Archived Messages - February 2001

What a rollercoaster of a ride it's been ! Take the photo's, send them in."Thanks for taking part...". "Sorry, you're not in The Book...". "There's a chance you could be, it's 85% you'll be included". Then came the BIG bad news... no Book at all. You all worked very hard to see the project through. The Book was published ! Well done and thanks the free Book arrived. (Mine seems to fall open at the same page all by itself !) It's fantastic. As I'm one of the few non-credit card people still left of the planet my friend and fellow Millennium Photographer Elsie Vernon ordered twelve copies on my behalf. We waited. ... two books arrived. Oh no, where are the others ? You very kindly told us they're sent out in multiples of ten or less and the ten would arrive soon. We waited... ...Elsie e-mailed you and you, or rather Mother Pickle said they (or she) would put a trace on the order. We waited, and worried a bit, e-mailed again. And now would you believe it...the fault lay with good old British Parcelforce ! When we turned up at their depot, they had only given us the two book parcel. ALL BOOKS ARE NOW IN MY POSESSION. Thank you, thank you thank you. All the best...and let's do it all again next Millennium ! Ward.
Ward McGaughrin <>
Dundee, Scotland - Friday, February 02, 2001 at 03:46:30 (EST)
At last, I got my books today. It took nine weeks instead of the predicted 4-6 weeks. Will they keep for next Christmas? I wonder.
Kevin Butterly <>
Dublin, IRELAND - Friday, February 02, 2001 at 15:50:17 (EST)
It's great that MPP photographers are starting to receive books after lengthy delays. Hopefully all will receive theirs in a short period of time, but those overseas are taking 2-3 months. Again, hats...or rather, lens covers off to Karen and Cindy at Pickles for doing a great job despite the poor delivery service all over the world. We have the technology to send a letter in seconds but months for packages. You go figure. Super greetings from Super Bowl Tampa.....Da
David Lubin <>
Tampa, Fla, USA - Friday, February 02, 2001 at 21:25:35 (EST)
Kevin, I've heard that the books are non-perishable items! They probably will not spoil before next Christmas. After all, they are treasured keepsakes. :)
amy <>
tuscaloosa, al, usa - Tuesday, February 06, 2001 at 00:54:34 (EST)
Hello to you all from down here, by the way tomorrow's weather is for sunshine 72 high. Hehehe, and i just have to say my book has not turned up either but i'm not as worryed about as some people are, they will turn up when they are ment to turn up. Now a bit of information I was told at a party I was at. The man I was talking to, I said to him how I was with the Project and his eyebrows went up, "really!." I found out that he had worked for our government in the youth section, he told me that there are people looking around at everything including the net, seeing what people are doing etc.(the good things that is) And someone found out about us and looked into it further and put a paper out to all departments, saying that we had put together such a large group of people from so many countries and oganised ower sevles (all done over the net) to achieving the one goal and succeeding. Plus did not and have not asked for help in any way from any government and the amount we have achieved so far is amazing and astonishing. And in a small wisper he said "Something like that, just shows you how small ower world is." Plus he was so proud. He was looking out into space after he told me and you could see the memory of reading this on his face, he had a smile on his face too. And finding out that I was also apart of it comfirmed to him that it was really real. So I hope that puts back the smiles on your faces and you feel proud at what you did towards The goal we where all aiming for. Plus when can we do it all again??????? I'm going into town tomorrow to see if ower book stores have The Book on file yet. Hello to my friends out there, see you all later.
