Archived Messages - December 1999

Hello all! Sorry for the delay but I'd like to welcome everyone. Finally we'll have OUR party in the whole world at the same time. Good luck and peace for all!
Orlando Discacciati <>
Barbacena-MG, Brazil - Monday, November 29, 1999 at 18:34:26 (EST)
All the Indians I love to hear about your location and type off ( topic ) photographs.
prakash moirangthem <>
manipur, india - Wednesday, December 01, 1999 at 08:33:20 (EST)
It is an extreme pleasure to be in the company of such enthusiastic photographers. I'm straining my brain to come up with ideas for the shoot. Everytime I think I have settled on one I start to doubt it. Such indecision! Will anyone else be shooting this project in the state of Arkansas? Write if you can. Good luck to everyone! P.S. I, too, think a press pass could prove helpful.
Connie J Stone <>
Texarkana,AR, USA - Wednesday, December 01, 1999 at 13:47:48 (EST)
Hello friends around the world... This is really great...I can't wait any longer to get out there during the millenium celebration to document this big event. I'm lucky to be able to join a global team in this great project. I'm still not sure what kind of events I want to shoot, but I'm expecting something that will reveal a sense of joy for the new millenium. Few more weeks, folks!!! My warm regards for all of you around the world, Agung Subagyo Tandjung
Agung S. Tandjung <>
W. Lafayette, USA - Wednesday, December 01, 1999 at 18:44:08 (EST)
Hi everyone. I will be taking quite a lot of pictures, both picturesque and of family. I wish everyone the best for the coming century. It will be a pleasure to see all the shots taken by everyone. Our individuality is the greatest thing we will be bringing to this project. Kudos to everyone involved.
Ann Shannon <>
Suncook, NH, USA - Wednesday, December 01, 1999 at 19:20:08 (EST)
30 days to go!! Its gonna be crazy here for me and all He**s gonna break loose to where I will be shooting....this is gonna be one heck0fanExperience for me that I will not forget thats for sure...luckily my F4s is Y2k for my pc...uh oh...There is some very strong traditional things that occur before and after the new years so I think I will stay up the full 24 hours!! Thank you very much for this one of a kind experience for us photogs..both pro and amateur...I will soon be submitting your accred. letter to various orgs and public service depts to ask for thier kind assistance....counting the days....Mahalo!
Wayne <>
Honolulu, USA - Thursday, December 02, 1999 at 01:35:49 (EST)
What a truly amazing event. Not the new millenium; that's amazing enough. No, I'm talking about getting so many people to cooperate on any one project. It just blows my mind and I'm so happy to be able to participate. I'll be taking New Year's Eve photos at one of the marinas on Lake Guntersville in north Alabama. A lot of wild and crazy people will be there, so I don't know exactly what to expect, but I guarantee it will be fun! Any suggestions for shots? Please email me at and be sure to have fun!
Ken Henderson <>
Arab, United States - Thursday, December 02, 1999 at 06:43:40 (EST)
Just curious to know if anybody else is going to be shooting in Israel. If so, please e-mail me... I would love to meet up before the shoot and talk about all the possiblities. B'Shalom (In Peace) --IRA
Ira Rozen <>
ISRAEL - Thursday, December 02, 1999 at 16:31:23 (EST)
It is a little strange that in a project designed to capture world wide images I may be including photos of people from around the world. Visitors abound in this famous city and I hope to include some of them with the Falls as a backdrop. Along with the light displays, festivals and fireworks I must make time to also photograph the friends and family who traditionally visit my home on New Years Eve. I am impressed with the scope of this project, but more so by the excited enthusiasm of its participants. many first time shutterbugs here will go on to greater things in photography?????
Stew Brennand <>
Niagara Falls, Canada - Thursday, December 02, 1999 at 16:43:18 (EST)
I have just finished reading all of the messages and was overwhelmed by a wonderful feeling of good-will and co-operation! What an event this will be!! I am a student of the "point, click and pray" school of photography and will be attempting my shoot in our cathedral square before and after the stroke of midnight. I don't know if I will end up with anything worthy of being judged, but it will be TREMENDOUSLY exciting. Peace!
