Archived Messages - August 2000

thanks amy...
kyle <>
malaysia - Tuesday, August 01, 2000 at 14:14:33 (EDT)
Hello Alx and team. Thanks for prompting me to take part in the discussion. That was few weeks back. Its amazing that it was almost a year back when we started to think about the project. It was most exciting for me as I knew where I was going to be--in the wilderness of Mara Game reserve in Kenya. What was difficult was what suitable subject to shoot on the particular day. Ideas came and materialised. It was highlight of the project when I learnt a picture had been selected. Now we await the book. I plan to do local press publicity and possibly national for own picture and also to promote the book. Also hope to pick up ides from other participants.
Chandrakant Shah (CK) <>
Harrow, UK - Tuesday, August 01, 2000 at 15:55:48 (EDT)
Hello photographers The page is up Is there for you to see. I have sent na invitation to some of you . Hope you don`t mind
Carlos Roberto <>
Belo Horizonte, Brazil - Saturday, August 05, 2000 at 11:37:38 (EDT)
Today is my first time to look at the "chat" section. It was such a surprise to me that all three of my photo entries were selected for the Capsule Collection. One out of 864 photographers. Wow! I waited until the very last day to post my entries. I am not a professional photographer and was not particularly satisfied with my choice of subject, a simple family celebration. Generally, I celebrate events with a lot of flash and show, but as the odometer got closer and closer to THE BIG EVENING, all I wanted to do was have a nice evening with my husband, daughter and best friend from the old millennium. My thanks to the judges for choosing my photographs and giving validity to my celebration choice. Best wishes for a successful publication of the Book Collection.
Pauleitta Phillips <>
St. Augustine FL, USA - Saturday, August 05, 2000 at 15:57:46 (EDT)
Hello group of the project millennium. I am anxious to see your innovations in the air. A fraternal hug. Thanks. visit-
João Noronha <>
Franca - SP, Brazil - Monday, August 07, 2000 at 01:03:27 (EDT)
Concerning the book promotions, there's an interesting article in the Aug. 7 issue of The Wall Street Journal (Page B1) about Jonathan Tropper, a guy who personally e-mailed friends and a few others about his soon-to-be-published novel, "Plan B." After his personal e-mails, his sales jumped considerably. Then he hired an Internet marketing firm that sent mass e-mail messages to people on book chat groups. It seems that people viewed the mass e-mailings as "spamming," so they posted angry notes on the chat groups urging people to boycott the book. Tropper's sales dropped by 50% as a result. Just something to consider.
Bill Bowden <>
Fayetteville, Arkansas, USA - Tuesday, August 08, 2000 at 10:34:52 (EDT)
Bill, I read the WSJ article, also. If anyone would like a copy, I can forward it. It basically says to be very careful when building pyramids of e-mails and has some pointers about how to go about it...and obviously, how not to go about it.
Connie Wragge <>
West Chester, PA, USA - Tuesday, August 08, 2000 at 18:27:41 (EDT)
Hello to all, Just got back on line after having my computer crash, again, and have a new e-mail address. I have not been able to get on line until last week and was concerned that I may have missed something but apparently everything is o.k. Keep up the good work and good luck to all
Rik Cass <>
Erie,PA., U.S.A. - Wednesday, August 09, 2000 at 18:34:46 (EDT)
Hi all, I'm Darrin, a photographer from Malta in Europe... I was in Australia for New Year, and am real excited I've got a pic in the book. I sure am looking forward to October when the book comes out. I still don't know if my picture is in the main chapters or in the Chronology chapter, but it's in the book, that's what really counts to me. I'm a professional photojournalist, but this will be the first time I'm having a picture published in an international book. Unfortunately I've never been able to make it for the Live Chat because of the timezone difference. Anyone who'd like to check out my website, can go to It's got a heaps of pictures from Kosovo, Bosnia, Albania, Greenpeace actions, Malta, jazz, theatre, dance among others. Cheers
Darrin Zammit Lupi <>
Malta - Friday, August 11, 2000 at 11:54:19 (EDT)
"A CD of the time capsual photos is a good idea, another idea is a poster of the full 2000 images, I know I would love one, how about everyone else ?????? you could put it in the back of the book too..........That way everyone feels that they made it into the book....just an idea to throw around... Debbie" Posted above. A CD might not work, and a poster is a bit impracticle with 2000 images. I do however, see promise in it. Has anyone ever seen the mosaic commissioned by the UN? World togetherness, peace among religions and race. If we digitally combined the 2000 photographs into a mosaic-like image of the world, or the millennium project logo, I can see a successful poster, that would compliment the book well, or might sell in poster form or limited edition for collectors. The actual creation of the images shouldn't be that hard, I have done a deal of digital imaging, and once resolution and scale have been determined, and the graphics run through a sufficiently 'nippy' machine, Debbie's poster idea could fly. :-)
John Moran <>
Jakarta, Indonesia - Friday, August 11, 2000 at 21:28:14 (EDT)
i think the mosaic idea is an excellent one! something to go on the wall and includes all the photographers who participated! having a variety of products associated with the project is a good way to promote sales anyhow...
