Archived Messages - November 1999

Welcome to the Forum everybody. This is the place where we can all get together and debate aspects of the project. It's also a great place to meet other photographers from around the world. Have fun, be nice and come back often!
Alx Klive, Founder
Project HQ, Toronto - Tuesday, November 2nd, 1999 at 17:00:00 (EDT)
A good seed will surrender good fruits! I am Jo‹o Noronha, Brazilian and also collaborating with this project. My home page is:
Jo‹o Noronha <>
Sˆo Paulo, Brazil - Wednesday, November 03, 1999 at 22:51:58 (EST)
Hey everybody! Welcome to a really great project. I'm excited to be working on such a global undertaking. I'm wondering what is the most amazing idea you can come up with to be doing for New Years?
Amy <>
Tuscaloosa, USA - Wednesday, November 03, 1999 at 23:10:47 (EST)
hi everyone, i just wanted to let youll know that we in india are behind you all the way. with so many people working so hard, this project can not fail. alx and the guys there are doing all the hard stuff, and we are benifiting. here's to youll
phiroze dalal <>
madras, india - Thursday, November 04, 1999 at 00:35:15 (EST)
Hi everybody, The time is getting closer and I am sure a lot of you have not decided exactly what to shoot. After the project has finished I hope all the photographers will keep in touch. Alx and Company have done a great job getting us all together, so let's take advantage of all their hard work. It would be great in the future to have photographic contacts in various countries around the world, so when we travel we can get the best photographic sites in these countries. So if any of you out there are thinking about travelling to this part of the world please contact me. Remember, "Don't take a photograph, MAKE a photograph" Looking forward to seeing the 1,000's of Millennium Photographs. Merry Xmas, Selamat Hari Krismas,Happy New Year to everbody.
Peter Anderson <>
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - Thursday, November 04, 1999 at 01:32:04 (EST)
Hello everybody in the world! Keep your camera ready and ask erveryone to give you a "cheese" in the last day of this millennium! The humanity have never seen an event like this before, and it will take a long time to see another again! I am Luis Fernando Marcomini, Brasilian Project Ambassador, amateur photographer,and I will do this with you! Good Luck!
Luis Fernando Marcomini <>
Araraquara, Brazil - Thursday, November 04, 1999 at 08:32:48 (EST)
Hello everyone. There's going to be so much going on it's hard to decide where to start. I wish everyone luck and can't wait to see all the photos from around the world. The internet really has made us a global community and it's exciting to see posts from people is such far away places. Again, good luck to everyone.
C. Elizabeth Vest <>
New Orleans, U.S. - Thursday, November 04, 1999 at 09:15:35 (EST)
We are officially launching the Crew Headquarters tonight. Staff will be in and out of the live chat room all weekend. See you there...
Alx Klive <>
Project HQ, Toronto - Saturday, November 06, 1999 at 22:19:35 (EST)
hello folks,i'm still a green photography student but certainly will give my best. It has been very exciting joining this's perhaps one of the most historic event in the photography history. Looking forward to it. Any photographer based in k.l who's willing to exchange ideas..can i contact u?
Lee kwok yoong <>
kuala lumpur, Malaysia - Saturday, November 06, 1999 at 23:41:24 (EST)
One World for the next millenium! Check out my website at and you'll know what I'll be shooting.
Paul Cohen <>
Australia - Sunday, November 07, 1999 at 00:03:09 (EST)
Hi everyone! Yet another excited photographer looking forward to capturing the welcoming of the New Millennium. I'm calling on all Montreal photographers who are participating to contact me. I would like to organize a "Kick-Off" at Noon, December 31st in Montreal (downtown) with all of us who are photographing Montreal. I will organize the venue and publicity (camera crew) if you will agree to join us. If you send me an email, I'll build a distribution list (cc Project Crew, of course) and we can go from there. Until then, good luck and much fun to all! Cheers... Sue
Susan Sheen <>
Montreal, Canada - Sunday, November 07, 1999 at 00:05:08 (EST)
Hello fellow shooters: I will be returning to Cuba (Isle of Youth, off the south coast) again this New Years, and for me, I will be shooting no formalized type celebrations. I will instead focus on normal people celebrating with family and friends. I am going to try real hard to have NO geo-political influences on my photos. This is a day for PEOPLE everywhere..... not governments. Thanks and good shooting to us all.
Stephen Liard <>
Toronto, Canada - Sunday, November 07, 1999 at 00:53:56 (EST)
I have plan to shoot how the indigenous people are going to celebrating the new millennium in the hills area at Chittagong. I hope this story might be interesting for someone from somewhere. Good luck for the photographers who will be the history makers.Cheers!
Abir Abdullah <>
Dhaka, Bangladesh - Sunday, November 07, 1999 at 01:17:18 (EST)
Everyone knows that people are celebrating the new year 2000. Should some of the photos we take have a journalistic quality of documenting an underlying story? If so, do they all have to have a happy ending?
Mary Mulford <>
Aliso Viejo, CA, USA - Sunday, November 07, 1999 at 02:45:47 (EST)
Can you feel the excitment building??? Hi y'all!! I am going to be in Sundance Square - which is in the middle of the downtown part of the great city of Ft. Worth, Texas and you can bet its gonna be hopping on New Years eve. Get the film and camera ready!!! Best of luck to all you photographers - both amateur (like me) and you pros out there!! Lets get some good pics and have some fun!!!!!!
Jeff Mamola <>
Ft. Worth, Texas, USA - Sunday, November 07, 1999 at 08:09:34 (EST)
LOUDON, USA - Sunday, November 07, 1999 at 08:33:47 (EST)
I am planning to take quiet Millinium photos, but very excited about the project. It will be such fun to see the results of a world wide project in print. Good luck to all and remember to stay safe in your ventures.
Becky <>
Dubuque, USA - Sunday, November 07, 1999 at 08:43:33 (EST)
Howzit! (As we say here in sunny SA) This project is truly exciting - but I have a strong feeling that my camera won't qualify (Sony Mavica 91 Digital) for the printed version - howabout we pressure the Powers-That-Be for an online version especially for digital photographers? Off the top of my head I can't figure out a way for that to be a profit making venture directly, but maybe someone else can - and thereby get some steam into the idea? I am going to be on the lookout for anything that qualifies as (humanly) interesting during the 24h period - stuff going down on the streets, people partying, literally anything!! Great to be (however slightly) involved! Roy.