Sharie Penwarden <>
Waiheke Island, Auckland, New Zealand - Tuesday, February 06, 2001 at 05:59:06 (EST)
Hello Sharie and everyone in Waiheke Island. Nice to hear it's that warm in New Zealand. I'm trying to find the Island on the map. Please check your e-mail because I have sent you a message. Hope your book arrives soon. Ray
Ray Casbourn <>
L'Avenir, Quebec, Canada - Tuesday, February 06, 2001 at 14:09:43 (EST)
Thanks Ray, you might need a magnifying glass to find me but i'm on the left hand side of Great Barrier Island closer to Auckland. I also have some good photos of Auckland and the Islands that surround us. I got my email address wrong sorry if you could send your email again Ray that would be supper. See you all soon bye sharie
Sharie Penwarden <>
Waiheke Island, Auckland, New Zealand - Tuesday, February 06, 2001 at 23:37:19 (EST)
Now that some of the furor has died down about the book, what about the Time Capsule?? I realize that putting 2000 photos on a website is a huge task, but any ideas guys?? Thanks, just curious....Have a good one all! LaDonna
LaDonna <>
Winslow, USA - Wednesday, February 07, 2001 at 22:08:50 (EST)
True LaDonna, We haven't heard from the crew in quite a while. Is Alx back in Toronto yet or are you still in England Alx? What's new in promoting the book? Or is everybody through with the promotion? How are sales doing? Haven't heard from Connie in quite a while also! Please, someone post a reassuring message here. Sharie, if you read this I have re-sent my message to your corrected e-mail address. Hope you have received it! I'm still looking for your Island (it must be really beautiful there and I'm trying to find a magazine that will let me go cover your "island". Thanks all. Ray
Ray Casbourn <>
New York, NY, USA - Thursday, February 08, 2001 at 11:48:25 (EST)
LaDonna, you are right in that it is going to be a huge task. ;-) For the moment I am focussing all efforts on selling and promoting the books. The concern is that if the time capsule went up too soon, it would affect book sales if people can get at the content for free so to speak. The sales process really has only just begun.
Alx Klive <>
Project HQ, Toronto - Thursday, February 08, 2001 at 11:51:08 (EST)
Another good news. Finally, all books have arrived yesterday, in good condition. Nearly two months later. Indeed a pack of ten, and a few days ago last Saturday preceded by a pack of two. It will bring much joy and remember my best year ever trice - personally, spiritually and professionally. Some of the books will be late New Yearsgifts, but well, the Millennium will be around a long while, and the Century for 99 more years... It is a pleasure to open the book and go on a journey with once in a while passing some familiar names / places. And yes now, the next adventure will be the time capsule. My suggestions are given earlier November and December, if i recall it right). Another one as i write this e-mail pops up. Could you approach this Time capsule in the way Greg Wright intended but obviously did not yet manifest (see His Millennium Holomorph was planned to freeze time and space in a multidimensional way. Eventually realizable as a CD/ROM project i proposed a few months ago?? And thank you again Millenniumphoto-crew for manifesting the precious books.
freed schmitter <>
amsterdam, netherlands - Thursday, February 08, 2001 at 22:05:50 (EST)
Freed, we did indeed have a number of discussions with Greg Wright at the Holomorph Project in 1999 and 2000 but they never got it off the ground in the financial sense. As you can appreciate I am being very careful about committing our 'content' to other projects. As a 'collection' we have a very valuable thing which should only increase in value as time goes by. As things calm down a bit over the coming months, I will be exploring ways in which we can cement that value for the best benefit to all concerned.
Alx Klive <>
Project HQ, Toronto - Friday, February 09, 2001 at 10:25:48 (EST)
I paid $84.45 for 3 books + shipping. I have no books yet. For almost $40 (shipping) the books should be here on time ! I frequently buy books from Amazon and I have no problems. Amazon charge $1.95 per item, here I paid $40 but got nothing ! I have no more confidence with you. Something is NOT managed well. H E L P !!!!!! Pini Vollach
Pini <>
Haifa, Israel - Sunday, February 11, 2001 at 17:45:43 (EST)
I was just about to ask about the Time Capsule, when I saw Alx's reply. I look forward to the Time Capsule (since my photos made it in the Capsule and not the book)! I understand the situation of not putting up the website because it might hinder book sales. Anyhow, hope we don't have to wait too much longer! =)
Yesenia Tuckwiller <>
Richmond, USA - Sunday, February 11, 2001 at 20:01:43 (EST)
I just wanted to share this with you all. I took a copy of the book to Ghana - West Africa a few days ago and after a lot of searching, I found the stiltwalker whose photo I took for the book. He was very puzzled when I called him, but came to my hotel where I gave him a copy. You should have the seen the look of surprise on his face! I autographed the copy and I wish you all could have added your own signatures. I'm sure the "Dawn" will be the talk of his neighbourhood. Thanks Alex and all the "Crew". Your vision has certainly made this man happy.
Bob Burch <>
Montreal, Canada - Monday, February 12, 2001 at 08:10:40 (EST)
Bob, that's a great story! Did you get any pictures?!
Alx Klive <>
Project HQ, Toronto - Monday, February 12, 2001 at 12:44:14 (EST)
I've ordered a free copy and 1 $15.- copy: months ago. Did the ship sunk or so. Who's raeding the E-mails with my request for information? Do you believe, I will receive my books before the third millennium?
