount Like: $30.00 X 371 =$11,130 and internet people send in $5.00 x 2000= $10,000 this would give ya $21,130 to play with. "Give a little get a little"!!!
Diane Sumner <>
Allegan, USA - Monday, July 03, 2000 at 17:19:30 (EDT)
Hi, I was thrilled to find out that one of my photos is going to be in the book and all three in the time capsule, thanks. We have companies here that take books to schools, offices etc, perhaps we could approach them with a view to our book making the rounds. I'll look into it.
Lynn <>
Auckland, NZ - Monday, July 03, 2000 at 18:47:39 (EDT)
Greetings Photo-Millenniumites, You've all got such good excuses as to why you have not been in touch (websites etc.) which only goes to highlight what a committed bunch of geezers and geezettes you Millennium peepholes have gathered together. Yahoo for you and all yer hard werk! What a team. I'm werhing on my excuse right like all the ideas re promotion. Down here in this part of the world i don't think it would be too hard to get some TV and radio airtime, and at minimal cost. Having said that, I like the idea of having a percentage donation to a charity. It may be a bit of a mish but having charities pertinant to the countries of origin of the respective photographers could be a way to go, unless you go for one or two internationals like Greenpeace or whoever, as they too have their own media machines attached. Ooh this sounds soo calculating...Also that idea about an official flyer to send out to all and sundry could be a goer (only prob' being the language gig, but i guess yer werking thru that everyday anyway). If you globally target magazine editors with a pre-selected set of images to promote the book-with a focus on the countries of origin (once again) of the mags-and a press blurb that can be massaged by the respective editors then you stand to get some free press there. Tying in with a local charity kind of rounds it out nicely. Oh yeah about that excuse...Hey thanks for everything so far guys, the opportunities and the selections i hope this is not yer last book effort cos with this much committment and support you deserve a hundred bestsellers! Love you long time...jaSe
Jason Burgess <>
Auckland, New Zealand (Aotaeroa) - Monday, July 03, 2000 at 18:52:36 (EDT)
Hello all! Just stopped by to tell everybody that I´m whith you. Didn´t make for the book but it´s ok, I´m very happy to know that all my 3 pictures got into the Time Capsule. Best regards to folks all over the world. Count on me. Capucho
Claudio Capucho <>
S J dos Campos, Brazil - Monday, July 03, 2000 at 20:28:56 (EDT)
So nice to see the satisfaction this effort has given to many of the photographers. I know what the one meant when he said he agonized over which one to send. I feel this was a positive experience for me and I hope for most others. It was a large undertaken and I think a lot of credit must go to the organizers for a job well done.
Gordon Barber <>
Keswick, Canada - Monday, July 03, 2000 at 21:03:20 (EDT)
Hallo! The copyright discussion are very interesting to me, too. At the US, England or some, it is exact right to copy. At others, it is right of creator. So both type has different general idea. At Japan, it is right to creator. But also Japan have law to protect teh right to copy. The right to creat will never leave off from creator. However, the value are good at 50 years like Carl-Magnus Dumell written as 75 years. Anyway, I can not find any reason to register my photos to the United States with paying money for protect my photos at all over the world. Otherwise, the rights of my photos has automatically strted when I photographed it.
Daisuke Tomiyasu <>
Kobe, Japan - Monday, July 03, 2000 at 21:21:26 (EDT)
This is the first time I ahve sent a message, although I have enjoyed reading all the messages to date. I was realy pleased to have the opportunity to submit photos to this wonderful project and especially pleased to learn one of my photos was selected for the Capsule. I have thousands of photos and slides going back over fifty years but this is the first time I have ever entered any competition, as I never thought I was good enough. Now I wonder what to do with all my photos and what I maybe should have done years ago. I hope there are still opportunities for me to catch up! Looking forward to reading more of your messages. Elsie
Elsie Jones <>
Tauranga, New Zealand - Monday, July 03, 2000 at 21:22:46 (EDT)
Some are posting that they have received notice that they are definitely in the book. Am I to conclude that the final decision has been made?
Liz <>
venice FL, usa - Monday, July 03, 2000 at 21:33:51 (EDT)
HI there ! This is Carlos and I`m sorry I haven`t posted a message on the board any sooner. Thanks Alex for the push. Well, lets see, I do have one of my pictures on the book and sure that`s a good thing, it`s the turning of the millennium and makes me wonder how privileged I am just to be here . Lately I have being working on my photography trying to see what`s right in front of me. The good simple images which most of the time we try to complicate, great expressions, shadows, light, and all those things some of us take a lifetime to see. Some times when I come home from work late at night, and turn off the lights, letting the outside lights come in and "reshape" the room with its shadows, and when I`m sitting there for a moment knowing that photography has changed my life in many ways, it`s like leaving a life on a click. I am working trying to put together a home page, with some of my work on the field of journalism which I hope to accomplish it soon. And if anybody has any idea where is a good place to host it at a reasonable price I would appreciate your suggestion. I`m always reading all your posting keep them coming. Carlos Roberto
Carlos Roberto <>
Belo Horizonte, Brazil - Monday, July 03, 2000 at 22:27:09 (EDT)
Hi everyone!!! my very first message on this board... a great feeling to read so many of those wonderful messages ... The Founder could actually start a "Picture Bank" of sorts for all these photographers....who could further add their other pics inside these "bank" and market them for commercial potential..and earn professional income etc...?? what say all of you???? have a nice day...regards...eddie
Eddie Chuah <>
George Town Penang, Malaysia - Monday, July 03, 2000 at 22:37:45 (EDT)
LaDonna, thank you for clearifying that legal detail. In this case the international situation is not that far from the US one. The main difference seems to be that I do not have to register my photos to take legal action if someone has used my photos without the right to do so. It was a good point that Daisuke Tomiyasu made about the law focusing on protecting either the photographer or the publisher. Here the publishers have to prove that they have aquired the rights to publish if someone clames othervice. An interesting detail is that in the US copyright issues sorts under the trade department while in, for example, France, it sorts under the department of culture.
Carl-Magnus Dumell <>
Helsinki, Finland - Monday, July 03, 2000 at 22:42:38 (EDT)
Liz, I got all three photos nominated for the book but I have still not received confirmation that any of them will be used for certain. I was a bit afraid of this as I had to use ISO 1600 film (it tends to be dark up here in the North around midnight in December). And ISO 1600 film tends to be a bit grainy. Fast film is certainly better than flash (and flash wouldn't have worked anyway because of the depth in the scenes) and I only think a certain grainines adds "feeling" to the images, but it might scare some people in the publishing industry used to nice ISO 100 slides. Well, I just have to wait and see.
Carl-Magnus Dumell <>
Helsinki, Finland - Monday, July 03, 2000 at 22:55:10 (EDT)
About marketing: I sure hope the crew will send out a fax/e-mail to the major news agency in each country. Most countries, atleast in Europe, have one news agency that send out hundreds of news bulletins and press releases to every newspaper, radio- and tv-station in that country. For example Associated Press in the USA, Reuters in the UK, Itar-Tass in Russia, Deutsche Presse Agentur in Germany, TT in Sweden, STT in Finland and so on. It is ofcourse up to each individual newspaper to choose witch of theese "bulk" bulletins they wish to include/follow up on, but this way something like 30 e-mails would get the message trough to practically every single newspaper in all of Europe, and in some other countries aswell. Even the small local newspapers and radiostations. By experience I would say it would be unlikely if it didn't get trough. I could imagine a message (in English as these agencies are used to getting material in English) with a title like "[Five] photographers from [France] has been selected..." and then a list of these persons and their home town, followed by a standard, short and well written, text about the Millennium Photo book that could be the same for every country. By including home towns atleast the local, and perhaps, regional media would find the press release interesting and follow up. Perhaps an e-mail to every nominee asking them to reply with their country of residence if they wish to be included in such a press release would be necessary.
Carl-Magnus Dumell <>
Helsinki, Finland - Monday, July 03, 2000 at 23:42:32 (EDT)
Thank you Alex for your prompt and a big sorry for being one of the silent majority! Excellent promotional thoughts, for my pennyworth I suggest we all "think global and act local." That is where our strength lies - we all have some connections, lets create a rough outline put ourselves into the framework and get the newspapers, radio and television stations pumping out the single message...which could be " The day the world stopped, to pose for a photograph!" On a personal note I'm flabberghasted that six months of this year has already flown'll soon be time for the next shoot! Oh & kind of nice to see so many names from this tiny but beautiful country in your lists, keep it up guys!
Dan McGrath <>
Whangarei, New Zealand - Tuesday, July 04, 2000 at 00:42:28 (EDT)
It was a nice surprise to learn that 2 of my photos will be in the time capsule website and another in the book! There was quite a lot of work involved, getting the images ready for submission. I had sent my originals back to the UK for scanning and sent them via Speedpost...well, things tend to move slowly in India and instead of 2 days, this took 2 weeks. Fortunately, my scanner at (they also put photographers portfolio's on the net, something I have not had done as yet!) did their job. Jpeg's were sent to me and then my colour correction files sent back so that the image was presentable. Of course, what really matters is the content and I wondered if it would be relevant to the project. Thankfully, it was. Same again next year? Well I expect to be in California...goodness knows what I'll find there. A bald headed Eagle perhaps...cruising along the horizon!They don't need model releases... Regards AHMNO
none, UK and India - Tuesday, July 04, 2000 at 02:53:42 (EDT)
Hi everyone, it's been awhile since I have posted a message but I have been checking in for a read every week. I didn't get any photos in the book but both the photos I entered were excepted for the Time Capsual, which made my day. I like the idea of contacting local papers and tv stations with a press release about the book and the time capsual web site, with the local human interest theme ,"local photographers/global project" etc. I also think it would be worthwhile to put up signs/displays in local camera shops/processing labs, especialy the place you get your film/developing at. Even see them personaly about selling the book in store, they would like the advertising it would get them too, that a book photographer uses their store. It was mentioned awhile back that the photographers will be having a hand in the sales on a commission basis? Can we know a little more about that yet ? another brain wave ....We could even see if local libraries,galleries etc are interested in putting up a display and selling the book too, most like to help local artists and being on a global scale their pr people would most likey do a bit of advertising, the libraries would probably do it for a few copies of the book. anyway just a few ideas to kick around a bit. Debbie
Debbie Kowalewycz <>
Townsville, Australia - Tuesday, July 04, 2000 at 04:55:02 (EDT)
Dear Millennium Photo crew, I am very proud to be associated with your project. Your professionalism has impressed me a great deal. This has been one of the most exciting photography projects I have taken part in and I put in my heart and soul in my work and I am sure that so have others. I congratulate all the photographers who have made it in the book team and the 50 winners. You have done a great job. Looking forward to uniting this great PHOTOGRAPHY FAMILY in the millennium book. Love Anu e-mail:
anupama vinayak <>
Mumbai (Bombay), India - Tuesday, July 04, 2000 at 06:25:46 (EDT)
hello,everybody! I liked this kind of competion and enjoined it.Though we had diffirent way to take photoes,but we had same aim.Though we did not know each other,But we have made friends.Even the competion was over,I hoped more.