Roy Herold <>
George, South Africa - Sunday, November 07, 1999 at 09:04:50 (EST)
Greetings to all of my new friends around the world. I have been shooting corporate and commerical photography now for the last 18 years and have travelled around the world on different assignmemts I am exicited to be part of this project and will be photographing how 16 friends will be bringing in the NEW MILLENNIUM. Some of them will have travelled many miles across the United States of America to be with us in the "Desert Southwest" in Scottsdale, Arizona. Should any of you wish know more of how I'm going to approach this project, just email me, should you have any sugguestions I would be open to hear from you. Happy shooting and be Safe. I will see all of you in the film you shoot.
David A. Weinstein <>
Scottsdale, AZ, USA - Sunday, November 07, 1999 at 09:32:10 (EST)
Hello World Although I'm from NY, I traditionally spend New Years in Washington D.C. This year will be just a bit more exciting. Hope everyone has a good time and a successful shoot!
Bill Overton <>
Mastic, NY, USA - Sunday, November 07, 1999 at 11:12:36 (EST)
Hello everyone. I'm very excited about this project! It's very nice to be a part of this great photography event. GOOD LUCK AND GREAT SHOOTING!!!
Jasmin Hernandes Meirelles <>
Rio de Janeiro, Brasil - Sunday, November 07, 1999 at 11:35:22 (EST)
Staff are in the chat room if anyone wants to stop by, ask questions etc.
Staff Member <>
Project HQ, Toronto - Sunday, November 07, 1999 at 12:53:25 (EST)
Welcome to all the photographers taking part to this big project.I am Renato Valterza from Italy and I am going to be part of such a global undertaking.I am very interested in getting in touch with all others italian photographer involved in this great photographic event .Good luck to everybody working for a succesfull end of the story.
TORINO, ITALY - Sunday, November 07, 1999 at 12:53:48 (EST)
Well the adrenaline is rushing through my veins with excitment and a million ideas are filling my brain! Where to start? hello to everyone, i cannot wait to see the end result of the colaboration of pictures from across the globe! like many of you, think my focus will be on the quiet celebrations with a glimps of looking back. ANyone in VA participating email me!It is amazing how a simple item like a camera can bring so many people together.
Deborah <>
Stafford, Va, USA - Sunday, November 07, 1999 at 13:19:23 (EST)
Hi y'all My brother and I will be in Korea,Thiland and then Nepal for "The MILLENNIUM Projet" photo shoot. Anybody else going to these places ? Anybody shooting in Nepal? Where ? We would like to meet and make new friends along the way. Mahalo
Ricky Wright <>
St.Simons Island, Georgia,USA - Sunday, November 07, 1999 at 13:45:43 (EST)
All Our Relations! We are melding our talents to manifest a global visual event. How many dimensions of excitment does THAT cover? It is my intention to celebrate the Millenium in the desert wilderness of the Southwestern United States. My plan is to shoot one role of color slide film (38 exposures) on December 31st, much of it at night. With active respect for Nature, and conscious awareness of the huge environmental impact of photography, I have come to shoot less film, with a higher percentage of successful images per roll. Going into the 21st Century, I offer this perspective after more than thirty-three years of making photographs, all over the world, above and below the waterline. Here's a great piece of advice for all photographers who might benefit from the immortal words of legendary photography instructor, the late Thomas Knight, "Compose the edges of the frame, and the center will take care of itself." Good 'snapping', and much Aloha! to all, PvH P.S. For those interested in Project P.E.A.C.E. (Planet Ecology Advancing Conscious Economics)you are invited to visit my new website at
Paul J. von Hartmann <>
Arcata, California, USA - Sunday, November 07, 1999 at 14:55:07 (EST)
Hey everyone! I'll be shooting in London for this great event and I'm interested in getting in touch with anyone else who will be shooting there also. I'm from New York originally and I need someone to keep me up to date on what's planned in London. Cheers!
Erica Hasenjager <>
London, United Kingdom - Sunday, November 07, 1999 at 15:31:02 (EST)
Greetings fellow photographers! This is definitely a wonderful global event...the Millennium Photo Project will make its mark in history! At the moment I still haven't made up my mind what I'll be photographing, but I think I will improvise - snap some pics of any events and/or people in the city of Pitt Meadows that will grab my interest. Also I may consider shooting the rural areas of the city, leaning more towards nature scenes. Anyhow, good luck to all of you and most importantly, have fun!!
Victoria Vancek <>
Pitt Meadows, Canada - Sunday, November 07, 1999 at 15:51:52 (EST)
Dear friends My involvement with the 'One day for Peace January 1st 2000', the Millennium / Jubillenium Meal, and the Year Zero campaign will be part of the photos and / or concepts for that day. By the way: at a meeting in Klamath Falls OR in August 1998 i first heard of the 'Millennium Snapshot' by Greg Wright, who publishes often via the Global Ideas Bank. By searching the web for his newest activities, i arrived at the Millennium Photo site.
freed schmitter <>
amsterdam, netherlands - Sunday, November 07, 1999 at 15:55:50 (EST)
I am really excited to be part of this exciting event. I plan on capturing the Lake Oswego celebration and would be interested to hear from any other photo participants in the Portland or Lake Oswego area.
Beth Wolff <>
Lake Oswego, USA - Sunday, November 07, 1999 at 16:37:35 (EST)
Hi everyone! I haven't decided yet what to photograph, but I'm sure it will be interesting! Are there any other photographers out there on the other Duch Caribbean islands? I'd love to exchange ideas! My homepage is: Inspiration to everybody!
Nadine <>
rotterdam, Aruba - Sunday, November 07, 1999 at 18:12:54 (EST)
Has anyone considered a Id that could be used to identify the photographers of the project to the public ??? This could open some doors especially if the project is well known
Thomas Olszewski <>
Washington, USA - Sunday, November 07, 1999 at 20:22:39 (EST)
One day to remember in the life of the world... I have not finalized my idea yet but I want to capture what the world was doing on the moment the clock hits 2000. Just once in a life time. WOW
Dean Reynolds <>
Greenville, United States - Sunday, November 07, 1999 at 21:36:53 (EST)
Thomas, we are planning something just like that. The idea is that we'll create an ID card in PDF format that registrants can download, print out and laminate or whatever. We are also planning to have an official assignment letter. Watch this space...