Andrea Patient <>
Basel, Switzerland - Friday, December 03, 1999 at 04:23:00 (EST)
Hi everyone. I'm proud to be part of this project, and glad to be in NZ, first country to see the sun. I saw in the paper a skydiving millenium first event in the Bay of Plenty, is anyone covering this? I am unavailable. Congratulations to everyone for taking part in such a succesful event, and thankyou for allowing me to be a part of this also
Ronnie <>
C.H.B, New Zealand - Saturday, December 04, 1999 at 03:59:55 (EST)
Dear Millenium Photogs, Just a thought,many nations and societies will not be welcoming the millenium...India for one officially follows a calendar from the Vedic period called the Saka Calendar. Though the world will be welcoming the millenium with fun and frolic...there are places and people in this universe for whom this day means nothing...just another day! I feel that alond with celebrations let us not forget to document the have-nots. This is my personal feeling and would welcome discussuions on this. Warm wishes,
Anamitra Chakladar <>
New Delhi, India - Saturday, December 04, 1999 at 08:24:24 (EST)
It is cool to see so many subscriptions from different parts of the world. I am Italian but I have lived in London for 2 years. I'll spend the 31st just outside London in the countryside. I'll probably shoot friends getting crazier than usual, but if I thought there was a chance of getting an ID card I really would like to take pictures of people who don't have the freedom to choose where to be like us. I look foward to seeing the final masterpiece Happy new world in peace and love to everybody CIAO
Maria Ferrenti <>
London, UK - Saturday, December 04, 1999 at 15:02:04 (EST)
It is cool to see so many subscriptions from different parts of the world. I am Italian but I have lived in London for 2 years. I'll spend the 31st just outside London in the countryside. I'll probably shoot friends getting crazier than usual, but if I thought there was a chance of getting an ID card I really would like to take pictures of people who don't have the freedom to choose where to be like us. I look foward to seeing the final masterpiece Happy new world in peace and love to everybody CIAO
Maria Ferrenti <>
London, UK - Saturday, December 04, 1999 at 15:02:06 (EST)
Amigos brasileiros, complementando o regulamento dispon’vel no "link" do Projeto, em portugus, lembro a todos que as fotos, em nosso pa’s, haver‹o de ser tiradas entre 09:00 horas da manh‹ de 31 de dezembro deste ano e 09:00 horas da manh‹ de 1¼ de janeiro do ano 2000, observando-se nosso hor‡rio de ver‹o, o que corresponder‡ ao per’odo determinado, em rela‹o ao Meridiano de Greenwich. As exce›es abrangem apenas os Estados no Norte do Brasil, n‹o atingidos pelo hor‡rio de ver‹o, onde as fotos dever‹o ser entre 08:00 horas de 31.12.99 e 08:00 horas de 1¼.01.2000. E n‹o se esqueam de confirmar sua participa‹o, atŽ o pr—ximo dia 15. Boa sorte a todos.
Orlando Discacciati <>
Barbacena-MG, Brazil - Saturday, December 04, 1999 at 19:29:13 (EST)
Hi all, Just wondering if it would be possible for someone to post a GMT converter, or even a site where we could find one.I need to know how early I have to get out of bed to get started. Thanks.
Kris <kaylar_l@>
Edmonton, Canada - Saturday, December 04, 1999 at 23:37:00 (EST)
Kris, you'll be relieved to know that we are considering simplifying things greatly by switching the shoot time to 12 Noon on December 31st to 12 Noon on January 1st LOCAL time. This was a suggestion by the publishers and we invite any comments before we make a final decision next week. Note that the disadvantage to this will be that the project will become a 48 hour project (instead of 24) starting 12 hours before the first 'midnight'. Hey, it's confusing us too!
Alx Klive <>
Project HQ, Toronto - Sunday, December 05, 1999 at 05:14:20 (EST)
When do we shoot? In some ways 12noon to 12noon makes good sense. There again in Malaysia following GMT time suits us great. We start at 8:00pm, 31/12 shoot the New Year, grab some sleep and get nearly anothers day shooting in. Some of us have planned to cover more than one area, i.e. do an evening party shoot in town then next day head out an do some rural shoots. We will follow the organisers decision. On a second note, it was great to visit India and meet up with fellow Millennium Photographers, who I meet through this page. They certainly made our trip more enjoyable and the fish at the Press Club inn Delhi was great. Thanks Anamitra & Phiroze. This is the true spirit that can last for years to come.
Peter Anderson <>
KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA - Sunday, December 05, 1999 at 06:34:28 (EST)
I happened to add a message last week....Actually i am working in Bangalore, but i plan to take the shoot in native place....Anybody out there...I will be glad if u can contact me...Luck to all
Reshma <>
Goa, India - Sunday, December 05, 1999 at 10:45:35 (EST)
Hi, to everyone. We are going to party by the pool with the kids, family and friends. And hopefully get everyone in the pool for the big photo.
Lynn <>
Auckland, New Zealand - Monday, December 06, 1999 at 04:53:10 (EST)
I'm not sure what the alternate plan was, but if I can add my two cents, I think the 12pm 12/31/99 to 12pm 1/1/00 local time is the least confusing time frame. It also works well because you get about the same number of hours of daylight in each day no matter where you are. Not to mention the events that might be happening on one day and not the other. Does anyone know if the new Kodak Max 400 makes grainy pictures? I don't work much with 400 speed film because I'm afraid of the result, but I thought I'd give this a try.