Denggang <>
Urumqi, CHINA - Tuesday, July 04, 2000 at 07:37:24 (EDT)
Hello Everyone, I believe I've been encouraged to join the discussion. Alx, are you smiling? When pr and marketing budgets are limited, you do what has already been suggested, things that don't cost a lot of money. Specifically, news releases, media advisories and writing letters to major tv/radio networks to draw attention to the MPP. Besides each of us working in our local communities, we also need to get Alx some (free) media visability on a grand scale. The suggestions that are appearing on the discussion board are excellent. It seems the next step is to organize them and assign responsibility. I'd be willing to work with Alx to get him the free media coverage, so long as if it didn't work, you all understand there is no guarantee with free press. We do have a story to tell, and the world yearns for good news.
Connie Wragge <>
West Chester, PA, USA - Tuesday, July 04, 2000 at 10:26:50 (EDT)
I haven't forgotten about the project and I haven't been to the project sight in awhile because I have suffered an eye injury that has made a medical evacuation necessary for me. I am now back in the United States and fighting to recover my vision. The Doctors have hope and for those of you who have ever suffered a vision loss, you know what this means to a photographer. I will be attempting to visit the site again but when it requires assistance, it may be awhile. Thank you Alx for the short reminder notice and I would like to participate if next year is a go. We'll have to see if it's even physically possible for me. April
April D. Warn <>
- Tuesday, July 04, 2000 at 11:50:17 (EDT)
Alx...try contacting Fuji, Kodak, Nikon and Canon pro services.maybe they can help you out with the PR by announcing the book and project in their publications and website. Also try ASMP and NPPA..they might put a plug in there as well....I'm a member of both. I've been a member of NPPA for 22 years and ASMP for 10 and I know they love of hearing about worldwide projects. Next time involve either Kodak or Fuji in the start........they could offer free film and processing services for such events and maybe help out with publishing costs related with the book. Rick Smolan and David Cohen got alot of help from Kodak and other sponsors for their "A Day in the Life" books. Cheers.Jim
Jim Bryant <>
Port Orchard, WA. USA - Tuesday, July 04, 2000 at 16:09:57 (EDT)
HAPPY CELEBRATIONS TO ALL THE AMERICANS ................JULY 04................
Carlos Roberto <>
Belo Horizonte, Brazil - Tuesday, July 04, 2000 at 21:14:01 (EDT)
Hey, Everyone! How is your summer going? Count me in to help promote the book. I know the local editors at the papers here and I know they would help us out. They did a fantastic write-up on my son ( PROUD MOM !!!) who 's photo was chosen through the " Reflections Program" that they had at school . He made it in the top 8 in the nation!!! It's on the National PTA website ( and his name is Corey Humble( intermediate ). He shot it while he was visiting me up at school and he developed it from start to finish. We processed it in the darkroom together and he is hooked.... the photography bug has bit.He wants to know what you all think about his photo. As for promotion... I think Jim has a great idea. Get the big dogs involved ... i.e. Canon, Kodak etc. They have bucks for promotion... then mention them in the book . Advertising trade-off... Locally, approach your newspapers , t.v.stations, bookstores and have them do promotions. I know the bookstores around here would love it!!!! The biggest thing that has hit them is Harry Potter and they are planning all sorts of parties for it. By the way , when will we know for sure if our photos are in the book? I know that when we were first notified there was a possibility that a few were going to be left out. Do we know yet? Take care everyone. Peace...
Dianne Humble <>
Middleton,Idaho, U.S.A. - Tuesday, July 04, 2000 at 21:37:03 (EDT)
As Millennium Photo is a world peoples project, ally it to another great world project. That project is Jubilee 2000. Jubilee 2000 was and is a campaign to persuade governments of wealthier nations to cancel third world debt which is crippling some economies and impovershing the citizens of others.. We the participants of this great photo enterprise are privileged judging by the majority of celebratory picures submitted. Poverty comes in all shapes and forms the obvious one being food and clothing but there are many others such as education and what I would call the new poverty which is the poverty of access. A former advisor to a previous President of Ireland redifined modern poverty as being without access. "Tens of thousands of people don't have access and have no idea how to get any means of access. I actually believe it can change the income you get if you have access" she said. The import is central. Access is the point which ordinary people zoomed in on without guidance from anyone. Who could be more aware of the significance of access than those who don't have it? Anyway enough of my soap box politics, have at look at the sites below. The Synergy between your great Millennium Photo Project and Jubilee 2000 could be of benefit to all. Thank You....Keith Nolan. Jubilee 2000 websites * Australia - * Austria - * Bolivia - * Brazil - * Canada - * Denmark - * Finland - * France - * Germany - * Hong Kong - * Ireland - * Italy - * Japan - * Netherlands - * Norway - * Poland - * South Africa - * Spain - * Sweden - * Uganda - * United Kingdom - * USA - * USA Northwest - and * Zambia - Other Sites of Interest * Transparency International - * G8 Summit Birmingham - * The Guardian - * Methodist Recorder - * NETAID - * Oneworld -
Keith Nolan <>
Dublin, Ireland. - Wednesday, July 05, 2000 at 04:17:52 (EDT)
I, like a lot of the people on this board will be more than willing to help in my own local area with publicity. We have a couple of small free papers in the Fayetteville area that would probably help out if possible. I think this is going to be great! I also agree with Jim about contacting the big dogs, after all, all they can do is say no...... LaDonna
LaDonna <>
Winslow, USA - Wednesday, July 05, 2000 at 15:12:54 (EDT)
Hi everybody at Millenium, Hi Alx. I got your message and felt that it´s very nice of you to make us participate in other ways into the project. I got one image for the book selected and three for the time capsule... I have to say I´m very pleased. Acctually, it´s interesting to me that you really make an effort to make it " global" I think that when we live in the US we tend to think that it´s the same everywhere. I was born and raised in Venezuela, have lived half of my life in the Us, daughter of an Italian and an American and now I live in Spain!!!!. The world has many different codes, and specially I make this comment because I readb in the board some suggestions for the project to get more diffusion, and one was to present the book through Ophra´s program. Needless to say, Ophra is not a bit known here in Spain and I could almost affirm that in Europe there are few people who do. What about in South America, Asia, etc... ¿? We really have to think global here. Internet I guess is the way. unless there is money behind for some advertising. I work asa a photo editor for three travel and geography magazines and will be more then hañppy to comment to the editors about the project, so maybe they can make a review.!!! I´ll keep in touch. Salud!!! Amalia
Amalia Caputo <>
Barcelona, Spain - Wednesday, July 05, 2000 at 15:29:37 (EDT)
Hi folks. So great to see all the international postings, it really shows what a worldwide family we have! To give you all an update, Dan (one half of the publishers) and I, have been spending the last few days working the old fashioned way cutting and pasting images from the laser printouts that the designer gave us. The designer had put the photos together in a rough layout and we are now playing with the 'order and flow'. I know you're all desperate to know which photos made it in and we're getting really close! I've not had time to do this months editorial yet (on the news page) for obvious reasons, so I hope this mini update tides you over for a couple more days. The next step is for the designer to make the changes we've come up with in the computer, another set of printouts and one last playing with the order and selection. We expect to have it all finalized within ten days, so an announcement by say July 19th? It's looking really good folks! I'm excited!!
Alx Klive <>
Project HQ, Toronto - Wednesday, July 05, 2000 at 19:10:00 (EDT)
P.S. Regarding the big guns (Kodak, Fuji etc), we approached them way back at the beginning of the project and despite numerous attempts, they weren't interested in the slightest in becoming involved. We got the feeling that they thought our project was too much of an unknown. Well, we'll show them! I'm a little bitter about it to be honest but my feeling is, if they don't want to be involved, we don't need 'em. We can do a far better job of promoting it ourselves. Don't you think?
Alx Klive <>
Project HQ, Toronto - Wednesday, July 05, 2000 at 19:16:31 (EDT)
Hello Everyone, Nice to see some new names on the board. Thanks for keeping us updated Alx. The big companies like Kodak & Fuji have their own contests and projects. I think Lauren is right. If you got the project mentioned on a good TV show the exposure would certainly help. Alx do you know the approximate price on the book ? Is the publisher distributing thru Barnes & Noble, Amazon, any large bookstores ?? Someone suggested a book signing, that would be great if we knew which companies will sell the books. My photos were from Boston so I would be willing to sign the books in that area. Could we set up regional areas and then pick a "Book Signing" Date - photographers would set up a time in there local book stores - coordinating media exposure. I also liked linking the sales to a charity. Anyone else with ideas ????
PAT <>
- Wednesday, July 05, 2000 at 19:39:19 (EDT)
Hello to All, Alx, Cast and Crew. It’s time for me to put my two cents worth in. Were it not for the Internet this project might not exist and surely would not have gotten as far as it has. Alx and his staff delivered some very good tools for everyone to use for this project and never mailed a single piece of paper. (How many of you are still carrying your Press Pass?) Now is no time to abandon that, which has gotten us this far. Alx, design a web page centered on the contents of the book and add it to the site. Then create designs for handouts, posters, bumper stickers, and my favorite, envelope stuffers directing people to the web site with directions on how to print and distribute them. And place them on the crew site. (Envelope stuffers, how many of you get monthly bills stuffed with paper trying to sell you more stuff? Send the stuffers back with your check.) Start building the grassroots part of the movement and then go for the press, TV and Radio waves. If the right people see the flyers or bumper stickers they will start asking questions about you. Like most companies with a web presence, this uses traditional methods to call attention to the web site where the rest of the story, and the sales pitch, can be told. If it doesn’t violate any marketing agreements, sell the book off the web site. As the momentum starts to build, then throw in the book signings, local press bits and maybe it will be picked up on the national wire. It’s got to start somewhere. Now I’m off for a week of vacation. Good wishes to all.