Alx Klive <>
Project HQ, Toronto - Sunday, November 07, 1999 at 21:38:28 (EST)
It is an incredible time where we are able to share and communicate through images how our world celebrates the coming of a new millennium. I saw a glimpse of what is possible with images of the eclipse this past summer from various countries printed in the New York Times the following day. Amazing! Good shooting everyone!!
MARY D. <>
WASHINGTON, D.C., USA - Sunday, November 07, 1999 at 21:38:44 (EST)
hello y'all. i'm brian buss from 2485 clarke crest dr. dubuque, iowa, u.s. of a, northern america, northern hemisphere, the world, the universe. i left the corn state of iowa 3 months ago and set out to see the world. i'm settled in san joaquin de flores, costa rica and spending mucho dinero taking pictures. by the way, is anybody else out there going to be shooting photos in costa rica during the change over? i'm extremely excited to be looking around at a new culture at such a monumental moment. i'm likewise excited to see how ya'all are looking at this. a teacher and great friend once told me that any and everything is worthy of being photographed. happy huntings.
brian buss <>
san joaquin de flores, costa rica - Sunday, November 07, 1999 at 22:05:17 (EST)
Hey Everyone! I will be shooting in or near Manchester UK for the Celebrations. I haven't made any definate plans although I have investigated what type of celebrations are planned. I would like to get in contact with some pagan/wiccan groups to see what they have planned if anything at all. Any help would be appreciated. I am really jazzed to be a part of such an extraordinary group of individuals. good luck everyone.
Diana Martin <>
Belleville , Canada - Sunday, November 07, 1999 at 22:58:47 (EST)
Howdy fellow photographers! I am looking forward to New Years,more than Christmas! Austin has a huge celebration planned downtown,with most of the streets closed. I am a professional portrait photographer who travels on a daily basis. I have several vantage point available. I am looking forward to being on the heliport of a bank building for fireworks\laser show shots. I will use my Canon Eos and lenses and medium format for really sharp photos, hopefully for publication. Good luck, stay "focused" and enjoy!
Lynn Rehak <>
austin,texas, usa - Sunday, November 07, 1999 at 23:07:59 (EST)
Hi from the first country to see the sun. Judging by the number of messages up in only two days this is going to be a very busy site, just like 31 December will be a very busy night! I have an idea of taking my shots of some of the people who can't actually enjoy the celebrations, like those in hospital or those workers who have to be on stand-by in case of any millenium night problems. Have to look into it in more detail. From that point of view an ID card as suggested earlier would be an excellent idea. Am really looking forward to seeing the finished product!
Louise Lucas <>
Hamilton, New Zealand - Monday, November 08, 1999 at 01:09:59 (EST)
Howdy everyone how are you all heaps off messages already amazing keep it up Iwas thinking along the lines of a wild boar on a spit with a few mates and hopefully a few ideas any way take care keep it up see ya
Rick stuart <>
Kapiti Coast, New Zealand - Monday, November 08, 1999 at 03:57:02 (EST)
Hello to the World! This is a wonderful way to bring all of our peoples together for an instant of one full day. We have art & sculpture from the time of the last millennium, I hope the people of the third millennium will be able to apreciate this project. My web site: http://
Roy Rendahl <>
Las Vegas, USA - Monday, November 08, 1999 at 04:40:58 (EST)
FAR NORTH, NEW ZEALAND - Monday, November 08, 1999 at 04:46:57 (EST)
I'm brazilian and live in Oporto, Portugal where I will be in THE NEW YEAR. THANKS
djalma de souza e correia <>
Porto , Portugal - Monday, November 08, 1999 at 06:10:15 (EST)
Let's see... Camera, film, flash, more rolls of film. Ok, I'm ready! :-) Cheers from South Australia!
Duane Van Schoonhoven <>
Adelaide SA, Australia - Monday, November 08, 1999 at 08:31:07 (EST)
GALWAY_IRELAND: Hi all. I'll be in Ireland for the Millenium, probably Galway. If anyone out there will also be in Ireland, please email me with any interesting info. I'll be visiting for the first time. If you would like to see some photography of mine visit me here!
Michael Manning <>
Boston, MA - Monday, November 08, 1999 at 08:54:39 (EST)
Greetings, I am very excited in this project. This is my first attempt in participating with an international photo progam. Looking forwad to share ideas with all the participants in the Millennium program.
ding <>
penang, malaysia - Monday, November 08, 1999 at 09:29:03 (EST)
Hello everybody ! I am very glad that this project has been conceived and I am sure this will not only be a trend-setter but a big success. This will show the world how our brothers and sisters are living in this wide and diverse world. I am sure that the photos will reflect the world that we live and tomorrow !
Anamitra Chakladar <>
New Delhi, India - Monday, November 08, 1999 at 11:31:44 (EST)
Surf's up kiddies! My idea of the perfect New Year's eve is being on the beach with big crashers pounding, a huge bonfire happening and lots of laughter. Mexico is my home away from home and when in Mexico its always la fiesta grande! Looking forward to contributing to this project and when I am an old lady I can tell all the little kiddies out there just how much fun life can be.....
Rosey Goodman <>
Winnipeg, Canada - Monday, November 08, 1999 at 11:42:39 (EST)
Greetings from located 100 miles inland from Vancouver B.C. Canada! Lookin' forward to the click of 2000 to see the calandar change-----and everything else we are familiar with! Anyone else in the Fraser Valley?? shoot me an E Mail at Blessings On You~~ Don D.
Don Dutkowski <>
Chilliwack, Canada - Monday, November 08, 1999 at 11:43:28 (EST)
Hi all! I am thrilled to be involved in such a history-making event such as this. I live in a tiny little town in NW Arkansas, in the Ozark mountains. I love to take pictures of just about any thing, but prefer nature, and animals. I do those types of photos better. I would love to hear from anyone around the world about this project or any other photography issues. I would like to someday turn profesional as a photographer, but for the moment am a very dedicated amateur. Hope to here from some of you. LaDonna
LaDonna <>
Winslow, USA - Monday, November 08, 1999 at 15:51:18 (EST)
Hi all! I am thrilled to be involved in such a history-making event such as this. I live in a tiny little town in NW Arkansas, in the Ozark mountains. I love to take pictures of just about any thing, but prefer nature, and animals. I do those types of photos better. I would love to hear from anyone around the world about this project or any other photography issues. I would like to someday turn profesional as a photographer, but for the moment am a very dedicated amateur. Hope to here from some of you. I am not 100% set on what I am going to take my pictures of, but I am going to take the last sunrise and sunset of the century, and the first sunrise and sunset of the new century. My tentative plans for NYears eve, is to be on the University of Arkansas campus for the huge fireworks, and lord knows what else, with this being a college town, who knows what may come along....... LaDonna
LaDonna <>
Winslow, USA - Monday, November 08, 1999 at 16:00:15 (EST)
Hi everyone - another amateur here, hope I don't blow it. I'll be celebrating the New Year (also my anniversary) in our cabin in the middle of the Allegheny National Forest in NW Pennsylvania. True small town, self-sufficient living here. I hope to get some interesting photos, if not, I still plan on a great time!
