Archived Messages - December 2000

Dear Alx and crew, Please help. I cannot seem to order from the web site. I can get as far as putting the book in my cart then when I try to check out, I get "server cannot open". I would really love to get my copy. Thanks, Sandra Also. I have reserved the 4th since the team is to come to Seattle but have heard and found nothing about where you will be and what events are planned. Please fill me in. I have been too swamped with 80 hour work weeks for the past three months to do anything about the project but I do wish to be there for support. For my fellow project photographers, how have you overcome the glitch I am feeling about promoting the book in your local market but having to finish with "but I am not in it". I don't have a problem with not having made the book but wonder how to effectively promote it as a participant. Any suggestions?? Thanks everyone
Sandra <>
Seattle, USA - Friday, December 01, 2000 at 03:02:16 (EST)
Hi Sandra. I believe there's at least one photo of Seattle in the book. Maybe you could approach publicity from that angle. I'll look through my copy again and email you to let you know what it is, when it was taken, and so on. I'll also let you know if I find any more in the book.
San Antonio, USA - Friday, December 01, 2000 at 09:04:37 (EST)
I too, have wondered how to promote the book without having been in it. I am going to do First Night again this year( I took my pictures there last year), although this year I volunteered to work.This way, I am a little closer to the action!!! The woman I spoke with loves the idea of first night being promoted with the Millennium Photo Project(for my part), so I am hoping to parlay this into something bigger locally. I got on the USA Today site a while ago and the article was way beyond excellent! If we could get a few more like this, who knows??? One little complaint. I tried to use the phone number given to order my book, and have yet to be contacted. I know there have been problems, but do I need to try again? I really hate to, if it's not necassary... Thanks. Well, take care all.
LaDonna <>
Winslow, USA - Friday, December 01, 2000 at 18:58:50 (EST)
Life can change in a father-in-law past away yesterday. The day I was going to buy my new Mamiya 645e. I have been saving up all year. My husband and I decided for him just to go to LA. and take my part of the $650.00 airline ticket to put toward my camera. After droping him off at the airport I went and got my camera. Talk about feeling guilty, hopefully it will be worth it. Anyway, I showed the salemen the book and info. He is the one who orders the books for the store! Norman Camera in Kalamazoo. My local bookstore in Allegan will also order some, so little by little the book will be everywhere. Enjoy today and take time to smell something sweet!
Diane Sumner <>
Allegan, USA - Saturday, December 02, 2000 at 08:38:05 (EST)
Hello Everyone, I got my books yesterday and I just had to write to say what a beautiful work it is. It is so nice to see the photos of the people whose names I have seen in the discussion board. I now feel like I know them a little better. I again want to thank Alx and the staff for all of their work and a job very well done.
Rik Cass <>
Erie,PA., U.S.A. - Saturday, December 02, 2000 at 09:34:00 (EST)
Hi Alx and crew. The Community Relations Coordinator at a Borders in town has expressed interest in setting up a book signing. I'll be hitting a few independents on Monday. I think that article in USA Today is really going to give the project legs. I was thinking about what Carl-Magnus said. Is it too late to add a field for photo ID on the ordering pages? And will there be a chat tomorrow?? Have a good weekend, everyone.
San Antonio, USA - Saturday, December 02, 2000 at 09:53:30 (EST)
Help, I have not heard word one about my order. I don't know if it was shipped or if it was when it was. Should I reorder? I need an answer.
Liz Murphy <>
Feasterville, US - Saturday, December 02, 2000 at 12:11:00 (EST)
Since I couldn't wait to receive my own order of books, I was very kindly given the book today from a fellow Irish Millennium Photographer Keith Nolan (see pages 40-41 for one of the best photos in the whole book.) The book is absolutely fantastic. I showed it to a few friends and they all agree. Thanks to everyone. I hope I get my order before Christmas!
Kevin Butterly <>
Dublin, Ireland - Saturday, December 02, 2000 at 17:47:58 (EST)
Sandra and LaDonna, Thanks for all of your help promoting the book. Michelle had a great idea about approaching promotions from the aspect of your city or area being featured in the book. But even if there were no pictures in the book from your part of the world, you can tell people that you are a project participant. Or you could promote it as a local photographer who knows a good photography book when she sees one. Instead of a book signing to generate publicity, you could donate a copy to your local library because it is a terrific book. Also, you can tell people that some of your friends have photography in the book and you are helping them promote it. Then when they ask to see the photos that your friends took, you can open the book up to any page and point to any picture!
Amy <>
Tuscaloosa, AL, USA - Monday, December 04, 2000 at 12:20:25 (EST)
Here's a neat publicity idea that Connie and I came up with. You could call a local high school and ask to talk about the MPP book to a photography class or club, newspaper class or club, or yearbook class or club. In addition to talking about the book, you could also discuss photojournalism in general: how to tell a story with a picture, and what makes a good story-telling photo. Bring some examples from your own work or from the newspaper. The teachers will be glad that you are teaching the class for a day. You might also consider talking at a photography club in your community.
Amy <>
Tuscaloosa, AL, USA - Monday, December 04, 2000 at 12:27:20 (EST)
Hi Amy, You are so right. You gave me the idea a few months ago about making a book donation to a local library. Well I did. Before I did it, I had written up press releases and faxed them to the News Editors. Like I had written on here before, IF the press release is done correct, there would be no contact between anyone. And this is correct. The next thing I knew was friends were calling to tell me that I was in the Newspapers. I had no idea. To make a long story short, I RAN out and got about 50 copies. The library is now planning to set up a display featuring the book and wanted an enlargement of the picture I took, (in the book), for the display. There will also be another article written in the Library's Newsletter. Today I also donated a book to the Veteran's Hopsital. Your idea worked !!!! Tom
Tom Donadio <>
Mastic, NY, USA - Monday, December 04, 2000 at 12:46:32 (EST)
I haven't heard where the book signing is scheduled for in Los Angeles. My Sister, Sandra, and I would like to attend at least one of them and meet more MPP photographers. Sandra's picture is in the book but she entered because I did. We had fun taking pictures at the Pasadena Rose Parade.
Michelle Sparr <>
Los Angeles, USA - Monday, December 04, 2000 at 16:33:26 (EST)
Ok, I NEED MAJOR HELP HERE...called a major independent bookstore in St. Petersburg....Haslam's...giant store and the owner was interested but when he looked up the ISBN for both Baker& Taylor and Books in Print, he couldn't find it. ANYONE KNOW WHAT THE STORY IS??? Isn't it supposed to be available to stores through Baker, so someone who knows please share the information....thanks....send me an email if you can solve the dilemma....and what's a project ambassado
David Lubin <>
Tampa, Fla, USA - Monday, December 04, 2000 at 18:46:23 (EST)
Thanks Tom, but it wasn't originally my idea to donate a book to a library. Someone mentioned it in the chat room a while back, and I can't remember who. Maybe Connie?
Amy <>
Tuscaloosa, AL, USA - Tuesday, December 05, 2000 at 11:59:53 (EST)
Alx and Crew, It is pity that I could not join you with the Publicity tour. But I happen to find in Project Calendar that the tour hits Chicago on 20th Dec, where my best friend is studying. She has already promised me to buy one copy of the book after it is published and to persuade all of her friends to buy one. I believe it is the best time for her to keep her word on 20th. Would you please let me know the exact address or the name of the bookstore where you will promote the book in Chicago on 20th. I believe she will be there joining you in stead of me.
Yinan Wang <>
Magdeburg, Germany - Tuesday, December 05, 2000 at 12:59:03 (EST)
David, to answer your question about Baker & Taylor/Books in Print. Books in Print is a database that book stores (and libraries) use as a 'last resort' to find out the publisher and distributor for a particular book. We are in their database but many stores choose not to pay the very high fees charged for access to the 'live' Books in Print database, so instead they work from copies of the database which are a little older and therefore do not have the most current information. It shouldn't matter though. ALL YOU NEED TO TELL THEM(!) is that Baker and Taylor (the US distributor) DO have it. They can simply call up by phone to place an order. Out of interest, Barnes and Noble and Borders are proving to be by far the easiest stores to get to stock the book, simply by walking in and showing it to them. Both have it listed in their own internal store-wide databases which makes it extra easy. I have had great success with both chains in this way. For instance, I spent no more than an hour in both Seattle and Washington DC stopping by the big Barnes and Noble and Borders stores in town and showing the book to the manager on duty. In all cases the stores were delighted with the book and ordered five or ten copies on the spot (through Baker and Taylor). It's worth noting as well that if you hit a big store in a big city, quite often the manager there orders books for four or five other smaller stores in the suburbs as well. In this way I got an order for a total of 35 books from Borders in Seattle in the space of five minutes. Exactly the same happened with a small independent chain called Olsson's in Washington DC (seven stores, five books each). I explain my involvement in the project, show them the book, give them a quick explanation of how the book came about (stressing the community / trials and tribulations angle) mention the USA Today article and that's it. I smile a lot, be really polite and friendly (!), and they seem more than happy to support the project. Many times, they had heard of the project in some way (usually under the old title) and I tell them that "it's a long story, but basically we lost our publisher, no other publisher would take it on - believe it or not - , so we went out and scrapped together the money ourselves to publish it independently". This seems to work amazingly well. I strongly encourage everyone to try it! It's very satisfying. Just remember, five books is a good order from a single bookstore, ten books is a REALLY good order! Post your successes to the discussion board!!

Alx Klive <>
San Francisco, California - Tuesday, December 05, 2000 at 13:14:20 (EST) seems many of you have received the books. I haven't got mine yet...=( Could you check on it, Alx?? pleaasee... I want to bring some of them back to Indonesia with me for Christmas gifts, and possibly try to promote it down there. One local bookstore on Purdue campus is interested to order some. I gave them the flier already.
Agung Tandjung <>
W. Lafayette, IN, - Tuesday, December 05, 2000 at 13:19:36 (EST)
Michelle, the bookstore for LA is Rizzoli's in Santa Monica on Saturday at 6pm. The address is on the project calendar. Yinan, would love to see your friend there in Chicago! We don't have a confirmation yet for a signing location but as soon as we do, we will add it to the Project Calander. Please anyone who can make it to one of the signings, please do. And also try to bring as many friends along as you can. A crowd draws a crowd!