John Rupe <>
Tampa, Florida, U.S.A. - Wednesday, July 05, 2000 at 22:25:25 (EDT)
Pat, the book is being distributed through traditional channels in North America (all the big bookstores, bookclubs etc incl. Barnes and Noble) and internationally through Amazon. Other than a french edition coming out of Canada, we were unable to get co-publishing deals for other countries. The entire publishing industry, it seems, felt the book was too risky or wouldn't sell. (It's a very conservative industry). Some more details... The list price is $40 American, $50 Canadian. It has 320 pages, is 9" x 11" x 1", and the ISBN number is going to be 0-920445-65-9. The cover will not be in rubber but will have a ribbed effect which actually looks pretty cool! The cover image is a photograph of Big Ben by Project Photographer William Bowden. (See 'Photo of the Week' for Week 13.)
Alx Klive <>
Project HQ, Toronto - Wednesday, July 05, 2000 at 23:34:51 (EDT)
John, you're absolutely spot on. I think those are wonderful ideas. Since we don't have a designer working for us (at Project HQ) and my hands are rather full (!), I'm thinking I could make the project logo and fonts available for download from the tools and resources page (sometime over the weekend?) and then anyone who wants to design bumper stickers, mailers etc can do so. Perhaps then we could have a new page featuring all the designs that people make up! Does someone want to handle the running of that page, perhaps even on their own website? A good grasp of conversion between different formats and creating PDF files would be a must.
Alx Klive <>
Project HQ, Toronto - Wednesday, July 05, 2000 at 23:46:22 (EDT)
Alx..I can see why it was hard to get those biggies to help sponsor a book project without not having the clout and involving some of the big time photojournalists. But..nevertheless the project concept became a reality and from what I've sen posted there are some might fine photos taken by photographers of all levels from all walks of life. Still send Canon, Nikon, Fuji and Kodak a comp copy of the book. It'll give you more credibility next time you approach them with a project idea. Most of the ideas mentioned about drumming up interest is pretty good. What you need to do is once the photos are selected send out a press release to the countries newpapers of those photographers whose photo was published and mention them, the photo and the project concept. Then it'll be up to that newspaper to approach the photographer and do a news story on them. When I was selected for "A Day in the Life of Japan" project in 86...a reporter and photographer from Pacific Stars and Stripes followed me throughout the whole 24 hour period. When the photos were selected I was notified that two of mine where chosen for the book, the paper did another news release and when the book came out, the Stars & Stripes bookstore sold about 250 of them. I think if you sent about a blanket news release to the photographers hometown'll start a snowball effect. Just everyone who knows that photographer might purchase a copy of the book.'s something else to think about. JIm
Jim Bryant <>
Port Orchard, WA. USA - Thursday, July 06, 2000 at 00:16:55 (EDT)
Hello all! I hesitate in speaking up because I live in the US, and I don't really know alot about how the rest of the world works. However, I do have an idea that might work. I do not know how globally widspread is, but we should think about teaming up with them. Here's why: we have used the internet to bring all of these photographers together for this project; it is a powerful tool. (I am not saying we should not do the hometown newspaper thing, because that is very important, too.) Earlier, Alx had mentioned that all the photographers on this project should each start their own web page, and that there would be help offered on how to do this. If we team up with to sell books through every one of those web sites, I am sure they will help us by featuring the book on their website. We have alot of people from all over the world taking part in this project. If does not recognize this opportunity to boost their sales from all over the world, we could move on to another online bookstore. The reason I suggested first is that they already have a system set up for individuals to sell books for from their individual web sites and make commissions off the books they sell. Also, I like the team up with a global charity idea, but maybe not one so political as Greenpeace. We don't want to give anyone a reason NOT to buy the book.
Amy Lewis Sides <>
Tuscaloosa, AL, USA - Thursday, July 06, 2000 at 14:21:13 (EDT)
Belatedly, congratulations to all the photographers who participated in this great project. Regardless, whose photographs did make it to the final round, big thanks to all for trying. Thanks to the Team for so much work they have already put in, no doubt, the job isn't finished yet! I am one of the lucky participants but almost didn't send in my contribution. I was not too excited about the results as my plans could not be realized due to the blizzard conditions. My friendly driver in Ukraine suggested that if I wanted to commit suicide in driving I'd better do it without him. I am more used to hot climates but still did the best I could. At the last minute, I had a couple of shots printed by a regular lab ( no great quality) and sent then the lot to the HQ. When my regular great printer saw the quality of prints I sent he was quite upset. I told him that it was just two small prints for preliminary viewing, and what you know - I got through! I shall have the winning print now printed 'properly' just to see what we can come up with. I spent 2 weeks in Ukraine around Christmas/New Year as I used to work there. I had no intention to get excited about the fireworks though my friends in London told me that I 'should have stayed at home' instead of attemting to shoot in the winter blizzard conditions. No regrets, after all the summer is here. Once more good luck to all and let's see THE BOOK soon. If any similar project is planned (not the 22nd century!),please let us know. Good shooting to all from Alfred Supik in London
Alfred Supik <>
London, England - Thursday, July 06, 2000 at 14:53:09 (EDT)
OK Alx, I’m leaving tomorrow for a week in Nova Scotia. If you can get someone to act as web head I will work on some designs when I get back. I can deliver anything I create in .pdf format. For anyone else who wants to work-up a design, I would suggest keeping it simple. Something like “Get the Book of the Millennium” and the web url with the MPP logo. Maybe add a splash of color to get attention. Make the url BIG and BOLD so it can be easily read from a distance. Have a good week.
John Rupe <>
Tampa, Florida, U.S.A. - Thursday, July 06, 2000 at 16:10:26 (EDT)
Send Press Releases!!!!! I send them out all the time. For art shows, business changes - for the millennium photo project. I had two TV stations here pick up on the shoot because of the press release I sent. (one called the other day to see what was up and I said they would know soon!!!)I personally am planning a gallery show of the images I shot. The show will coinside with the book release... so I'm still waiting for dates etc....and to see if my 2 photos will definitely be in the book! For the project - send press releases to every major and minor TV, radio and newspaper in the world!!!! Someone will pick it up. I think the Opray Show sounds great. Have a book release party and invite the photographers who are in the book...Have TV coverage of that. Have the party on the Opray Show or some other TV show! Maybe they'll pay for it!
Christine Olson <>
Dorsey, IL, USA - Thursday, July 06, 2000 at 19:53:30 (EDT)
Hi Alx! When I read your note about approaching the sponsors such as Kodak, Fuji, etc. and getting negative responses by them, as for what Jim one better, send them a book when completed and note that the photogs who participated in this project used various "brands" of film (Fuji, Kodak, etc.) to complete this project and also used various types and different formats of camera equipment to successfully capture a "moment in history". Maybe some photogs used Canon, Nikon, Olympus, Minolta, Mamiya, and Hasselblads (for the 2 1/4 shooters) to capture the images that are being produced in the book as well as ONLINE!!! I am sure that if these companies knew that us photogs were using their films, equipment, etc. they would be more than happy to assist you in backing up your next project..say Millennium Photo 2001??? Try it out...see what happens, and by doing so, the major companies will KNOW that you are "for REAL". Thanks...
Wayne <>
Honolulu, USA - Friday, July 07, 2000 at 03:51:46 (EDT)
As we build the grass roots movement, are we overlooking hyping the "process" by which we were drawn together in this exciting project? While the photographers and the book are an important part of the marketing message, it seems like the bigger story lies in how _____ world-wide photojournalists came together (by way of the www) to capture the dawn of the Millennium on film. If we can develop a simple tag line to add to John's envelope stuffers (with a link back to each of us), wouldn't this serve us well? The brillance of what has been achieved and how it has been accomplished should also attract the business press.
Connie Wragge <>
West Chester, PA, USA - Friday, July 07, 2000 at 06:32:28 (EDT)
Just a small re-reading John's posting, we should use the envelope stuffers to draw the reader to the MPP web site where the rest of the story can be told (as John suggested). The link back to each of us could be a handwritten note identifying us with the project.
Connie Wragge <>
West Chester, PA, USA - Friday, July 07, 2000 at 06:46:34 (EDT)
Connie, I agree. The story of 'how' is equally as fascinating as the 'what'. The trick is to tailor every approach accordingly. A business journalist will be more interested in the community enterprise aspect, an art journalist will be more interested in the quality and variety of the photos, an internet journalist will like the 'came together on the internet' etc etc. That's why its so important to 'know' the publication and/or specialty of the journalist you are approaching. I used to be an assignment editor once and had the job of going through all the press releases that came in. It was unbelievable how many releases we would get from people who clearly hadn't ever watched our news program. With a little bit of 'tailoring', our story can be pitched to anyone.
Alx Klive <>
Project HQ, Toronto - Friday, July 07, 2000 at 11:41:06 (EDT)
WOW! Alx, when you asked for ideas, I bet you had no clue you would get so many great responses. What a team! Good job, you creative people, on coming up with absolutely fabulous promotional ideas! Also, I just wanted to mention how much I enjoy the international exchanges that go on on this message board. I think it is fascinating to see that people from all over the world correspond on this board everyday. I love it! I am so proud to have the opportunity to be a part and I am in great support of the idea of a photographers party in Canada. If you have it, I'll be there! Have a great day!
Candace Williams <>
Memphis, USA - Friday, July 07, 2000 at 13:54:01 (EDT)
Looks like it would be easy to pitch this book to TV news shows like Good Morning America and the Today show. And that wouldn't cost anything except paying for Alx to travel to New York City to be on the tube in the early morning.
Bill Bowden <>
Fayetteville, Arkansas, U.S.A. - Friday, July 07, 2000 at 16:15:04 (EDT)
Bill, I was actually thinking there might be a way to do the interviews from Toronto, via satellite?? This would save money and wear and tear on Alx. Does anyone have a direct contact with the shows Bill mentioned or contacts at any other high profile tv shows? Also, maybe we should start to assemble a (simple) marketing plan with a schedule for each week between now and when the book is ready to be unveiled.
Connie Wragge <>
West Chester, PA, USA - Friday, July 07, 2000 at 17:00:27 (EDT)
By the way, it has just come to my attention (from reading Alx's earlier message on the discussion board) that he's using my photo of Big Ben on the cover of the book. I can't tell all of you how honored I am to have this photo chosen. I know there were better pictures taken by other MPP photographers. I realize mine was chosen primarily because it is of an identifiable landmark. I thought they were going to use the photo of the Eiffle Tower instead, but I understand there were some problems with that idea. In any event, I'm likely to keel over and die when I see this thing in bookstores this fall. Thank you very much.