joey pham <>
calgary, canada - Monday, August 14, 2000 at 01:10:59 (EDT)
Thanks John, I'm glad you came up with the mosaic idea I think it would look great in either the world or MPP logo (or both combined). I liked the idea of a poster of all 2000 images, but, like you said a bit unpractical with that many photos, so I'm glad you expanded the idea to the mosaic poster. So what does every one else think ??????????? What do you think Alx ?????????? would it work ??????? could it be done ?????? let us know, I think you would find a few volunteer's to help with the project :-) Debbie.......
Debbie Kowalewycz <>
Townsville, Australia - Monday, August 14, 2000 at 03:48:16 (EDT)
I think most of the ideas that have been suggested as marketing tools are great. I do think,however,that getting the book out and sold should be the highest priority. After the book is out there will be plenty of time for after market items such as CD's, posters, and other projects.
Ed Story <>
Walls Ms, USA - Wednesday, August 16, 2000 at 16:01:08 (EDT)
I like Debbie's ideas about a poster and especially John's idea about a mosaic. It would be neat to have a poster for Books-A-Million, or your local bookstore, to hang up and advertise the book.
Amy Sides <>
Tuscaloosa, AL, USA - Wednesday, August 16, 2000 at 20:53:49 (EDT)
It sure is getting quiet on the board lately. Is anyone planning on going to the PhotoPlus Expo East the first week of November? I have an opportunity to go but New York scares the hell out of me. Come to think of it, I’m not to fond of Atlanta either. Us southern boys don’t cotton to them big city types. If I could hook-up with someone who knows the city I might be tempted.
John Rupe <>
Tampa, Florida, USA - Wednesday, August 16, 2000 at 22:11:33 (EDT)
John, What is PhotoPlus Expo East?
Amy Lewis Sides <>
Tuscaloosa, AL, USA - Thursday, August 17, 2000 at 14:54:48 (EDT)
Amy, PhotoPlus Expo is a photography trade show put on by Photo District News Magazine and others. Here is a link so you can check it out.It takes place in New York on November 2nd, 3rd and 4th. There is a west coast version as well.
John Rupe <>
Tampa, Florida, USA - Thursday, August 17, 2000 at 19:19:03 (EDT)
Hi all, I did something today that I would recommend to everyone. I was in Chapters ( our big bookstore chain here in the Great White North) looking at Annie Leibowitz's newest book ( fantastic , by the way) and I wondered over to the computer . I typed in "2000 How the World Celebrated" and there it was. A place to put in an advance order. Now I've known all along that this is a real book etc etc, but to see it there on the screen brought it all home for me. What a great feeling! Of course , I probably looked like a dork standing there in front of the computer blinking back tears, but hey, it didn't stop my from going to the other terminals and puling it up on them too, just so anyone who used the computers after me would see it .*L* Anyway, it renewed the excitement I felt when I first got "the e-mail" and had me smiling for the rest of the day.
Kris <>
Edmonton, Canada - Saturday, August 19, 2000 at 02:15:39 (EDT)
Oh yeah, one more thing... Alx, when and how do we put in our orders for the number of books we want to purchase? Can you guess what my family is getting for Christmas ? *L* Thanks
Kris <>
Edmonton, Canada - Saturday, August 19, 2000 at 02:17:23 (EDT)
Kris I don't think your family will be alone in getting the book for christmas *L* .....Debbie
Debbie Kowalewycz <>
Townsville, Australia - Sunday, August 20, 2000 at 05:42:20 (EDT)
HI ALL, Schools starts Tuesday and two of my kids will be gone ALL Day! (The Kids in the Book) So, I might have more time to dedicate to the project. I have a Big list of people I want to give the book too, so I too would like to know when we can place our orders and if there is a limit on how many we can order at $15.00??? Has anyone started a campaine? Flyers or mailers? I'm kinda waiting to see what to include in my promo stuff.(To see what others are doing) I'm also planning an Open House and Book signing, since my studio is set up in my just waiting to see what and how I should do this...or jump in with both feet. Good Day to all.