Bobbi Jo Beaver <>
Rapid City, SD, USA - Monday, December 06, 1999 at 20:52:42 (EST)
Hi to all the Millennium photographers around the world. I am posting the question to all the ones in the USA. I have become so intrigued with this project, that I have decided to start a USA web site dedicated to everyone, but focused on the activities in the USA. I have been in contact with Alx and was given permission to do so. ONE problem is that I have very little experience at doing this and was advised by Alx to post a message here asking for any help on this matter. I have tried to design several ones on places like Tripod, AOL, and others, with very little success. Even using their "EASY" way, it wasn't what I was looking for in a web page. If anyone could help, please let me know. I want to AND need to get this done immediately. One other point of interest - I am hoping to keep this page going for long after our millennium shoot, so I will be constantly upgrading it to suit photographers world-wide. Thank you all.
Tom <>
Mastic, NY, USA - Tuesday, December 07, 1999 at 00:37:02 (EST)
Howdy all! Im glad to be a part of something so large and exciting. To produce an image(s)for a book on the new millennium is a great honor. I'm planning on shooting several different options that night. Being in a small town farming community doesn't leave me many choices....Good luck all!
Michael Moore <>
Newberry, SC, USA - Tuesday, December 07, 1999 at 11:19:11 (EST)
Amigos, de acordo com as œltimas normas estabelecidas pelos organizadores do MPP, as quais ser‹o disponibilizadas brevemente a todos os participantes, o HORçRIO DE VERÌO ter‡ que ser DESCONSIDERADO, no lapso das fotos, que corresponde ˆs 24 horas entre o meio-dia de 31/12/1999 e o meio-dia de 1¼/01/2000, no Meridiano de Greenwich. Nossa mensagem anterior foi elaborada antes dessa decis‹o. Por favor, desconsiderem-na, quanto a esse fator. Assim, ˆ exce‹o dos Estados do Norte do Brasil, onde a hora local diverge da hora de Bras’lia, nossas fotos dever‹o ser obtidas entre 08:00 h de 31 de dezembro deste ano e 08:00 h de 1¼ de janeiro do ano 2.000. Obrigado.
Orlando Discacciati <>
Barbacena-MG, Brazil - Tuesday, December 07, 1999 at 22:21:40 (EST)
Caro Orlando, sua mensagem foi bem indexada e deveremos sim observar ester pormenores de hor‡rios. Um abrao e atŽ breve a todos. Jo‹o Noronha.
Jo‹o Noronha <>
S‹o Paulo, Brazil - Tuesday, December 07, 1999 at 23:14:58 (EST)
Hi Bobbi! I think you can use Kodak Max 400. You must print your photos up to 10" x 12" (25 cm x 30 cm) for The Millennium Photo Project. So, a 400 speed film won't make grainy pictures with the correct exposure.
Orlando Discacciati <>
Barbacena-MG, Brazil - Tuesday, December 07, 1999 at 23:18:29 (EST)
Alx, I'm relieved. Thanks. I was going to suggest this myself, but thought there must be some really important reason to have it in GMT. It can still be considerd 24 hours because although there will be 48 hours between when the first pic was taken and the last, each photographer only has 24 hours... You are right. It is confusing.*L*
Kris <>
Edmonton, Canada - Wednesday, December 08, 1999 at 00:24:15 (EST)
Alx, The time period of 12 noon 12/31 to 12 noon 1/1 (in our own time zone) makes sense to me. I am considering taking portraits in different locations so it makes sense to have at least 24 hours to shoot.
Pat Desmarais <>
Manchester, USA - Wednesday, December 08, 1999 at 10:23:24 (EST)
Prezados amigos, ontem retransimiti (acima) algumas informa›es que me haviam sido fornecidas, a respeito do hor‡rio a ser utilizado no Brasil para as fotos participantes do Projeto. Hoje, h‡ poucos momentos, no entanto, fui informado por e-mail que a decis‹o final quanto ao hor‡rio em que as fotos dever‹o ser tiradas, independentemente de onde o(a) fot—grafo(a) estiver, ter‡ que ser ENTRE MEIO-DIA DE 31 DE DEZEMBRO DE 1999 E 1¼ DE JANEIRO DE 2000, hora local. Portanto, esqueam o Meridiano de Greenwich
Orlando Discacciati <>
Barbacena-MG, Brazil - Wednesday, December 08, 1999 at 20:30:11 (EST)
Prezados amigos, ontem retransimiti (acima) algumas informa›es que me haviam sido fornecidas, a respeito do hor‡rio a ser utilizado no Brasil para as fotos destinadas ao Projeto. Hoje, h‡ poucos momentos, no entanto, fui informado por e-mail que a decis‹o final, quanto ao hor‡rio em que as fotos dever‹o ser tiradas, havia sido alterada. Ficou definido que, independentemente de onde o(a) fot—grafo(a) estiver, ter‡ que fotografar ENTRE MEIO-DIA DE 31 DE DEZEMBRO DE 1999 E MEIO-DIA DE 1¼ DE JANEIRO DE 2000, HORA LOCAL. Assim, esqueam o Meridiano de Greenwich e quaisquer outras varia›es poss’veis, em rela‹o ao lugar onde estiverem, na passagem de ano. Desculpem-nos o transtorno, mas, essas altera›es buscavam uma solu‹o que fosse melhor para todos. Acreditamos que nosso objetivo foi atingido. Este informe ser‡ ratificado brevemente. Quaisquer dœvidas, por favor, contatem-nos. Mais uma vez, obrigado.