Bill Bowden <>
Fayetteville, Arkansas, U.S.A. - Friday, July 07, 2000 at 17:41:19 (EDT)
Bill: I think your image is just perfect for the cover! The colors, the fireworks, the time showing so clearly on the clock. It's perfect. Congrats!!! A global thought: To target the TV shows and press through the web is in keeping with the spirit of this project. Perhaps Alx if you wrote the "tailor made press letters" pitching the project/book the way you want. Then email the letters to us, with targeted email addresses of important TV shows and press They all have email addresses! We would then send your "press letters" from our personal addresses. This way, we would show everyone the power of this internet project. Can you imagine their faces when they receive hundreds of emails world-wide?!!! :-)
Joan Lauren <>
LA, CA - Friday, July 07, 2000 at 21:02:58 (EDT)
Hello to all, J slept a little and overlooked that J can correspond with others in Millenniumphoto project, to discuss about everything. Thanks to Alx, J understand that he is the iniciator of this project, for E-mails, he sedt them to me and to warn me kindly, thet J behave to lonesome. After all, this is the collective project in which J take a part with my photos. ( J´m a freelance photographer from Kranj, a small town in Slovenia-Europa. Kranj is also the place, where J took my photos for Millenniumphoto project.) Three of them have been choosen for the Time Capsule and one of them was choosen in the wide circle of selection for the book. In this moment J´m reading Your E-mails from the past and when J will finish them, J will make You known with another measage. ( Sorry becouse of my bad English, J hope, next time will be much better). Good luck everyone and a fine light...
Bostjan Guncar <>
Kranj, SLOVENIA - Saturday, July 08, 2000 at 10:06:22 (EDT)
THE KODAK/FUJI DISCUSSION: I'm all for Alx's view on the matter... we can do a much better job doing it ourselves. I've had similar problems here with both companies with an added twist in that their local agents are extremely socio-politically uninformed and very uneducated. They have NO moral sense - unlike this project which was conceived for people to do it themselves and should remain that way. I know that I can do far more for the project here than having these mutlinationals step and stake a claim to something they were not prepared to be a part of initially. ---- Okay... btw... Alx I'm bored... got anything for me to do down here? Can't wait to begin pushing the book. May get us some very nice national TV coverage too... been networking with the journalist here who all can't wait to cover the launch. Would be nice to do a launch with an exhibition here in Cape Town. Think about that when you guys plan the media launch.
AndyO <>
Cape Town, South Afr (ZA) - Saturday, July 08, 2000 at 11:23:05 (EDT)
Alx and Crew are all doing a great job. We certainly don't need the big Companies. Surely it is best to keep on as we are. There have been some briliant suggestions. Everyone is behind you, and thrilled to have the opportunities we're having. Keep it up. Elsie
Elsie Jones <>
Tauranga, New Zealand - Saturday, July 08, 2000 at 21:26:32 (EDT)
Alx, I'm having problems downloading the PDF file. I like the idea of the limitted edition! Big Ben-Eifel there much difference??! Here's an idea on promoting the book...Everybody watches the show Survior. Well instead of the contestants winning food they can all have a chance of winning the book! Just think about it, what would you want if you were left on an island by yourself...Ok so that doesn't work...well just by reading these messages, there are tons of ideas coming in! Well i'm off to shoot the Calgary Stampede! Please check out my website!
Vince <>
Calgary, Canada - Sunday, July 09, 2000 at 12:54:46 (EDT)
Sorry, wrong E-mail adress, this one is the right one (
Bostjan Guncar <>
Kranj, Slovenia - Sunday, July 09, 2000 at 16:16:55 (EDT)
The News page has been completely updated over the weekend including two sample spreads from the book. We have also added the project logo and fonts to the Tools and Resources page.
Alx Klive <>
Project HQ, Toronto - Monday, July 10, 2000 at 01:15:22 (EDT)
Hello to all, Just join to this discussion board, so I will read all the previous messages soon. What I want to ask is not to forget to add the personal web pages address of the photographers in the credits.
Kobi Israel <>
Tel-aviv, Israel - Monday, July 10, 2000 at 03:35:31 (EDT)
I am a professional photographer since 1973, working in the field of architectural photography. Managing a photo lab in the university of architecture and geodesy sofia. completed high school for poligraphy and bachelors degree for art photography in the academy of theatre and cinema. my personal interests are with the people emotional expressions under different circumstances. my favourites are Cartier Braisson and Sebastio Salgado. Millenium Photo is my first international share, won one black and white photo for the book edition and I'm looking for more contacts and publishers. Best wishes to all of you, Nikolay, Sofia, Bulgaria
Nikolay Georgiev <>
Sofia, Bulgaria - Monday, July 10, 2000 at 04:22:17 (EDT)
thanks for inviting me to put a msq on the board.since there are many of us from india who took part in the poject. would you like to give me the e-mail address of them so that we can have a get together in the near future and get to know each other.there is an urgent need to get like monded photographers together and plan something in our own country for the next you know that we have the most diverse culture in the world.i am working on a project to photograph tribals in india in the mext couple of years.if the contributers in the millennium could join in this project it will be some awasome results. think about and pls. let me know at your earliest.pls. note the change of e-mail address. thanks and best regards. ghani
ghanizaman <>
bhubaneswar, india - Monday, July 10, 2000 at 04:23:05 (EDT)
Hi! I just took a look a the discussion board for the first time. Right now I don´t have so much more to say about this project than that I think it´s GREAT, EXCITING AND VERY VERY BIG! I am very happy to be a part of it. I´m trying to do my very best to let people know about the project and the book. In Sweden and in other countries where I have friends. All of You who are working in the project are doing a great job! Thank You! Heléne
Heléne S <>
Sundsvall, SWEDEN - Monday, July 10, 2000 at 08:38:48 (EDT)
Hello everyone at millenium. Í´ve been brousing around the headquarters page looking for the " photo of the week" section and couldn´t find it. ¿Is that section gone? Anyway, I see a lot of brainstorming for fundrasing purposes so i guess that between the design of the book and the money you muct be crazy!!! I wish you all the very best luck. Bye now, amalia
Amalia Caputo Dodge <>
Barcelona, Spain - Monday, July 10, 2000 at 11:11:02 (EDT)
Hi Alx and all of this global trip. I saw a good exibition with the photos of Yann Arthus Bertrand - La terre vue du ciel, the image book plus sold of all the world. The exibiton has the very large format photos(printer) at the Jardin de Luxemburg in the out side, a public exibition that has a lot of people all days. Alx I thought we must do the same with our The Millennium Photo Project in Canada where all of us will go for the aperture. (I'm sorry for my poor english). Best wishes to all of you. Luiz Achutti.
Luiz Achutti (from Brazil, living in Paris) <>
Paris, - Monday, July 10, 2000 at 17:38:48 (EDT)
Dear Photographers, I won three places in Mellenium Photo Time Capsule, with the trhee photos that I sent. I am very glad. Of course I would like to see my photos at the book. May be at the next millenium... I would like to Know what the crew think about my photos. You can see 15 of them at my homepage: Thank you for the opinions Miguel Hijjar
Miguel Hijjar <>
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - Monday, July 10, 2000 at 22:29:10 (EDT)
In response to your request to participate in the Discussion Forum.I have a suggestion ,to organize a function in relation with the book release in India.As you know there are two award winners apart from 20 odd book nominees and capsule winners.We can invite Press people,Book dealers,V.I.P S.;apart from all winners.,like wise such programmes can be arranged in other countries also.In India ,Delhi or Mumbai can be the venue.One problem is money,for instance I belong to Kerala which is the southern most State for me to reach Delhi or Mumbai is 1-2 days journey.One MPP represetative should come.I feel such a programme is worth a try,as we have to give maximum publicity,to make people aware of the Project.It can also be put in the local T.V channels,that being watched by many.I have already contacted a fellow Photographer,who is interested.We shall arrange it once we get the nod from you.Regards V.Radhakrishnan
V.Radhakrishnan <>
Kochi, India - Tuesday, July 11, 2000 at 00:40:06 (EDT)
Valappil, the idea of a book launch in India involving all the photographers there is a wonderful one. We will support you in whatever way we can. I will have Wesley put together a list of all the e-mail addresses for you.
Alx Klive <>
Project HQ, Toronto - Tuesday, July 11, 2000 at 01:27:25 (EDT)
Hello, my greetings to all in the project millennium, and whenever I visit with a lot of innovations.Thank you very much in visiting:
João Noronha <>
São Paulo, Brazil - Tuesday, July 11, 2000 at 01:31:29 (EDT)
hello all Millennium Photo Project People, its great to see so much enthusiasm for this international project, it is really bringing people together and giving so many people a fantastic opportunity to show the world what we can do. Thanks to the MPP crew for all their hard work, I'm sure it will be a great success! Amanda
Amanda Dalgleish <>
Sydney, Australia - Tuesday, July 11, 2000 at 05:05:19 (EDT)
Thanks for the addy to this discussion board, I didnt even know it exsisted. I was pleased to be able to participate in this project, I'm just a beginner in photography and was thrilled you liked my photos enough to put them in your book. I have just started to use a digital camera and are slowly working things out. I cant wait to see the finished book. The dawn was the big thing down here in Hawkes Bay New Zealand, mostly because we where the first place in NZ to see the dawn. It took me hours and hours to decide which three photos to send in, I took over four hundred, snaped everything in sight, didnt sleep for over 30hrs either, but it was worth it. Keep up the good work, your organisation and communication of whats happening is spot on. I'll come here often to keep up with the play. Pete
Peter Mcmurtrie <>
Hastings, New Zealand - Tuesday, July 11, 2000 at 05:11:38 (EDT)
Alx, there are so many good ideas being posted. What is your schedule, i.e., when do you want us to start publicizing the project and the book? Do you have specific parameters?
Connie Wragge <>
West Chester, PA, USA - Tuesday, July 11, 2000 at 19:20:37 (EDT)
Hi, This is my 1st time tuning in. One reason being I'm really shy re this sort of thing, the other, well with leukemia I seem to be always behind with my work. I'm just an amateur photographer and only have one photo in the time capsule but I'm honored that one was chosen. My story of New Years eve/day was unbelievable so it was a miracle I got to shoot anything. I consider it even more of a miracle that one of my photos was chosen for the time capsule. I am so happy to be a part of MPP.