Jan W. Dimmendaal <>
Bennekom, Netherland - Monday, February 12, 2001 at 14:00:19 (EST)
Greetings!! I just received an e-mail saying that the $15 book price is ended tomorrow. I ordered 8 books months ago (including one free copy for myself), but I have not received any. It's not fair if I have to re-order again with much higher price. Please clarify my orders. I have sent e-mails several time to the administrator of the book sale with no reply.
Agung S. Tandjung <>
W. Lafayette, IN, USA - Monday, February 12, 2001 at 15:18:19 (EST)
Hi, I put in my order for a free copy and another $15 copy in December. So far no news yet. Emails back to the Admin hasn't got a reply either. Is anyone taking care of this? I realise things must be pretty busy right now, but I guess we'd all appreciate a little news and feedback. Thanks!
Wai Hong Ho <>
Singapore - Monday, February 12, 2001 at 23:40:10 (EST)
Hello! Please, let me know if it's possible to get one more free copy of "The Book..." for our Israel Educational Television's Library. With best wishes, Alex Kantor
Alexander Kantor <>
Tel Aviv, Israel - Tuesday, February 13, 2001 at 01:26:03 (EST)
Jan, Agung, Wai, I will ask Karen tomorrow to take a look into your orders to confirm when they were shipped. You should have received a shipping confirmation however at the time of ordering. Please be sure you are sending your e-mails to to ensure a reply. Alexander, I'm afraid we are limited to one free copy per photographer. Many of our photographers have donated copies of their own to local libraries and educational establishments and even had media coverage as a result. It's certainly a worthwhile thing to do if you can manage it.
Alx Klive <>
Project HQ, Toronto - Wednesday, February 14, 2001 at 00:12:43 (EST)
Just a quick note - if you have concerns regarding orders please direct them to (and include your order number)as I check the email everyday but do not always have time to check hear on the discussion board. Also for Pini, Jan, Agung, And Wai: could you please send your order numbers to me directly at and I will look into them right away. Thank you. Hope you all have a great day.
Karen Hazzard <>
Walkerton Ont, Canada - Wednesday, February 14, 2001 at 07:09:19 (EST)
Learned today that Willard Scott, the meteorologist who sporadically appears on NBC's 'Today Show,' wants to call Rhoda and discuss our book. (Rhoda is the middle centenarian in the photo on page 105. The two of us signed/sold 30 books together 12/9.) Anyway, the call from Willard will not gain Rhoda a tv appearance, but I still think it's nice yet 'another' Today Show personality is going to learn about 'Dawn.' Perhaps, if we keep writing to Michael Bass, the show's producer, we will succeed with our publicity on NBC. Alx, Kim, and Tom stood outdoors in the freezin' cold 1/2/01, resulting in Katie Couric and Matt Lauer being given the book. Rhoda wrote a letter 1/16/01, then Willard says he will call. I suggest if we continue writing letters, we may still have an opportunity to affirm "It's not over 'till the fat lady sings." If anyone wants to join this publicity pitch, drop me a line, and I will give you Mr. Bass's address.
Connie Wragge <>
West Chester, PA, USA - Wednesday, February 14, 2001 at 20:12:09 (EST)
My books arrived early this week. They are great. Hopefully I will get some local press coverage next week. It really is wonderfull to see the final product and success of the venture. A world wide project around an historical event. Well done everyone that was involved.
Glenn MIlne <>
Mildura, Australia - Thursday, February 15, 2001 at 20:21:42 (EST)
To those of you who haven't received their books yet, you are not alone. I paid some $50 for shipping charges for four books 97 days ago. I haven't received my Dawnfree either. How, how different from! Not only are their shipping charges far less, they will gladly resend you the books if you didn't get them on time. I am totally dissapointed.
Peter Oxley <>
Tokyo, Japan - Thursday, February 15, 2001 at 22:01:12 (EST)
Hi Peter, I am sorry to hear you have not yet received your books. They were shipped the third week in November by surface mail and although they should have arrived by now, the postal service does allow for up to 3 months for surface packages to Japan. I hope they arrive for you soon. In response to the point about Amazon, as I understand it, they will only reship books once the full shipping time has elapsed. We would certainly consider doing the same if a trace with the postal service found they had been lost through no fault of our own. The postal service also will only let us put a trace on books once the full shipping time has elapsed.