Alx Klive <>
San Francisco, California - Tuesday, December 05, 2000 at 13:27:57 (EST)
Ok, well the independent bookstore must have computer problems because I called a Borders and B & N here in Tampa and they had no problem with Baker & Taylor.The Customer Relations person is the B & N was going to order but don't know if she was ordering city wide. I will be contacting the other stores in the area.It really was easy to convince her once she looked it up, probably even easier walking into the store with one. The book, Alx, is truly a treasure of photos of the 24 hour time period. Again, congratulations!
David Lubin <>
Tampa, Fla, USA - Tuesday, December 05, 2000 at 14:07:00 (EST)
David Lubin <>
Tampa, Fla , USA - Tuesday, December 05, 2000 at 14:08:24 (EST)
ATTENTION those photographers near the Detroit area. I have sent up a little book signing at Waldenbooks in Madison Heights, MI. I would love it if other photographers from the project could join me on that day to celebrate the publication of the book. Invite all your friends and family to come to your "book signing". I have ordered 10 copies for the store, but if I get a few other photographers I might be able to get the store to order more stock. Please drop me an email if you are available December 17th. Thanks
Aimee <aimee.matteson>
Detroit, USA - Tuesday, December 05, 2000 at 16:42:28 (EST)
Sorry, forgot to put my email address in the last message. Email me if you can be apart of the book signing.
Aimee <>
- Tuesday, December 05, 2000 at 16:43:20 (EST)
Hi Millennium Crew, and the Millennium Photographers. I recently added a link how you can order the book, DAWN OF THE 21st CENTURY to my web site: www.dbmphotography.c
Daniel B. McNeill <>
Washington, DC, USA - Tuesday, December 05, 2000 at 16:50:27 (EST)
Major PR success to report here in Ottawa. The Ottawa Citizen (circ 250,000) AND the Ottawa Sun (circ120,000) both came out with an article (Citizen today, Sun Yesterday). Unfortunately they seem to pull them off the server after 24 hours but I can tell you that both were GREAT. If anyone can get hold to todays Ottawa Citizen, grab a copy. If you guys in TO have a counter on your site, expect a lot of hits from Ottawa.The sales site was mentioned in both articles. I also have an interview with our top local TV station about ten days from now. They wanted me on sooner, but I`m up to my eyeballs in work. Shoots for TimeDigital and Nortel today alone! A few thoughts... Hopefully my book order from last week is on the way. Don`t want to make the rest of the world jealous but it`s a one day courier from TO. Did you send them by way of Kuala Lumpur...Need copies as the media are hungry. I`m sharing my one PR copy with 10 people. Can we get an update on sales????? Still would like a CD of the PR images...Tv presentation would work better.... Enjoying the first snow in Ottawa, Paul
Paul Couvrette <>
Ottawa, Canada - Tuesday, December 05, 2000 at 21:56:31 (EST)
A few questions to answer - David, a project ambassador is simply a list of those people who we felt had gone that extra bit further in promoting the project. It was an informal survey among our staff. Sales through the website are around $29,000 and we've also made encouraging sales to Chapters in Canada and Baker & Taylor in the States of course. We've got about half our books out there in one form or another which is not bad but there's still some way to go. Re: questions about book orders. I'm a long way from the office and trying to keep up with things via a laptop and modem. Consequently I'm unable to answer any order questions much as I'd like to, so the best address to send them to is where Karen will do her best to help. Or call 1-888-296-4743 (519-881-3597 from outside N.America). Well done Paul on the two Ottawa papers! Remember everyone, please try to let us know of any successes you have or if you see the project in any media coverage. Cheers!
Alx Klive <>
San Francisco, California - Wednesday, December 06, 2000 at 02:58:17 (EST)
Far-fetched idea: I showed the book to a some co-workers, most of whom were quite taken with it, and I sold a couple of copies at cost. Anyway one of the folks wanted a copy because she gave birth this year and thought the book would be a wonderful keepsake for her millennium baby. Maybe some advertising targeting those post-partum parents would be of value? Baby/parenting type magazines and web sites? "Your baby will love this book... hard cover is great for teething... something to look back on when he turns 50... can hock it for big bucks when he's 75." For what it's worth...
David M.
Arlington, VA, - Wednesday, December 06, 2000 at 07:29:32 (EST)
HI, Alx, Connie, put me down for a book signing at Books, Coffee and Friends, 130 Hubbard St. Allegan, MI 49010 on Friday, Dec. 15 from 6-8pm. Its right downtown, thier will be horse sliegh rides, santa visits, ect. right around the corner, so they will be handing out flyers about the book signing. I will be calling radio stations, papers and the city manager, any other ideas? 1st time doing something like this. The only drawback is Laurie, the bookstore owner, only order 1 book! So I said I would use my copies and she would replace them. What happens if we run out?
Diane Sumner <>
Allegan, MI, USA - Wednesday, December 06, 2000 at 09:43:43 (EST)
Diane, If you run out of books, then have some of the MPP postcards with you (you did order some, didn't you?). Sign them and pass them out. Hopefully people will then visit the project site and order. Or the bookstore could take some orders from people.
Amy <>
Tuscaloosa, AL, USA - Wednesday, December 06, 2000 at 12:51:53 (EST)
Hello!! Well my books are showing up at my mothers house and not mine???, so far she got 3 out of 11 books I ordered and 20 posters and no flyers/postcards. I hope they come soon because I just found out my sister bought me a airplane ticket to fly out and see her in Chicago Illinois Dec 11-? lol!! So I hope they come before I leave so I can bring all the books up there for christmas instead of coming back home and sending after Christmas. And the good new is!!!! If I am there from Dec 11-25th I can make it to the tour thing in Chicago on the 20th? If I go I need an adress to where it is going to be at! Anyone know? Karen Ann
Karen Ann Donnelly <>
Titusville Florida, USA - Wednesday, December 06, 2000 at 19:55:10 (EST)
Karen... I have plenty of flyers and postcards if you need some. Just e-mail me an address to send them and I'll get them out in the morning. It should take only 2 0r 3 days to get there. I just checked out your website and I was getting a lot of scripting error messages. Not sure if it was on my end or yours. Just wanted to let you know. I keep a page for MPP photographers and I will add yours as soon as I can find some time. My URL is .. Then to see the MPP Photographers page, just look for the link towards the bottom of the page... Tom
Tom Donadio <>
Mastic, NY, USA - Wednesday, December 06, 2000 at 22:02:10 (EST)
I received my free crew book and the 15 I ordered as Christmas gifts a few days ago. I am truly proud to have been a small part in a large project; didn't make the book, but appreciate the "crew credit." That's good for another 15 or so books for Christmas presents! I sincerely feel The Project is a harbringer of the coming Century -- people all over the world connected. Thank you, Alx, for your vision.
Pauleitta Phillips <>
St. Augustine, USA - Wednesday, December 06, 2000 at 22:34:11 (EST)
Pauleitta........ I want to move to St. Augustine... Was there in July... BEAUTIFUL PLACE...
Tom Donadio <>
Mastic, NY, USA - Wednesday, December 06, 2000 at 22:49:24 (EST)
Alx, that's a great idea about going to three (3) book stores in a Millennium Photographer's area to get them to order books DAWN OF THE 21st CENTURY for their store. I will be on assingment at three (3) of these stores tod
Daniel B. McNeill <>
Washington, DC, USA - Thursday, December 07, 2000 at 07:45:32 (EST)
Alx, that's a great idea about the Millennium's photographers in their area going to 3 book stores to get them to order the DAWN OF THE 21st CENTURY books for thier custome
Daniel B. McNeill <>
Washington,DC, USA - Thursday, December 07, 2000 at 09:09:33 (EST)
Alx, I must have read your mind. I have been waiting for the shipment of books and other materials before approaching the bookstores. Yesterday, I decided not to wait any longer and I visited 2 bookstores (I am still hoping every day that this will be the day). Jade Creek in Ft. Collins is an independent and the owner was very nice and seemed interested. She even said that she already heard about this book!!! She was a little sceptical about being able to get the books before Christmas. The store just opened recently and I told her that there are two photographers in Fort Collins (and four in Colorado) that have pictures in the book and that if she wants to have some nice promotion for the store we would be available for book signing. I will keep you updated where this one goes. Second store is Barnes&Noble. It was in the evening, so I talked only with the clerk and she told me that they don't make puchasing decisions at this level. I mentioned a "local interest" and she was very helpful, gave me the name of the person I should contact during the day. I will be following up on this one today. Alx, See you in Denver (Broomfield) on Monday and prepare for the crowd. The place (Flatiron Crossing, a mall that opened in August) is excellent and I am sending information about this to a lot of people.
Richard Miodonski <>
Fort Collins, Colorado, USA - Thursday, December 07, 2000 at 10:55:54 (EST)
Hey I was wondering if I could get some detailed info on what will be happenning when the tour hits chicago and also NYC I live in Chicago but am going home to NJ for Christnmas and need to decide which tour I should participate in if not both. I have planned to drive home for christmas so could try and arange to be at both but would like more details of events. Thanks Ciara
Ciara O'Shea <>
Chicago, - Thursday, December 07, 2000 at 10:56:43 (EST)
Alx... Great news from Long Island!!!! Just got back from one of the biggest Border's Book store here. After a 3 minute talk about the book, there was no hesitation from the manager on ordering some. All he kept saying was how great the book is. He didn't give me a specific number on the amount of books he was ordering for the store, but he did say he was ordering 2 just for He also plans on sending out an immediate "URGENT" e-mail to the corporate headquarters for all the Border's stores to purchase the book.. I was amazed how easy it went. He said he will call me on the details of the number of books ordered as soon as possible. This is getting good.... Good luck on the west coast Alx.. Talk to ya soon, Tom
Tom Donadio <>
Mastic, NY, USA - Thursday, December 07, 2000 at 11:45:24 (EST)
Alx.. Could you please send me your address to where I can send you copies of the photos from PhotoExpo+2000 and a copy of the video taping? Or would you rather wait until you're in New York and I can get them to you? Your choice. Also, Is there ANY way I can get the posters, postcards, and the sales flyers sent to me ASAP????? I've had several requests on people that need them so I had to send mine. I could use these as fast as possible. I've gotten 2 more e-mails today asking if I had any extras and I know more will be coming. I'd like to have more here so I can get them out. It may save the sale/distribution department some time. Cheers, Tom
Tom Donadio <>
Mastic, NY, USA - Thursday, December 07, 2000 at 13:00:10 (EST)
About 3 weeks ago I ordered 4 books (2 were free as my husband & I have photos in the book and Time Capsule). They're beautiful, they arrived today & I began promotional efforts. To my disappointment, after a local Barnes & Noble bookstore agreed to order 2, they checked & found that the books are not available from any distribution center. They put in an order (through their computerized system) for 2 books, but they won't arrive for 6 - 8 weeks. It's pointless for me to approach my teacher (a photographer on staff of Orlando Sentinel) and request publicity - photo & story when there won't be any books to buy. My planned trip to the Country Club where one photo was shot is also pointless. New Year's Eve will come and go and the books won't be available. Even the Post Office employees would probably have bought several books, but they can't. My film was processed at a major Camera & Hobby shop in Orlando. They usually give publicity to photographers who get in print. Another useless avenue if no books to buy. Can ANYTHING be done?