Lily S <>
Mt Uniacke, Canada - Tuesday, July 11, 2000 at 23:49:38 (EDT)
I'm gonna have to find a better time of day to come on-line, every time I come on there's so much traffic that the download is too slow, so I haven't yet been able to check out the pdf book sample. *Sigh*. Anyways, great reading about everyone's excitement with this project, and am really looking forward to "L" day (L for Launch!). The Limited Edition sounds like an excellent idea!! How about printing another 2,000 for those of us who only have photos in the time capsule??? (Just kidding, I know it would cost too much.)
Louise <>
Hamilton, New Zealand - Wednesday, July 12, 2000 at 05:57:36 (EDT)
Hello everybody! I received a mail from the headquarters encouraging me to participate in the discussion. Well by now I can say that I'm a mechanical engineer doing at this moment a master degree in the UK. I've been taking during three years photos of anything at amateur level. I think that this contest has been wonderful. I'll read the previous messages to catch up the discussions. see ya!
Armando Martinez <>
Colombia, Bogota - Wednesday, July 12, 2000 at 07:52:23 (EDT)
Connie, coming up with a new timetable (for publicity) is the next priority once the book design is out of the way. I think everyone (myself included) is on tenterhooks until that job is complete. So I think the sensible thing is to continue to focus on ideas for the next ten days until those results are made known. Ideas are crucial. It will be three or four brilliant ideas that turn this book into a bestseller. Here's a simple but brilliant one from our publisher. When the book comes out, we all write reviews on
Alx Klive <>
Project HQ, Toronto - Wednesday, July 12, 2000 at 08:24:57 (EDT)
Dear Alx, thank you for your recall. You are right: I didn't take part in the discussion forum. In fact I prefer to speak by means of my shots. Nevertheless I think your idea of a worldwide "reportage" about a subject is great. It matches my view of photography. Therefore I am very happy and proud because my images have been chosen for the capsule and the book. So I am anxious to see them on line and ... on paper. But I want make the most of this opportunity for tell you I am sure you'll soon launch a new fantastic initiative: a call for photos about another very topical question. Go on, Alx, with a new challenge! Please, keep me informed: be sure, I'll be ready to take part in it. Finally, even if you don't find e.mails from me in the forum, I watch carefully the Millennium project web pages. One time a week, at least, I come and look at the photo of the week ... I am here, silent, but very attentive and active .... Thank you again for your noteworthy enterprise (anf for the next one, obviously). See you soon. Aldo Meschini
Aldo Meschini <>
Firenze, Italy - Wednesday, July 12, 2000 at 10:05:31 (EDT)
Hi, My book of vignettes, personal essays, poetry and photographs is here! I hope you'll all visit my web page, and if you have any interest, email me. The book includes a revised edition of "Random Pieces--Vignettes from the Thirties", which people are still asking for but there are none left. If you know anyone who needs help on their own memoirs, including your mother, have them contact me. I'll help if I can. I'm kind of good at it! LOL. Thanks, gang.
Liz Larrabee <>
Venice FL, - Wednesday, July 12, 2000 at 13:12:00 (EDT)
I am one of the silent participantes of the project. I have been visiting the site regularly but have not posted until today. I am amazed at the success and continued participation this project created. I just looked at the sample pages and love the layout design. I am a professional photographer and have also done mag layout design. This book is going to be great. I know getting publicty in the release will be tough (being that 7 monthes has passed and we live in a world of instant gradification the new millenuim is already a done deal) but if the book looks as good as I think it will the sales will come.
Ciara <>
Atlanta, GA, USA - Wednesday, July 12, 2000 at 15:57:01 (EDT)
Hello everyone, This is S O O O O exciting! Just reading down the list of participants in the Millenium Book has my imagination racing overtime, thinking about all those people and what they might be doing at any given time. Thank you for this wonderful opportunity. Congratulations to everyone involved in this concept and I look forward to future happenings. With technology as it is today the world indeed seems a smaller place - like shaking hands with your neighbour across the water. My family and friends are really impressed with my achievement as well! Cheers, Laurel MacDonald
Laurel MacDonald <>
Christchurch, New Zealand - Thursday, July 13, 2000 at 00:39:26 (EDT)
Just a comment about the limited edition version of the book to be sold online. If electronic sales makes traditional booksellers nervous and they are our main market, why would we go ahead with the online version at this point?
Bobbi Jo <>
Vandenberg AFB, CA, USA - Thursday, July 13, 2000 at 00:47:24 (EDT)
Alx, I think the idea for a Limited Edition book is great! I was wondering though, which book would the participants be receiving as their free copy? I know that as a person whose pictures did not make the book but did make the time capsule, I would really love to have the copy with the CD so that I have a memento of my contribution to the project and something that I could pass down to my children (who are in one of the pictures that are included in time capsule). Just a thought.
Milton, Canada - Thursday, July 13, 2000 at 01:20:36 (EDT)
Lily S from Mt Uniake...just wanted to say hi. I think it's really cool to see someone from that end of the country. I'm origionally from Windsor/Wolfville myself.Even lived in St. Criox for awhile. Small world eh?
Kris <>
Edmonton, Canada - Thursday, July 13, 2000 at 01:57:10 (EDT)
Hi all! About that idea of a whole lot of people all getting together for a media/press opportunity, how about Labor Day weekend (USA)? I think that is also a holiday in Canada. This will give more people a chance to join in.
Martha D <>
Agawam, MA, USA - Thursday, July 13, 2000 at 03:50:12 (EDT)
Alx, thanks for your answer to my question. Now, I get it. The publisher's idea is awesome. On another note, it's soooooooo cool how many different photographers now participate in this discussion. This is a new format for many of us, but isn't the internet serving us well?
Connie Wragge <>
West Chester, PA, USA - Thursday, July 13, 2000 at 06:14:52 (EDT)
Dear Alx and all, thanks for the reminder of participating at the forum. Yes it's nice to be part of this one of a kind project and I can't wait to see everybody's work published. I always admired the "A day in the life of ..." books, but think that the millennium project could be even more exciting, because it's more open and more democratic. We absolutely have to take advantage of all these new technologies and invent new forms of showing high quality content. I'm engaged with another exciting project called where limited edition prints of contemporary photographers are offered to serious collectors. Step by, have a look and take my apologizes for not having been very active contributing so far. Sincerely darius
Darius Koehli <>
Barcelona, Spain - Thursday, July 13, 2000 at 07:27:21 (EDT)
Bobbi Jo, in answer to your question, the booksellers will not get nervous about us (Millennium Photo) doing a private small print run limited edition. To be honest, they probably wouldn't care too much if the publishers did it either. But human nature dictates that people like to find reasons to complain and that's what the publishers want to avoid. They don't want to give the book sellers any reasons whatsoever to complain. We have no direct dealings with the book sellers so it doesn't matter if we do it.
Alx Klive <>
Project HQ, Toronto - Thursday, July 13, 2000 at 09:32:57 (EDT)
Michelle, everyone gets a copy of the main edition and this cost is picked up by the publishers. We (Millennium Photo) would not be able to give away free copies of the limited edition.
Alx Klive <>
Project HQ, Toronto - Thursday, July 13, 2000 at 09:41:49 (EDT)
I'm really happy of having participated on this great project, I like to congratulate all the participants and organizers, and if you need help to promote the book in México I will be more than happy to help.
Alberto Hochkoeppler <>
D.F., Mexico - Thursday, July 13, 2000 at 11:20:41 (EDT)
In addition to news releases to national and local TV stations, they should also be sent to newspapers - book sections, and trade publications in the bookseller's industry. Individual photographer's could arrange with their local bookstores for booksignings to arouse consumer interest and get more sales for the book.
Karen I. Hirsch <>
Chicago, USA - Thursday, July 13, 2000 at 11:55:57 (EDT)
Hi Alex and all participants - I too am one of the "silent" contributors to the MPP. I just had a thought concerning additional sales of this book. As many of you know, large corporations are always on the lookout for unique gifts that they can give away to visiting delegations. As an example, Boris Yeltsyn visited CAE Electronics (aircraft simulators) here in Montreal a few years ago. He was given a beautiful soapstone Innuit carving. I would venture to guess that many of the corporate giants would love to give away something like our book to visiting delegations and CEO's of other corporations. Such an idea can also extend to the political level - During the American Bicentennial of 1976, Canada and the National Film Board produced the wonderful book called "Between Friends" - a photo story of the Canada/USA border. I propose that you contact the PR departments of large corporations and see if you can pique their interest. As for me, I can't wait to see the final result - something I shall always treasure - just the thought of so many other people in the world doing the same thing I was doing on New Year's Eve/Day ... creating a record of a historic moment.
Bob Burch <>
Montreal, Canada - Thursday, July 13, 2000 at 11:57:55 (EDT)
Hello to all MPP participants and crew. I too have been lurking but haven't taken part in the discussion since last year during the inception of the project. Just wanted to pass on congrats to all who participated and an "ataboy" to Alex and the crew for all the hard work they have done and have yet to do. I do have a couple of questions... #1) I remember the discussion about the book cover but never heard how it was the cover going to be Big Ben, the Eiffle Tower, or some montage of images? Sorry if I missed this from a previous posting. #2) Has any more been done with the idea of us participants using our web sites as a promotional tool. When I say more, I mean has anyone (Alex) set any guidelines that we should follow. I am currently using my image that was selected for the book as my title page with a link to the MPP web site. If there is anything more I can do or any changes MPP would like me to make, let me know. Jock ----
Jock Fistick <>
Brussels, Belgium - Thursday, July 13, 2000 at 12:04:47 (EDT)
Hey y'all This is the first time I've posted anything here. Alx , thanks for the opportunity to participate in this global project. I am a US citizen but travel as much as possible. The Millennium trip to Nepal was incredible and to have some of the photos from the trip chosen is...well I still can't belive it ! This is great the way people are networking ideas from around the world.This is what the medium is meant to be ! I'm from Georgia ( U.S.A. ) , a little island off the coast called St. Simons Island.If any other photogerphers from the area would like to contact me please do. Also since I travel a bit it would be nice to hook up with some of you if I travel to your country or you to mine. My door is always open.... The idea for a party in Canada sounds great.Another excuse to travel ! Let me know of anything I can do to promote the book on my end. nameste'
Ricky Wright <>
St. Simons Island, U.S.A. - Thursday, July 13, 2000 at 13:00:21 (EDT)
Alx - There are some great ideas coming in for promotion of the book. I've worked on several software launch marketing and PR projects, so here's my 2 cents: * Press release sent to global newswires. Think big numbers here... it's free to distribute the press release and takes very little time. A few places are bound to pick up the story. Which will lead to... * Interviews with the publications. They may even want to get a soundbite from one or two of the photographers involved. * I love the idea of grassroots marketing, but you will need to lead this. Put together a package of material that everyone can use, including a press release, an information sheet about the project, a website full of logos etc that can be downloaded and how to join the affiliates program (a free program that gives members commission for books sold through links on their homepages - they add a link to MPP and get money when people buy the book!). * Target a few major publications that review books and send them a copy along with promotional materials - I'd suggest photography magazines as a start... they're much more likely to review a photography book. By far, the most important thing is to have someone leading the march. Alx, you've done such a great job with everything so far... there is no doubt in any of our minds that you'll do a fantastic job at this! Just provide the direction and you will have a huge team of support willing to help.