Donna Yeaw <>
Marshburg, PA, USA - Monday, November 08, 1999 at 17:50:21 (EST)
Greetings from the beautiful Flathead Valley in Northwestern Montana. I look forward to a great sharing of millenium moments from photographers around the world. Peace and Joy to all those involved.
Bruce Young <>
Lakeside, Montana, USA - Monday, November 08, 1999 at 18:07:06 (EST)
Boy Howdy All! Can't tell you how good it feels to be involved with such a huge project. It really does give a sense of how the internet is bringing us all together. As a recent transplant to Anchorage from Chicago, I'm having a rough time deciding what exactly it is that I would like to shoot, but whatever it turns out to be, I would like to capture the interaction of transplants, like myself, with the indigenous peoples celebrating and welcoming the new millenium. I wish you all luck on your personal explorations of capturing this magical evening...CHEERS!
Bill Edwards <NoGoDiggy>
Anchorage, Alaska - Monday, November 08, 1999 at 18:27:21 (EST)
ooops, forgot to finish my e-mail address...
Bill Edwards <>
Anchorage, Alaska - Monday, November 08, 1999 at 18:53:02 (EST)
Okay folks... allow me for a few minutes to refer to matters in terms of racial classification: In South Africa I foresee a problem arising in that the overwhelming majority of people who have access to the net here are white. I'm not too sure as to what the racial breakdown is for my region but I've been working hard at trying to get black (people of colour) to sign onto the project. Because this requires access to the net most of these photographers have been unable to do that. In recent weeks I've had quite a few such photographers contact me to say that they are unable to sign on and have been placed on a waiting list. South Africa is pretty much still quite rural and first world technologies are largely restricted to the urban areas excluding their surrounding townships. Obviously, should my suspicions prove to be correct we are headed for a screwed reflection of how the Millennium was spent here. I suspect that this holds true for other parts of the world where such situations exist. I'm also sure that other of my country reading this would say that this is an attempt to politicise the event and the project. Hell... I'm just expressing the obvious. Anybody have any suggestions as how this problem could be addressed? Feel free to email me directly. PS: It would appears as though my attempts at publicising the Project is bearing fruits... but for some it appears to be a little too late. PS2: I think that this problem reflects on the larger problem as to how to get word of the project into other African nations. One last thing: To all South Africans reading this... I'd like to know where and what you intend to do for the project. It might help us to cover regions in our country which might otherwise be lost to the project. I'm sure that most are from Gauteng and the Western Cape. Thanks.
AndyO <>
Cape Town, South Africa - Monday, November 08, 1999 at 20:05:44 (EST)
With regards to Andy October's problem re access to the net, I came across a similar problem in Malaysia, perhaps not to the same extent. Andy I got the details from the non-internet users and sent the registration to the HQ using my email. All I have to do now is follow up with those registrants and send the final registration in. Hopefully this way those who thought they would miss out now have the opportunity.
Peter Anderson <>
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - Monday, November 08, 1999 at 21:28:38 (EST)
Nov 8 1999, The countdown to the new mellennium has begun and I am very excited about it. I am not planning to shoot any big street parties, I prefer the more personal and intimate settings and I am planning to shoot a communion service to be held by candle light in my little Baptist Church here. However before and after the service I shall also try and shoot other things, like the last sunset, the first sunrise (in this part of the world, weather permitting), the awakening of downtown Edmonton in the early hours of Jan 1, 2000.....boy, I hope the weather is mild. Please fellow photographers keep in touch let me know what you are shooting I can use some of your ideas. Keep well, Have a great Christmas and New Year and a HAPPY NEW MILLENNIUM !!!
eric <>
Edmonton, Canada - Monday, November 08, 1999 at 21:37:48 (EST)
I'm from Q.L.D, Australia & i'm looking forward to taking a heap of photographs of everything from 'sex, drugs & rock n' Roll' to 'sunsets on beaches' It's great to see so many photographers from all over the world participating. Good Luck to Everyone Have a good One! Emma*
Emma <>
Australia - Tuesday, November 09, 1999 at 02:25:35 (EST)
HELLO,click,click,click have fun in the new millenium. For a lot of people,it is just another day,The fishermen goes to sea, the padi farmers will go down to the fields etc I planned to photograph human interests in the streets of K.L. on this very auspicious DAY
Haris Hassan <>
kuala lumpur , MALAYSIA - Tuesday, November 09, 1999 at 09:22:43 (EST)
Hi Everyone, What a great project! I'm still as excited as the day I signed on this adventure. I'm from New Hampshire and I plan to photograph people in quiet celebration. By trade I am a portrait photographer. I like the idea of everyone keeping in touch. I would love to visit with other photographers after this project is complete. Hopefully, this site will stay active even after we have submitted our photographs. If there are any other photographers from the New England area please e-mail me. Maybe we could get together before New Years and brain-storm. Happy shooting. Pat
Pat Desmarais <>
Manchester, USA - Tuesday, November 09, 1999 at 09:56:55 (EST)
Hello everyone!! Only 8 weeeks to go, Halleujah! Are you ready to show our God Given Talents to the World!! Well get ready because this is going to be really Big and really Exciting. I'm a person of great faith and truely believe everything I touch turns beautiful. So just image for only for a minute how wonderfully beautiful this Book will be with all the diverisity of people and cultures. The LOVE, JOY and HOPE with a whole lot of TALENT it takes to complete a Millennium Book (History) like this. Thank you Alx for such a great and powerful idea for the World to see and for the edifications and desires it gives all of us to be a part of it. Follow your inner guidence and you will shoot a winner!! I'll be shooting motion, night-time and even B&W these are my favorite areas.Best of luck, hope to see you in the book.