Sally McCrae Kuyper <>
Orlando, FL, USA - Thursday, December 07, 2000 at 15:59:03 (EST)
Just a quick note about the book signing I'm doing on the 15th. I printed out the News Release and added info about the signing at the bottom, took it to the local new paper and radio station, both said the would put it in/on next week. The radio station is going to annouce the signing during the local happenings all week...yeah! Lets keep it going
Diane Sumner <>
Allegan, , MI USA - Thursday, December 07, 2000 at 22:06:41 (EST)
P.S. Amy, thanks, yes I got some postcards, I will bring em'
Diane <>
Allegan, USA - Thursday, December 07, 2000 at 22:15:47 (EST)
I am soooooooooooooooooooo impressed!!!. Just got the book yesterday after nearly a month!. Didn't want to complain about any delays b'cos I thought it better to wait and watch. Perfect timing, since I'm leaving to go back home to Bombay on Sun. I am in Los Angeles right now. The book looks unbelievable!!!. I didn't know about the hard cover!!, but it's so grand!. I couldn't get over it. Took it to school and showed all the guys and teachers in the photography dept, were all pretty impressed by the whole layout. Taking the flyers and cards up tomorrow and posting them. Will try to make it for the book signing since I'm leaving the next morning to go back home.
Ishika Mohan <>
Bombay(Mumbai), India - Friday, December 08, 2000 at 03:45:26 (EST)
Hey Alex and crew et all, I just ordered the books I'll need ( for now) but I was wondering about a receipt.I'd like to be able write this expense off. Will there be one included in with the books? Or can I request one? Thanks
Kris <>
Edmonton, Canada - Friday, December 08, 2000 at 12:11:06 (EST)
HERE everything is! I've been trying to access the crew headquarters and all from back over on the mirror site maintained by the new domain; but it seems everything over there is only current up to November 15. Could either it truly be made a mirror site, or could a link from there to here be posted?
Kim Wadsworth
New York, USA - Friday, December 08, 2000 at 14:03:20 (EST)
Manager of B.Dalton (Altemonte Mall store, suburb of Orlando) just told me she'd order 20 books. Two of my photos were taken in this area (Post Office & Country Club). Then I spoke to Tom Burton, Photo Editor at the Orlando Sentinel. He's very interested and may do photo & story next week (if the Gore-Bush legal battle ends).
Sally McCrae Kuyper <>
Orlando, USA - Friday, December 08, 2000 at 15:54:50 (EST)
Dear Millennium Crew and the Millennium Photographers, I cellebrated my 53rd birthday yesterday with a Millennium book party. Dani
Daniel B. McNeill <>
- Friday, December 08, 2000 at 17:37:34 (EST)
Have arrived in LA and plan to go celebrity hunting on Rodeo Drive to see if I can get any to sign a copy of the book! Long shot but you never know. I have one book you see that I'm carrying around with me and getting all the photographers to sign, idea being to auction it off for a good cause at the end. To answer some questions, Kim, I didn't realize the site was mirrored on the new server so I'll fix that. Tom, I think what you did had an effect because today the Borders HEAD OFFICE called me enquiring about ordering the book as a 'central buy' for other stores. I had left messages for them earlier in the week so I think the timing of that was perfect. Now if only Barnes and Noble would do the same... Re - the video etc, I can pick that up from you when I'm in New York. Posters etc, I can't organize from here obviously but if you really want some badly, call Karen on Monday at the distribution centre (1-888-296-4743) and place an overnight rush order. You'd just have to pay the postage. Sally, I'm stumped as to why it would take Barnes and Noble so long to get books in. I checked with Baker and Taylor our US distributor today and they have the following quantities at their four US warehouses - B&T South (183 copies); B&T Mid West (188 copies); B&T West (75 copies); B&T East (730 copies). This information may also be useful to others when talking to stores. Typically a particular bookstore orders copies from the closest B&T warehouse. They can usually get copies to stores in two or three days. Some media successes to announce! We are booked to appear on the Fox Television morning shows in Atlanta and Memphis; in Vancouver I will be doing the popular Vicky Gabereau talk show which airs nationally across Canada on the CTV network. It will be taped on Wednesday and will air Friday. S'all for now. Anyone in LA with a video camera or want to go celebrity hunting?? Call me at the Grafton on Sunset.
Alx Klive <>
Los Angeles, California - Friday, December 08, 2000 at 18:29:53 (EST)
Well done Sally! Congrats Dani, sounds like a nice birthday present.
Alx Klive <>
Los Angeles, California - Friday, December 08, 2000 at 18:32:50 (EST)
Connie, I tried emailing you the following info, but kept getting error messages. I thought maybe other MPP photographers in south and central Texas might be interested. (I think there's at least one other MPP photographer in the area. Where'd you go?? I'm ready to call Book People in Austin to see if they'll set up a book signing. Please join me.) Here goes: I'm trying to follow up on a potential book signing at Borders-Huebner Oaks in San Antonio. Their customer relations rep says that they're pretty much booked till the new year. But she sounded very enthusiastic about arranging a book signing as soon as possible. I also submitted a request that the main library in town purchase the book and let them know that I'll be donating a copy to them or the nearest branch in early 2001. Someone at the official visitors' center/giftshop in town gave me the name, number, and location of the shop's buyer. I'll be calling her Tuesday. Her associate at the giftshop did say that the city would most likely purchase several copies. The Twig, an independent bookstore in Alamo Heights, has scheduled a book signing for Jan. 10. It may be after Christmas, but they foresee sending up to 250 invitations. Finally, I made sure I plugged the project in a special thanks in the closing of my public access program. We taped three shows today, and I had the director put it in each one. The first of the three will be cablecast next Friday. (Time Warner, Channel 20) The show's on at midnight, but there's still a sizeable audience at that time. Good luck in LA, Alx and co. Wish I could join you at some point on the tour. Think you could extend it a little and swing through Texas? Just kidding! Have a good weekend.
Michele <>
San Antonio, USA - Friday, December 08, 2000 at 20:17:31 (EST)
ALRIGHT!!!!! I finally feel like I've accomplished something Will work on Barnes & Noble tomorrow.... BTW - Happy B-Day Daniel. Tom
Tom Donadio <>
Mastic, NY, USA - Friday, December 08, 2000 at 23:23:01 (EST)
I'm a physician in Tampa and have found pharmaceutical reps very receptive to buy the books, maybe because they want me to use their drugs, but I think because they appreciate good photography. One rep is buying 10 to give to doctors at a talk at a Borders. I'm fronting Borders the books so that they can sell them to the rep. The buyer really appreciated that. If any of you know pharmaceutical reps, show them the book. They make great gifts for them to give to their favorite doctors, or buy for themselves. And if they give it to doctors as gifts, they can expense it. Reps are always looking for gifts to give away during the holiday season. So check with any friedns or family who work as pharmaceutical
David Lubin <>
Tampa, Fla, USA - Friday, December 08, 2000 at 23:28:51 (EST)
OK, OK, it's "friends" and the previous message was cut off....should end with "pharmaceutical reps."
David Lubin <>
Tampa, Fla, USA - Friday, December 08, 2000 at 23:33:19 (EST)
Hi everyone, I just added a new pages to my personal site. Among them is a page dedicated to the pictures I had submitted to the Millennium Photo project. I also have links to the project site and to "Buy the book" site. You can see this page under "Links" in my site, after clicking on the blue flower on the entrance page in: The site contain a lot of images from many places around our globe. Enjoy, Pini
Pini Vollach <>
Haifa, Israel - Saturday, December 09, 2000 at 06:06:52 (EST)
Hello Everyone, I am soooooooo impressed with all the activity to promote the book! You are all doing a fantastic job! I am doing my very best to keep up with all the e-mails I am receiving, bear with me. Biggest piece of advice I can offer: The key to success is follow-up. Stay with a bookstore manager when he/she says, 'yes' to a book signing and be ready to support the signing in every way imaginable, e.g., perhaps enlarge your photograph to poster size for display in the store leading up to the signing, contact the local press, call to make sure the books have arrived, etc. This 'follow-up' idea goes for everything promotion-wise. And, keep posting your successes. We are Good!!! (P.S. We're better than Good, we're the Best.)
Connie Wragge <>
West Chester, PA, USA - Saturday, December 09, 2000 at 07:14:05 (EST) would like to give special thanks to the Millennium Crew and Millennium Photographers. Since I been part of this great project my web page has been getting supports from all over the world. Recently assignment: the official photographer for The United Nations Association - National Capital Area, Human Rights Day Community Awards Luncheon, on Friday, December 8th, 2000, Cannon House Office Building, Washington
Daniel B. McNeill <>
Washington, DC, USA - Saturday, December 09, 2000 at 07:53:51 (EST)
Hey, Daniel, that's great news about your recent photo assignments, and thank you for the photos. Very nice. Attila, thank you as well. I really appreciate them. One other thought regarding promotional activities...bring along the USA Today book review. It adds all kinds of credibility.
Connie Wragge <>
West Chester, PA, USA - Saturday, December 09, 2000 at 11:41:44 (EST)
Connie, you're right about the USA Today article, I think it really helps. Just got a call that the Barnes & Nobles in South Tampa that their order of 10 books came in and the buyer ordered 10 more. A Borders also has ordered over 10 for their store....I feel really funny about pitting one against the other, on top of the ones I have for sale, but hell, that's book business, I guess. Connie, is there an email list that's available to us so that we can send messages to everyone, since not all may see the message board on a regular basis? The people outside North America must be hungry for news...and books!