Orlando Discacciati <>
Barbacena-MG, Brazil - Wednesday, December 08, 1999 at 20:45:02 (EST)
Emmm...awesome.Thats what the new Millennium is. An epoch in the march of time and man's progress. I intend to shoot around Ptelaing Jaya and kuala Lumpur and try and cpature the sense of awe on the faces of people as they try and comprehend this monumental event. Well, all the very best to eevery body out there and have fun while at it.
David Anandarajoo <>
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - Thursday, December 09, 1999 at 00:58:18 (EST)
Hi Everyone, I shall be on a cruiseboat to see in the New Year in Marvellous Melbourne - cruising past all the parties in Docklands, then mooring up near the fireworks. Then in the morning I plan to see in the English New Year at 11.00 am Australian time as all my family are back in England! A Sunny New Year!! My images will probably be photojournalistic in nature. I tend to prefer people shots. Hope everyone has a really exciting time!
Dee Bond <>
Melbourne, Australia - Friday, December 10, 1999 at 00:48:41 (EST)
Hello everyone, I'm really up for this project. There are just to many ideas to capture, sunsets, sunrises, people, parties, parades and only 24 hours to take it in. It's gonna blow my film budget... ah well. Wishing everyone all the best of this season, keep well safe and happy. Any other shooters in the Great White North?
Gerry <>
Thunder Bay, Canada - Saturday, December 11, 1999 at 10:37:47 (EST)
HELP! I would like to use the accreditation pdf but add my name to the blank on the first line and then print. No knowledge of how to do this. Any advice will be appreciated. Thank you.
Connie <>
Texarkana, USA - Saturday, December 11, 1999 at 13:14:39 (EST)
Hi fellow photogs, As December comes to an end, the excitement of capturing the turn of the century is getting more and more intense. I'm an amateur, and just being a part of this project is like a dream come true. New Delhi, with it's ageless character and pot pourrie of cultures, will be my zone of focus. Here's wishing us all the best. Oscar
Oscar De Mello <>
New Delhi, India - Saturday, December 11, 1999 at 13:30:29 (EST)
I am excited to be a part of the millennium photo project. I've worked it out to be "on call" for a baby being born during that time! While waiting I'll be photographing St. Louis and the metro area preparing and celebrating! Visit my web site at Good Luck everyone - and have fun!!!
Christine A. Olson <>
St. Louis, USA - Sunday, December 12, 1999 at 22:55:25 (EST)
Hi!! This is a great project. I'm very, very excited!! I'm going to be in Paris for the New Year's Eve and would like to get in contact with other photographers who are planning to be shooting there. Please contact me.
Morten Bendiksen <>
Fredrikstad, Norway - Monday, December 13, 1999 at 16:05:59 (EST)
"Mauri" to friends from all over the world. I am from Fiji, a small country in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. I plan to do my shooting on a small Fiji Island, Rambi, which is crossed by the 180th meridian. I will be leaving on the 23rd. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you plan to come to Fiji and would like to visit this beautiful island of Rambi. Safe shooting and take care.
Toki Tekerau <>
Suva, Fiji - Tuesday, December 14, 1999 at 21:13:13 (EST)
hello, I've something to ask you concerning the milleniumphoto contest. If i've taken a particular shot and found that the colour isn't interesting enough, Is it "okay" for me to add colours during printing? and if i'm using b/w prints..can i manipulate the particualar picture using the darkroom techniques? Please advise me on this as the rules didn't state that the photographers can/can't do that things i've mention earlier.
kwok yoong lee <>
k.lumpur, malaysia - Friday, December 17, 1999 at 12:02:20 (EST)
I want to be sure that my registration is complete -- should we have heard a response if we went to the online site to complete our final registration? I have done so, but have heard nothing. Also, I was interested in sponsorship and sent mail, but have received no response, and would love to hear from Alex or one of the project members if you are surfing the discussion boards:) Aside from these administrative issues, I am really looking forward to the event. I am on assignment in the Philippines for the next couple of years, and life here is "interesting," and I find wonderful things to photograph all the time. I make sure that I am never without a camera of some sort. Best wishes to all during this last Christmas and New Year of the century/millenium. :) Fran
Fran Feldman <>
Clarkfield, Philippines - Friday, December 17, 1999 at 19:10:20 (EST)
Regards model release forms. Is it essential to supply a form for every person pictured on submissions. For large groups and even individuals this could be not only be time consuming but also open the door for people to demand money in return for a signature and personal information....