Lorraine Goldych <lmgoldych>
syracuse, USA - Tuesday, November 09, 1999 at 13:00:47 (EST)
Hello everyone!! Only 8 weeeks to go, Halleujah! Are you ready to show our God Given Talents to the World!! Well get ready because this is going to be really Big and really Exciting. I'm a person of great faith and truely believe everything I touch turns beautiful. So just image for only for a minute how wonderfully beautiful this Book will be with all the diverisity of people and cultures. The LOVE, JOY and HOPE with a whole lot of TALENT it takes to complete a Millennium Book (History) like this. Thank you Alx for such a great and powerful idea for the World to see and for the edifications and desires it gives all of us to be a part of it. Follow your inner guidence and you will shoot a winner!! I'll be shooting motion, night-time and even B&W these are my favorite areas.Best of luck, hope to see you in the book.
Lorraine Goldych <lmgoldych>
syracuse, USA - Tuesday, November 09, 1999 at 13:01:28 (EST)
HELP.... Could anyone help me on inserting the html banners into e-mail. I am using Windows 95 and when I send it, it does not come up as a hyper-link. Only a banner. I would like to use it in my mail so others can just click it on and get to the Millenium Project. I must be doing something wrong...
Tom <>
Long Island, USA - Tuesday, November 09, 1999 at 23:30:19 (EST)
Hello to all the photogragphers out there. I know that I'm excited for this great project and can't wait to get to Israel(Where I'll be photographing the monumentous event). I was wondering if anybody knew of credentials or possibly an ID badge that is going to be mailed out to all who are participating. This might help in getting into some areas that could otherwise be closed off. Good luck and happy shooting to everybody around the globe. It's gonna be fun!!
Ira Rozen <>
Houston, TX, USA - Wednesday, November 10, 1999 at 12:40:19 (EST)
Hell guys... everytime I go to the chat area there's no one there. Is there a specific time that everyone meets that I might be missing. Would you please be so kind as to email me with the times. Please make your time GMT Standard to avoid confussion. Take care all... AndyO
AndyO <>
Cpt, ZAF - Wednesday, November 10, 1999 at 15:46:43 (EST)
Hi everyone. Just a couple of comments regarding some of the points that have been floated. Firstly the plan is that the site WILL stay up long after the event, and hopefully forever. An article on our current newsletter page alludes to this, in the sense that there are clearly some exciting opportunities for a long term community enterprise that benefits all our member photographers, once New Year's is out the way. Just the fact that already we are being approached by people in regards to commissioning our network of photographers, gives an indication of the potential that exists. As far as our chat room goes Andy, the harsh reality of the web is that you really need a good 10,000 people A DAY visiting a site to ensure that there are always people in the chat room. If you hang out long enough someone will come by, but other than that we suggest the weekends be the time that people really try to stop by. Last weekend was a good example and there were some very interesting debates. Lorraine, thank you for your kind comments. An idea is one thing but the credit must really go to the people who are truly making this thing happen. The posts are excellent folks and a great indication of the many fine individuals who have signed up to take part in this... crazy endeavour!
Alx Klive <>
Project HQ, Toronto - Wednesday, November 10, 1999 at 21:33:00 (EST)
Hi everyone! I'm another amateur, but sometimes I get lucky and get some really wonderful shots. I plan to be in fabulous Las Vegas for New Years, and if there's a place where you might see something unusual on New Years Eve, this has got to be it!! Looking forward to being a part of something so monumental!!! Good Luck to all!
Christine <moonlightdancer>
Lamoille, USA - Thursday, November 11, 1999 at 10:05:25 (EST)
Sorry, it's early and I didn't finish my email address properly!!
Christine <>
Lamoille, USA - Thursday, November 11, 1999 at 10:06:50 (EST)
ANDY, just like you i sat waiting and waiting for human interaction on the chat sight! whewwwwwwwww good thing i had water and food near by! i will keep trying to bump into someone soon though!
deborah <>
stafford, va - Thursday, November 11, 1999 at 19:41:17 (EST)
To all Malaysian Millennium Photographers (MMP's). I am arranging a get-together for the 1st week in December so we can have a chat and review where you are going to shoot. It will be in PJ or KL, sorry to the outstation guys and gals, might have one in Penang if there is enough interest. Please let me know if you would be interested to attend and which day & time is most suitable. Don't be slack about this, there are 6,000 photographers vying to get their photo published, let's do our best to ensure that Malaysia gets in the book. Malaysia boleh!
Peter Anderson <>
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - Thursday, November 11, 1999 at 21:11:59 (EST)
Hi ALL.. Well, the time is nearing. Really getting close. I'll be taking shots in Time Square, which is in New York City. There are usually over 100,000 people at this place awaiting for the "Ball" to drop. I'm already starting to sweat just thinking about it. New Year's Eve in New York is televised nationally on almost every station. This is going to be fun. Hope I can fight off the croud. I wish everyone luck and sucess in their shootings. This is an event we will never see again, and it has to be documented. AND WE ARE DOING IT !!!!! Our photos will be passed down from generation to generation. Only our photos will show them the memories of January 1,2000. I wish everyone the best in their shots along with the new Millennium.
Tom <>
Mastic, Long Island, USA - Friday, November 12, 1999 at 01:30:07 (EST)
What a great idea I'm very please to be part of a project so wide spead but at the same time only a few msec's away through internet. What and where should I photograph? is the question I will be thinking about until the day. Broaden the mind and future is yours.
Thomas Stephens <>
Christchurch, New Zealand - Friday, November 12, 1999 at 05:21:48 (EST)
Hi everybody!!! I am just an amateur photografer, I am very exited in taking part of this incredible proyect, Even though if mi picture is not selected the exitement and the plans I have made for New Year's Eve have worth all the work. The best part of all is to keep in touch with people in many countries that have the same interests. I am anxious in the number of days to take my picture and finaly to see the book.
Silvia Carranza Nieto <>
Mexico City, Mexico - Friday, November 12, 1999 at 13:43:52 (EST)
hi everybody, the project seems interesting.i came across it in a photgraphy mag. i am an amateur photographer and the whole idea seemed fun to me that`s why i`m here. so there. visit my page :
subhadip choudhury <>
shillong, india - Saturday, November 13, 1999 at 07:02:31 (EST)
just curiouse as to the format everyone will be using to take your pictures! medium?? 35 MM??
stafford, VA - Saturday, November 13, 1999 at 10:39:27 (EST)
Hello everyone, knowing that things are going to all go well on the day will help us all, I also know that in this county of mine there are going to be SOOOOOO many people that you just can not miss. And i don't think that hiding behind a bush will help because you will turn your head and find someone else will be there too. One thing though, make sure that you have fresh batterys. I don't think a dairy will be open at that time of night. If there are any photographers coming to little old New Zealand give me a bell.