David Lubin <>
Tampa, Fla, USA - Saturday, December 09, 2000 at 15:19:17 (EST)
Had someone go to and told me the book is listed. But is it really for sale at the site....did Jeff Bezos agree to sell it?
David Lubin <>
Tampa, Fla , USA - Saturday, December 09, 2000 at 15:22:36 (EST)
The book IS now listed at Still better to direct people to the MPP website though. We hardly make any money on Amazon sales (perhaps a couple of bucks). But it is there!
Alx Klive <>
Los Angeles, California - Saturday, December 09, 2000 at 18:55:52 (EST)
Michele, I added your Jan. signing to the Project Calendar. Are there other bookstore signings that are not on the Calendar I need to put up there? Send me an e-mail, please.
Connie Wragge <>
West Chester, PA, USA - Sunday, December 10, 2000 at 08:25:31 (EST)
This piece of good news went out to all Kodak members on Sat Dec 9th. You may already know that Kodak have a great site at Millennium Photo Project Book Now Available -- Last New Year's Eve, amateur and pro photographers in more than 100 countries participated in the Millennium Photo Project. As the year 2000 began, they snapped pictures of people, places, and celebrations from all over the world, and then submitted their work for possible inclusion in a commemorative book. At last, that book has been published: "Dawn of the 21st Century" features 320 pages and more than 500 photos. (Perhaps including one of yours?) See the fireworks in the Sydney (Australia) harbor, join campers in an African desert, and much more. Cost: $40. Hope the sales are continuing to increase in number. Best Wishes
Kevin Butterly <>
Dublin, IRELAND - Sunday, December 10, 2000 at 11:49:35 (EST)
well, wednesday I will be meeting Alx on the Vicky show, pretty nervous, never have done something like this before, but facinated,to finally experience something tangible, in this "virtual" project. I havent even seen the book yet! I am honored to be a local photographer promoting the book in the media. Later, there will be a book signing at chapters on robson, any local photographers attending? I look forward to meeting some of you!
eve <>
vancouver, canada - Sunday, December 10, 2000 at 20:47:31 (EST)
Kevin, we have a fellow MPPer, Bea Taylor of Fort Collins, CO, to thank for the nice inclusion in Kodak's online newsletter. She submitted the appropriate 'talking points for the media,' and Kodak picked up the story and included the link to our web site. Since we are talking about newsletters just now, does anyone else want to write to some others where we may be able to duplicate Bea's initiative? If so, send me an e-mail with your idea. We'll go from there.
Connie Wragge <>
West Chester, PA, USA - Sunday, December 10, 2000 at 21:35:59 (EST)
*blink* ....You got CHRIS CARTER to sign your copy of the book?...Ooooh, I can definitely do something with this...
Kim Wadsworth
New York, USA - Monday, December 11, 2000 at 09:50:09 (EST)
This is a message in response to Kris's question about receipts for book orders. You should receive a receipt in the package with your books when they arrive.
Wesley <>
Toronto, Canada - Monday, December 11, 2000 at 14:26:44 (EST)
Connie-do you or Alx have anything set up yet for the NYC book tour? I will be available to help out if you need some photographers for the presenation. Sounds like the tour is going pretty well so far. Meeting Jeff Bezos at Amazon was fantastic! Nothing like making your pitch to the top guy!
Ken Martin <>
Staten Is., NY, USA - Monday, December 11, 2000 at 23:30:40 (EST)
Ken, John Thornton, MPP's campaign manager, is still working on next week. We will let you know about the NYC tour soon. Kim, I am curious about your posting. Can you drop me a note about it, please?
Connie Wragge <>
West Chester, PA, USA - Tuesday, December 12, 2000 at 06:02:12 (EST)
Met Alx at a book signing in Silicon Valley. My hat goes off to the boy wonder and all his dedication and hard work. The book looks GREAT!! It is a piece of history. Nice Job Photographers!! I ordered a bunch for Holiday gifts.
Brad Perks <>
Concord, California - Tuesday, December 12, 2000 at 12:26:44 (EST)
I am very impressed with al the sales publicity etc everyone is doing. In fact I'm quite exhausted reading about it all, so again a big thanks to you all. I wondered if the arrangement with Borders Books is just in North America. There is now a Border's Books in Auckland New Zealand, who may be able to be part of the sales too. I am looking forward to the 'Sales Campaign' coming "Down-Under" and also looking forward to receiving my books. "Happy Christmas everyone!" Elsie
Elsie Jones <>
Tauranga, New Zealand - Tuesday, December 12, 2000 at 16:49:56 (EST)
Is anyone else having trouble getting copies of the book? I ordered 10 books. The MPP says they were shipped on Nov. 23. I still haven't received them after 19 days. That seems like a long time for a shipment from Toronto to Arkansas, U.S.A. It's difficult to promote the book if I don't have any copies of it. And it's getting very close to Christmas.
Bill Bowden <>
Fayetteville, Arkansas, U.S.A. - Tuesday, December 12, 2000 at 16:59:33 (EST)
In case you have not seen this good publicity, I'm sending it to you. --- Path to '21st Century' blazed on Internet By Carol Memmott, USA TODAY 11/30/00 --- It's fitting that an event chronicling the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st was conceived on the Internet. And it's also fitting that the biggest photojournalism event in history should honor the new millennium. Dawn of the 21st Century by The Millennium Photo Project (Smashing Books, $40) is the offspring of a photographic journey that inspired 3,500 photographers to submit 269,000 photos taken between noon Dec. 31, 1999, and noon Jan. 1, 2000 (local time around the world). The Millennium Photo Project was founded by Alx Klive, a Toronto-based entrepreneur, who launched , then put out a global appeal for photos. Klive envisioned the photos as a unifying force that would testify to the wonders and commonalities of the world. In February, the photos were judged (two-thirds of the photographers had never had their work published) and narrowed down to the approximately 500 found in this book. Its 320 pages carry the work of 370 photographers from 117 countries. Among the moments captured: Chinese soldiers in Beijing preparing for the millennium celebration near the Forbidden City. A TV meteorologist in La Crosse, Wis., watching global millennium galas on multiple screens. Friends meeting by chance on a pier in Melbourne, Australia. A Masai tribesman welcoming the millennium on the plains of Mara, where the human species is thought to have evolved. Equally fascinating are the photographers, who include a fever-stricken 13-year-old in Delhi who photographed a child collecting firewood, and a 75-year-old woman who documented the homeless in Sarasota, Fla. The photos share a fresh, ingenuous quality that calls to mind humankind's unfailing optimism and our never-ending willingness to celebrate momentous events. ---- On with the tour, on with the sales.
Kevin Butterly <>
Dublin, IRELAND - Tuesday, December 12, 2000 at 17:06:00 (EST)
Interesting about people not getting books. I've ordered twice and although the first shipment was delayed being shipped, I've received each order within 7-8 days of shipping, so not sure where the problems li
David Lubin <>
Tampa, Fla, USA - Tuesday, December 12, 2000 at 21:12:31 (EST)
Dear Kevin, after searching a while and looking up the site-index of USA-today, i could indeed find the mentioned article. For convenience, here is the URL: I needed a few weeks to decide on a new computer, and it took some time to re-arrange and still needs to re-adapt, but now a blazing-fast iMac DV/400 is helping me to get connected with the world again... What a difference to the former Mac Performa 6200/75! To be continued.
freed schmitter <>
amsterdam, netherlands - Tuesday, December 12, 2000 at 22:21:03 (EST)
On Saturday December 09, 2000 I went to the Los Angeles book signing. It was so nice to meet Alx and the other photographers. Thank you to the photographers that I meet their that night, as it was really great to meet all of you. I hope we can get together again. Maybe all the photographers together at one place at once would be great too!
Sandra Sparr <>
Panorama City, USA - Wednesday, December 13, 2000 at 02:53:16 (EST)
Hi everyone. This is just to let you all know that we are currently experiencing some problems with our incoming mail server. The fault has been identified as our service provider's and they assure us they are working on it. Unfortunately we are unable to receive incoming mail at the moment. But we hope that the problem will be fixed soon. If you have sent us a message to reception and not had a response, don't despair we will get back to you. If you need a quick response please try posting to the discussion board and we'll try to respond asap. In answer to Bill's question. We're sorry for the delays but it's mostly out of our control. Once they have left our distribution centre we are at the mercy of the postal services. Unfortunately there have been some problems with the US postal service, although 19 days to Arkansas does seem excessive. It is usually slow at this time of year, let's hope they don't take too much longer.
Wesley <>
Toronto, Canada - Wednesday, December 13, 2000 at 11:08:35 (EST)
I received my books today, so please ignore the message I posted yesterday. It took 20 days, but at least I got them before Christmas. It's a great book! Thanks MPP.
Bill Bowden <>
Fayetteville, Arkansas, U.S.A. - Wednesday, December 13, 2000 at 17:33:00 (EST)
ok, so we all know Alx is on tour and he's so busy he hasn't been on the board of late...Here's a little idea: between now and when he arrives back in Toronto on Friday, Dec. 15th, could everyone who sees this message and has sold a book since Dec. 1st post it on the discussion board as sort of an early Christmas present to Alx? I know he would think this is pretty cool (and no, he didn't put me up to it). Ideally, the sale(s) of the book should be independent of having met Alx at a book signing on the tour. We (your fellow photographers) only need to know your personal promotional efforts resulted in a sale(s)...obviously, the goal here is 'not' to make a competition out of how many books you sold vs. how many a fellow photographer sold. So please don't tell us how many books you sold. After all, we are all in this together on a global basis. One for all and all for one, as they say. So who will be the first? P.S. you may want to add a sentence or two about how you made the sale, that is something about what you did to promote 'the book.'