Stewart Weir <>
Brighton, England - Monday, December 20, 1999 at 05:24:40 (EST)
Are there any plans to have model release forms in languages other than English? I will be shooting in a non-English setting and I think it's going to be hard to get people to sign something that they can't read. Thanks.
Remy Malan <>
Nagano, Japan - Monday, December 20, 1999 at 13:44:54 (EST)
Very good idea to shoot at the local time. No confusion at all. I'd like to congratulate Orlando Discacciati for his job. Good luck to ereryone in the world!
Luis Fernando Marcomini <>
Araraquara, Brazil - Tuesday, December 21, 1999 at 11:37:11 (EST)
In answer to the couple of recent questions - all photographers will be receiving their confirmation to participate in the next 24 hours via e-mail. Model releases are being translated into all eight languages as we speak and will be made available on the relevant sites before week's end. They are recommended to be used 'wherever possible' to allow for the greatest potential for commercial use. This is clearly to the benefit of the individual photographer who wants their picture to have the maximum potential exposure beyond the book. They are not, however, 'required'. The easiest thing is to try to get people's phone numbers at least, whenever you shoot a picture of just one or two people. Tell them you'll mail a copy of the print if it is used and then you can call them to get a model release later if needed.
Alx Klive <>
Project HQ, Toronto - Tuesday, December 21, 1999 at 12:23:09 (EST)
Wow! This is exciting!!! Hello to all of you around the world. I am really happy that I am a part of this amazing project. I was reading all the messages and I was overwhelmed by the energy flowing through everyone's words. How lucky we are to be alive at this time; to be able to use our art to document Earth as she moves into 2000. Wow!
Joan Lauren <>
LA, USA - Tuesday, December 21, 1999 at 18:13:43 (EST)
Hello world! I just wanted to express my happiness, that I am able to be a part of this Millenium project! I am so excited that we are all able to come together and celebrate a once in a lifetime moment. Let us all bring peace to this earth when that moment arrives (and everyday)!
Rosemary <>
Minneapolis, USA - Tuesday, December 21, 1999 at 18:29:58 (EST)
I have NEVER been connected to so many excited people at one time! I wish my email at work would read like this. OK, it worked, now I'm up for this project. I plan to be "at large" in the Tampa Bay area for the Y2K rollover. I don't have a clear theme yet but you can bet there will be some sunset and sunrise shots. Good hunting everyone.
John Rupe <>
Tampa, U.S.A. - Tuesday, December 21, 1999 at 19:55:36 (EST)
We will make history, i'm sure everyone knows this. So when that moment happens, wherever you are, don't hesitate! have fun!
zack smith <>
lafayette, USA - Wednesday, December 22, 1999 at 01:02:04 (EST)
Hi Everyone I looks to be an exciting venture and its good to so much positiveness out there. It's going to be a long night so I'm catching up on my ZZZZZZs now in preparation. With the season being as busy as it is the "ZZZZs" won't last long. Cheers
Vic Gordon <>
Rotorua, New Zealand - Wednesday, December 22, 1999 at 01:16:57 (EST)
Interesting to see so many postings from my little country! Any of you NZers who may be interested in also submitting some pics for entry into a new photo library have a look at Here in Wellington we recently did a '24 hours in Wellingto shoot involving 40 photographers from the local Wellington Photogrpahic Society. It was lots of fun and produced some great photos which can be seen at
Charles Bagnall <>
Wellington, New Zealand - Wednesday, December 22, 1999 at 04:06:46 (EST)
Hello to all my fellow photographers. I just got off of the waiting list and into the project. I am so excited to be able to take part in this. Only 10 days to plan the biggest photo shoot in the world. Just wanted to stop by to say hi and good luck to all!!! Happy shooting and Happy New Years!!
Brent Price <>
Antioch, USA - Wednesday, December 22, 1999 at 05:46:09 (EST)
I will be spending my time on the Las Vegas Strip and atop hotels giving the best view of the 1/2 million people who will be bringing in the Millennium on the famous Strip. I am going to try to have a union of all the photographers who put this together in Las Vegas. I am working for the Imperial Palace Hotel which is Center Strip. Love to hear your comments in connection with the union of all who partisapated in this venture. Have a great Christmas and a Great New Years Shoot..