Alx Klive <>
Project HQ, Toronto - Monday, February 19, 2001 at 18:24:29 (EST)
ONE MORE THING SORRY! In regards to shipping charges, I would just like to say that we do not make any money on the shipping charges. We simply charge what Canada Post charges us to ship the books. Our book is heavy (well over 3 pounds) and since we only have one product, we are not able to spread the costs out like Amazon do. It may also be an explanation as to why Amazon is not making any money! :-)
Alx Klive <>
Project HQ, Toronto - Monday, February 19, 2001 at 18:31:36 (EST)
Please, I'm don't speak english. I like received my free copy of book. Usted habla español? Me gustaria recibir el libro para que despues pueda hacer mis comentarios sobre lo mismo. Me gustó participar del proyecto, me pareció una buena idea y espero que todo termine bien. Gracias por la atencion prestada. Susana Cardoso Fernandez
Susana Cardoso Fernandez <>
Florianópolis, Brazil - Tuesday, February 20, 2001 at 18:30:01 (EST)
I think if someone can translate that message it would help her. I have my Book and i'm out on the streets promoting it, i'm doing well too. I'm so proud of the Book and the picturs are amazing, i have showen it to some of my friends and their eyes bug out of their heads while turning the pages. Their eyes just light up when i told them i had the Book. "Dawn" is very much worth waiting for. Smile Alx or i will have to send you a Chicken dish or a Fish one.
Sharie Penwarden <>
Waiheke Island, New Zealand - Wednesday, February 21, 2001 at 03:51:35 (EST)
Sharie, I've asked Orlando our Brazilian co-ordinator to take a look at Susana's message and try to help.
Alx Klive <>
Project HQ, Toronto - Thursday, February 22, 2001 at 20:38:45 (EST)
Prezada Suzana, Meu nome é Orlando e sou Coordenador do Millennium Photo Project, no Brasil. Desculpe-me a demora em respondê-la. Eu mesmo ainda não recebi minha cópia grátis do livro, mas, alguns participantes brasileiros já me confirmaram o recebimento de seus exemplares. O problema que houve entre o Canadá e o Brasil, quanto ao comércio de carne, abalou a seqüência normal alfandegária entre os dois países. Acredito que tudo volte ao normal, agora. No entanto, para receber sua cópia grátis, é necessário tenha acessado o endereço: para formalizar a remessa. Esta providência decorre da necessidade de se enviar os exemplares aos endereços atualizados dos participantes, caso tenha havido alguma alteração. Se já o fez, pedimos-lhe que tenha mais um pouco de paciência. E fique à vontade para tecer qualquer comentário ou esclarecer qualquer dúvida. Estaremos ao seu dispor. Esta mensagem está sendo enviada também ao seu e-mail. Abraços. Orlando.
Orlando Discacciati <>
Barbacena-MG, Brazil - Saturday, February 24, 2001 at 22:14:13 (EST)
Hi all, I received my books that I ordered but I didn't get the poster or postcard that I ordered. Does anyone know if they are all out of these items? If not who do I contact about getting them. Thanks
Martha <>
Agawam MA, USA - Monday, February 26, 2001 at 02:25:05 (EST)
Dear Friends, The good news is my book arrived, ordered one month ago through amazon. The bad news is the books I ordered through the project [ air mail ] on the 11 of Nov have not arrived.[ I do not know what to do] or how to react. Please can someone help me. the great news, for me. Is the book is fantastic and I am only sorry I can not give it as I hoped to, to friends here in Nepal. I am hoping my mother can buy herself a copy from a book store in the U.K. Any sugestions as to where? please. I think the team has done a great job to bring out the book and i feel it is really worthy. Congratulations. it has got to be one of the most valuable referances to this event. Nick
Nick Dawson <>
kathmandu, nepal - Monday, February 26, 2001 at 08:43:09 (EST)
Hi Nick, I looked into your order on your behalf and it was shipped the second week in November by air mail. You are correct in that it should have arrived a long time ago. I have no idea the reliability of mail to Nepal but regardless we have put a trace on it with Canada Post. As soon as we hear from them, either me or Karen will get in touch with you by e-mail. In the meantime, if it does arrive, please let us know. As for your mum in England, she should go to somewhere like Waterstones and give them the name of the UK distributor which is Art Books International in London. They are planning a May release of the book in Enlgand but Waterstones could special order it before then. Hope this helps. If anyone else has any questions about their order, please feel free to e-mail us at the reception address or the sales address and we will do our best to help. We are now almost fully caught up on the reception mail which suffered a bit from a problem with our ISP.
Alx Klive <>
Project HQ, Toronto - Tuesday, February 27, 2001 at 09:45:29 (EST)