Sharie <>
Auckland, New Zealand - Sunday, November 14, 1999 at 04:31:11 (EST)
Anyone going to be in SF on New Years?
meg Mathias <>
san francisco, CA, usa - Sunday, November 14, 1999 at 12:13:45 (EST)
Hi! What we have here is the ability to communicate as never before, the merging of pictures, words, and one millennium into another, now, that's what I call an experience...! People from every part of the globe will be sharing in this experience thanks to the founders of this project, and to them I say, Thank You...! I live in Beirut lebanon, ex-pat from L.A. Best of luck to all the participants. Regards, Thomas Crown
Thomas Crown <>
Beirut, Lebanon - Sunday, November 14, 1999 at 23:15:17 (EST)
So glad (like you all) to be a part of this! Fortunately, I have Mount Rushmore nearby, so I will probably take advantage of that at sunrise or sunset, shoot some other quiet celebrations and possibly a Catholic mass. I will be shooting with 35mm film--is that what most of you are using? If there is anyone nearby here that is involved, drop me a line! I'd like to hear from you. Good luck to everyone!
Bobbi Jo Beaver <>
Rapid City, SD, USA - Monday, November 15, 1999 at 23:56:09 (EST)
I haven't seen anyone from Toronto other than ALX, and figured it is only appropriate I lend the Torontonian Support. I will be out on the town on the big night, hoping to capture the special moments that represent our fine city. If other Toronto photographers would like to get together and design a "millenium pass", it may assist us in establishing credibility....maybe not? I am a sponge.. Hello and Good luck to all in the Project, We are all originals for participating.
John Postal <>
TORONTO, CANADA - Wednesday, November 17, 1999 at 00:47:54 (EST)
FLORIDA COUPLE SEEKS MILLENNIUM PHOTOGRAPHER. We have had an e-mail from a couple getting married in South Florida on the stroke of midnight New Year's Eve. The wedding is to take place in a town called Plantation and they are looking for a photographer to cover the event. Please write to us here at the press office if this interests you and we will forward your replies. Thanks!
Amanda Elliston <>
Project HQ, Toronto - Wednesday, November 17, 1999 at 01:20:56 (EST)
Hello to everyone But especially to any Italians out there who wish to give advice to a English person who is going to Italy for the first time. Feel free to let me know how Italian people celebrate the New Year, do they do it in style? The English tend to meet up in the evening, get very drunk, sing a little, count down the New Year then desperately try and find a party to go to. This is an example of what most people tend to do on New Years Eve. So tell me what you would usually do on New Years Eve. Goodbye and good luck to all the Millenium Photographers out there.
Chris McDowell <>
Florence, Italy - Wednesday, November 17, 1999 at 11:25:51 (EST)
Hi everybody !! Keep this next Millennium for Love. And keep on ! Photographic artwork at:
Ren R. Jensen <>
Viborg, Denmark - Wednesday, November 17, 1999 at 17:48:29 (EST)
Uhm, since I just ran through this site pretty fast. I just saw someone say: "what will be the best idea..." (or something like that) Well, I guess there are some in this world who are not as fortunate as us (since we all own a camera). How 'bout taking a picture of them while they are celebrating their new years eve. They might be at the shelters or something similar. I might go there and shoot a few pictures while they are preparing for the new millennium...... To the guys who got this project started: It's a great idea. And I am glad to be a part of it. Last project I attended was the Soccer World Cup Photo-project and it was fun and very interesting to be a part of. my photopage: "1000words
Trond Hus¿ <>
Oslo, Norway - Thursday, November 18, 1999 at 05:09:47 (EST)
Hi Everybody. I will be spending New Years Eve at "The Gathering", a festival of freedom, dance, music and participation. It is held in a very isolated area, 2,500ft up on top of Takaka Hill (known as Marble Mountain), South Island, New Zealand. There will be around 130 DJs and 50 Live Acts, supported by a team of 20 VJs, as well as around 100 street, circus and theatre perfomers. This is an annual event, although no-doubt this year it is going to be even bigger and better than previous years. I'm looking forward to sharing this bizzare event, and seeing how others spent the 2000 celebrations.
Anita <>
Takaka, New Zealand - Saturday, November 20, 1999 at 14:50:09 (EST)
Hello fellow photographers! I am a student photographer, and am also very excited for this project and especially the millennium! I can't believe there are only seven more weeks left! If there is anyone from Colorado, please e-mail me. I am planning to take most of my shots in the mountains. To everyone out there, have fun and good luck!
Kim <>
Sanford, Colorado, USA - Sunday, November 21, 1999 at 21:11:12 (EST)
Question for the staff - wouldn't you think it would be a good idea to have a Press Pass that we can print out for this event? It would make it a lot easier to get around in certain areas to get pics. Just a suggestion - let me know!!
Jeff Mamola <>
Ft. Worth, USA - Monday, November 22, 1999 at 15:31:32 (EST)
I am certainly looking forward to capturing a part of this event. Some ideas to ponder: polls suggest 75% of Americans will stay at home, indoors, for the New Year. I believe to truly capture this millineum event, we should consider many angles and viewpoints. With all the promise of the next 1000 years also come concerns, anxiety and doubt. If the Y2K issue offers a shot for anyone, that certainly deserves coverage. Many a celebration is sure to occur. There are MANY angles to consider. Let's think as creatively as possible in order to document this moment in history. I look forward to sharing ideas and seeing great photo's!
Mark Herman <>
O'Fallon, USA - Monday, November 22, 1999 at 18:03:46 (EST)
Hello everyone, since it's hard to get people on the chat line this is the best place to say everything. I'm needing some help down here, like a few other places in NZ that are going off. Waiheke Island and Auckland themselve's are having some rather big things going on and I'm hoping that somewhere out there someone is also going to be around here to help, so if there is ANYONE going to be in the area please e-mail me and I can fill them in. I've gotten myself into some big plans here and need HELP.