Brian Marr <>
Santa Cruz, USA - Thursday, July 13, 2000 at 14:16:26 (EDT)
Hello everybody, I have a question for Alx and/or bookteam and some general comments. Sorry for the long post... Question: Will the publisher use special characters (from the international set) that may be present in our names. In all correspondence I have received my last name is printed with n instead of n with acute mark (accent mark) over it. This is understandable because of the nature of email, but I also noticed that my first name was left out. I hope that this was just a correspondence shortcut and that it will appear in full when used in the book. With respect to the special characters I realize that the publisher may fuss about it, but including them would REALLY bring out the international flavor of this project. I am curious how other "special characters" (pun intended) feel about their names being "anglicized". In reply to Ciara's concern that 7 months of the millenium already passed I would like to remind her that the new millenium hasn't even started yet - I will spare everyone the explanation, those that "get it" don't need it, those that don't get it still won't :-) My daughter just came back from Poland and there she saw the clock that is doing the countdown to the new millennium... Perhaps the most appealing and acceptable to everyone term is to call this year a millennium year. (At the end of which ends the millennium.) I also like the idea of several other people to repeat this project at the end of the year if Alx will still have patience with us. This could include submissions not just from the end of the year, but from the entire year. I think the idea of book signing is wonderful and I would like use that as an opportunity to meet other photographers from my region. In our local newspaper we have a column called "Applause", which accepts submissions from local residents that want to share with others their achievement. While on the small scale it is always something. Perhaps others can use this kind of free publicity. I also have a friend who is an international correspondent for the major newspaper in Poland and she is very excited about writing an article about MPP and my participation. Again sorry for the long message and I will just keep reading for a while. Thanks everyone
Marian Richard Miodonski <>
Fort Collins,Colorado, USA - Thursday, July 13, 2000 at 16:37:11 (EDT)
Hi to all MPP"ers. It's nice to see that other people from the East Coast are involved in this project. Alx; I think the idea for the thumbnail images is great.I think that you and your staff are doing a great job. Do you have an idea of when the book will be available? I also think that this book will be as relevent in 10-20 years as it is today! Anybody hear from Pierre lately?
Jim Dikaios <>
Halifax, Canada - Thursday, July 13, 2000 at 16:47:07 (EDT)
YEAY! Did any other book nominees's recieve notification that we will all be included in the book! If you don't make the capters in the book your photo will be included in the back of the book(thumbnail) what a great idea - hey who came up with that idea anyway? haha. I have been celebrating tonight! Hopefully I can celebrate again with some fellow MPP Photograpers SOON! Alx and crew, WAY TO GO! No Book nominee feeling got hurt!
Diane Sumner <>
Allegan, USA - Thursday, July 13, 2000 at 22:56:52 (EDT)
Marian, I have forwarded a copy of your posting, regarding special characters in people's names, to our publisher. I am almost certain that accented characters and the like will appear in the book, but will advise of their response. The names we have in our electronic files came from the original registration form everyone filled out at the very beginning. The only reason it would be different is if someone has asked us to change it manually since then. You'll remember we sent out e-mails (when the photos were first nominated) with personalized details including people's names. Many people wrote to us at that point asking us to correct one thing or another. We had not planned on doing that again, but perhaps we should. I am fearful however because it could bog us down tremendously if it turns out that some special characters can't travel via e-mail. I know at least some of them do but it would be a nightmare if some didn't! We are of course on very tight deadlines as you can appreciate. Does anyone else have any input on this?
Alx Klive <>
Project HQ, Toronto - Friday, July 14, 2000 at 01:13:19 (EDT)
Marian, try this. Send me an e-mail with the correct form for your name including the accented character.
Alx Klive <>
Project HQ, Toronto - Friday, July 14, 2000 at 01:15:12 (EDT)
Dear Alx, I saw a message on the board from a photographer from Kerala, India proposing to do a press conference in Delhi to promote the book. It is a great idea. I had gone to attend the Millennium International Conference on Environment to UK with my photo exhibition and after coming back I was interviewed on two TV Channels and also newspapers. I have been telling them about Millennium Photo Project also.
Sahir Raza <>
New Delhi, India - Friday, July 14, 2000 at 04:54:19 (EDT)
hi alx & the team ive just had a chance to read the discussion board and im enjoying the response,i was delighted to have my pictures aceptted for the book and the captual it was a motivating experience for me as a freelance photographer u can see my work at my site I had a great time in morrocco at the turn of the milleinum its the year 1461 there not the year 2000 so it was doubly interesting, I ended up in dakhla , all the pictures where taken there ,it is a very different place to the rest of morrocco so if anybody wants to know about it send me a e-mail and ill be happy to let u know the scene there , Also if the team needs any suport or help with book in this part of the world let me know and Ill do what i can. keep up the hard work jimi....
jimi hughes <>
ballymena, northern ireland - Friday, July 14, 2000 at 07:30:20 (EDT)
Alx, From the initial launch of MPP I was overcome by your energy and that of the MPP crew. You certainly gave me the impetus to take the camera out and to enter a world competition, for the first time. I sent the photos in and waited and waited to hear if they had any chance of being accepted. You can imagine my delight when I heard the good news. What an amazing coincidence that the photo I took of Greystones Harbour on that millennium evening was a place familiar to you from your childhood. It was really amazing, Greystones Ireland to Toronto Canada. I now await the final news of whether or not one of my photos will actually be in the book. Maybe my country by country analysis charts of the competition winners would be of interest to the participants and might also interest the publishers as it shows the great geographical spread of the entries. It surprised me somewhat that so many winning entries came from Brazil, China, India, and New Zealand. This spread is also so evident from the above messages and should really help with the sales of the book. I like the suggestion of getting all MPP participants to review the book for Thanks again to all and good luck with the completion of the book. Can't wait for July 17th. Regards. Kevin Butterly Delgany
Kevin Butterly <>
Dublin, Ireland - Saturday, July 15, 2000 at 08:54:08 (EDT)
Kevin, nice to hear from you! You should have received an e-mail in the last couple of days called 'Breaking News for Book Nominees'. In it we explain how we have now added an extra chapter to the back of the book, which will allow us to include ALL book nominated photos. Approximately 300 photos will be in the original 'themed' chapters and the remaining 200 photos will be spread across about ten pages in the new chapter. We've decided to do this new chapter (and only this chapter) in chronological order, to add a completely new dimension to the book.
Alx Klive <>
Project HQ, Toronto - Saturday, July 15, 2000 at 10:56:50 (EDT)
The book's chapters are: Anticipation.... Getting There.... Reunited and Not.... Working.... Events.... Personal.... Spirituality..... Midnight.... Aftermath.... Perspectives.... Dawn.... New Chapter (title TBC)
Alx Klive <>
Project HQ, Toronto - Saturday, July 15, 2000 at 11:01:18 (EDT)
Well guys !I am working for Star News Channel in New Delhi. This is a 24hrs news channel with a morning show . I can plug the product in the channel,there is one catch, I cannot plug the product (ethics remember !). Alx if you or Peter are planning to come to Asia for a promo it would be a very nice option.I have friends in the print media I will pass on promo materials. Please print nad distribute adequate quantity of promo materials. Cheers and good luck !
Anamitra Chakladar <>
New Delhi, India - Saturday, July 15, 2000 at 13:02:46 (EDT)
I wondered if all the New Zealand photographers could do something together to publicise the Book here. Maybe a note to 'Paul Holmes' programme, or some of the other interviewers that have similar programmes. I am not sure about how the 'Capsule' works, where is this going to be kept and how do people see photos from it? I like the idea of a CD in the back of the book. Elsie
Elsie Jones <>
Tauranga, New Zealand - Saturday, July 15, 2000 at 19:22:39 (EDT)
A CD of the time capsual photos is a good idea, another idea is a poster of the full 2000 images, I know I would love one, how about everyone else ?????? you could put it in the back of the book too..........That way everyone feels that they made it into the book....just an idea to throw around... Debbie
Debbie Kowalewycz <>
Townsville, Australia - Saturday, July 15, 2000 at 21:46:44 (EDT)
Every week I have checked what is happening with the Millennium Group and although I have been a photographer for 40 years, being involved with you all is a highlight. Has anyone thought of printing a map of the world with coloured pins as to where all the many photographers are in this project, which could be used for publicity on the net or in magazines/newspapers (peace between nations with photographs!!) I would be interested to know what caaera or cameras people used to take their winning pics?. I have seen beautiful photographs taken with the cheapest cameras. Capturing 'that moment' is the beauty of what photography is all about. Thankyou for all your 'moments' I am looking forward to seeing the book completed and will help promote it where I can. Colleen Miller CANBERRA/AUSTRALIA.
Colleen Miller <>
Canberra, AUSTRALIA - Sunday, July 16, 2000 at 01:59:25 (EDT)
Colleen, way back at the beginning of the project, Wesley and I started just such a map on the office wall here. Unfortunately we ran out of pins very quickly!
Alx Klive <>
Project HQ, Toronto - Sunday, July 16, 2000 at 02:49:52 (EDT)
The new photo of the week is up and don't forget that tonight we'll be in the chat room from 7pm EST (midnight GMT).