LAS VEGAS, USA - Wednesday, December 22, 1999 at 19:37:29 (EST)
Hello! from Kansas I just foud out I made it off the waiting list and I couldn't be more excited. What an great thing to be involved in. I can't wait. Good luck shooting eveyone.
Anthony Bush <>
Topeka, Ks, USA - Wednesday, December 22, 1999 at 22:14:54 (EST)
If anyone would like to talk to me personaly you may contact me at 800-351-7400 and just ask for me Howie Bell. I would be happy to set up a reunion here in Las Vegas. I am a Marketing Executive with the hotel. Please feel free to give me a call. It would be nice if we all could get together and meet each other. It would be once in a life time convention. I will each and everyone the best in the New Millennium. It's a great feeling to be a part of the endever.
Howie Bell <>
las vegas, us - Wednesday, December 22, 1999 at 23:01:54 (EST)
Hello people! Anybody shooting in Vancouver, BC, Canada? Do you want to get together soon or communicate on email? I'd love to share ideas.
CP <>
Vancouver, Canada - Thursday, December 23, 1999 at 07:31:05 (EST)
Yes, I am also excited! Reading all of the messages constitutes a good time for me. I did have an idea of following my teenage son and friends around New Year's Eve. Bet anyone can predict how well that went over. Good hunting everyone and enjoy! Cathy
Cathy Waugh <>
Bowling Green, USA - Thursday, December 23, 1999 at 21:17:36 (EST)
happy holidays from the virgin islands huck
huck jordan <>
st thomas, usvi - Friday, December 24, 1999 at 09:45:10 (EST)
hi once more we are waiting for the big moment, all is well even after the strange path of hurricane lenny!my new site is up load times are down,photos galore,news,weather, and information from the virgin islands,for those who dont know we are us territory just east of puerto rico,visit site at much to see plan on capturing as mush partying as possible we are y2K ready... we do this for hurricane season every year... check my site and send e mail whant to here from photographers around the world happy holidays....stay safe huck P.S. maybe updates from every one on new years eve? we call it "old years night" a west indian tradition
huck jordan <>
st thomas, usvi - Friday, December 24, 1999 at 10:00:05 (EST)
Hello everyone. I am so excited to get started on this project. I feel like this has united so many people, so many countries. Best of luck to everyone, I cannot wait to see this book !!
Cathy Gamlen <>
Burlingame, USA - Friday, December 24, 1999 at 11:06:31 (EST)
Best wishes to everyone in the project! I'm very excited about getting in on this as I am nothing more than an amateur. Being here at the very furthest south point in the USA can sometimes be boring but I've planned countless stops on my photographic journey through 100 miles of the Florida Keys! Good luck to all and have a safe and joyous New Years Eve.
KEY LARGO, FL, USA - Friday, December 24, 1999 at 14:51:07 (EST)
Good luck to all the photographers participating on this global project. I will be representing Calgary, Canada and would like to communicate with others in southern Alberta!! Merry Christmas to all and a happy New Year!
Vincent Joachim <>
Calgary, Canada - Friday, December 24, 1999 at 16:33:18 (EST)
Feliz Natal e um ano novo de esperana fotogr‡fica. Que as imagens de um novo tempo possam perpetuar sobre os olhos atentos de cada um de n—s. Boa sorte e FELIZ 2000.
Jo‹o Noronha <>
S‹o Paulo, Brasil - Friday, December 24, 1999 at 22:56:08 (EST)
Dear friends, I think it's a privilege for all of us to be alive to witness and to take part of the most important Photography's Project of all the times. I hope our pictures can be used for everyone to take a deep refletion about the whole world in the way to EQUALITY... in the way to ERADICATE the hungry... in the way to the PEACE. A very Merry Christmas for all of you! Prezados Amigos, entendo como um privilŽgio, estarmos vivos para presenciar e participar do mais importante Projeto de Fotografia de todos os tempos. Espero que nossas fotos contribuam para que todos reflitam profundamente sobre nosso planeta, em busca da IGUALDADE, da ERRADICA‚ÌO da fome, e em busca da PAZ. Feliz Natal a todos.
Orlando Discacciati <>
Barbecena-MG, Brazil - Saturday, December 25, 1999 at 00:01:10 (EST)
Merry Christmas to all, specially those taking pictures in Brazil at the MPP. Good luck. Great pics!