Sharie Penwarden <>
Auckland, New Zealand - Tuesday, November 23, 1999 at 03:59:00 (EST)
Hi team, and nice to be on board. I too am looking very forward in takinmg part in this historic and important event. In the Bay of Plenty in the North Island of New Zealand I'm based in Tauranga, and over the Christmas New Year Period the area is a thriving place, and I know many exciting photographic opportunities will present themselves. It's certainly a wonderful concept to capture the event as widely as possible and I'm all rearing to go. The Best of Luck, happy shooting, and Festive Greetings to you all.
John Peterson <>
Tauranga, New Zealand - Tuesday, November 23, 1999 at 13:22:32 (EST)
The project's come a tremendous way in the last few weeks and our focus is now shifting to ensuring that we have 'all the bases covered' for December 31st. We are putting together a list of all the shoot ideas and themes that have not yet come in from people, so we can offer these up to others who may not have firm plans yet or may have a way of getting these particular shots. We are looking for your input and welcome you to add any suggestions to this discussion page or e-mail us directly. Here are some ideas we have thought of to get the discussion going. PEOPLE (Celebs, Religious leaders, High Society, Heads of State, People in Prison, the homeless); EVENTS (You have all been so creative in your planning that we are actually short on coverage of the 'obvious' events! What would you say are the 'cannot miss' events we should aim to cover besides Times Square, The Millennium Dome etc.?); OTHER IDEAS (An airplane cockpit crew, aerial photography, special effects ideas - time lapse, panoramic, a flick book type sequence of Big Ben etc). We will create the space in the book for innovative ideas.
Alx Klive <>
Project HQ, Toronto - Wednesday, November 24, 1999 at 04:24:55 (EST)
Hope to hear from somebody! Wish you all a GREAT NEW YEAR and can't wait to see all the pictures. GOOD LUCK! Let's get together and maybe not just MAKE pictures but make a better world! Peace! One love, One world! Love
Nara <>
Fortaleza, Brasil - Wednesday, November 24, 1999 at 08:45:09 (EST)
We are so excited about the millennium. My Husband and I are sailing with our best friends for two weeks in the BVI and USVI. We have chartered a 45' sloop and plan to sail wherever our hearts desire until New Years. At 01 01 00 -00:01 we will be in Grand Harbour on Jost Van Dyke celebrating with hundreds of other cruising yachts. We plan to be on the eastern tip of St. John, USVI ((hangover permitting)the first U.S. territory to see the new millennium). I am an amature photographer, but am very enthusiasic about the project. I could not believe when I saw the opportunity to participate in a worldwide event documenting the most exciting New Year of our lifetime. I look forward to seeing everyone's work and pray that mine will even compete. Good Luck to all and God Bless you in the New Year!
Kym Barnett <>
Atlanta, USA - Wednesday, November 24, 1999 at 20:59:15 (EST)
HELP!!! I need some advice on how to download the "ACCREDATION LETTER". It is in a Microsoft Word form and I don't have it in my computer. Is it possible for someone to comvert it and e-mail it to me so I can read it? I have tried several ways to open it and all I get is a bunch of mixed up boxes and numbers. Thanks, Tom
Tom D. <>
Mastic, NY, USA - Friday, November 26, 1999 at 12:44:53 (EST)
Hey people! Just wanted to say that I'm proud to be a part of THE crew that will record this momentous (Kodak?) moment and not to forget: Have a Happy New Millennium!
Arfan <>
Pee Jay, Malaysia - Friday, November 26, 1999 at 16:39:55 (EST)
We have added a PDF file of the Accreditation Letter in the Tools & Resources section.
Webmaster <>
Project HQ, Toronto - Friday, November 26, 1999 at 18:35:28 (EST)
Oh my God, this is so huge. I am so excited. I hope I dont blow this. I have so many ideas and not enough time New Years Eve/Day. Anyone in Philadelphia interested in tossing ideas around please contact me.
Andrea Richburg <>
Philadelphia, USA - Friday, November 26, 1999 at 22:43:34 (EST)
Hi all... Thank you Crew/HQ for making a PDF file for the Accredation Letter. I was going crazy trying to figure out how to get it. For all that are interested, I will be using 35 mm Nikons for my shooting. I'm not sure on the film I will use. I will have to make a decision on the fastest, and lowest grain film available. I will be in New York City for the 24 hours looking for every possible shot I could find. Not only at Time Square, but throughout the entire area. If anyone else will be there, please let me know. Two minds are better than one. hahaha...
Tom <>
Long Island, NY, USA - Saturday, November 27, 1999 at 00:04:34 (EST)
Greetings, Hello, Ahola, : I have been photographing for 40 years. The discovery is MySelf. I am a Human Being and that is a profound happening. With the Millennium approaching truly a shift in awareness is happening with all Living Stuff. Mostly I, we, as Human Beings can accept our true heritage and take our place as the stewarts of this Living Wonderous Planet. I have been compiling a volume of photographs that celebrate the human being as simply being and doing what they do. My approach is the same for the 1999/2000 bridge, or millennium. I will use 35mmm equipment, stay simple within myself, be prepared photographically, and follow my heart. Good feelings follow good intentions individually and collectively. This effort feels good and the intentions are wonderful, so let it be so. To the next installment of the family of MAN. IN Lightness, ARthur SAwyers
Arthur Sawyers <>
Chapel Hill, N.C., USA - Saturday, November 27, 1999 at 00:37:28 (EST)
Greetings all: I was reading the discussion list and noticed Alx's suggestions for important subjects to be covered for the project. I've got a few more suggestions to add: A New Year's baby or a New Year's birthday; pictures taken during the first hour in the first time zone and the final hour in the last time zone; cars stuck in traffic or people waiting on line at midnight; people joining hands singing Auld Lang Syne; pictures that demonstrate New Year's Traditions; the aftermath of the large Millennium parties (Times Square, Millennium Dome, etc.); pictures of people working on New Year's Eve so to prevent Y2K; someone making a successful transaction at an ATM machine on January 1 (or similar proof that Y2K doesn't happen). Good luck everyone...I'm looking forward to looking at the pictures! Jill Waterman
Jill Waterman <>
New York, US - Saturday, November 27, 1999 at 01:33:20 (EST)
Hello everybody! Apa khabar semua? Greetings from Malaysia! I'm so excited about this project and waiting forward to the eve of the New Year. It's surely a great event that cannot be missed! I planned to take the photo of the preparation for the New Year celebration with all the crew working hard to arrange all the program and the celebration itself. It surely will be fun !