Connie Wragge <>
West Chester, PA, USA - Wednesday, December 13, 2000 at 21:19:26 (EST)
Hi, folks. I've been trying to brainstorm a few places where we could use publicity on the Internet itself to promote our books. One place I posted information about our book is on IM-UR (which is a great place for anyone who likes to soapbox) Go to and pull up the "books" category. I posted a combination of Jeff's local press release and our talking points to hilight our venture. If you belong to an email newsletter distribution list, you might try contacting the newsletter sender to see if they would be interested in adding a blurb about our project. That's how I got Kodak to mention us. I sent a message to our local radio station (TRI102)yesterday but haven't heard back yet. Certainly my own family and even my OB/GYN have been delighted to purchase copies of the book, which makes a nice waiting-room book--so that's another route... after all we fork out a lot of dough to our Dr.'s! :-) Hmmm... maybe we could enlist the Girl Scouts to sell our books with their cookies!!! But seriously I was wondering if there were organizations that might have interest in using this book... people who are interested in supporting the community, international peace, maybe even churches or various lodges (like the Masons... hmmm... going to have to hit my hubby up for that one)... now that the election has died down, maybe publicity will come easier in the US. Alx, Richard (and your wife), & Jeff, it was such a great pleasure to meet with all of you on the tour to Denver. I really appreciate you signing the book plates (as I, too, have not received my books yet, but hope to soon). I see the UPS guy every day with Christmas presents for my children, but no books for me! Even the surly postman has nothing for me yet. But at least now that I've seen the book, I can truly say I'm proud to be a part of it. I'm going to put a link to on my website as soon as possible. Cheers! Bea Taylor
Bea Taylor <>
Ft. Collins, CO, USA - Wednesday, December 13, 2000 at 23:32:46 (EST)
Hi folks, great to read all the things people are up to, bit by bit it all adds up to make a big difference... We had a fantastic day for the MPP today - Our first TV talk show! I was pretty nervous but I think it went really well and should make a huge difference in awareness here in Canada. Local MPP photographer Eve Henry drew the short straw and got to join me in front of a national TV audience! She too was as nervous as me, but pulled it off admirably. Way to go Eve! For those in Canada, the show (Vicky Gabereau) airs on CTV at 10am on Friday in most time zones. Check the web site to make sure. As soon as we can, I'll try to have it encoded in Real Video and posted to the site for all to see. We also will use it to move up to the next level, the mid level US talk shows. It's a step-by-step building block process and the tape should be a good calling card. I'm heading back to Toronto tomorrow a little exhausted from all the travelling, but plan to recoup for a couple of days before heading off for Atlanta, Memphis and Chicago. We done good!
Alx Klive <>
Vancouver, British Colombia - Thursday, December 14, 2000 at 02:36:47 (EST)
Didn't count on Alx's posting (should have though).Still would enjoy learning about the promotion of 'the book' on an individual basis...Bea has us started.
Connie Wragge <>
West Chester, PA, USA - Thursday, December 14, 2000 at 07:58:02 (EST)
I sent my order in last thursday or friday, and have yet to receive a confirmation email. I know of the trouble with the server, but should I re-order? or just wait with everyone else??? Thanks.
LaDonna <>
Winslow, usa - Thursday, December 14, 2000 at 12:12:28 (EST)
Hey gang, I have sold some books to people where I work. My boss is going to order from a local independent bookstore because when they special order a book, they always order two copies. My co-workers have suggested that I tell the weekly office newsletter people that my photo was chosen from over a quarter of a million photos submitted, and that I am going to Atlanta to promote the book on tv and radio.
Amy <>
Tuscaloosa, AL, USA - Thursday, December 14, 2000 at 12:22:18 (EST)
LaDonna, the server problem is only affecting mail that is being sent to and a couple of other e-mail addresses that are rarely used. It does not affect mail to or the online payment system in any way. We did however temporarily run out of books at our distribution centre on Friday but got another shipment in from the printer yesterday (Wednesday). You should get your confirmation e-mail in the next 48 hours.
Alx Klive <>
Vancouver, British Columbia - Thursday, December 14, 2000 at 12:47:19 (EST)
Alx, Thanks!
LaDonna <>
Winslow, USA - Thursday, December 14, 2000 at 15:46:42 (EST)
As I said earlier, I've got the luxury of selling to my patients who have enjoyed my photography for years and to pharmaceutical reps who also enjoy my work. The meeting at Borders went well with the rep buying all 12 from the store and giving them to physicians who attended the meeting. Borders has ordered 20 and will return the ones that I fronted to them. If you know pharmaceutical reps, show them the book as they make great gifts for them to give away. Alx, are we going to be able to get a video copy of the tour, or at least of the
David Lubin <>
Tampa, Fla.`, USA - Thursday, December 14, 2000 at 21:54:04 (EST)
Not sure why my messages seem to get cut off, maybe it's a MAC thing, but can we get a copy of the TV shows at least?
David Lubin <>
Tampa, Fla., USA - Thursday, December 14, 2000 at 21:55:44 (EST) Got my box of books today. Thanks to Canada Post(...why they were sent this way vs Loomis at a couple of bucks more...)they were dropped off at a mildly similiar address five blocks away. Luckily the recipients were honest and and know my studio so they called and we drove over... Good news. I`m on The New Ro Ottawa`s hippest TV (circ 100.000) at 11:30 this Monday hyping the book. That`s three big hits for Paul...Up here in Canada we call that a challenge. Lets see who can top that ( ALX you can`t play)
Paul Couvrette <>
Ottawa, Canada - Friday, December 15, 2000 at 19:18:27 (EST)
Connie-I finally got the books and poster I inquired about. Thanks. One is a gift and the other is for the local (RIchmondtown) branch of NY Public Library.
Ken Martin <>
Staten Island, NY, USA - Friday, December 15, 2000 at 21:04:34 (EST)
Alx-I just received an entry form from the Art Directors' Club of NY for an award contest. Books (both entire and covers) are included as a category, and I thought it would be a great way to win more recognition if THE BOOK was submitted-and especially if it wins a prize! I have a form with all the rules-just let me know who to send it to, or you may be able to get one from The Art Directors' Club, Inc. 106 W. 29 St., New York, NY 10001.The deadline is Jan. 19. Entries can also be made online at if you prefer, but I'm sure the will still need a hard copy of the book sent to them. Let me know if I should send my form to you or someone else at the publisher.
Ken Martin <>
Staten Island, NY, USA - Friday, December 15, 2000 at 21:14:06 (EST)
Hi guys and gals, Well, I finally got an interview with my local newspaper today which will be in print next Sunday. The article will appear approximately day for day with the article that was printed last year about the project and my involvement in it. Anyway, the coverage reaches about 90,000. I also have a meeting tomorrow with a library to carry the book. Now all I need are the books. Alx, how do the library order books and what is their cost? Also, your set of pictures are on their way. Thanks, Ray
Ray Casbourn <>
L'Avenir, Quebec, Canada - Friday, December 15, 2000 at 22:24:56 (EST)
HI all, yesterday was my book signing. Well, we did have plenty of books because the store was dead, not one book sold. At least more people know about it for future sales. I kept my display with my 11x14 framed print up. The weather could of had something to do with it, rain that turned into ice as soon as it hit. have a great saturday and keep smilin'
Diane Sumner <>
Allegan, MI, USA - Saturday, December 16, 2000 at 08:53:47 (EST)
Yes.... finally My copy of the book arrived, and yes, it looks great! Thanks for placing my picture over two pages. :-) Walter
Walter Sans <>
Utrecht, Netherlands - Saturday, December 16, 2000 at 13:57:29 (EST)
Hey, it's great posting messages and learning about each other's experiences. How about after each name, just put what page number your picture is on so we can see what you've shot. I think that will be a nice touch and allow us to get a little closer to one another. I'm starting..
David Lubin p. 132 <>
Tampa, Fla, USA - Saturday, December 16, 2000 at 16:29:23 (EST)
David, What a GREAT idea. Now we can associate pictures to the people we talk to.. I surely hope everyone does this. It surely will bring the community here a bit closer.
Tom Donadio p.118 <>
Mastic, NY, USA - Saturday, December 16, 2000 at 16:41:22 (EST)
A great idea. My picture is on page 301. Greystones Harbour.
Kevin Butterly <>
Dublin, IRELAND - Saturday, December 16, 2000 at 17:45:38 (EST)
Hi everyone. That IS a great idea David, way to go. Quick technical note - The e-mail problem we were having with our address has now been fixed, although we have not yet managed to retrieve the mail sent to that address over the past week. Again, it only affects mail that was sent TO THAT particular address and a couple of other rarely used ones (flame@millenniumphoto, love@millenniumphoto, help@millenniumphoto). No other e-mail was affected.
Alx Klive <>
Project HQ, Toronto - Saturday, December 16, 2000 at 18:53:40 (EST)
One other slightly more concerning note. I have been advised recently that there have been some quite angry words said to our hard working ladies at the distribution centre, by a small minority of our photographers. I know some people have been frustrated about their book deliveries but this is NOT acceptible and certainly not in the spirit of this project. By all means vent your frustrations here on the discussion board, that's what it's here for, but PLEASE do not take it out on Karen and Sindy. Thank you for your co-operation in this matter.
Alx Klive <>
Project HQ, Toronto - Saturday, December 16, 2000 at 19:02:31 (EST)
Thanks Tom and Kevin for your number support..don't forget to put the number behind your name. As far as abusing the women working to get the orders out, I agree with Alx that that's uncalled for. Most problems must arise after shipping because I've not had any problems. I think Karen and Cindy are doing a remarkable job. Don't forget, things slow down during the holida
David Lubin p. 132 <>
Tampa, Fla, USA - Sunday, December 17, 2000 at 21:47:15 (EST)
Tom and Kevin..thanks for the number support. Don't forget to put it in the name space after your name. I think most shipping problems are occuring after Karen and Cindy get them out us. I've not had problems with two deliveries. I just think it's the delivery systems that are taking longer, especially around the holidays.
David Lubin p. 132 <>
Tampa, Fla, USA - Sunday, December 17, 2000 at 22:05:08 (EST)
Alx...concerning your recent posting about irate snappers complaining about delivery etc, all I can say is.....The on-line ordering system worked great, I received the order in the UK in the time promised, complete, and the books were in perfect condition.Thanks very very much. Happy Christmas!
Ed Maynard <>
Leicester, UK - Monday, December 18, 2000 at 05:26:18 (EST)
Sorry about the double message. Thought the first one didn't make it through...Ed, where's your photo?...DON'T FORGET YOUR PAGE NUMBER EVERYONE!