Claudio Capucho <>
Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil - Saturday, December 25, 1999 at 13:21:29 (EST)
Looks Like I am all alone here in Columbus Ohio, anyone else in the area give me an e-mail this way maybe we can go together. I am very excited about this, as looks like most of you are. I work in the Hosbatality area and I will be working with that mostly as the evening rolls on I will be moving on to different things. Good luck to everyone and Have Fun, but Be Careful.
John Nixon <>
Columbus, OH, USA - Saturday, December 25, 1999 at 22:38:54 (EST)
congratulations to everyone involved with this many people!! I have been a photographer for 35years and I am more excited now about this shoot than I have ever been. Good luck have fun Colleen & my husband Gil
colleen miller <>
sydney, australia - Sunday, December 26, 1999 at 08:10:20 (EST)
This is just so incredible! Now that I am off the waiting list thousands of ideas have been racing in my mind. To top it off - for the big strike of midnight I am going to be with my best friend from jr high (20 years now) in the same ballroom where my senior prom was held - 1000 miles away from me now and just as many miles down memory lane. Then the next day I will be at the Mummer's Parade in Philadelphia, a tradition in that city for more than 100 years! Good luck to everyone, shoot in focus, and be careful!!
Rinque <>
Pueblo, USA - Sunday, December 26, 1999 at 10:13:40 (EST)
Hello Everyone!!! This is so excitng to be a part of! Could anyone out there tell me any tips about shooting fireworks? Is it best to leave my shutter open or to double expose multiple shots? What is everyone using for film? I'm a slave to Velvia , is everyone using slide film?
Dianne Buchta Humble <>
Middleton, Idaho, u.s.a. - Sunday, December 26, 1999 at 10:15:50 (EST)
Hello fellow photographers! Parlez-vous Francais, anyone? My husband & I are both in this exciting millenial project and eagerly looking forward to the big 24 hours. Have already taken some trial runs to perfect exposures. BUT, we have a big question. Could anyone translate a few sentences from English to French? We had a great trip to France in October, got names & addresses of people we photographed. Now we want to send release forms, but, could use help with a simple paragraph asking for the release. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated. THanks, Sally
Sally Kuyper <>
Orlando, Florida, USA - Sunday, December 26, 1999 at 11:59:02 (EST)
Wow, so many messages and so many excited photogs! Great to see other NZers as hyped as I am. I'm slowly blocking in the whole 24 hours, but the hardest part will be choosing only THREE photos each to send in out of the heaps we will all take!
Louise Lucas <>
Hamilton, New Zealand - Sunday, December 26, 1999 at 13:02:01 (EST)
I am very honored to be part of this millennium photo event. I am a night owl, so will have no problem staying up with the excitement. I am staying in my small town and taking shots of all the BIG events. Is there any other Michigan photographers out there? Good luck to all.
Diane Sumner <>
Allegan, MI, USA - Sunday, December 26, 1999 at 23:41:08 (EST)
Kia ora all you soon to be millenia photographers and partygoers from "the First City in the world to see the Sun" (although, if the last couple of days are anything to go by - New Year's Eve may be a dismal cloudy, wet one. But, as a Kiwi - we always look on the bright side - roll on New Year's Eve. We are hosting a Countdown to Y2K party so I hope to click away happily for however many hours I can stand up! Good luck to you all - I hope you all have as much fun as I'm intending. (I am still undecided on whether to use my digital or not - will use the lot me thinks and then choose the maximum (3) to send in. Catch you in the Year 2000 - safe and happy time everyone
Sher <Don&>
Gisborne, New Zealand - Monday, December 27, 1999 at 01:04:48 (EST)
Aloha everybody. I plan on wondering around from place to place in a random fashion. I will walk the beach, drop in on a few church services, wander around in China Town and then I will photograph a foot race that will be going on downtown. We have lots and lots of fireworks here so that may cause some interesting pictures. Normally Honolulu gets totally blanketed in smoke on the New Years. Best of luck to you all.
Sue Rudolph <>
Honolulu, HI - Tuesday, December 28, 1999 at 02:28:56 (EST)
Hi all Just want you to send you my best wishes for the new year. And good luck with the photos. Txiki GuillŽn. Regional publicist for Spain.
Txiki GuillŽn <>
Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Espa–a - Tuesday, December 28, 1999 at 09:05:46 (EST)
I was going to look forward to listening to short wave to ring in the millennium, but now I can thank this project for a change to plans. It's exciting to think of all that I seen since the mid 1900's. This is exciting. There has been a television commercial in the U>S> that kind of goes back to that time of innocence when the children in a school classroom are asked to do a mathe problem that involves their age at the year 2000 - we are there now. Funny to think I had a teacher do that way back when. As a U.S. History "student" I've found that one of the big things to do in 1900 was to have everyone in a family put on their "Sunday best" clothes and have individual family portraits made. I am fortunate enough to have a photo of the photo taken of my mothers family - the little boy on the floor at the front of the grouping is my grandfather. May the year 2000 be a prosperous one.