Shanna <>
Penang, Malaysia - Saturday, November 27, 1999 at 06:25:13 (EST)
I participated in a similar project at Noon EST, May 1, 1999 and although I had months to think about my particular photograph of the "moment in time," once the moment was at hand the photograph presented itself. Just be aware and have a fun-filled New Year's Eve. I may be in St.Augustine for my shot or perhaps in Atlanta celebrating with my husband's mother and father, who is 90. This gentlmen has seen most of the present century and is a fascinating person with much to tell. Age seems to be the angle presenting itself to me: St. Augustine, the oldest city (1565) in the USA or with my oldest relative. Whatever your plans, invite Love and take Love with you into the new Millennium. Joy!, St. Augustine, Florida USA
Joy <>
St. Augustine FL, USA - Saturday, November 27, 1999 at 11:49:07 (EST)
Great things happen when people unite. I'm in.
Felipe Herrera <>
Bogota, Colombia - Saturday, November 27, 1999 at 14:14:47 (EST)
Great things happen when people unite. I'm in.
Felipe Herrera <>
Bogota, Colombia - Saturday, November 27, 1999 at 14:16:09 (EST)
Great thing happen when people unite. I'm in.
Felipe Herrera <>
Bogota, Colombia - Saturday, November 27, 1999 at 14:17:15 (EST)
Great things happen when people unite. I'm in.
Felipe Herrera <>
Bogota, Colombia - Saturday, November 27, 1999 at 14:18:48 (EST)
This is quite an event, very excited about all that's going down. I can appreciate all the blood, sweat, and tears that'll go into this project. I'll be in London, England, from the 23 of December, so if anyone wants to get together there let me know. This thing is going to rock.
Reuben Reynoso <>
New York City, USA - Saturday, November 27, 1999 at 19:09:19 (EST)
Imanayatac mashicuna (How are you my friends): Some cosmic seconds before another psychological and astrological cycle. Year 2000 is the china year of the dragon. Big, big changes (for the better). No more "Nostradamus". The millenium of the ANDES will start. Energy came frome the east during the past last cosmic seconds, from the HYMALAYAS. Now it has concentrated at the Quitu (Quito) in ancient tongue the line of the straight sun. That's where the INCAS realized was the real "Cuzcu"(Cuzco, which mean the center in Quechua)just before the spaniards arrived. In Quitu-llacta (the land of Quito-wrongly called Ecuador by ignorant goverments) will I be to take my picture. Thanks for the opportunity, and congratulations for the idea. Juan Pablo (JP for easy)
Juan Pablo Barrag‡n <>
Quito, Ecuador - Saturday, November 27, 1999 at 19:54:16 (EST)
what an excited group to be working with. reading your messages has my mind racing. is there anyone out there who will be in southeastern north carolina, usa?
teri <>
white lake, usa - Saturday, November 27, 1999 at 22:04:07 (EST)
Never done anything like this before...Not thought about anything concrete yet..Hoping to capture a moment...a feeling for everybody to see.....Lets see what comes along best...Wishing all u guys out there loads of luck in this event
Reshma kamat <>
Bangalore, India - Sunday, November 28, 1999 at 06:09:15 (EST)
I'll be working in the ER, so that's where I'll be taking my pictures. For those of you using available light under florescent lighting, I've tried a roll of Fujicolor Superia Xtra 800 speed film. It gives good, non-grainy, results and doesn't have the greenish cast that Kodak daylight film gets under florescent lights. Have a happy new year, everyone.
Henry Farkas, MD <>
Elkton, MD, US - Sunday, November 28, 1999 at 07:09:16 (EST)
Hello to all you photographers outthere. Yes it is a strange, but als wonderfull feeling knowing you all will be outthere that night! I can't wait to see your pictures. And as we say in the Netherlands: 'Heel veel geluk en vooral plezier, maak er een feest van!' :-) Walter
Walter Sans <>
Utrecht, Netherlands - Sunday, November 28, 1999 at 14:52:30 (EST)
Ya Mon we be ready for the old years eve and the new millenium. I hope everyone has an irie time and be safe too Peace and Love !
Dan Boyd <>
St John, USVI - Sunday, November 28, 1999 at 17:43:53 (EST)
Hi everybody! I'm happy that I can participate in this event together with so many different people. I'm amateur photographer from Latvia and feeling green in this company, but I don't be afraid. We do this great thing together. If you have interest, please, contact me. Good shooting to all and good luck. Merry Xmas and Happy New Year to everyone.
Armands Sausins <>
Liepaja, Latvia - Monday, November 29, 1999 at 04:36:17 (EST)
A warm welcome to all the photogs worldwide...I am a news cameraman based in Delhi,India looking forward to this project. In case I can be of any assisstance please do not hesitate to send me a mail.A great picture book is certainly looming on the horizon !
Anamitra Chakladar <>
New Delhi, India - Monday, November 29, 1999 at 11:45:00 (EST)
Like everyone else participating I think this is a great idea and hope to submit some great shots. I have great ideas. To be able to make them come true only time will tell. But I will be shooting on New Year's eve and New Year's. Happy New Year, Century and Millenium to all participants wherever you may be. Great photo project.
Ray Casbourn <>
L'Avenir, Quebec, Canada - Monday, November 29, 1999 at 13:37:33 (EST)
Hello fellow photographers -- Santa Monica, CA is where I live, but will be enjoying the festivities in WPB Florida w/best of friends this year. Not exactly sure what will end up opposite my lens, but hopefully it will be magnificent! Good luck everyone, and please keep safe!
Kelly Fulton <>
West Palm Beach, USA - Monday, November 29, 1999 at 17:56:55 (EST)
Hello to all my new friends from around the world! I am very excited to see that as we approach the new millenium, we are able to utilize technology in such a way in that citizens from all over the world and from such a diversity of cultures will be coming together for a common make the most incredible photography book ever!! I am from NYC but will be in the rural area of Connemara, Ireland amongst stone walls and rolling hills. My intent is to shoot the locals ushering in the new millenium and have a few pints of Guinness at the same time. Hard to believe that I'll be leaving good old NYC for the Millenium but a small, local Irish pub sounds great as well. Good luck to all and all the very best for the Millenium to you and your fellow countrymen. Slainte (Gaelic for Cheers)
Pat Connolly <>
New York, USA - Monday, November 29, 1999 at 18:01:14 (EST)