David Lubin p. 132 <>
Tampa, Fla, USA - Monday, December 18, 2000 at 10:26:51 (EST)
Just got back from a radio show here in Atlanta where Amy Sides and myself were giving the project our best plug. It was Amy's first radio appearance and she did the project proud! We got a tape of it so I'll get that encoded and up on the website when I get back to Toronto later in the week. Also did the Good Day Atlanta TV show this am. Very cold here, on to Memphis tomorrow.
Alx Klive <>
Atlanta, Georgia - Monday, December 18, 2000 at 11:12:04 (EST)
As per the shipping, and a couple irate people: what may help, actually, is if a note regarding the estimated shipping times were on the order page. I know I was quite surprised when I heard that the delivery time was two weeks for AIRMAIL to New York -- and the only way I found that was by calling to follow up on my order. If a notice were posted on the order page with an estimated delivery schedule, at least people would have to admit they were forewarned when they placed the order.
Kim Wadsworth -- P. 12 <>
New York, USA - Monday, December 18, 2000 at 11:21:09 (EST)
Ooh, just had a fun idea for the New York leg of the tour. ...Do any other project photographers want to get up early and hang out outside at the TODAY show, and try to show the book to Matt, Katie, or Al?...
Kim Wadsworth, P. 12 <>
New York, - Monday, December 18, 2000 at 11:23:23 (EST)
Sorry David! Here are the page numbers...
Ed Maynard p169/274 <>
Leicester, UK - Monday, December 18, 2000 at 12:56:28 (EST)
My photo is on p.269 - Atlantic City, NJ. Great idea to post our page number.
Raymond Casbourn <>
L'Avenir, Quebec, Canada - Monday, December 18, 2000 at 14:15:06 (EST)
Alx, if you get the chance, could you let me know about the Library thing I posted earlier. They keep asking me and I don't know the answer!!!! What is their cost or percentage of the sale when they order the book and at which number do they phone in their order!!! Please asap if you can. Thanks, Raymond
Raymond Casbourn <>
L'Avenir, Quebec, Canada - Monday, December 18, 2000 at 14:20:08 (EST)
Just adding a thought to Kim's idea: Also tie four books with a big red ribbon and give them to Matt, Katie, Al and Ann on the air as a gift. Hi Alx. :-)
Joan Lauren <>
Los Angeles, USA - Monday, December 18, 2000 at 15:50:02 (EST)
Alx, have been to Orlando doing book signings for my own book, and also plugging "Dawn....", leaving a copy of the USA Today review. The store managers think it fabulous and promised to order, except for Barnes and Noble whose buyer told me it's not on their buying list at Baker and Taylor. Although most of us aren't anxious to promote our own work, I'm pretty good at it. I've sold 60 books in the last 2 weeks, plus whatever has been sold in book shops, and I'm reading to a large group tonight. I do wish I could do a tour with you. I'll be playing lazy in Mexico in Feb. and March but if you come to FL in January, I'll help. Meanwhile, do I understand that the photographers are posting their millennium eve experiences here? Would it be appropriate to post the piece I sent to you?
Liz Larrabee <>
Venice FL, - Monday, December 18, 2000 at 16:13:34 (EST)
P.S. See my friends on page 140!
Liz Larrabee <>
Venice FL, - Monday, December 18, 2000 at 17:47:01 (EST)
P.S. See my friends on page 140!
Liz Larrabee <>
Venice FL, - Monday, December 18, 2000 at 17:47:55 (EST)
December 9th, 2000 - Newport Beach, California With well over 200 people in attendance, The John Henry Foundation's 10th Annual "Monte Carlo Night" fundraiser was a raging success. [For those of you who don't know, The John Henry Foundation ( is a 501(c)(3) non profit, public charitable corporation that offers assistance to people suffering from chronic and/or severe mental illness.] I donated a copy of the book for the event's silent auction. It sold for $80.00! Which is great, as I had spent about an hour standing with the book talking about the Millennium Project, and encouraging people to bid on it. I also spent some time milling around the gambling tables placing the book in front of anyone and everyone. Monte Carlo Night consists of Dinner, Dancing, Gambling and other merriment. There were six different Hors d'overes, [Chicken Yakitory, Wonton Cups with Seared Ahi, Polenta Towers with Ratatouille, Spicy Vegetable Spring Rolls, Seared Scallops on Lemon Grass, Crab Cakes with Red Bell Pepper Sauce], four salads, four entrees, and dessert was bread pudding with Wild Berries and Crème Anglaise. The event took place at "The Village Creen". The Village Crean is actually the home of John and Donna Crean. They have a large family, and built an amazing looking mansion on their property, (this place is huge!) to house out of town family when they arrived for family reunions. I can't even begin to describe The Village Crean, it looks like a movie set. More like something out of Gone with the Wind, with a majestic carved oak staircase, huge crystal chandeliers, than someone's home. The inside is all carved oak, luxurious antique furniture, and is packed with museum grade artwork. John Crean is the Founder of Fleetwood Enterprises (the company that manufactures Fleetwood vehicles and RVs). The Crean family donates over 60% of their net income to charitable organizations throughout Southern California. Tickets to the event were sold out at $200.00 per plate. (This is the first year we've run out of parking spaces) Dress was black tie. There were a number of celebrities in attendance, along with upper level management from Lilly, Wyeth-Ayerst Pharmaceuticals, Beckman Coulter, and PriceWaterhouseCoopers. Suffice it to say the place was packed to the rafters. Hopefully we got some good press. The foundation hired an outside photographer to cover the event, and I'll e-mail or snail mail copies as soon as I get them in my hot little hands. I'm sorry I didn't post this sooner, I came down with the flu the next day. I'm giving copies of the book to other non-profits I'm affiliated with, and hope to get copies placed at "The Very Special Arts Gallery" at Mainplace Mall in Santa Ana. Thanks to everyone at Millennium Photo for helping get everything to me on time and intact. Jeanne
Jeanne Barkemeijer de Wit <>
Anaheim, CA - Monday, December 18, 2000 at 21:24:04 (EST)
Raymond, I thought I'd e-mailed you about that? Apologies if I didn't. Just refer the library (since they're in Canada) to Mother Pickle distribution at 519-881-0051. Mother Pickle has set terms for libraries which they can explain to the library. Kim, love the Today show idea and the ribbon idea from Joan is perfect. I have not confirmed the dates for New York yet because we have not been able to confirm any media coverage there. We are waiting to hear from Fox and Friends (a fox daytime show) before I commit to flights, but it will probably end up being the week between Xmas and New Year. (Have cancelled my plans to go to England). Watch the discussion board and calendar. As soon as something is confirmed, I or John will post it. No sense going to New York unless we have things set up. Would be a waste of money. Stay tuned...
Alx Klive <>
Memphis, TN - Tuesday, December 19, 2000 at 10:02:08 (EST)
Jeanne, You're making me drool! Kim, what an excellent idea! If Alx doean't make it to NYC this year, then you photographers there need to get together and go stand out there. For everyone following the Tuscaloosa tornado in the news, thanks for your emails. We made it through the storms unscathed (a narrow miss) and even managed to make it to Atlanta the next day despite ice and snow. What a great experience (Atlanta that is, not the tornado!). There just aren't words to describe how great it was to meet Alx after e-working with him for so long. I hope that one day we can all get together and meet each other. Happy holidays!
Amy Lewis Sides p.150 <>
Tuscaloosa, AL, USA - Tuesday, December 19, 2000 at 11:31:49 (EST) recently added the front cover design of DAWN OF THE 21st CENTURY to our website Links & Affiliates. We also like to thank the Millennium Crew and Millennium Photographers for one great jo
Daniel B. McNeill <>
Washington, DC, USA - Tuesday, December 19, 2000 at 12:53:43 (EST)
Just wanted to slip in a quick note to address some of the concerns regarding shipping. The orders are leaving the distribution centre within two business days (on occasion 3) of us receiving the order - provided we have stock of the book (I will address this next). I don't think that this time was included in the quotes for shipping time. Also we seem to be experiencing alot of delays in shipping to the US. I apologize for this delay but feel I must make you aware that these delays are taking place within the postal system - I am assuming this is due to the extra Christmas volume. Some orders are getting to their destinations quicker that quoted and others are taking up to two weeks for air delivery. In regards to stock. We have run out of stock on two seperate occasions and had to wait for more to be delivered from the printer, which in both instaces caused a five or six day delay. This first instance was mid-November and the second was early December. I had made persons at the main office aware of the situatuion and was told that a posting would be made, but with everything being so busy there it must have been overlooked. From this point on I will notify you all of any situaion that would cause a delay in the books being shipped from the distribution centre. Again, I apologize for any inconvienence that this had caused anyone but I would like to reiterate here that once these orders are sent we have no control over the postal system. Karen Hazzard - MPP Distribution Centre
Karen Hazzard <>
Walkerton, Ontario Canada - Tuesday, December 19, 2000 at 14:12:17 (EST)
Pg 241 Just wanted to express my thanks at finally receiving my book order today. Great timing. The post over here is quite poor at the moment as there are some strikes taking place which together with the extra christmas post has meant a lot of late deliveries. The book is absolutely marvelous and I feel all you hard workers at MPP deserve a lot of credit and reward for your patience and desire to see the project through. Very well done indeed!!! I have approached the local press for some publicity and will forward a copy of the article that appears in an e-mail to MPP. Thanks again and best wishes, Gary.
Gary Taylor <>
Manchester, England - Tuesday, December 19, 2000 at 16:12:56 (EST)
Connie asked me to suggest ways to get an article in the paper. This was in the Tampa Tribune today in the Personal Shopper column in the Features, or Bay Life section - My story is about 1/2 way down. Circulation of the Tribune is over 250,000. I guess being a physician and photographer helps but you just have to be persistent. Get the fax numbers of the Features section editors of the newspapers and the TV stations and fax them the media points and the USA Today review along with a face sheet telling them that you have a shot in the book. A follow up call might not hurt either. And just go into bookstores with the media points, USA Today review and the info sheet on how to order, or just tell them they can order it from Baker and Taylor. Taking a book in makes an impression also. It never hurts to get creative. The worst they can say is "N
David Lubin p.132 <>
Tampa, Fla., USA - Tuesday, December 19, 2000 at 22:08:29 (EST)
Terrific idea to report where we can find each others' photos! Mine is on page 184. (Any idea why the upcoming New Year's Eve seems like such a bore?) Dick
Dick Smith <>
Alexandria, VA, USA - Tuesday, December 19, 2000 at 22:53:58 (EST)
I've been reading a lot about how some of you have not recieved you books yet and I was wondering how long some of you have been waiting. I ordered my books on Nov. 11 and got conformation that they were shipped on the 17th. I still have not recieved them. Am I the only one waiting this long or are there more. I don't like to complain but a month and 10 days to ship 4 books is a bit much. Can someone please help.