Alx Klive <>
Project HQ, Toronto - Sunday, July 16, 2000 at 13:20:18 (EDT)
Hi everyone, I'm Marzia, an Italian photographer, and i'm bored to live here (in rome) and so i'd like to work as a photograher, assistent or something like with someone abroad. If you want to see something from me please visit and look for my name. thanx a lot Alex, Marziak
Marzia Cosenza <>
Rome, Italy - Sunday, July 16, 2000 at 15:22:22 (EDT)
Hi Alx ( et all), I need to know how many photographers signed up with MPP origionally. Not how many entries ended up in your lap, but how many actual registrations you processed before any entries were submitted.. I have had someone from the press ask me ( to get an idea of the scale of the project) and I said I would get back to them.I'd appreciate it if you could let me know. Thanks, Kris
Kris <>
Edmonton, Canada - Sunday, July 16, 2000 at 23:15:21 (EDT)
Hi Kris, we don't have an exact number but safe to say 6000 in around 120 countries.
Alx Klive <>
Project HQ, Toronto - Monday, July 17, 2000 at 00:31:56 (EDT)
Someone asked what cameras people used to take their photos; I used the eleven-year-old camera my parents got me from Sears for my high school graduation, and the flash that my father used to use on his old 35-mm camera until he got a better camera. I couldn't begin to tell you what type of camera it is....
Kim Wadsworth <>
New York, USA - Monday, July 17, 2000 at 09:22:47 (EDT)
Hi Kris, (in Edmonton) Yes, it sure is a small world. In fact, Wolfville was where I was to originally do the the shooting for MPP. However, nothing worked out according to plans. I was glad to see Jim Dikaios's name. Are there other photographers from Nova Scotia? I'm trying to catch up and I'm not half way through reading the messages on the discussion board yet.
Lily Sampson <>
Mt Uniacke, NS, Canada - Monday, July 17, 2000 at 13:00:53 (EDT)
Been awhile since ive posted anything here but....I like the CD in the book idea also. Not only will it make the book more enticing to buyers, it would bring all of the photographers involved into the finished product.
Brent Price <>
Antioch, USA - Monday, July 17, 2000 at 14:39:35 (EDT)
Alx, Many thanks. I'm absolutely delighted to have participated in this project and especially now that I'm certain one of my photos is in the Book. You and your crew certainly have done marvellous work in bringing the project to this stage. Now, roll on the sales. Kevin Butterly Delgany
Kevin Butterly <>
Dublin, Ireland - Monday, July 17, 2000 at 18:18:23 (EDT)
Hi to all. Last night during the chat a number of people asked me to list my web site so here goes... In case you`re interested in motorbikes, check out the current issue of VQ (Easyriders "high end mag") I shot the cover and 5 pages inside. As well for you Canadians, this week`s Time has a shot I did of Stockwell Day.(I shoot for Time/Life in Canada. Drop by the site and drop me a line to say hi....
Paul Couvrette <>
Ottawa, Canada - Monday, July 17, 2000 at 18:43:20 (EDT)
Hi Alx, Wesley and the rest of the group. Unfortunately I missed the chat last night. Next chat possibly. I have to agree with a lot of fellow photographers out there about promoting the book also. For my part I know that I have a follow-up to the January issue of my local newspaper when the book comes out. I love the idea of a poster. All of us who have participated could send a picture of ourselves and build a large "group" shot of all participants with the name of their countries under their portraits. I like the idea of being able to buy copies of the book to sell ourselves. We should be part of the kick off in our community or city to represent MPP. I know for myself I will arrange to promote the book through some of the libraries from around where I live and then some. Radio stations and possibly local television, even public broadcasting can help. The more people will hear of the book, the more it will sell. I'm sure everyone agrees on that. Anyway, thanks guys for all the work that you've done and are still doing for the project. We, myself included, are all behind you and have been since the intro to the project. Keep up the good work and let me know if you have anymore ways to promote the book. Maybe we should make a list or something. A guide we all could follow. I will get back to you with fresh ideas as they pop up. In the meantime, keep on shooting everyone. 2000 is not over yet. Another project for the end of this year??? Best regards, Raymond Casbourn L'Avenir, Quebec, Canada
Raymond Casbourn <>
L'Avenir, Quebec, Canada - Monday, July 17, 2000 at 21:37:21 (EDT)
hi alx, before i start with a look back to the history of finding your mpp in the internet, i like to thank you for the great idea you had, the consequnce you organized it by, and all the ideas, efforts,and hard work you and the team have invested so far. it was quite a challenge to get started on the subject to catch the impression of those 24 hours! and i never before had entered into an international contest. easy to imagine that i didn't give myself much of a chance with such a global participation. what a surprise it was to understand that i had made it into the time capsule with all three of my images. - a lot of the proposals i've read here seem quite interesting and appealing. as some of the participants semm to work in the meadia sector or have good connections there, we shouldn't be worried about enough press/media coverage. unfortunately i took from the published list that i am among a very few photographers from germany and the german speaking side to participate (or win a place in one of the caterogies), therfore i will try to open some of the lines here by circulating the material of the smashing times news and the rest of the press releases. the other idea is that of the poster showing all 2000 pictures. they might be thumb nail then but it would be great to get along with the book. have you had that calculated already? will stay on and check from time to time. best regards from unich/germany charlie f. kohn
charlie f. kohn <>
munich, germany - Tuesday, July 18, 2000 at 08:03:16 (EDT)
Hello To All, Haven't written anything recently as the summer has me very busy but all of the ideas coming through sound great! I especially like the idea of the cd. The poster idea is nice but I can't imagine 2000 photos on one poster and being able to actually see them, maybe the top 50. Anyhow I have been spreading the word and many people I know are very interested in the purchase of the book. I at least know that the 11 couples I was with will each take one so that is a start. We are thinking of contacting the local newspaper to tell our story of the planning of our trip, getting the people together, where to go, where to stay,etc. and the fact that the photo I took of the group will be in the book. This should be an easy and free way to raise interest in and hopefully sell the book. If everyone involved could do the same thing in their own towns the coverage would be great. I am sure there is an intesting story behind all 2000 photos.
Rik Cass <>
Erie,PA., U.S.A. - Tuesday, July 18, 2000 at 10:44:56 (EDT)
Alex asked me to share the following story with all of it is a nice example of how a global project like this can create a spirt of cooperation. Back in May when Alex and the MPP crew were busy gathering the high quality versions of the photos to be published in the book, Alex sent me an email and wanted to know if I had any additional info for my photo. The picture he was referring to was of a young man and woman stretched out on the steps of the central train station in Brussels locked in an embrace and oblivious to the people stepping around them on the stairs. After making the image, I tried talking to the couple who I found out were from Italy. Unfortunately they spoke very little English, and I speak a tad of Spanish, but not Italian. Anyway, the best I could do was get their name and the town they were from, but I was not able to get more in depth information...answers to questions the image begs, such as...were they coming or or from where? Were they staying in Brussels for the Millennium? What was the reason for their embrace? etc, etc...? Anyway, I didn't have much hope but made an attempt at contacting the couple to see if I could get any additional information...and as expected, I came up empty. Well, about a week ago I was looking for some totally unrelated info on the MPP discussion boards and noticed a post by Aldo Meschini who is from Italy. I figured it was a long shot but thought what the hell, and sent Aldo an email explaining the situation and wondered if he might try to track the couple down. Then, this past Sunday, I was participating in the MPP live chat and Alex said he had just finished writing the caption for my photo for the book and wondered if I had been able to make contact with the couple. I told him no, but had one last possibility, but I didn't have much hope as the print deadline for the book is looming. Much to my surprise, I received an email today from Aldo, who actually made the effort and was able to track down the couple. Aldo found out that they were traveling together "with a lot of love" said the husband. Aldo also found out that they had come to Belgium for the holiday and were passing the time while they waited for a train to Mons (a small town outside of Brussels). It might seem a small thing, but I think little details like the ones Aldo was able to provide make all the difference. Many thanks for your efforts Aldo!!! P.S. (Incase you are curious, you can see the photo at
Jock Fistick <>
Brussels, Belgium - Tuesday, July 18, 2000 at 18:07:23 (EDT)
Jock and Aldo, What a great story! You should take your friendship to the next level and promote your collaboration. Try contacting the press...tell them what happened, just like you relayed it to us.
Connie Wragge <>
West Chester, PA, USA - Tuesday, July 18, 2000 at 20:51:55 (EDT)
-Realmente espero ansioso a realização deste projeto milênio. Parabéns a todos. visitem - -I really wait anxious the accomplishment of this project millennium. Congratulations to all. visit -
João Noronha <>
Franca - SP -, Brazil - Wednesday, July 19, 2000 at 01:00:47 (EDT)
Hi Alx and the rest of the MPP crew. Unfortunately J missed the chat in the Saturday night. Next time J hope... J like the idea of being able to buy copies of the book to sell ourselves. J also like the idea of poster with portrets of all autors on it. Anyway, J will do my best to promote the book in my country, through the press/media, radio and lokal television. Also the idea of the CD on the back of the book is great, if it is posible to realise it. The project is great and J`m proud to be part of it. Thank you Alx and the crew of MPP for all this beautiful moments.