Allan Hart <>
Peoria, Arizona, USA - Tuesday, December 28, 1999 at 11:11:13 (EST)
I was going to look forward to listening to short wave to ring in the millennium, but now I can thank this project for a change to plans. It's exciting to think of all that I seen since the mid 1900's. This is exciting. There has been a television commercial in the U>S> that kind of goes back to that time of innocence when the children in a school classroom are asked to do a mathe problem that involves their age at the year 2000 - we are there now. Funny to think I had a teacher do that way back when. As a U.S. History "student" I've found that one of the big things to do in 1900 was to have everyone in a family put on their "Sunday best" clothes and have individual family portraits made. I am fortunate enough to have a photo of the photo taken of my mothers family - the little boy on the floor at the front of the grouping is my grandfather. May the year 2000 be a prosperous one.
Allan Hart <>
Peoria, Arizona, USA - Tuesday, December 28, 1999 at 11:11:46 (EST)
My millennium photo images will start with the fireworks set-up on Parliament Hill in downtown Ottawa, continue at the special midnight service being held in my church, and finish with people, parks and street scenes. Happy New Millennium - this project is great! Best wishes to all.
Marg Wood <>
Ottawa, Canada - Tuesday, December 28, 1999 at 14:47:38 (EST)
anyone planning to shoot in philly or the madhouse that is NYC email me and we can make a group effort of it. -j.
jon <>
philly/NYC, USA - Tuesday, December 28, 1999 at 17:13:13 (EST)
This is a dream come true. I have been a nervous wreck trying to plan the perfect shoot. Things are really falling into place now and if the trouble makers leave our city alone, it should be a wonderful night! Are there any other project photographers who will be out in Seattle? E-mail me and we can perhaps meet up sometime during the day. I will sure need a BIG coffee drink at some point!!!!!
Sandra <>
Seattle, USA - Wednesday, December 29, 1999 at 11:07:00 (EST)
The clock is ticking. We are cleaning our cameras and lens, replacing batteries, packing our bags and loading up on film. Can you feel the energy ? Good luck to everyone. Keep safe and Happy New Year. Pat & Rob
Pat Desmarais <>
Manchester, USA - Wednesday, December 29, 1999 at 15:50:58 (EST)
Hello We are on our final leg of our preparation for launching our Millenium Photo project: VANISHING HORIZONS - For Maldives this a real great project, cos the scientists are claiming Maldives will be submerged by sea- level Rise - Global warming. That means we do not live to see another Millenium. Wow.. ... Isnt it stunning. !!!!!! Maizan Hassan
Maizan Hassan Maniku <>
Male', Maldives - Thursday, December 30, 1999 at 11:38:42 (EST)
I am having last minute jitters. I have up to 800 speed MAX and a camera with the night mode. Will that be enough to shoot the fireworks, etc. Any advice from anyone. I just have a few hours left to get my film. Please let me know.
Susan Rudolph <>
Honolulu, USA - Thursday, December 30, 1999 at 13:23:26 (EST)
Currently it's 3.33 a.m on 31st here in malaysia.. party mood in heating up...wishing all the ppl out there.. to have a wonderful day. Hope the photographers will rendezvous with the best posssible pictures.! Terima kasih... (thank you in malay language)
kwok yoong,lee <>
Kuala lumpur, Malaysia - Thursday, December 30, 1999 at 14:29:52 (EST)
To all of the photos of the world. It is great to know that I am part of the largest photo shoot in the world that will span two Millenniums. I will be with a private party that will be traveling from a private home and then to a resturant and back to the house (via a chartered bus) intime to ring in the new millennium. The setting is very tropical and you will see it in my images. Good Luck to all and I hope maybe to meet some of you in person or thru your images that will say many words and tells the story of THE NEW MILLENNIUM 2000
David Weinstein <>
Scottsdale, AZ, USA - Thursday, December 30, 1999 at 19:02:21 (EST)
To all of the photos of the world. It is great to know that I am part of the largest photo shoot in the world that will span two Millenniums. I will be with a private party that will be traveling from a private home and then to a resturant and back to the house (via a chartered bus) intime to ring in the new millennium. The setting is very tropical and you will see it in my images. Good Luck to all and I hope maybe to meet some of you in person or thru your images that will say many words and tells the story of THE NEW MILLENNIUM 2000
David Weinstein <>
Scottsdale, AZ, USA - Thursday, December 30, 1999 at 19:05:16 (EST)
Dear Millenium Photographers, A very happy and pleasant New Year and lots of wonderful snaps !
Anamitra Chakladar <>
New Delhi, India - Friday, December 31, 1999 at 01:40:32 (EST)