Ed Story <>
Walls MS, USA - Tuesday, December 19, 2000 at 23:39:29 (EST)
Karen: I completely understand the position you're in, actually; I used to work for a TV production company that sold videos, and we faced a lot of the same problems around the holidays (running out of stock, shipping going haywire, etc). My hands were pretty much tied too. We did end up posting a very conservative estimate on our web site, warning people to allow a lot of time for delivery due to situations beyond our control. People still called to complain and everything, but at least they couldn't say they weren't forewarned (smile).
Kim Wadsworth (p. 12) <>
nyc, usa - Wednesday, December 20, 2000 at 10:02:27 (EST)
Ed, please e-mail Karen at along with your order number. She can look into it for you.
Alx Klive <>
Project HQ, Toronto - Thursday, December 21, 2000 at 00:17:08 (EST)
OK, if you want pages my 2 small photos are on p. 298 & 306. We got great notice on PDN Newswire (Photo District News): "Published Works Capturing 2000’s New Year In A Photo Book It’s that time of the year again. Do you remember where you were last New Year’s? "Dawn of the 21st Century" published by Smashing Books may jog your memory, wherever you were. The book documents how the entire world spent last New Year’s, explains its creator, British entrepreneur Alx Klive. He launched his project on the Internet in April 1999 and more than 5,200 photographers registered to join. A total of 3,597 from 117 countries actually took pictures.To find photographers from more "out-of-the-way places," volunteers began spreading the word via email, discussion boards and Web sites. Professional and amateur photographers, from a 13-year-old boy to a 75-year-old grandmother of nine, were urged to edit and send in their strongest images. Five hundred pictures were chosen from the 3,000 sent in. Besides Klive, there were six other judges: Kodak’s Lee Corkran, Malaysian photographer Peter Anderson, FPG photographer Jill Waterman, Sipa bureau chief Sue Brisk, creative director John Gunn, and Canadian photographer of the year Michael McLuhan. Klive wanted images that showed "a celebration of life and people." "It was a labor of love for me," Klive says. "Many people in the book industry told me I was crazy, it wouldn’t work. It hasn’t turned out that way at all. It’s a people book. It’s not a party or fireworks book." The book is a historic collection of color photographs, all shot in a 24-hour period between noon local time on December 31, 1999, and noon local time on January 1, 2000. The images range from personal, to quirky, to religious, to spectacular. There are Speedo-clad Japanese men shooting arrows in Sagamihara, Japan; people gathered around a bonfire in Reykjavik, Iceland; and even the customary Times Square celebration in New York City. So where was Klive that fateful day? He says with a laugh: "I spent New Year’s Eve in London, England. I did take some pictures but nothing came out." They also included photos on the website.
Sally McCrae Kuyper <>
Orlando, Florida, USA - Thursday, December 21, 2000 at 13:48:10 (EST)
Hi everyone, Yes Sally, I just read the latest from PDN news and it is exactly as you say. But for everyone to see the article on line go to you'll get the whole story and more...At this time I want to say a big THANK YOU to KIMBERLY at MPP headquarters in Toronto for helping me out with getting my order of the books. She really turned the earth over for me. Sincere thanks again KIMBERLY you've been a great help and at least a few people will be getting their books for Christmas. Merry Christmas to you and the best of the New Year and that goes for Alx and everyone at MPP. It's been one hellova year. This New Year's day will be kind of boring compared to last year's. Anyway, all the best of the season to all. Alx, I have a book project for you !!... Ray
Ray Casbourn <>
L'Avenir, Quebec, Canada - Thursday, December 21, 2000 at 23:22:29 (EST)
Hi Alx, L'Express, which published an article last year (you got a copy!) on you, the project and myself are doing a follow up story on the project. I have been interviewed and the article will be published this coming Sunday. I will send you a copy of the article. I'm having a hard time convincing book stores to take the book because it is only in english. But things are getting brighter because today I found one that will carry at least one copy of the book for show and will eventually order more through Mother Pickle especially with the article coming out. That will be a big plus for sales. Best, Ray
Ray Casbourn <>
L'Avenir, Quebec, Canada - Thursday, December 21, 2000 at 23:36:53 (EST)
Hi to all. Just finished wrapping ten of my stock of books as Xmas presents. Should make a lot of friends happy. A half dozen went out as gifts to clients and the response was huge. After my appearance on local TV last week, Chapters ordered in a pile of books which now sit on the #1 table of the store! Merry Xmas to all. Please click on the link below for my 2000 Xmas card (featuring my two kids) May be the world`s first interactive card (sorry, works better on a PC).
Paul Couvrette <>
Ottawa, Canada - Friday, December 22, 2000 at 08:19:24 (EST)
Paul, That is awesome news about the book at Chapters! Keep up the great work!
Amy <>
Tuscaloosa, AL, USA - Friday, December 22, 2000 at 16:02:27 (EST)
To my fellow photographers and friends, I would like to wish all a very Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year. I hope the new year finds peace and love and lots of winning photos for all! I am looking forward to the New Year, and am almost as excited to be shooting First Night this year as I was last year. The woman who organizes First Night in Fayetteville, Arkansas just loved all of my pictures that I took last year for the Project! She has even suggested that we put on an exhibit of photos at next years First Night! So, one leads to another huh? Well, take care all, blessed be! LaDonna
LaDonna <>
Winslow, USA - Friday, December 22, 2000 at 22:55:45 (EST)
HI All page 296. I have been drinking some beer tonight for no reason...but, because of the stress of x-mas. so lets all take great photos again this new years, just for making your own impression! I was thinkin I would make photos the next 20 years in Allegan, MI USA and then make a book of my own little town celebrations! ok I will go now, PSS Alx, how did Chicago go? I'm only 3 hr. away but...!* ?
Diane Sumner <>
Allegan, USA - Friday, December 22, 2000 at 23:30:59 (EST) would like to say Happy Holidays to the Millennium Crew and the Millennium Photographers. "Let's Do It Again"..."48 Hours"..."Time Will Tell"..."Oh Happy Day"..."HAPPY 1st ANNIVERSARY"..
DanielB.McNeill <>
Washington, DC, USA - Saturday, December 23, 2000 at 07:10:20 (EST)
Page 61: Great job Alxe and crew. What a great suprise to find about 15 copies at my local Chapters. Happy Holidays to all
Jim Dikaios <>
Halifax, Canada - Saturday, December 23, 2000 at 19:23:40 (EST)
Jennifer contacted me about an article that she hoped would appear in the Sarasota Herald Tribune. Does anyone know what has become of that? Liz
Liz Larrabee <>
Venice FL, - Saturday, December 23, 2000 at 21:14:32 (EST)
Hi -- I just received a few books in my order. I ordered 14 books and some posters and post cards and I have only received 3 books. How do I get a confermation that my order was received correctly. The one e-mail for the confermation had a blank message. I only got the subject of Order Confermation. I wanted to give the books to friends and family for the holidays.
Michelle Sparr <>
Los Angeles, CA, USA - Saturday, December 23, 2000 at 23:58:03 (EST)
Hi Alx and Kimberley, I have not received my books as promised by UPS.Today is Dec.24 so I don't think I will get them and so are a few people...This is not your fault but maybe we should ask for a credit or refund from UPS since they have not delivered on time...Should have used FedEx...or Loomis especially for the price of shipping that they charged...I should have received my books. I tried tracing them on the net's site of UPS and apparently they are stuck somewhere and nobody seems to know where!!!!.... Merry Christmas everyone. A cheerful but disappointed Ray
Ray Casbourn <>
L'Avenir, Quebec, Canada - Sunday, December 24, 2000 at 13:33:41 (EST)
My sincere best wishes to everyone during this holiday period. For those who've received their books, I hope you get to spend some time with your friends and family sharing the wonderful work that we created, for those who didn't, my heartfelt condolences. A couple of years ago I travelled to England to spend Christmas with my family. In my haste I left a large bag of presents behind. A good friend arranged to have them sent on by Fedex who managed to 'lose' the package and they didn't show up for three weeks. My family and friends were understanding and I hope that for those who were planning on giving the book as presents this year, that a 'New Year's' present is equally appreciated. Best wishes everyone...
Alx Klive <>
Project HQ, Toronto - Sunday, December 24, 2000 at 18:02:14 (EST)
For those with Real Player software, we have added some of the media interviews on the news page.
Alx Klive <>
Project HQ, Toronto - Sunday, December 24, 2000 at 18:07:49 (EST)
Tom <>
Mastic, NY, USA - Monday, December 25, 2000 at 02:00:49 (EST)
To everyone around the world who is part of the MPP, take a bow! Years from now, people will still be talking about 'the book' and saying, "Look what a group of volunteers accomplished!" Merry Christmas!
Connie Wragge <>
West Chester, PA, USA - Monday, December 25, 2000 at 07:54:37 (EST)
Thanks to Alx and the crew for the ecard, And my best heartfelt wishes to the whole crew and all the photographers for a great holdday! It sure was a great year! I gave the book to all my Christmas list and they are passing it along to their (grown) kids and famolies-everybody loves it. They are lining up for a chance to be next!. Have a wonderful New Year.