Diane Sumner <>
Allegan, MI, USA - Sunday, August 20, 2000 at 22:33:45 (EDT)
Pauleitta, this is totally off topic, but I just noticed you are from St. Augustine. I was there the week before last. You have a beautiful town. I was tempted to just stay. Did you take your MPP pics there? I would love to see them.
Kris <>
Edmonton, Canada - Monday, August 21, 2000 at 01:15:43 (EDT)
Greetings to one and all. First post for me. Guess I should try and send something worthwhile? How about developing a lateral market for shopping centre exhibitions, window displays etc. 'How the World Celebrated". Stores or ad agencies licence say 100 of our images which can either be sent digitally for local one-time use or display prints can be produced to order on Epson's new pigment-ink 9500 printer , tube-packed and sent ex-Canada for local mounting and framing. Booksales would be a natural follow-on so getting the shopping centre bookstore involved with a table full of books is sure to stir the emotions of people seeing these great images as A1 or A0 display posters. Would need to be in stores by November though! Kind regards Andy
Andy McCourt <>
Sydney, Australia - Wednesday, August 23, 2000 at 03:52:42 (EDT)
Greetings to one and all. First post for me. Guess I should try and send something worthwhile? How about developing a lateral market for shopping centre exhibitions, window displays etc. 'How the World Celebrated". Stores or ad agencies licence say 100 of our images which can either be sent digitally for local one-time use or display prints can be produced to order on Epson's new pigment-ink 9500 printer , tube-packed and sent ex-Canada for local mounting and framing. Booksales would be a natural follow-on so getting the shopping centre bookstore involved with a table full of books is sure to stir the emotions of people seeing these great images as A1 or A0 display posters. Would need to be in stores by November though! Kind regards Andy
Andy McCourt <>
Sydney, Australia - Wednesday, August 23, 2000 at 04:36:15 (EDT)
Have I missed this information? Will the Millennium Book be sold through 'normal' book stores?? Please let me know how to find out the ISBN number? Colleen
Colleen Miller <>
CANBERRA, AUSTRALIA - Tuesday, August 29, 2000 at 00:38:36 (EDT)
ISBN: 0920445659
USA - Tuesday, August 29, 2000 at 02:59:15 (EDT)
hello everyone, i have been trying to find out if i am the only one in Auckland who is in the Book so i can do signing and all that but i need to know. help.. What is a ISBN ???? what is the publisher going to be sending out with the book?
Sharie Penwarden <>
Waiheke Island, New Zeland - Wednesday, August 30, 2000 at 05:40:38 (EDT)
I was just wondering if there had been a final list of whose pictures are actually going to be featured in the book and whose are going to be in the limited edition section in the back. I am very excited to see the final product!! Cheers, Amani Willett
Amani Willett <>
NYC, USA - Wednesday, August 30, 2000 at 13:58:55 (EDT)
Hello fellow photographers - it has been far too long since I ventured onto this site. Very interesting reading. I'm so glad that I participated in this project - two of my pics were chosen for the time capsule and since I'm very much a novice photographer I'm over the moon to get that far. I am waiting in anticipation for my copy of the book. Hey, what about doing this all again for the real "millennium"? There is probably lots of discussion about whether or not to actually celebrate the occasion this New Year's Eve - I for one am definitely going to attack it again. Since I'm from the "First City to see the Sun" in the world (which is also debatable), I hope that this New Year's Eve we might actually get to see some "sun". Very poor conditions to take pics - unless you had a top of the line camera. My trusty Canon didn't do too badly though. Anyway, as this is a first in a very long time, I won't bore anyone with my prattle any longer. Hopefully it won't be too long before I venture in here again.
Sheryl Green <Don&>
Gisborne, New Zealand - Wednesday, August 30, 2000 at 17:07:32 (EDT)