Bostjan Guncar <>
Kranj, Slovenia - Wednesday, July 19, 2000 at 01:51:06 (EDT)
I know that this forum is usually on the most of positive sides but I would like to ask Alx how many photographers actually registered and were included from the Middle East Area. I have been able to locate only two on all of the lists that I've seen, myself and one from Qatar. Were there so few photographers from this region or were the pix coming from this region so poor that they couldn't be included? I've since been required to return to the US due to medical evac but I would like to know how many of us from the Middle East region actually participated. Thank you April (now in Pennsylvania, USA)
April Warn <>
Al Khobar, Saudi Arabia - Thursday, July 20, 2000 at 09:25:56 (EDT)
Hi Alx and everybody. I'm responding to Alx' gentle recall and joining in the discussion after months of browsing and enjoying the comments of everyone else. I would just like to add my congratulations to everyone for their participation and especially to Alx and the crew for the enormous amount of energy, hard work and good humour that they have given (and continue to give) to this project. I am delighted to be part of MPP. Photographing for this project gave my new year an extra special significance and to have one of my pics chosen was absolutely thrilling. I confess that when I signed up to the project I was fairly new to the Internet and, at the time, I didn't realise that I was joining one of the best photo projects in the world. Thank you for having me. Bestest regards Carol
Carol Hudson <>
London, UK - Thursday, July 20, 2000 at 09:29:30 (EDT)
Dear Radhakrishnan, I am sorry for the delay in replying to you. Our phone was out at home . I think this is a great idea. If this is done in Delhi than we ( me and my mother would help me) can help in organising a lot of things. My mother told me that there are some really cheap accomodations like Youth Club etc. and if we know the dates in advance, the bookings for photographers to stay can be done. The press conference can be done at the Press Club , which is not very costly. It could be done at a place like India International Centre or The Habitat Centre. We can take the responsibility of booking these places for the Press Conferences and can also share the expenses. We can also take the responsibility of inviting the press both print/ electronic by sending them faxes/e-mails/ invitations . If you decide to do it in Bombay, I will definitely come and contribute. We can try to help to some extent with the press in Bombay also but not as much as in Delhi. Also Delhi is a cheaper place to stay and a lot of people are personally known to us here. It is a very good idea to have someone from the MPP to release the book. We can also invite a celibrity from here. Sahir
Sahir Raza <>
New Delhi, India - Friday, July 21, 2000 at 05:44:09 (EDT)
Another good reason for having a repeat performance of the project this upcoming year: If we were to make photographing new year's a world-wide annual event, we could promote the book as the "first" of the series, thereby creating interest in its purchase (both now, and even in years to come). The title of our book is great for this, with a simple number change each year. Also, perhaps we could invite a "celebrity" photographer or two to submit a few photos as well, to enhance interest in future books. Who knows, maybe in a few years some members of the first group of MPP photographers will become the invited "celebrities"!
charlie <>
erie, pa, usa - Friday, July 21, 2000 at 13:45:27 (EDT)
Hi everyone! It`s being a while I know. I am very happy with all news about the book, and I'm also happy to be finished with my home page. There you`ll read about: Sebastião Salgado, a great Brazilian photographer, Ronaldo the Soccer player, the Pope John Paul II. Among other great subjects. Hang in there I`ll be sending out an invitation by next week so all the people that likes photography enjoy a different view of this side of the world. And if you like it please recommend it to the other side. Alx maybe this site can help selling our BOOK.
Carlos Roberto <>
Belo Horizonte, Brazil - Saturday, July 22, 2000 at 11:04:30 (EDT)
Alx, was your statement "6000 in about 120 countries" in answer to a query about the number of photos submitted? I looked to previous messages but couldn't find the original question. As for press releases, since I am about to send one regarding the publication of "Liz Larrabee's Book" to the local papers would it be appropriate to add that my photos will appear in MMP? When will we know which will be included full size and which as thumbnail? Are you using titles and descriptions submitted by photographers or is MMP writing them? Thanks, Liz
LizLarrabee <>
Venice FL, USA - Saturday, July 22, 2000 at 18:09:18 (EDT)
Liz, the reply was in answer to a question about the number of photographers who registered for the project. Re: 2nd question. If you wish to include in a release about your own book, that you will be included in this book, I don't see why not. Re: the thumbnails question, don't know yet to be honest. Re: the captions, they have been re-written using the captions you supplied as a base.
Alx Klive <>
Project HQ, Toronto - Monday, July 24, 2000 at 14:28:07 (EDT)
Hi all any idea when the book nominees will be informed whether their pix have made it to the themed chapters of the book? Getting the rest into a final chapter, therefore leaving no one out, was a brilliant idea. Looking forward to seeing the final product!
Darrin Zammit Lupi <>
Malta - Tuesday, July 25, 2000 at 06:43:07 (EDT)
hello..i'm a mpp photographer myself.. do anyone knows the link to the picture of the week page?..if yes..i'd be grateful that you post it at the forum.thank you
kwokyoong lee <>
k.l, malaysia - Wednesday, July 26, 2000 at 12:40:43 (EDT)
I am responding to Jock Fistick's story about the couple in Brussels. It is great how the world becomes so small at times. I looked at the photo. Its great. I have just one thing to say about the accompaning caption: "Maybe too much info is a bad thing." Why not let the veiwer bring their own emotions and experiences into the photo. Let the photo tell its own story and you may be surprised at the many stories it tells.
Ciara O'Shea <>
Atlanta GA, USA - Wednesday, July 26, 2000 at 17:58:09 (EDT)
Will MPP help the photographers set up Web pages to market the book? Seems like I had an e-mail about this awhile back, but I've lost it. I think that would be a great idea, and I need all the help I can get with this computer stuff.
Bill Bowden <>
Fayetteville, Arkansas, USA - Wednesday, July 26, 2000 at 20:52:47 (EDT)
Dear MPP photographers, The discussion forum is a great platform for all of us to air our views. But, now it is time for us to make something fruitful out of that. Many Indian photographers are of the view that we should get together and hold a press conference. If we could organise that in Mumbai I would be able to set up the forum. Dear Project crew, will you be willing to fund us to some extent? Or would we have to do it on our own? Please let us know. Then we will go ahead with planning on our photographic meet.
Anupama Vinayak <>
Mumbai, India - Thursday, July 27, 2000 at 07:40:36 (EDT)
Someone came up with the excellent idea of buying a book at our photographer's rate of $15 and then donating it to the local community library. It's an excellent opportunity for media attention. To take that idea one step further, consider purchasing a copy and donating it to the library of any school that you have attended. Schools love to see their alumni being successful. Share that success with them! It's also another great (and free) opportunity for publicity.
Amy Lewis Sides <>
Tuscaloosa, AL, USA - Thursday, July 27, 2000 at 13:43:07 (EDT)
Photographers in the southeast United States who would be interested in coming together for a group book signing event, please contact Amy at amy@millenniumphoto or Candace at Thanks!
Amy Lewis Sides <>
Tuscaloosa, AL, USA - Thursday, July 27, 2000 at 13:49:14 (EDT)
This Sunday afternoon I will be presenting the first of three slide shows from my millennium travels through Patagonia. For anyone in the Washington DC area, it'd be great to have you come out! Here are the details.. . JOURNEYS IN PATAGONIA, 35mm and medium format slide presentation by photographer Lars Howlett of a millennial exploration through the wilds of southern Chile and Argentina. Patagonia of Georgetown, 1048 Wisconsin Ave. NW. Sunday at 3 p.m. Free. (202)333-1776. Additional information: On November 15, 1999 two friends set out on a three-month journey to discover the lands of southern Chile and Argentina. Their goal was to celebrate coming of the new millennium far from the hullabaloo of western civilization, in the remote wilderness of Patagonia. Travelling by bus, ferry, thumb and foot, the two explored twelve national parks crossing the border eight times. From the old growth forests surrounding Pucón and along the windswept beaches of Chiloé, past the newborn ferns of Parque Pumalin and onto the southernmost town of the Earth, Lars and Mike experienced and photographed the wonders of a land called Patagonia. Presently on exhibit in-store at Patagonia of Georgetown are eight images taken on their walks, in addition three slide presentations on varying themes will be held in July and August with highlights and stories from the journey. The showings are free, lasting approximately one hour. The Wilds of Southern Chile and Argentina: Sunday, July 30, 3:00 pm Chilean Cities and Towns, North to South: Sunday, August 13, 3:00 pm Stories and Suggestions of Exploring Patagonia: Tuesday, August 22, 6:00 pm Exhibited photographs are also available for purchase with a portion of the proceeds benefitting the Potomac Conservancy.
Lars Howlett <>
Washington DC, Patagonia - Friday, July 28, 2000 at 02:24:11 (EDT)
Hi Everyone, Alx has asked me to write a short piece on each of the 50 award winners. Could you please send to me a description of your photograph(s), where it was done, why you chose that particular piece etc., how it was photographed. Please describe any unusual circumstances. Also, if your photograph has been selected for any other awards, exhibits, books, etc. please include that information. Lastly, please include information on yourself -- how long you have been photographing, where you studied photography, information on other awards or achievements and what you want to do photographically in the future. Hopefully, this information will be included on the website some time in the future. Thanks, Pat
PAT <>
Manchester, NH, USA - Friday, July 28, 2000 at 11:18:26 (EDT)
Hi everyone, I finally made it back after four weeks of camping and three weeks in Florida. I had A LOT of reading to do. I went into the back files to catch up on everything and I found more personal web sites to add to mine. Many, many ideas about publicity for the book. Most of them are very good ones - I may say. Especially the idea of the Oprah show. I have to admit, when I came home and read my mail, finding out my photo was going in the book was the highlight of my life. Called my Mom, Sisters, Brothers, Aunts, Uncles, you name it. I called everyone !!!! Now I have to get them all a It'a all a lot of fun. Thank you Alx and Staff for making this happen.
Tom D. <>
Mastic, Long Island, NY, USA - Friday, July 28, 2000 at 23:22:33 (EDT)
Alx & Staff, I've just finished reading "The Smashing Times" and the article on the "Limited Edition" books to be published. From my understanding, you would like to have an investor come up with $75,000. Why not allow the MPP photographers first crack at it? I would think that everyone would want at least one copy. Request the money before going to printing to reserve the copy. This could then be all added together and the MPP photographers are now the investors. I would like to recieve more information on the proposal terms of the investment. I think this would work and also be to the best interest of all involved in the MPP. One more thing - the idea for a CD included in the normal book is a GREAT idea, but it may cut down on the sale of it. There are too many CDR-RW's out now. It's too easy to buy one book with the CD and make thousands of copies to sell on your own. The CD may not be a good idea after all. Thanks A Lot, Tom
Tom D. <>
Mastic, NY, USA - Friday, July 28, 2000 at 23:54:34 (EDT)
As we know every picture has a story behind it. My photo for the book is no different. I have just recently been informed that one of my subjects in the photo was given three weeks to live and unfortunately passed away with cancer at the age of 38, leaving a wife and four children. This person, who I didn't know until the night of the Millenium, gave up his cellphone around midnight to allow me to phone back to my family in Canada. In keeping with the community spirit of MPP, I would like to know if it is possible to send my free copy of the book and all royalties directly to his wife and family as I will be leaving New Zealand by the end of this year.
Jesse Bywater <>
Hawkes Bay, New Zealand - Saturday, July 29, 2000 at 04:13:23 (EDT)
again,do anyone knows the link to the picture of the week page?..if yes..i'd be grateful that you post it at the forum.thank you
kyle <>
malaysia - Monday, July 31, 2000 at 14:21:21 (EDT)
Photo of the week can be found at: . The index of photos for weeks 1 through 26 is here: . And pictures of the week for weeks 27 and more recent are at: .
Amy Lewis Sides <>
Tuscaloosa, AL, USA - Monday, July 31, 2000 at 16:04:14 (EDT)