Ken Martin <>
Staten Island, NY, USA - Monday, December 25, 2000 at 15:04:06 (EST)
Just watched the RealPlayer 28.8 downloads and even though the quality wasn't great, it still made me even prouder to have been a part of the MPP. Great job on the interviews Alx! Can you comment on how sales are going? Will there be another printing in the future with distribution to larger bookstores around the glo
David Lubin-132 <>
Tampa, Fla, USA - Monday, December 25, 2000 at 20:23:33 (EST)
To Alex and Crew, Please change my email address for any future messages to from as I have moved to Holland from New Zealand (if you couldn't tell by the new email address!) Any Dutch photographers keen to do any promoting please keep me in mind. Cheers, Jesse
jesse bywater <>
Zoetermeer, The Netherlands - Tuesday, December 26, 2000 at 10:19:53 (EST)
Alx, it wos a pleasure being with you this morning, and you did one great interview on WUSA TV Channel 9. Please give my greetings to the Millennium Crew and the Millennium Photographers. Happy New Year
Daniel B. McNeill <>
Washington, DC, USA - Wednesday, December 27, 2000 at 11:14:03 (EST)
Here's an idea as we approach New Year's Eve. I have been sending e-mails to the news departments of the major television networks in Philadelphia through their 'Contact Us' message links. Since we completed Dawn, we have achieved quite an accomplishment for a community that came together on the Internet, agree? If you want to do something similar in your city, here is the text of what I have been using. You can send it with your phone number if you want to use this idea. You could also send the e-mail to your local newspaper. Anyway, here is the content of the e-mail addressed to the news media...some food for thought: Last year, 3,500 photographers from around the world came together on the Internet and agreed to record how the world looked and how people around the globe celebrated, worked and survived as the year, 2000, approached. Now, nearly a year later, these photographers, all volunteers and most of them amateurs like me, have produced a book, Dawn of the 21st Century. It is the first time the Internet has ever been used to produce a documentary of this kind. If you would like more information on what we photographed and how we did it, you can call me at work, __________ or at home, ____________. You can also check out the book's web site, Thanks for your interest.
Connie Wragge <>
West Chester, PA, USA - Thursday, December 28, 2000 at 07:53:39 (EST)
Here's an idea as we approach New Year's Eve. I have been sending e-mails to the news departments of the major television networks in Philadelphia through their 'Contact Us' message links. Since we completed Dawn, we have achieved quite an accomplishment for a community that came together on the Internet, agree? If you want to do something similar in your city, here is the text of what I have been using. You can send it with your phone number if you want to use this idea. You could also send the e-mail to your local newspaper. Anyway, here is the content of the e-mail addressed to the news media...some food for thought: Last year, 3,500 photographers from around the world came together on the Internet and agreed to record how the world looked and how people around the globe celebrated, worked and survived as the year, 2000, approached. Now, nearly a year later, these photographers, all volunteers and most of them amateurs like me, have produced a book, Dawn of the 21st Century. It is the first time the Internet has ever been used to produce a documentary of this kind. If you would like more information on what we photographed and how we did it, you can call me at work, __________ or at home, ____________. You can also check out the book's web site, Thanks for your interest.
Connie Wragge <>
West Chester, PA, USA - Thursday, December 28, 2000 at 07:53:53 (EST)
Sorry the message got posted twice. Just wanted to add, if you live near Philadelphia, please let me know of your interest in participating in this idea by sending me an e-mail first.
Connie Wragge <>
West Chester, PA, USA - Thursday, December 28, 2000 at 07:57:32 (EST)
Good morning Millennium Crew and the Millennium Photographers. We are having technical problems on our We apology for any inconvenience, and we are working hard to get this website back up and running. Thank you for yours patie
Daniel B. McNeill <>
Washington, DC, USA - Thursday, December 28, 2000 at 08:06:12 (EST)
Hi, Kimberley, I finally got my books yesterday dec. 27. For your information: I was told that because of my postal code Express delivery does not guarantee 24 hours delivery. It takes 2 more days to get here (you'd think I was living in a jungle somewhere!!!). So to spend more for faster delivery is just a waste of money (now they tell me). I'll know for future shipments of books. Please take notes. Everything arrived in perfect order though. Thanks again. Talk to you soon. Ray
Ray Casbourn <>
L'Avenir, Quebec, Canada - Thursday, December 28, 2000 at 11:44:17 (EST) it isn't just me. Daniel's message got cut off at the end too! Please don't forget page numbers people, it's nice to associate a name with a page and picture or 2, or 3! Does anyone know if Jock Fistick is the same as the ex-photographer for the Tampa Tribune, his photos were from Amsterdam. I just received another order of books within a week, no problems. Best wishes to all for a happy and healthy 2001!
David Lubin-page 132 <>
Tampa, Fla, USA - Thursday, December 28, 2000 at 16:15:35 (EST)
Being a part-time volunteer guide at the Disney search engine, GO.COM, I have listed our book under Topic: Photojournalism:
Sally McCrae Kuyper <>
Orlando, Florida , USA - Thursday, December 28, 2000 at 20:07:05 (EST) website is up and running. I would like to thank my webmaster Angelique DuPont for her outstanding work. The Millennium Crew and the Millennium Photographers can go to HAPPY NEW
Daniel B. McNeill <>
Washington, DC, USA - Friday, December 29, 2000 at 08:44:26 (EST)
David, It is the same Jock. I traded emails with him some time ago but nothing lately.
John Rupe <>
Tampa, - Friday, December 29, 2000 at 10:39:03 (EST)
Hello everyone , I hope that you had a great Christmas. We had a houseful at my Dad's house , played charades and ate until we had to roll ourselves out of the house. It was fun until my sister in-law picked a fight with her husband when he told her( as she acted out the word pigsnout) to just point to her nose and everyone would have gotten the idea faster....actually that was alot of fun to see too ( where was my camera...). Well, I have my first book signing on Sunday , Dec. 31st and I am so excited. Boise has a celebration every New Year's called " First Night Boise" and it is a family oriented cultural event. So on the 31st I will have my table set up in the Esther Simplot Performing Arts auditorium in the hallway and will catch the audience as they come out of the auditorium during intermission. They are hosting dancers from Ballet to Irish Heritage to Oinkari as well as Opera. It sounds wonderful. They were so excited to have our book as a part of their festivities. Plus I have talked to the City of Boise and we are going to set up a time to donate the book to the Mayor and the city of Boise. Great stuff. The news has also approached me and they want to do a feature on the book also. Things are starting to roll around here and everyone that I show the book to LOVES it. To tell the truth though , I do feel kind of funny about promoting my photo ( just because it is so small) pg. 310 Boise 2000. So I probably won't have a photo on display , the angle that I am going on is to promote the fact that we all came together and accomplished this fantastic book from all over the world. I am so proud of what we have done. It's incredible. Does any one have any advice on what to expect at a book signing? I have just a few copies left to sell outright ( have sold alot to friends already) so do you take orders or just pass out the phone number to have them order themselves? Do you know the estimated time if they order one book , when they will receive it? I didn't receive the posters or flyers that I ordered so I will probably download the poster size print and run down to the printers and have one made up. Any suggestions anyone? TAke care.
Dianne Buchta Humble <>
Middleton,Idaho, U.S.A. - Friday, December 29, 2000 at 18:35:02 (EST)
Yesterday we hit the big time in a small way. I was interviewed live on CNN's financial network CNNfn! It was pretty nerve wracking but I got to speak about our community enterprise business model and how we came together as a community to make this happen. All very exciting. A friend managed to tape it so I should be able to make a real video copy to put up on the site in the next few days. That's great news Dianne about all the stuff in Boise! Don't worry too much about the book signing. Depending on how much pre-publicity there is (and how aggressive you are!), you'll probably sell between one to ten books. Anything over five is actually very good. The main thing is the building of awareness and talking to people. Congratulations!
Alx Klive <>
Project HQ, Toronto - Friday, December 29, 2000 at 23:00:52 (EST)
P.S. Where can I find the USA Today review? Thanks!
Dianne Buchta Humble <>
Middleton,Idaho , U.S.A. - Saturday, December 30, 2000 at 00:22:54 (EST)
Happy New Year to everyone. What photographic book will we be producing in 2001? Dianne the USA Today article is at *** *** Kevin
Kevin Butterly page 301 <>
Dublin, IRELAND - Saturday, December 30, 2000 at 16:47:29 (EST)
First, I want to wish a Hammp New Year to all-photographers, crew, production, etc.! Connie-your idea sounds great. Do you think it might work with the New York media? It seens so hard to get their attention! Of course we have a couple of local outlets to try as well as the networks, then there is PBS and NY1, our all-news cable channel. Let me know and I will email them if it looks good.
Ken Martin <>
Staten Island, NY, USA - Sunday, December 31, 2000 at 16:05:44 (EST)
hello and happy new year all the way from k.l. Folks here welcomed year 2001 as exciting and as interesting as last year.To most of them..this new year is the actual date for the millenium celebration. Let the Beers and wine flows....cheers. p/s:just a note to alx that the books haven't arrive to malaysia.All of the mpp here are eager to have their hands on the book.
kyle <>
kuala lumpur, malaysia - Sunday, December 31, 2000 at 17:40:34 (EST)
Dear friends, we just entered the new year 2001. My year 2000 was successful in many respects. The highlight (besides the Millenniumphoto happenings - although i made it only to the time capsule...) was my participation in the Millennium Forum in May in the United Nations in New York. In September, i could take part in the State of the World Forum, again in New York. The connections which lead to these extraordinary events were laid in a celebration on day500 before the Millennium in Klamath Falls in Oregon USA. Some 75 persons representing peace and unity movements from all over the world were present. ... Dianne Buchta Humble, you mentioned First Night International celebrations. The president of FNI Zeren Earls was also there. You will find links to FNI and many others on my website in the section I still remember these few days in August 1998 vividly, and Greg Wright was the reason i found out about the Millenniumphoto project. - Two questions at last for the crew: Did the chat sessions on Sunday night stop? And i did not get the follow-up email after you (sales@) confirmed my order on 12th December 2000, order number 1818. I wrote a new mail a week later and asked to include some promotion material. And i sent a few hours ago the same mail. What happened, was the mail lost? - We just celebrated the new year here. It was in no way compareable to last year, promisingly 2001 through 2010 is declared by the UN as the Decade for the Culture of Peace and Nonviolence for the Children of the World. Happy New Year all.
freed schmitter <>
amsterdam, netherlands - Sunday, December 31, 2000 at 21:21:58 (EST)
Ken, I would try the NY media and see what develops. Just to clarify, the 'food for thought' is not part of the correspondence to the press. On another topic, I enjoyed this afternoon visiting Rhoda (the center centenarian) in the photo on page 105. We recalled last year's party, and I gave her some photos from a book signing on 12/9. Originally, the plans called for Rhoda to only stay and sign books for half an hour that day. Instead, she stayed as long as I did which was two hours. She is now 101, having just celebrated her birthday in Nov. Happy New Year, Everyone.
Connie Wragge <>
West Chester, PA, USA - Sunday, December 31, 2000 at 22:47:28 (EST)